Commit 53e232a6 authored by Su-Yeong Jeong's avatar Su-Yeong Jeong

Update strings.conf

parent e50f2319
Pipeline #13542 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 26 seconds
......@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@
!setname 0x177 리바이어던
!setname 0x178 씨 스텔스
!setname 0x179 세리온즈
!setname 0x17a 스케어클로
!setname 0x17a 스케어클로
!setname 0x17b 바바리안
!setname 0x17c 리브로맨서(Libromancer)
!setname 0x17d 밸리언츠
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