Commit 598c27f1 authored by Su-Yeong Jeong's avatar Su-Yeong Jeong

Update strings.conf

parent 9c7450d9
Pipeline #13886 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 55 seconds
......@@ -1144,4 +1144,8 @@
!setname 0x181 티아라멘츠
!setname 0x182 춘화정
!setname 0x183 모케모케
!setname 0x184 윙맨
\ No newline at end of file
!setname 0x184 윙맨
#setname 0x185 낙서
!setname 0x1185 낙서수
!setname 0x2185 낙서장
!setname 0x186 G 골렘
\ No newline at end of file
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