Commit 98b45550 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

revert if things

parent 80847bda
......@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ export const PluginName = (name: string) =>
export const If = <T>(
func: Condition<boolean, T, [Record<string, any>]>,
): TypedMethodDecorator<T> =>
): MethodDecorator =>
Metadata.append('KoishiControl', { type: 'if', condition: func });
export const For = <T>(
func: Condition<Iterable<Record<string, any>>, T, [Record<string, any>]>,
): TypedMethodDecorator<T> =>
): MethodDecorator =>
Metadata.append('KoishiControl', { type: 'for', condition: func });
export const UseModel = (...models: ModelClassType[]): ClassDecorator =>
......@@ -48,12 +48,6 @@ export type MapPluginToConfigWithSelection<M extends Dict<PluginClass>> = {
[K in keyof M]: ClassPluginConfig<M[K]> & Selection;
export type TypedMethodDecorator<T> = <P>(
target: T,
propertyKey: string | symbol,
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<P>,
) => void;
export interface ControlTypeMap {
if: boolean;
for: Iterable<Record<string, any>>;
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