Commit 21109679 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

merge mycard changes

parent 8e49c80d
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace WindBot
public static class Config
private static string CONFIG_FILE_OPTION = "Config";
private static char SEPARATOR_CHAR = '=';
private static char COMMENT_CHAR = '#';
private static Dictionary<string, string> _fields;
private static Dictionary<string, int> _integerCache;
private static Dictionary<string, bool> _booleanCache;
public static void Load(string[] args)
_integerCache = new Dictionary<string, int>();
_booleanCache = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
_fields = LoadArgs(args);
string filename = GetString(CONFIG_FILE_OPTION);
if (filename != null)
Dictionary<string, string> fileFields = LoadFile(filename);
foreach (var pair in fileFields)
if (!_fields.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
_fields.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
private static Dictionary<string, string> LoadArgs(string[] args)
Dictionary<string, string> fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i)
string option = args[i];
int position = option.IndexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR);
if (position == -1)
throw new Exception("Invalid argument '" + option + "': no key/value separator");
string key = option.Substring(0, position).Trim().ToUpper();
string value = option.Substring(position + 1).Trim();
if (fields.ContainsKey(key))
throw new Exception("Invalid argument '" + option + "': duplicate key '" + key + "'");
fields.Add(key, value);
return fields;
private static Dictionary<string, string> LoadFile(string filename)
Dictionary<string, string> fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename))
int lineNumber = 0;
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
// Ignore empty lines and comments
if (line.Length == 0 || line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR)
int position = line.IndexOf(SEPARATOR_CHAR);
if (position == -1)
throw new Exception("Invalid configuration file: no key/value separator line " + lineNumber);
string key = line.Substring(0, position).Trim().ToUpper();
string value = line.Substring(position + 1).Trim();
if (fields.ContainsKey(key))
throw new Exception("Invalid configuration file: duplicate key '" + key + "' line " + lineNumber);
fields.Add(key, value);
return fields;
public static string GetString(string key, string defaultValue = null)
key = key.ToUpper();
if (_fields.ContainsKey(key))
return _fields[key];
return defaultValue;
public static int GetInt(string key, int defaultValue = 0)
key = key.ToUpper();
// Use a cache to prevent doing the string to int conversion over and over
if (_integerCache.ContainsKey(key))
return _integerCache[key];
int value = defaultValue;
if (_fields.ContainsKey(key))
if (_fields[key].StartsWith("0x"))
value = Convert.ToInt32(_fields[key], 16);
value = Convert.ToInt32(_fields[key]);
_integerCache.Add(key, value);
return value;
public static uint GetUInt(string key, uint defaultValue = 0)
return (uint)GetInt(key, (int)defaultValue);
public static bool GetBool(string key, bool defaultValue = false)
key = key.ToUpper();
// Same here, prevent from redoing the string to bool conversion
if (_booleanCache.ContainsKey(key))
return _booleanCache[key];
bool value = defaultValue;
if (_fields.ContainsKey(key))
value = Convert.ToBoolean(_fields[key]);
_booleanCache.Add(key, value);
return value;
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"雪符「Diamond Blizzard」"
"attack": [
"冰符「Icicle Fall」"
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"冻符「Perfect Freeze」"
"welcome": [
"密码输入 AI#复制植物 就可以和我打牌了~"
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"welcome": [
"Hi, I'm WindBot."
"deckerror": [
"Sorry, it seems that I have too much {0} in my deck."
"duelstart": [
"It's time to duel!",
"Good luck, and have fun!"
"newturn": [
"It's my turn! Draw!",
"My turn. Draw!",
"I draw!"
"endturn": [
"I end my turn.",
"My turn is over.",
"It's your turn."
"directattack": [
"{0}, direct attack!",
"{0}, attack them directly!",
"You're defenseless. Attack, {0}!",
"{0}, attack their life points!",
"{0}, attack their life points directly!",
"{0}, unleash your power!",
"My {0} will decimate your life points!",
"Behold the power of my {0}!",
"You can't stop me! {0}, attack!"
"attack": [
"{0}, attack their {1}!",
"{0}, destroy their {1}!",
"My {0} will annihilate your {1}!",
"Your {1} is no match for my {0}!",
"{0}, unleash your power on their {1}!"
"ondirectattack": [
"Just {0}...",
"You think that's enough to defeat me?",
"It's just a scratch!"
"facedownmonstername": "monster",
"activate": [
"I activate {0}!",
"I'll use {0}."
"summon": [
"I summon {0}!",
"Come on, {0}!",
"Appear, {0}!",
"{0}, show yourself!"
"setmonster": [
"I set a monster face-down.",
"Whatever could this monster be?",
"Attack this monster, I dare you!"
"chaining": [
"Not so fast! I activate {0}!",
"Before you do that, I'll chain {0}!",
"Nice try, but I have {0}!",
"Didn't expect {0}, did you?"
\ No newline at end of file
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
"welcome": [
"deckerror": [
"duelstart": [
"newturn": [
"endturn": [
"directattack": [
"attack": [
"ondirectattack": [
"facedownmonstername": "怪兽",
"activate": [
"summon": [
"setmonster": [
"chaining": [
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public class AIFunctions
public Duel Duel { get; private set; }
public ClientField Bot { get; private set; }
public ClientField Enemy { get; private set; }
public AIFunctions(Duel duel)
Duel = duel;
Bot = Duel.Fields[0];
Enemy = Duel.Fields[1];
public static int CompareCardAttack(ClientCard cardA, ClientCard cardB)
......@@ -37,52 +42,259 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return 1;
public bool IsEnnemyBetter(bool onlyatk, bool all)
/// <summary>
/// Get the best ATK or DEF power of the field.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="field">Bot or Enemy.</param>
/// <param name="onlyATK">Only calculate attack.</param>
public int GetBestPower(ClientField field, bool onlyATK = false)
if (Duel.Fields[1].GetMonsterCount() == 0)
return false;
List<ClientCard> monsters = Duel.Fields[0].GetMonsters();
int bestAtk = -1;
if (monsters.Count > 0)
bestAtk = monsters[monsters.Count - 1].Attack;
if (all)
return IsAllEnnemyBetterThanValue(bestAtk, onlyatk);
return IsOneEnnemyBetterThanValue(bestAtk, onlyatk);
int bestPower = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
ClientCard card = field.MonsterZone[i];
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (onlyATK && card.IsDefense()) continue;
int newPower = card.GetDefensePower();
if (newPower > bestPower)
bestPower = newPower;
return bestPower;
public bool IsOneEnnemyBetterThanValue(int value, bool onlyatk)
public int GetBestAttack(ClientField field)
return GetBestPower(field, true);
public bool IsOneEnemyBetterThanValue(int value, bool onlyATK)
int bestValue = -1;
bool nomonster = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
ClientCard card = Duel.Fields[1].MonsterZone[i];
if (card == null) continue;
if (onlyatk && card.IsDefense()) continue;
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone[i];
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (onlyATK && card.IsDefense()) continue;
nomonster = false;
int ennemyValue = card.GetDefensePower();
if (ennemyValue > bestValue)
bestValue = ennemyValue;
int enemyValue = card.GetDefensePower();
if (enemyValue > bestValue)
bestValue = enemyValue;
if (nomonster) return false;
return bestValue > value;
public bool IsAllEnnemyBetterThanValue(int value, bool onlyatk)
public bool IsAllEnemyBetterThanValue(int value, bool onlyATK)
bool nomonster = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
ClientCard card = Duel.Fields[1].MonsterZone[i];
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone[i];
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (onlyatk && card.IsDefense()) continue;
if (onlyATK && card.IsDefense()) continue;
nomonster = false;
int ennemyValue = card.GetDefensePower();
if (ennemyValue <= value)
int enemyValue = card.GetDefensePower();
if (enemyValue <= value)
return false;
return !nomonster;
/// <summary>
/// Deprecated, use IsOneEnemyBetter and IsAllEnemyBetter instead.
/// </summary>
public bool IsEnemyBetter(bool onlyATK, bool all)
if (all)
return IsAllEnemyBetter(onlyATK);
return IsOneEnemyBetter(onlyATK);
/// <summary>
/// Is there an enemy monster who has better power than the best power of the bot's?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onlyATK">Only calculate attack.</param>
public bool IsOneEnemyBetter(bool onlyATK = false)
int bestBotPower = GetBestPower(Bot, onlyATK);
return IsOneEnemyBetterThanValue(bestBotPower, onlyATK);
/// <summary>
/// Do all enemy monsters have better power than the best power of the bot's?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onlyATK">Only calculate attack.</param>
public bool IsAllEnemyBetter(bool onlyATK = false)
int bestBotPower = GetBestPower(Bot, onlyATK);
return IsAllEnemyBetterThanValue(bestBotPower, onlyATK);
public ClientCard GetOneEnemyBetterThanValue(int value, bool onlyATK = false)
ClientCard bestCard = null;
int bestValue = value;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone[i];
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (onlyATK && card.IsDefense()) continue;
int enemyValue = card.GetDefensePower();
if (enemyValue >= bestValue)
bestCard = card;
bestValue = enemyValue;
return bestCard;
public ClientCard GetOneEnemyBetterThanMyBest(bool onlyATK = false)
int bestBotPower = GetBestPower(Bot, onlyATK);
return GetOneEnemyBetterThanValue(bestBotPower, onlyATK);
public ClientCard GetProblematicEnemyCard(int attack = 0)
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetFloodgate();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.SpellZone.GetFloodgate();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetDangerousMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetInvincibleMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
if (attack == 0)
attack = GetBestAttack(Bot);
return GetOneEnemyBetterThanValue(attack, true);
public ClientCard GetProblematicEnemyMonster(int attack = 0)
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetFloodgate();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetDangerousMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetInvincibleMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
if (attack == 0)
attack = GetBestAttack(Bot);
return GetOneEnemyBetterThanValue(attack, true);
public ClientCard GetProblematicEnemySpell()
ClientCard card = Enemy.SpellZone.GetFloodgate();
return card;
public ClientCard GetBestEnemyCard(bool onlyFaceup = false)
ClientCard card = GetBestEnemyMonster(onlyFaceup);
if (card != null)
return card;
card = GetBestEnemySpell(onlyFaceup);
if (card != null)
return card;
return null;
public ClientCard GetBestEnemyMonster(bool onlyFaceup = false)
ClientCard card = GetProblematicEnemyMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetHighestAttackMonster();
if (card != null)
return card;
List<ClientCard> monsters = Enemy.GetMonsters();
// after GetHighestAttackMonster, the left monsters must be face-down.
if (monsters.Count > 0 && !onlyFaceup)
return monsters[0];
return null;
public ClientCard GetBestEnemySpell(bool onlyFaceup = false)
ClientCard card = GetProblematicEnemySpell();
if (card != null)
return card;
List<ClientCard> spells = Enemy.GetSpells();
foreach (ClientCard ecard in spells)
if (ecard.IsFaceup())
return ecard;
if (spells.Count > 0 && !onlyFaceup)
return spells[0];
return null;
public ClientCard GetPZone(int player, int id)
if (Duel.IsNewRule)
return Duel.Fields[player].SpellZone[id*4];
return Duel.Fields[player].SpellZone[6+id];
public int GetStringId(int id, int option)
return id * 16 + option;
public bool IsTurn1OrMain2()
return Duel.Turn == 1 || Duel.Phase == DuelPhase.Main2;
public bool IsChainTarget(ClientCard card)
foreach (ClientCard target in Duel.ChainTargets)
if (card.Equals(target))
return true;
return false;
public bool IsChainTargetOnly(ClientCard card)
return Duel.ChainTargets.Count == 1 && card.Equals(Duel.ChainTargets[0]);
\ No newline at end of file
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
using System.Linq;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI
......@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ClientCard selected = null;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (card == null || card.Data == null || card.IsFacedown()) continue;
if (card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.Attack > highestAtk)
highestAtk = card.Attack;
......@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ClientCard selected = null;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (card == null || card.Data == null || card.IsFacedown()) continue;
if (card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.Defense > highestDef)
highestDef = card.Defense;
......@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ClientCard selected = null;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (card == null || card.Data == null || card.IsFacedown()) continue;
if (lowestAtk == 0 && card.HasType(CardType.Monster) ||
card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.Attack < lowestAtk)
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ClientCard selected = null;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card == null || card.Data == null) continue;
if (card == null || card.Data == null || card.IsFacedown()) continue;
if (lowestDef == 0 && card.HasType(CardType.Monster) ||
card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.Defense < lowestDef)
......@@ -120,9 +121,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return count;
public static IList<ClientCard> GetMonsters(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
public static List<ClientCard> GetMonsters(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
IList<ClientCard> cardlist = new List<ClientCard>();
List<ClientCard> cardlist = new List<ClientCard>();
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
......@@ -130,7 +131,20 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (card.HasType(CardType.Monster))
return cardlist;
public static List<ClientCard> GetFaceupPendulumMonsters(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
List<ClientCard> cardlist = new List<ClientCard>();
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card == null)
if (card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.IsFaceup() && card.HasType(CardType.Pendulum))
return cardlist;
......@@ -139,20 +153,37 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && card.IsMonsterInvincible())
if (card != null && card.IsMonsterInvincible() && card.IsFaceup())
return card;
return null;
public static ClientCard GetNegateAttackSpell(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
public static ClientCard GetDangerousMonster(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && card.IsSpellNegateAttack())
if (card != null && card.IsMonsterDangerous() && card.IsFaceup())
return card;
return null;
public static ClientCard GetFloodgate(this IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards)
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && card.IsFloodgate() && card.IsFaceup())
return card;
return null;
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> GetCombinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).GetCombinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] { e }).Concat(c)));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,19 +5,43 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public static class CardExtension
/// <summary>
/// Is this monster is invincible to battle?
/// </summary>
public static bool IsMonsterInvincible(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(InvincibleMonster), card.Id);
return !card.IsDisabled() && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(InvincibleMonster), card.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Is this monster is dangerous to attack?
/// </summary>
public static bool IsMonsterDangerous(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DangerousMonster), card.Id);
return !card.IsDisabled() && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DangerousMonster), card.Id);
public static bool IsSpellNegateAttack(this ClientCard card)
/// <summary>
/// Do this monster prevents activation of opponent's effect monsters in battle?
/// </summary>
public static bool IsMonsterHasPreventActivationEffectInBattle(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NegateAttackSpell), card.Id);
return !card.IsDisabled() && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PreventActivationEffectInBattle), card.Id);
public static bool IsFloodgate(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Floodgate), card.Id);
public static bool IsOneForXyz(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(OneForXyz), card.Id);
public static bool IsFusionSpell(this ClientCard card)
return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FusionSpell), card.Id);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,14 +7,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string File { get; private set; }
public string Level { get; private set; }
public DeckAttribute(string name, string file = null)
public DeckAttribute(string name, string file = null, string level = "Normal")
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
file = name;
Name = name;
File = file;
Level = level;
......@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public string Deck { get; private set; }
public Type Type { get; private set; }
public string Level { get; private set; }
public DeckInstance(string deck, Type type)
public DeckInstance(string deck, Type type, string level)
Deck = deck;
Type = type;
Level = level;
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (attribute is DeckAttribute deck)
_decks.Add(deck.Name, new DeckInstance(deck.File, type));
_decks.Add(deck.Name, new DeckInstance(deck.File, type, deck.Level));
......@@ -58,7 +60,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (deck != null && _decks.ContainsKey(deck))
infos = _decks[deck];
infos = _list[_rand.Next(_list.Count)];
infos = _list[_rand.Next(_list.Count)];
while (infos.Level != "Normal");
Executor executor = (Executor)Activator.CreateInstance(infos.Type, ai, duel);
executor.Deck = infos.Deck;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
using WindBot;
using WindBot.Game;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public abstract class DefaultExecutor : Executor
protected class _CardId
public const int JizukirutheStarDestroyingKaiju = 63941210;
public const int GadarlatheMysteryDustKaiju = 36956512;
public const int GamecieltheSeaTurtleKaiju = 55063751;
public const int RadiantheMultidimensionalKaiju = 28674152;
public const int KumongoustheStickyStringKaiju = 29726552;
public const int ThunderKingtheLightningstrikeKaiju = 48770333;
public const int DogorantheMadFlameKaiju = 93332803;
public const int SuperAntiKaijuWarMachineMechaDogoran = 84769941;
public const int DupeFrog = 46239604;
public const int MaraudingCaptain = 2460565;
public const int MysticalSpaceTyphoon = 5318639;
public const int CosmicCyclone = 8267140;
public const int ChickenGame = 67616300;
public const int CastelTheSkyblasterMusketeer = 82633039;
public const int CrystalWingSynchroDragon = 50954680;
public const int NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning = 56832966;
public const int Number39Utopia = 84013237;
public const int UltimayaTzolkin = 1686814;
protected DefaultExecutor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
: base(ai, duel)
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Activate, _CardId.ChickenGame, DefaultChickenGame);
private enum CardId
/// <summary>
/// Decide whether to declare attack between attacker and defender.
/// Can be overrided to update the RealPower of attacker for cards like Honest.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attacker">Card that attack.</param>
/// <param name="defender">Card that defend.</param>
/// <returns>false if the attack can't be done.</returns>
public override bool OnPreBattleBetween(ClientCard attacker, ClientCard defender)
MysticalSpaceTyphoon = 5318639
if (attacker.RealPower <= 0)
return false;
if (!attacker.IsMonsterHasPreventActivationEffectInBattle())
if (defender.IsMonsterDangerous() || (defender.IsMonsterInvincible() && defender.IsDefense()))
return false;
if (defender.Id == _CardId.CrystalWingSynchroDragon && !defender.IsDisabled() && attacker.Level >= 5)
return false;
if (defender.Id == _CardId.NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning && !defender.IsDisabled() && defender.HasXyzMaterial(2, _CardId.Number39Utopia))
defender.RealPower = 5000;
if (!defender.IsMonsterHasPreventActivationEffectInBattle())
if (attacker.Id == _CardId.NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning && !attacker.IsDisabled() && attacker.HasXyzMaterial(2, _CardId.Number39Utopia))
attacker.RealPower = 5000;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.DupeFrog, true) && defender.Id != _CardId.DupeFrog)
return false;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.MaraudingCaptain, true) && defender.Id != _CardId.MaraudingCaptain && defender.Race == (int)CardRace.Warrior)
return false;
if (defender.Id == _CardId.UltimayaTzolkin && !defender.IsDisabled())
List<ClientCard> monsters = Enemy.GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
if (monster.HasType(CardType.Synchro))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Destroy face-down cards first, in our turn.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultMysticalSpaceTyphoon()
foreach (ClientCard card in CurrentChain)
if (card.Id == (int)CardId.MysticalSpaceTyphoon)
if (card.Id == _CardId.MysticalSpaceTyphoon)
return false;
return DefaultStampingDestruction();
List<ClientCard> spells = Enemy.GetSpells();
if (spells.Count == 0)
return false;
ClientCard selected = Enemy.SpellZone.GetFloodgate();
if (selected == null)
foreach (ClientCard card in spells)
if (Duel.Player == 1 && !card.HasType(CardType.Continuous))
selected = card;
if (Duel.Player == 0 && card.IsFacedown())
if (selected == null)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Destroy face-down cards first, in our turn.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCosmicCyclone()
foreach (ClientCard card in CurrentChain)
if (card.Id == _CardId.CosmicCyclone)
return false;
return (Duel.LifePoints[0] > 1000) && DefaultMysticalSpaceTyphoon();
protected bool DefaultStampingDestruction()
/// <summary>
/// Activate if avail.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultGalaxyCyclone()
List<ClientCard> spells = Duel.Fields[1].GetSpells();
List<ClientCard> spells = Enemy.GetSpells();
if (spells.Count == 0)
return false;
ClientCard selected = null;
foreach (ClientCard card in spells)
if (Card.Location == CardLocation.Grave)
if (card.IsSpellNegateAttack())
selected = Enemy.SpellZone.GetFloodgate();
if (selected == null)
selected = card;
foreach (ClientCard card in spells)
if (!card.IsFacedown())
selected = card;
if (selected == null)
foreach (ClientCard card in spells)
if (Duel.Player == 1 && !card.HasType(CardType.Continuous))
selected = card;
if (Duel.Player == 0 && card.IsFacedown())
if (card.IsFacedown())
selected = card;
if (selected == null)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Set the highest ATK level 4+ effect enemy monster.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultBookOfMoon()
if (AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(true, true))
if (AI.Utils.IsAllEnemyBetter(true))
ClientCard monster = Duel.Fields[1].GetMonsters().GetHighestAttackMonster();
ClientCard monster = Enemy.GetMonsters().GetHighestAttackMonster();
if (monster != null && monster.HasType(CardType.Effect) && (monster.HasType(CardType.Xyz) || monster.Level > 4))
......@@ -73,84 +196,561 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Return problematic monster, and if this card become target, return any enemy monster.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCompulsoryEvacuationDevice()
ClientCard target = AI.Utils.GetProblematicEnemyMonster();
if (target != null)
return true;
if (AI.Utils.IsChainTarget(Card))
ClientCard monster = AI.Utils.GetBestEnemyMonster();
if (monster != null)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Revive the best monster when we don't have better one in field.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCallOfTheHaunted()
if (!AI.Utils.IsAllEnemyBetter(true))
return false;
ClientCard selected = null;
int BestAtk = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in Bot.Graveyard)
if (card.Attack > BestAtk)
BestAtk = card.Attack;
selected = card;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Chain the enemy monster.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultBreakthroughSkill()
ClientCard LastChainCard = GetLastChainCard();
if (LastChainCard == null)
return false;
return LastChainCard.Controller == 1 && LastChainCard.Location == CardLocation.MonsterZone && DefaultUniqueTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Activate only except this card is the target or we summon monsters.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultSolemnJudgment()
return !AI.Utils.IsChainTargetOnly(Card) && !(Duel.Player == 0 && LastChainPlayer == -1) && DefaultTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Activate only except we summon monsters.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultSolemnWarning()
return (Duel.LifePoints[0] > 2000) && !(Duel.Player == 0 && LastChainPlayer == -1) && DefaultTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Activate only except we summon monsters.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultSolemnStrike()
return (Duel.LifePoints[0] > 1500) && !(Duel.Player == 0 && LastChainPlayer == -1) && DefaultTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when all enemy monsters have better ATK.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultTorrentialTribute()
return (AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(true, true));
return !HasChainedTrap(0) && AI.Utils.IsAllEnemyBetter(true);
/// <summary>
/// Activate enemy have more S&T.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultHeavyStorm()
return Duel.Fields[0].GetSpellCount() < Duel.Fields[1].GetSpellCount();
return Bot.GetSpellCount() < Enemy.GetSpellCount();
/// <summary>
/// Activate before other winds, if enemy have more than 2 S&T.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultHarpiesFeatherDusterFirst()
return Enemy.GetSpellCount() >= 2;
/// <summary>
/// Activate when one enemy monsters have better ATK.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultHammerShot()
return AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(true, false);
return AI.Utils.IsOneEnemyBetter(true);
/// <summary>
/// Activate when one enemy monsters have better ATK or DEF.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultDarkHole()
return AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(false, false);
return AI.Utils.IsOneEnemyBetter();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when one enemy monsters have better ATK or DEF.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultRaigeki()
return AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(false, false);
return AI.Utils.IsOneEnemyBetter();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when one enemy monsters have better ATK or DEF.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultSmashingGround()
return AI.Utils.IsOneEnemyBetter();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when we have more than 15 cards in deck.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultPotOfDesires()
return Bot.Deck.Count > 15;
/// <summary>
/// Set traps only and avoid block the activation of other cards.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultSpellSet()
return Card.IsTrap() && Duel.Fields[0].GetSpellCountWithoutField() < 4;
return (Card.IsTrap() || Card.HasType(CardType.QuickPlay)) && Bot.GetSpellCountWithoutField() < 4;
/// <summary>
/// Summon with tributes ATK lower.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultTributeSummon()
if (!UniqueFaceupMonster())
return false;
int tributecount = (int)Math.Ceiling((Card.Level - 4.0d) / 2.0d);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
ClientCard tributeCard = Duel.Fields[0].MonsterZone[j];
ClientCard tributeCard = Bot.MonsterZone[j];
if (tributeCard == null) continue;
if (tributeCard.Attack < Card.Attack)
if (tributeCard.GetDefensePower() < Card.Attack)
return tributecount <= 0;
/// <summary>
/// Activate when we have no field.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultField()
return Duel.Fields[0].SpellZone[5] == null;
return Bot.SpellZone[5] == null;
/// <summary>
/// Turn if all enemy is better.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultMonsterRepos()
bool ennemyBetter = AI.Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(true, true);
bool enemyBetter = AI.Utils.IsAllEnemyBetter(true);
if (Card.IsAttack() && ennemyBetter)
if (Card.IsAttack() && enemyBetter)
return true;
if (Card.IsDefense() && !ennemyBetter && Card.Attack >= Card.Defense)
if (Card.IsDefense() && !enemyBetter && Card.Attack >= Card.Defense)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Chain enemy activation or summon.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultTrap()
return LastChainPlayer == -1 || LastChainPlayer == 1;
return (LastChainPlayer == -1 && Duel.LastSummonPlayer != 0) || LastChainPlayer == 1;
/// <summary>
/// Activate when avail and no other our trap card in this chain or face-up.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultUniqueTrap()
if (HasChainedTrap(0))
return false;
foreach (ClientCard card in Duel.Fields[0].SpellZone)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
/// <summary>
/// Check no other our spell or trap card with same name face-up.
/// </summary>
protected bool UniqueFaceupSpell()
foreach (ClientCard card in Bot.GetSpells())
if (card != null &&
card.Id == Card.Id &&
if (card.Id == Card.Id && card.IsFaceup())
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Check no other our monster card with same name face-up.
/// </summary>
protected bool UniqueFaceupMonster()
foreach (ClientCard card in Bot.GetMonsters())
if (card.Id == Card.Id && card.IsFaceup())
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Dumb way to avoid the bot chain in mess.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultDontChainMyself()
foreach (CardExecutor exec in Executors)
if (exec.Type == Type && exec.CardId == Card.Id)
return false;
return LastChainPlayer != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Draw when we have lower LP, or destroy it. Can be overrided.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultChickenGame()
int count = 0;
foreach (CardExecutor exec in Executors)
if (exec.Type == Type && exec.CardId == Card.Id)
if (count > 1 || Duel.LifePoints[0] <= 1000)
return false;
if (Duel.LifePoints[0] <= Duel.LifePoints[1] && ActivateDescription == AI.Utils.GetStringId(_CardId.ChickenGame, 0))
return true;
if (Duel.LifePoints[0] > Duel.LifePoints[1] && ActivateDescription == AI.Utils.GetStringId(_CardId.ChickenGame, 1))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Clever enough.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultDimensionalBarrier()
const int RITUAL = 0;
const int FUSION = 1;
const int SYNCHRO = 2;
const int XYZ = 3;
const int PENDULUM = 4;
if (Duel.Player != 0)
List<ClientCard> monsters = Enemy.GetMonsters();
int[] levels = new int[13];
bool tuner = false;
bool nontuner = false;
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
if (monster.HasType(CardType.Tuner))
tuner = true;
else if (!monster.HasType(CardType.Xyz))
nontuner = true;
if (monster.IsOneForXyz())
return true;
levels[monster.Level] = levels[monster.Level] + 1;
if (tuner && nontuner)
return true;
for (int i=1; i<=12; i++)
if (levels[i]>1)
return true;
ClientCard l = Enemy.SpellZone[6];
ClientCard r = Enemy.SpellZone[7];
if (l != null && r != null && l.LScale != r.RScale)
return true;
ClientCard lastchaincard = GetLastChainCard();
if (LastChainPlayer == 1 && lastchaincard != null && !lastchaincard.IsDisabled())
if (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Ritual))
return true;
if (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Fusion))
return true;
if (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Synchro))
return true;
if (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Xyz))
return true;
if (lastchaincard.IsFusionSpell())
return true;
if (AI.Utils.IsChainTarget(Card))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Clever enough.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultInterruptedKaijuSlumber()
if (Card.Location == CardLocation.Grave)
return true;
return DefaultDarkHole();
/// <summary>
/// Clever enough.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultKaijuSpsummon()
IList<int> kaijus = new[] {
foreach (ClientCard monster in Enemy.GetMonsters())
if (kaijus.Contains(monster.Id))
return Card.GetDefensePower() > monster.GetDefensePower();
ClientCard card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetFloodgate();
if (card != null)
return true;
card = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetDangerousMonster();
if (card != null)
return true;
card = AI.Utils.GetOneEnemyBetterThanValue(Card.GetDefensePower());
if (card != null)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Summon when we don't have monster attack higher than enemy's.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultNumberS39UtopiaTheLightningSummon()
int bestBotAttack = AI.Utils.GetBestAttack(Bot);
return AI.Utils.IsOneEnemyBetterThanValue(bestBotAttack, false);
/// <summary>
/// Summon when it can and should use effect.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultEvilswarmExcitonKnightSummon()
int selfCount = Bot.GetMonsterCount() + Bot.GetSpellCount() + Bot.GetHandCount();
int oppoCount = Enemy.GetMonsterCount() + Enemy.GetSpellCount() + Enemy.GetHandCount();
return (selfCount - 1 < oppoCount) && DefaultEvilswarmExcitonKnightEffect();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when we have less cards than enemy's, or the atk sum of we is lower than enemy's.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultEvilswarmExcitonKnightEffect()
int selfCount = Bot.GetMonsterCount() + Bot.GetSpellCount();
int oppoCount = Enemy.GetMonsterCount() + Enemy.GetSpellCount();
if (selfCount < oppoCount)
return true;
int selfAttack = 0;
List<ClientCard> monsters = Bot.GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
selfAttack += monster.GetDefensePower();
int oppoAttack = 0;
monsters = Enemy.GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
oppoAttack += monster.GetDefensePower();
return selfAttack < oppoAttack;
/// <summary>
/// Summon in main2, or when the attack of we is lower than enemy's, but not when enemy have monster higher than 2500.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultStardustDragonSummon()
int selfBestAttack = AI.Utils.GetBestAttack(Bot);
int oppoBestAttack = AI.Utils.GetBestPower(Enemy);
return (selfBestAttack <= oppoBestAttack && oppoBestAttack <= 2500) || AI.Utils.IsTurn1OrMain2();
/// <summary>
/// Negate enemy's destroy effect, and revive from grave.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultStardustDragonEffect()
return (Card.Location == CardLocation.Grave) || LastChainPlayer == 1;
/// <summary>
/// Summon when enemy have card which we must solve.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCastelTheSkyblasterMusketeerSummon()
return AI.Utils.GetProblematicEnemyCard() != null;
/// <summary>
/// Bounce the problematic enemy card. Ignore the 1st effect.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCastelTheSkyblasterMusketeerEffect()
if (ActivateDescription == AI.Utils.GetStringId(_CardId.CastelTheSkyblasterMusketeer, 0))
return false;
ClientCard target = AI.Utils.GetProblematicEnemyCard();
if (target != null)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Summon when it should use effect, or when the attack of we is lower than enemy's, but not when enemy have monster higher than 3000.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultScarlightRedDragonArchfiendSummon()
int selfBestAttack = AI.Utils.GetBestAttack(Bot);
int oppoBestAttack = AI.Utils.GetBestPower(Enemy);
return (selfBestAttack <= oppoBestAttack && oppoBestAttack <= 3000) || DefaultScarlightRedDragonArchfiendEffect();
/// <summary>
/// Activate when we have less monsters than enemy, or when enemy have more than 3 monsters.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultScarlightRedDragonArchfiendEffect()
int selfCount = 0;
List<ClientCard> monsters = Bot.GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
// The bot don't know if the card is special summoned, so let we assume all monsters are special summoned
if (!monster.Equals(Card) && monster.HasType(CardType.Effect) && monster.Attack <= Card.Attack)
int oppoCount = 0;
monsters = Enemy.GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
if (monster.HasType(CardType.Effect) && monster.Attack <= Card.Attack)
return (oppoCount > 0 && selfCount <= oppoCount) || oppoCount >= 3;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public class DialogsData
public string[] welcome { get; set; }
public string[] deckerror { get; set; }
public string[] duelstart { get; set; }
public string[] newturn { get; set; }
public string[] endturn { get; set; }
public string[] directattack { get; set; }
public string[] attack { get; set; }
public string[] ondirectattack { get; set; }
public string facedownmonstername { get; set; }
public string[] activate { get; set; }
public string[] summon { get; set; }
public string[] setmonster { get; set; }
public string[] chaining { get; set; }
public class Dialogs
private GameClient _game;
private string[] _welcome;
private string[] _deckerror;
private string[] _duelstart;
private string[] _newturn;
private string[] _endturn;
private string[] _directattack;
private string[] _attack;
private string[] _ondirectattack;
private string _facedownmonstername;
private string[] _activate;
private string[] _summon;
private string[] _setmonster;
......@@ -19,75 +57,43 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public Dialogs(GameClient game)
_game = game;
_duelstart = new[]
"Good luck, have fun."
_newturn = new[]
"It's my turn, draw.",
"My turn, draw.",
"I draw a card."
_endturn = new[]
"I end my turn.",
"My turn is over.",
"Your turn."
_directattack = new[]
"{0}, direct attack!",
"{0}, attack him directly!",
"{0}, he's defenseless, attack!",
"{0}, attack his life points!",
"{0}, attack his life points directly!",
"{0}, attack him through a direct attack!",
"{0}, attack him using a direct attack!",
"{0}, unleash your power through a direct attack!",
"My {0} is going to smash your life points!",
"Show your power to my opponent, {0}!",
"You can't stop me. {0}, attack!"
_attack = new[]
"{0}, attack this {1}!",
"{0}, destroy this {1}!",
"{0}, charge the {1}!",
"{0}, strike that {1}!",
"{0}, unleash your power on this {1}!"
_activate = new[]
"I'm activating {0}.",
"I'm using the effect of {0}.",
"I use the power of {0}."
_summon = new[]
"I'm summoning {0}.",
"Come on, {0}!",
"Appear, {0}!",
"I summon the powerful {0}.",
"I call {0} to the battle!",
"I'm calling {0}.",
"Let's summon {0}."
_setmonster = new[]
"I'm setting a monster.",
"I set a face-down monster.",
"I place a hidden monster."
_chaining = new[]
"Look at that! I'm activating {0}.",
"I use the power of {0}.",
"Get ready! I use {0}.",
"I don't think so. {0}, activation!",
"Looks like you forgot my {0}.",
"Did you consider the fact I have {0}?"
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DialogsData));
string dialogfilename = game.Dialog;
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("Dialogs/" + dialogfilename + ".json"))
DialogsData data = (DialogsData)serializer.ReadObject(fs);
_welcome = data.welcome;
_deckerror = data.deckerror;
_duelstart = data.duelstart;
_newturn = data.newturn;
_endturn = data.endturn;
_directattack = data.directattack;
_attack = data.attack;
_ondirectattack = data.ondirectattack;
_facedownmonstername = data.facedownmonstername;
_activate = data.activate;
_summon = data.summon;
_setmonster = data.setmonster;
_chaining = data.chaining;
public void SendSorry()
InternalSendMessage(new[] { "Sorry, an error occurs." });
public void SendDeckSorry(string card)
if (card == "DECK")
InternalSendMessage(new[] { "Deck illegal. Please check the database of your YGOPro and WindBot." });
InternalSendMessage(_deckerror, card);
public void SendWelcome()
public void SendDuelStart()
......@@ -112,9 +118,26 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public void SendAttack(string attacker, string defender)
if (defender=="monster")
defender = _facedownmonstername;
InternalSendMessage(_attack, attacker, defender);
public void SendOnDirectAttack(string attacker)
if (attacker == "" || attacker == null)
attacker = _facedownmonstername;
InternalSendMessage(_ondirectattack, attacker);
public void SendOnDirectAttack()
public void SendActivate(string spell)
InternalSendMessage(_activate, spell);
......@@ -138,7 +161,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
private void InternalSendMessage(IList<string> array, params object[] opts)
string message = string.Format(array[Program.Rand.Next(array.Count)], opts);
if (message != "")
\ No newline at end of file
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
/// <summary>
/// Cards that are dangerous to attack.
/// </summary>
public enum DangerousMonster
LionHeart = 54366836,
Yubel = 78371393,
YubelIncarnate = 4779091,
YubelNightmare = 31764700,
MetaionTheTimelord = 74530899
ZaphionTheTimelord = 28929131,
SadionTheTimelord = 65314286,
MetaionTheTimelord = 74530899,
KamionTheTimelord = 91712985,
LazionTheTimelord = 92435533,
EaterOfMillions = 63845230
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
/// <summary>
/// Cards that restrict player from performing some action. Bot will preferentially destroy them.
/// </summary>
public enum Floodgate
BarrierStatueoftheTorrent = 10963799,
BarrierStatueoftheDrought = 19740112,
BarrierStatueoftheHeavens = 46145256,
BarrierStatueoftheInferno = 47961808,
BarrierStatueoftheStormwinds = 73356503,
BarrierStatueoftheAbyss = 84478195,
ThunderKingRaiOh = 71564252,
FossilDynaPachycephalo = 42009836,
VanitysFiend = 47084486,
MajestysFiend = 33746252,
VanitysRuler = 72634965,
KycootheGhostDestroyer = 88240808,
ConsecratedLight = 2980764,
ArchlordKristya = 59509952,
KoakiMeiruDrago = 12435193,
DenkoSekka = 13974207,
ZapMustung = 29951323,
Jinzo = 77585513,
SpellCanceller = 84636823,
LevelLimitAreaB = 3136426,
DimensionalFissure = 81674782,
Necrovalley = 47355498,
SavageColosseum = 32391631,
SecretVillageoftheSpellcasters = 68462976,
SwordsofRevealingLight = 72302403,
MessengerofPeace = 44656491,
KaiserColosseum = 35059553,
DomainoftheTrueMonarchs = 84171830,
ZombieWorld = 4064256,
ImperialOrder = 61740673,
MacroCosmos = 30241314,
MindDrain = 68937720,
SoulDrain = 73599290,
SkillDrain = 82732705,
Eisbahn = 54059040,
GozenMatch = 53334471,
RivalryofWarlords = 90846359,
AntiSpellFragrance = 58921041,
LightImprisoningMirror = 53341729,
ShadowImprisoningMirror = 99735427,
WallofRevealingLight = 17078030,
GravityBind = 85742772,
VanitysEmptiness = 5851097,
Lose1Turn = 24348804,
Reqliate = 20426907,
SummonLimit = 23516703,
AndtheBandPlayedOn = 47594939,
StygianDirge = 81489939,
RoyalDecree = 51452091,
ImperialIronWall = 30459350,
DNASurgery = 74701381,
NaturiaExterio = 99916754,
TheLastWarriorfromAnotherPlanet = 86099788,
ThousandEyesRestrict = 63519819,
ElShaddollWinda = 94977269,
MaskedHERODarkLaw = 58481572,
NaturiaBeast = 33198837,
NaturiaBarkion = 2956282,
EvilswarmOphion = 91279700,
MermailAbyssgaios = 74371660,
AbyssDweller = 21044178,
ZoodiacDrident = 48905153
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum FusionSpell
GemKnightFusion = 1264319,
TheEyeofTimaeus = 1784686,
InstantFusion = 1845204,
OverloadFusion = 3659803,
FrightfurFusion = 6077601,
RedEyesFusion = 6172122,
Ostinato = 9113513,
DarkCalling = 12071500,
VehicroidConnectionZone = 23299957,
Polymerization = 24094653,
MiracleSynchroFusion = 36484016,
PowerBond = 37630732,
ParticleFusion = 39261576,
NeutronBlast = 43845801,
ShaddollFusion = 44394295,
TheTerminusoftheBurningAbyss = 44771289,
MiracleFusion = 45906428,
OddEyesFusion = 48144509,
ParallelWorldFusion = 54283059,
PendulumFusion = 65646587,
AbsorbFusion = 71422989,
DragonsMirror = 71490127,
MetalfoesFusion = 73594093,
EidolonSummoningMagic = 74063034,
FusionSubstitute = 74335036,
TranscendentalPolymerization = 76647978,
CyberdarkImpact = 80033124,
DarkFusion = 94820406,
TheBookoftheLaw = 458748,
ElShaddollFusion = 6417578,
FlashFusion = 17236839,
FullmetalfoesFusion = 39564736,
DestructionSwordsmanFusion = 41940225,
SuperPolymerization = 48130397,
CyberneticFusionSupport = 58199906,
BrilliantFusion = 7394770,
ForbiddenDarkContractwiththeSwampKing = 10833828,
Fortissimo = 11493868,
VoidImagination = 31444249,
FrightfurFactory = 43698897,
DarkContractwiththeSwampKing = 73360025,
NepheShaddollFusion = 60226558,
FusionGate = 33550694
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum NegateAttackSpell
MessengerOfPeace = 44656491,
SavageColosseum = 32391631,
GravityBind = 85742772,
LevelLimitAreaB = 3136426
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum NegatesEffects
SkillDrain = 82732705,
SoulDrain = 73599290
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum NegatesSpells
HorusLv6 = 11224103,
HorusLv8 = 48229808
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum NegatesSummons
Necrovalley = 47355498,
ImperialIronWall = 30459350,
ZombieWorld = 4064256,
DnaSurgery = 74701381,
MacroCosmos = 30241314,
DimensionalFissure = 81674782
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum NegatesTraps
Jinzo = 77585513,
RoyalDecree = 51452091
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum OneForXyz
ZoodiacThoroughblade = 77150143,
ZoodiacViper = 31755044,
ZoodiacCluckle = 20155904,
ZoodiacRabbina = 4367330,
ZoodiacRam = 4145852,
ZoodiacMarmorat = 78872731,
ZoodiacTigress = 11510448,
ZoodiacHammerkong = 14970113,
ZoodiacLyca = 41375811,
ZoodiacDrancia = 48905153,
ZoodiacBoarbow = 74393852,
ZoodiacBroadbull = 85115440,
Number62 = 31801517,
GalaxyEyesCipherDragon = 18963306,
Number107 = 88177324,
CyberDragonNova = 58069384,
Number39 = 84013237
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Enums
public enum PreventActivationEffectInBattle
Deskbot009 = 25494711,
ArchfiendBlackSkullDragon = 45349196,
FrightfurChimera = 83866861,
GladiatorBeastNerokius = 29357956,
GemKnightCitrine = 67985943,
FrightfurSheep = 57477163,
ArmadesKeeperOfBoundaries = 88033975,
NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning = 56832966,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
using WindBot;
using WindBot.Game;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI
......@@ -19,7 +22,10 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
protected int ActivateDescription { get; private set; }
protected int LastChainPlayer { get; private set; }
protected IList<ClientCard> CurrentChain { get; private set; }
protected IList<ClientCard> CurrentChain { get; private set; }
protected ClientField Bot { get; private set; }
protected ClientField Enemy { get; private set; }
protected Executor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
......@@ -29,48 +35,75 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
LastChainPlayer = -1;
CurrentChain = new List<ClientCard>();
Bot = Duel.Fields[0];
Enemy = Duel.Fields[1];
public virtual int OnRockPaperScissors()
return Program.Rand.Next(1, 4);
public virtual bool OnSelectHand()
return true; // I want to begin !
return Program.Rand.Next(2) > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI has to decide if it should attack
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attackers">List of monsters that can attcack.</param>
/// <param name="defenders">List of monsters of enemy.</param>
/// <returns>A new BattlePhaseAction containing the action to do.</returns>
public virtual BattlePhaseAction OnBattle(IList<ClientCard> attackers, IList<ClientCard> defenders)
if (attackers.Count == 0)
return AI.ToMainPhase2();
if (defenders.Count == 0)
return AI.Attack(attackers[0], null);
for (int i = defenders.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ClientCard defender = defenders[i];
int value = defender.GetDefensePower();
for (int j = 0; j < attackers.Count; ++j)
for (int i = attackers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ClientCard attacker = attackers[i];
if (attacker.Attack > 0)
return AI.Attack(attacker, null);
for (int i = defenders.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ClientCard defender = defenders[i];
for (int j = 0; j < attackers.Count; ++j)
ClientCard attacker = attackers[j];
attacker.RealPower = attacker.Attack;
defender.RealPower = defender.GetDefensePower();
if (!OnPreBattleBetween(attacker, defender))
if (attacker.RealPower > defender.RealPower || (attacker.RealPower >= defender.RealPower && j == attackers.Count - 1))
return AI.Attack(attacker, defender);
for (int i = attackers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ClientCard attacker = attackers[j];
if (!OnPreBattleBetween(attacker, defender))
if (attacker.Attack > value || (attacker.Attack >= value && j == attackers.Count - 1))
return AI.Attack(attacker, defender);
ClientCard attacker = attackers[i];
if (attacker.CanDirectAttack)
return AI.Attack(attacker, null);
if (!Battle.CanMainPhaseTwo)
return AI.Attack(attackers[attackers.Count - 1], defenders[0]);
return AI.Attack(attackers[0], (defenders.Count == 0) ? null : defenders[0]);
return AI.ToMainPhase2();
public virtual bool OnPreBattleBetween(ClientCard attacker, ClientCard defender)
if (defender.IsMonsterInvincible())
if (defender.IsMonsterDangerous() || defender.IsDefense())
return false;
// Overrided in DefalultExecutor
return true;
......@@ -86,8 +119,20 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public virtual void OnNewTurn()
// Some AI need do something on new turn
public virtual IList<ClientCard> OnSelectCard(IList<ClientCard> cards, int min, int max, bool cancelable)
// For overriding
return null;
public virtual IList<ClientCard> OnSelectSum(IList<ClientCard> cards, int sum, int min, int max, bool mode)
// For overriding
return null;
......@@ -96,6 +141,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return true;
public virtual int OnSelectOption(IList<int> options)
return -1;
public bool ChainContainsCard(int id)
foreach (ClientCard card in CurrentChain)
......@@ -144,6 +194,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
Battle = battle;
/// <summary>
/// Set global variables Type, Card, ActivateDescription for Executor
/// </summary>
public void SetCard(ExecutorType type, ClientCard card, int description)
Type = type;
......@@ -151,21 +204,33 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ActivateDescription = description;
/// <summary>
/// Do the action for the card if func return true.
/// </summary>
public void AddExecutor(ExecutorType type, int cardId, Func<bool> func)
Executors.Add(new CardExecutor(type, cardId, func));
/// <summary>
/// Do the action for the card if available.
/// </summary>
public void AddExecutor(ExecutorType type, int cardId)
Executors.Add(new CardExecutor(type, cardId, null));
/// <summary>
/// Do the action for every card if func return true.
/// </summary>
public void AddExecutor(ExecutorType type, Func<bool> func)
Executors.Add(new CardExecutor(type, -1, func));
/// <summary>
/// Do the action for every card if no other Executor is added to it.
/// </summary>
public void AddExecutor(ExecutorType type)
Executors.Add(new CardExecutor(type, -1, DefaultNoExecutor));
......@@ -21,11 +21,21 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public int Race { get; private set; }
public int Attack { get; private set; }
public int Defense { get; private set; }
public int LScale { get; private set; }
public int RScale { get; private set; }
public int BaseAttack { get; private set; }
public int BaseDefense { get; private set; }
public int RealPower { get; set; }
public List<int> Overlays { get; private set; }
public int Owner { get; private set; }
public int Controller { get; private set; }
public int Disabled { get; private set; }
public int SelectSeq { get; set; }
public int OpParam1 { get; set; }
public int OpParam2 { get; set; }
public bool CanDirectAttack { get; set; }
public bool ShouldDirectAttack { get; set; }
public bool Attacked { get; set; }
public int[] ActionIndex { get; set; }
public IDictionary<int, int> ActionActivateIndex { get; private set; }
......@@ -114,13 +124,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
if ((flag & (int)Query.Owner) != 0)
Owner = duel.GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadInt32());
if ((flag & (int)Query.IsDisabled) != 0)
Disabled = packet.ReadInt32();
if ((flag & (int)Query.IsPublic) != 0)
if ((flag & (int)Query.LScale) != 0)
LScale = packet.ReadInt32();
if ((flag & (int)Query.RScale) != 0)
RScale = packet.ReadInt32();
public bool HasType(CardType type)
......@@ -158,6 +168,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return (HasType(CardType.Fusion) || HasType(CardType.Synchro) || HasType(CardType.Xyz));
public bool IsFaceup()
return HasPosition(CardPosition.FaceUp);
public bool IsFacedown()
return HasPosition(CardPosition.FaceDown);
......@@ -173,6 +188,26 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return HasPosition(CardPosition.Defence);
public bool IsDisabled()
return (Disabled != 0);
public bool HasXyzMaterial()
return Overlays.Count > 0;
public bool HasXyzMaterial(int count)
return Overlays.Count >= count;
public bool HasXyzMaterial(int count, int cardid)
return Overlays.Count >= count && Overlays.Contains(cardid);
public int GetDefensePower()
return IsAttack() ? Attack : Defense;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
namespace WindBot.Game
......@@ -14,18 +14,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public IList<ClientCard> ExtraDeck { get; private set; }
public ClientField()
public void Init(int deck, int extra)
Hand = new List<ClientCard>();
MonsterZone = new ClientCard[5];
MonsterZone = new ClientCard[7];
SpellZone = new ClientCard[8];
Graveyard = new List<ClientCard>();
Banished = new List<ClientCard>();
Deck = new List<ClientCard>();
ExtraDeck = new List<ClientCard>();
public void Init(int deck, int extra)
for (int i = 0; i < deck; ++i)
Deck.Add(new ClientCard(0, CardLocation.Deck));
for (int i = 0; i < extra; ++i)
......@@ -42,6 +43,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return GetCount(SpellZone);
public int GetHandCount()
return GetCount(Hand);
public int GetSpellCountWithoutField()
int count = 0;
......@@ -83,15 +89,66 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return GetCards(SpellZone);
public List<ClientCard> GetMonstersInExtraZone()
List<ClientCard> cards = new List<ClientCard>();
if (MonsterZone[5] != null)
if (MonsterZone[6] != null)
return cards;
public List<ClientCard> GetMonstersInMainZone()
List<ClientCard> cards = new List<ClientCard>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (MonsterZone[i] != null)
return cards;
public bool HasInHand(int cardId)
return HasInCards(Hand, cardId);
public bool HasInHand(IList<int> cardId)
return HasInCards(Hand, cardId);
public bool HasInGraveyard(int cardId)
return HasInCards(Graveyard, cardId);
public bool HasInGraveyard(IList<int> cardId)
return HasInCards(Graveyard, cardId);
public bool HasInBanished(int cardId)
return HasInCards(Banished, cardId);
public bool HasInBanished(IList<int> cardId)
return HasInCards(Banished, cardId);
public bool HasInExtra(int cardId)
return HasInCards(ExtraDeck, cardId);
public bool HasInExtra(IList<int> cardId)
return HasInCards(ExtraDeck, cardId);
public bool HasAttackingMonster()
......@@ -115,27 +172,40 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return false;
public bool HasInMonstersZone(int cardId)
public bool HasInMonstersZone(int cardId, bool notDisabled = false, bool hasXyzMaterial = false)
return HasInCards(MonsterZone, cardId, notDisabled, hasXyzMaterial);
public bool HasInMonstersZone(IList<int> cardId, bool notDisabled = false, bool hasXyzMaterial = false)
return HasInCards(MonsterZone, cardId, notDisabled, hasXyzMaterial);
public bool HasInSpellZone(int cardId, bool notDisabled = false)
return HasInCards(MonsterZone, cardId);
return HasInCards(SpellZone, cardId, notDisabled);
public bool HasInSpellZone(int cardId)
public bool HasInSpellZone(IList<int> cardId, bool notDisabled = false)
return HasInCards(SpellZone, cardId);
return HasInCards(SpellZone, cardId, notDisabled);
public int GetRemainingCount(int cardId, int initialCount)
int remaining = initialCount;
foreach (ClientCard card in Hand)
if (card.Id == cardId)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
foreach (ClientCard card in SpellZone)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
foreach (ClientCard card in Graveyard)
if (card.Id == cardId)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
foreach (ClientCard card in Banished)
if (card.Id == cardId)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
return (remaining < 0) ? 0 : remaining;
......@@ -151,6 +221,28 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return count;
public int GetCountCardInZone(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, int cardId)
int count = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
return count;
public int GetCountCardInZone(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, List<int> cardId)
int count = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && cardId.Contains(card.Id))
return count;
private static List<ClientCard> GetCards(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, CardType type)
List<ClientCard> nCards = new List<ClientCard>();
......@@ -173,11 +265,21 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return nCards;
private static bool HasInCards(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, int cardId)
private static bool HasInCards(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, int cardId, bool notDisabled = false, bool hasXyzMaterial = false)
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId)
if (card != null && card.Id == cardId && !(notDisabled && card.IsDisabled()) && !(hasXyzMaterial && !card.HasXyzMaterial()))
return true;
return false;
private static bool HasInCards(IEnumerable<ClientCard> cards, IList<int> cardId, bool notDisabled = false, bool hasXyzMaterial = false)
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card != null && cardId.Contains(card.Id) && !(notDisabled && card.IsDisabled()) && !(hasXyzMaterial && !card.HasXyzMaterial()))
return true;
return false;
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public class Duel
public bool IsFirst { get; set; }
public bool IsNewRule { get; set; }
public int[] LifePoints { get; private set; }
public ClientField[] Fields { get; private set; }
......@@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public DuelPhase Phase { get; set; }
public MainPhase MainPhase { get; set; }
public BattlePhase BattlePhase { get; set; }
public IList<ClientCard> ChainTargets { get; set; }
public int LastSummonPlayer { get; set; }
public Duel()
......@@ -22,6 +25,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
Fields = new ClientField[2];
Fields[0] = new ClientField();
Fields[1] = new ClientField();
ChainTargets = new List<ClientCard>();
LastSummonPlayer = -1;
public ClientCard GetCard(int player, CardLocation loc, int index)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
......@@ -22,6 +23,27 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_dialogs = new Dialogs(game);
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI got the error message.
/// </summary>
public void OnRetry()
public void OnDeckError(string card)
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI join the game.
/// </summary>
public void OnJoinGame()
/// <summary>
/// Called when the duel starts.
/// </summary>
......@@ -30,10 +52,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI do the rock-paper-scissors.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>1 for Scissors, 2 for Rock, 3 for Paper.</returns>
public int OnRockPaperScissors()
return Executor.OnRockPaperScissors();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI won the rock-paper-scissors.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the AI should begin, false otherwise.</returns>
/// <returns>True if the AI should begin first, false otherwise.</returns>
public bool OnSelectHand()
return Executor.OnSelectHand();
......@@ -44,6 +75,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// </summary>
public void OnNewTurn()
/// <summary>
......@@ -54,9 +86,21 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
m_selector = null;
m_nextSelector = null;
m_option = -1;
m_yesno = -1;
m_position = CardPosition.FaceUpAttack;
Duel.LastSummonPlayer = -1;
if (Duel.Player == 0 && Duel.Phase == DuelPhase.Draw)
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI got attack directly.
/// </summary>
public void OnDirectAttack(ClientCard card)
/// <summary>
......@@ -66,6 +110,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <param name="player">Player who is currently chaining.</param>
public void OnChaining(ClientCard card, int player)
Duel.LastSummonPlayer = -1;
......@@ -118,7 +163,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public IList<ClientCard> OnSelectCard(IList<ClientCard> cards, int min, int max, bool cancelable)
// Check for the executor.
IList<ClientCard> result = Executor.OnSelectCard(cards, min,max,cancelable);
IList<ClientCard> result = Executor.OnSelectCard(cards, min, max, cancelable);
if (result != null)
return result;
......@@ -198,7 +243,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// </summary>
/// <param name="card">Card to activate.</param>
/// <returns>True for yes, false for no.</returns>
public bool OnSelectEffectYn(ClientCard card)
public bool OnSelectEffectYn(ClientCard card, int desc)
foreach (CardExecutor exec in Executor.Executors)
......@@ -245,6 +290,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
if (ShouldExecute(exec, card, ExecutorType.SpSummon))
Duel.LastSummonPlayer = 0;
return new MainPhaseAction(MainPhaseAction.MainAction.SpSummon, card.ActionIndex);
......@@ -253,17 +299,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
if (ShouldExecute(exec, card, ExecutorType.Summon))
Duel.LastSummonPlayer = 0;
return new MainPhaseAction(MainPhaseAction.MainAction.Summon, card.ActionIndex);
if (ShouldExecute(exec, card, ExecutorType.SummonOrSet))
if (Utils.IsEnnemyBetter(true, true) && Utils.IsAllEnnemyBetterThanValue(card.Attack + 300, false) &&
if (Utils.IsAllEnemyBetter(true) && Utils.IsAllEnemyBetterThanValue(card.Attack + 300, false) &&
return new MainPhaseAction(MainPhaseAction.MainAction.SetMonster, card.ActionIndex);
Duel.LastSummonPlayer = 0;
return new MainPhaseAction(MainPhaseAction.MainAction.Summon, card.ActionIndex);
......@@ -288,8 +336,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <returns>Index of the selected option.</returns>
public int OnSelectOption(IList<int> options)
if (m_option != -1)
if (m_option != -1 && m_option < options.Count)
return m_option;
int result = Executor.OnSelectOption(options);
if (result != -1)
return result;
return 0; // Always select the first option.
......@@ -312,23 +365,130 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI has to tribute for a synchro monster.
/// Called when the AI has to tribute for a synchro monster or ritual monster.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cards">Available cards.</param>
/// <param name="sum">Result of the operation.</param>
/// <param name="min">Minimum cards.</param>
/// <param name="max">Maximum cards.</param>
/// <param name="mode">True for exact equal.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IList<ClientCard> OnSelectSum(IList<ClientCard> cards, int sum, int min, int max)
public IList<ClientCard> OnSelectSum(IList<ClientCard> cards, int sum, int min, int max, bool mode)
// Always return one card. The first available.
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
IList<ClientCard> selected = Executor.OnSelectSum(cards, sum, min, max, mode);
if (selected != null)
if (card.Level == sum)
return new[] { card };
return selected;
// However return everything, that may work.
return cards;
if (mode)
// equal
if (min <= 1)
// try special level first
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card.OpParam2 == sum)
return new[] { card };
// try level equal
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card.OpParam1 == sum)
return new[] { card };
// try all
int s1 = 0, s2 = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
s1 += card.OpParam1;
s2 += (card.OpParam2 != 0) ? card.OpParam2 : card.OpParam1;
if (s1 == sum || s2 == sum)
return cards;
// try all combinations
int i = (min <= 1) ? 2 : min;
while (i <= max && i <= cards.Count)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ClientCard>> combos = CardContainer.GetCombinations(cards, i);
foreach (IEnumerable<ClientCard> combo in combos)
s1 = 0;
s2 = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in combo)
s1 += card.OpParam1;
s2 += (card.OpParam2 != 0) ? card.OpParam2 : card.OpParam1;
if (s1 == sum || s2 == sum)
return combo.ToList();
// larger
if (min <= 1)
// try special level first
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card.OpParam2 >= sum)
return new[] { card };
// try level equal
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
if (card.OpParam1 >= sum)
return new[] { card };
// try all combinations
int i = (min <= 1) ? 2 : min;
while (i <= max && i <= cards.Count)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ClientCard>> combos = CardContainer.GetCombinations(cards, i);
foreach (IEnumerable<ClientCard> combo in combos)
int s1 = 0, s2 = 0;
foreach (ClientCard card in combo)
s1 += card.OpParam1;
s2 += (card.OpParam2 != 0) ? card.OpParam2 : card.OpParam1;
if (s1 >= sum || s2 >= sum)
return combo.ToList();
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Fail to select sum.");
return new List<ClientCard>();
/// <summary>
......@@ -361,6 +521,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <returns>True for yes, false for no.</returns>
public bool OnSelectYesNo(int desc)
if (m_yesno != -1)
return m_yesno > 0;
return Executor.OnSelectYesNo(desc);
......@@ -380,10 +542,12 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private CardSelector m_selector;
private CardSelector m_nextSelector;
private CardSelector m_thirdSelector;
private CardPosition m_position = CardPosition.FaceUpAttack;
private int m_option;
private int m_number;
private int m_announce;
private int m_yesno;
private IList<CardAttribute> m_attributes = new List<CardAttribute>();
private IList<CardRace> m_races = new List<CardRace>();
......@@ -437,17 +601,45 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
m_nextSelector = new CardSelector(loc);
public void SelectThirdCard(ClientCard card)
m_thirdSelector = new CardSelector(card);
public void SelectThirdCard(IList<ClientCard> cards)
m_thirdSelector = new CardSelector(cards);
public void SelectThirdCard(int cardId)
m_thirdSelector = new CardSelector(cardId);
public void SelectThirdCard(IList<int> ids)
m_thirdSelector = new CardSelector(ids);
public void SelectThirdCard(CardLocation loc)
m_thirdSelector = new CardSelector(loc);
public CardSelector GetSelectedCards()
CardSelector selected = m_selector;
m_selector = null;
if (m_nextSelector != null)
m_selector = m_nextSelector;
m_nextSelector = null;
if (m_thirdSelector != null)
m_nextSelector = m_thirdSelector;
m_thirdSelector = null;
m_selector = null;
return selected;
......@@ -497,6 +689,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
m_announce = id;
public void SelectYesNo(bool opt)
m_yesno = opt ? 1 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI has to declare a number.
/// </summary>
......@@ -552,14 +749,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public BattlePhaseAction Attack(ClientCard attacker, ClientCard defender)
Executor.SetCard(0, attacker, -1);
if (defender != null)
string cardName = defender.Name ?? "monster";
attacker.ShouldDirectAttack = false;
_dialogs.SendAttack(attacker.Name, cardName);
attacker.ShouldDirectAttack = true;
return new BattlePhaseAction(BattlePhaseAction.BattleAction.Attack, attacker.ActionIndex);
......@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private Room _room;
private Duel _duel;
private int _hand;
public GameBehavior(GameClient game)
Game = game;
Connection = game.Connection;
_hand = game.Hand;
_packets = new Dictionary<StocMessage, Action<BinaryReader>>();
_messages = new Dictionary<GameMessage, Action<BinaryReader>>();
......@@ -73,12 +75,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_packets.Add(StocMessage.Replay, OnReplay);
_packets.Add(StocMessage.DuelEnd, OnDuelEnd);
_packets.Add(StocMessage.Chat, OnChat);
_packets.Add(StocMessage.ChangeSide, OnChangeSide);
_packets.Add(StocMessage.ErrorMsg, OnErrorMsg);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Retry, OnRetry);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Start, OnStart);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Win, OnWin);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Draw, OnDraw);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ShuffleDeck, OnShuffleDeck);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ShuffleHand, OnShuffleHand);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.TagSwap, OnTagSwap);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.NewTurn, OnNewTurn);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.NewPhase, OnNewPhase);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Damage, OnDamage);
......@@ -86,13 +92,15 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Recover, OnRecover);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.LpUpdate, OnLpUpdate);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Move, OnMove);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Attack, OnAttack);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.PosChange, OnPosChange);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Chaining, OnChaining);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainEnd, OnChainEnd);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SortCard, OnCardSorting);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SortChain, OnChainSorting);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.UpdateCard, OnUpdateCard);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.UpdateData, OnUpdateData);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.BecomeTarget, OnBecomeTarget);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SelectBattleCmd, OnSelectBattleCmd);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SelectCard, OnSelectCard);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SelectChain, OnSelectChain);
......@@ -110,10 +118,17 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_messages.Add(GameMessage.AnnounceCard, OnAnnounceCard);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.AnnounceNumber, OnAnnounceNumber);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.AnnounceRace, OnAnnounceRace);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.AnnounceCardFilter, OnAnnounceCard);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.RockPaperScissors, OnRockPaperScissors);
private void OnJoinGame(BinaryReader packet)
/*int lflist = (int)*/ packet.ReadUInt32();
/*int rule = */ packet.ReadByte();
/*int mode = */ packet.ReadByte();
int duel_rule = packet.ReadByte();
_ai.Duel.IsNewRule = (duel_rule == 4);
BinaryWriter deck = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.UpdateDeck);
deck.Write(Deck.Cards.Count + Deck.ExtraCards.Count);
......@@ -124,13 +139,29 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
foreach (NamedCard card in Deck.SideCards)
private void OnChangeSide(BinaryReader packet)
BinaryWriter deck = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.UpdateDeck);
deck.Write(Deck.Cards.Count + Deck.ExtraCards.Count);
foreach (NamedCard card in Deck.Cards)
foreach (NamedCard card in Deck.ExtraCards)
foreach (NamedCard card in Deck.SideCards)
private void OnTypeChange(BinaryReader packet)
int type = packet.ReadByte();
int pos = type & 0xF;
if (pos != 0 && pos != 1)
if (pos < 0 || pos > 3)
......@@ -143,7 +174,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnPlayerEnter(BinaryReader packet)
string name = packet.ReadUnicode(Program.PlayerNameSize);
string name = packet.ReadUnicode(20);
int pos = packet.ReadByte();
if (pos < 8)
_room.Names[pos] = name;
......@@ -180,7 +211,12 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnSelectHand(BinaryReader packet)
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.HandResult, (byte)Program.Rand.Next(1, 4));
int result;
if (_hand > 0)
result = _hand;
result = _ai.OnRockPaperScissors();
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.HandResult, (byte)result);
private void OnSelectTp(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -198,8 +234,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnReplay(BinaryReader packet)
byte[] replay = packet.ReadToEnd();
/*byte[] replay =*/ packet.ReadToEnd();
const string directory = "Replays";
if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
......@@ -210,8 +247,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
if (Regex.IsMatch(file, @"^[\w\-. ]+$"))
File.WriteAllBytes(fullname, replay);
private void OnDuelEnd(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -221,8 +259,40 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnChat(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadInt16(); // player
packet.ReadUnicode(256); // message
int player = packet.ReadInt16();
string message = packet.ReadUnicode(256);
string myName = _room.Position == 0 ? _room.Names[0] : _room.Names[1];
string otherName = _room.Position == 0 ? _room.Names[1] : _room.Names[0];
if (player < 4)
Logger.DebugWriteLine(otherName + " say to " + myName + ": " + message);
private void OnErrorMsg(BinaryReader packet)
int msg = packet.ReadByte();
// align
int code = packet.ReadInt32();
if (msg == 2) //ERRMSG_DECKERROR
NamedCard card = NamedCard.Get(code);
if (card != null)
else if (code == 1)
_ai.OnDeckError("Unknown Card");
private void OnRetry(BinaryReader packet)
throw new Exception("Got MSG_RETRY.");
private void OnStart(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -238,7 +308,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
extra = packet.ReadInt16();
_duel.Fields[GetLocalPlayer(1)].Init(deck, extra);
Logger.WriteLine("Duel started: " + _room.Names[0] + " versus " + _room.Names[1]);
Logger.DebugWriteLine("Duel started: " + _room.Names[0] + " versus " + _room.Names[1]);
......@@ -248,7 +318,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
string otherName = _room.Position == 0 ? _room.Names[1] : _room.Names[0];
string textResult = (result == 2 ? "Draw" : result == 0 ? "Win" : "Lose");
Logger.WriteLine("Duel finished against " + otherName + ", result: " + textResult);
Logger.DebugWriteLine("Duel finished against " + otherName + ", result: " + textResult);
private void OnDraw(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -278,6 +348,33 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnTagSwap(BinaryReader packet)
int player = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
int mcount = packet.ReadByte();
int ecount = packet.ReadByte();
/*int pcount = */ packet.ReadByte();
int hcount = packet.ReadByte();
/*int topcode =*/ packet.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < mcount; ++i)
_duel.Fields[player].Deck.Add(new ClientCard(0, CardLocation.Deck));
for (int i = 0; i < ecount; ++i)
int code = packet.ReadInt32() & 0x7fffffff;
_duel.Fields[player].ExtraDeck.Add(new ClientCard(code, CardLocation.Extra));
for (int i = 0; i < hcount; ++i)
int code = packet.ReadInt32();
_duel.Fields[player].Hand.Add(new ClientCard(code, CardLocation.Hand));
private void OnNewTurn(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -355,6 +452,24 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnAttack(BinaryReader packet)
int ca = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
int la = packet.ReadByte();
int sa = packet.ReadByte();
packet.ReadByte(); //
packet.ReadByte(); // cd
int ld = packet.ReadByte();
packet.ReadByte(); // sd
packet.ReadByte(); //
ClientCard attackcard = _duel.GetCard(ca, (CardLocation)la, sa);
if (ld == 0 && (attackcard != null) && (ca != 0))
private void OnPosChange(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadInt32(); // card id
......@@ -378,16 +493,24 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(pcc, pcl, pcs, subs);
int cc = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
_ai.OnChaining(card, cc);
private void OnChainEnd(BinaryReader packet)
private void OnCardSorting(BinaryReader packet)
/*BinaryWriter writer =*/ GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.Response);
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, -1);
private void OnChainSorting(BinaryReader packet)
BinaryWriter writer = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.Response);
/*BinaryWriter writer =*/ GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.Response);
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, -1);
......@@ -409,7 +532,6 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
int player = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
CardLocation loc = (CardLocation)packet.ReadByte();
IList<ClientCard> cards = null;
switch (loc)
......@@ -440,14 +562,29 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
foreach (ClientCard card in cards)
int len = packet.ReadInt32();
if (len == 4) continue;
long pos = packet.BaseStream.Position;
card.Update(packet, _duel);
if (len > 8)
card.Update(packet, _duel);
packet.BaseStream.Position = pos + len - 4;
private void OnBecomeTarget(BinaryReader packet)
int count = packet.ReadByte();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
int player = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
int loc = packet.ReadByte();
int seq = packet.ReadByte();
/*int sseq = */packet.ReadByte();
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(player, (CardLocation)loc, seq);
if (card == null) continue;
private void OnSelectBattleCmd(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadByte(); // player
......@@ -479,15 +616,26 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
int con = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
CardLocation loc = (CardLocation)packet.ReadByte();
int seq = packet.ReadByte();
packet.ReadByte(); // diratt
int diratt = packet.ReadByte();
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(con, loc, seq);
if (card != null)
card.ActionIndex[1] = i;
battle.AttackableCards.Add(_duel.GetCard(con, loc, seq));
if (diratt > 0)
card.CanDirectAttack = true;
card.CanDirectAttack = false;
card.Attacked = false;
List<ClientCard> monsters = _duel.Fields[0].GetMonsters();
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
if (!battle.AttackableCards.Contains(monster))
monster.Attacked = true;
battle.CanMainPhaseTwo = packet.ReadByte() != 0;
battle.CanEndPhase = packet.ReadByte() != 0;
......@@ -576,7 +724,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
int con = GetLocalPlayer(packet.ReadByte());
int loc = packet.ReadByte();
int seq = packet.ReadByte();
int sseq = 0; //packet.ReadByte();
int sseq = packet.ReadByte();
int desc = packet.ReadInt32();
cards.Add(_duel.GetCard(con, loc, seq, sseq));
......@@ -619,10 +767,14 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
IList<int> used = _ai.OnSelectCounter(type, quantity, cards, counters);
byte[] result = new byte[used.Count * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < used.Count; ++i)
result[i * 2] = (byte)(used[i] & 0xff);
result[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(used[i] >> 8);
BinaryWriter reply = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.Response);
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; ++i)
......@@ -640,6 +792,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
CardLocation loc = (CardLocation)packet.ReadByte();
int seq = packet.ReadByte();
int desc = packet.ReadInt32();
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(player, loc, seq);
if (card == null)
......@@ -647,10 +800,10 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, 0);
if (card.Id == 0) card.SetId(cardId);
int reply = _ai.OnSelectEffectYn(card) ? (1) : (0);
int reply = _ai.OnSelectEffectYn(card, desc) ? (1) : (0);
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, reply);
......@@ -740,11 +893,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
bool pendulumZone = false;
int filter;
if ((field & 0x1f) != 0)
if ((field & 0x7f) != 0)
resp[0] = (byte)GetLocalPlayer(0);
resp[1] = 0x4;
filter = field & 0x1f;
filter = field & 0x7f;
else if ((field & 0x1f00) != 0)
......@@ -759,11 +912,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
filter = (field >> 14) & 0x3;
pendulumZone = true;
else if ((field & 0x1f0000) != 0)
else if ((field & 0x7f0000) != 0)
resp[0] = (byte)GetLocalPlayer(1);
resp[1] = 0x4;
filter = (field >> 16) & 0x1f;
filter = (field >> 16) & 0x7f;
else if ((field & 0x1f000000) != 0)
......@@ -781,7 +934,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
if (!pendulumZone)
if ((filter & 0x4) != 0) resp[2] = 2;
if ((filter & 0x40) != 0) resp[2] = 6;
else if ((filter & 0x20) != 0) resp[2] = 5;
else if ((filter & 0x4) != 0) resp[2] = 2;
else if ((filter & 0x2) != 0) resp[2] = 1;
else if ((filter & 0x8) != 0) resp[2] = 3;
else if ((filter & 0x1) != 0) resp[2] = 0;
......@@ -822,11 +977,14 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnSelectSum(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadByte(); // mode
bool mode = packet.ReadByte() == 0;
packet.ReadByte(); // player
int sumval = packet.ReadInt32();
int min = packet.ReadByte();
int max = packet.ReadByte();
if (max <= 0)
max = 99;
IList<ClientCard> mandatoryCards = new List<ClientCard>();
IList<ClientCard> cards = new List<ClientCard>();
......@@ -841,42 +999,47 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
CardLocation loc = (CardLocation)packet.ReadByte();
int seq = packet.ReadByte();
ClientCard card = _duel.GetCard(player, loc, seq);
if (card != null)
if (cardId != 0 && card.Id != cardId)
card.SelectSeq = i;
int OpParam = packet.ReadInt32();
int OpParam1 = OpParam & 0xffff;
int OpParam2 = OpParam >> 16;
if (OpParam2 > 0 && OpParam1 > OpParam2)
card.OpParam1 = OpParam2;
card.OpParam2 = OpParam1;
if (cardId != 0 && card.Id != cardId)
card.OpParam1 = OpParam1;
card.OpParam2 = OpParam2;
if (j == 0)
IList<ClientCard> selected = _ai.OnSelectSum(cards, sumval, min, max);
for (int k = 0; k < mandatoryCards.Count; ++k)
sumval -= mandatoryCards[k].OpParam1;
IList<ClientCard> selected = _ai.OnSelectSum(cards, sumval, min, max, mode);
byte[] result = new byte[mandatoryCards.Count + selected.Count + 1];
int index = 0;
result[index++] = (byte)(mandatoryCards.Count + selected.Count);
while (index < mandatoryCards.Count)
while (index <= mandatoryCards.Count)
result[index++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < selected.Count; ++i)
int id = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < cards.Count; ++j)
if (cards[j] == null) continue;
if (cards[j].Equals(selected[i]))
id = j;
result[index++] = (byte)id;
result[index++] = (byte)selected[i].SelectSeq;
BinaryWriter reply = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.Response);
......@@ -918,6 +1081,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnAnnounceCard(BinaryReader packet)
// not fully implemented
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, _ai.OnAnnounceCard());
......@@ -950,5 +1114,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
reply += (int)races[i];
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, reply);
private void OnRockPaperScissors(BinaryReader packet)
packet.ReadByte(); // player
int result;
if (_hand > 0)
result = _hand;
result = _ai.OnRockPaperScissors();
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, result);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,20 +12,27 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public YGOClient Connection { get; private set; }
public string Username;
public string Deck;
public string Dialog;
public int Hand;
private string _serverHost;
private int _serverPort;
private string _roomInfos;
private short _proVersion;
private string _roomInfo;
private GameBehavior _behavior;
public GameClient(string username, string deck, string serverHost, int serverPort, string roomInfos = "")
public GameClient(WindBotInfo Info)
Username = username;
Deck = deck;
_serverHost = serverHost;
_serverPort = serverPort;
_roomInfos = roomInfos;
Username = Info.Name;
Deck = Info.Deck;
Dialog = Info.Dialog;
Hand = Info.Hand;
_serverHost = Info.Host;
_serverPort = Info.Port;
_roomInfo = Info.HostInfo;
_proVersion = (short)Info.Version;
public void Start()
......@@ -42,14 +49,14 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnConnected()
BinaryWriter packet = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.PlayerInfo);
packet.WriteUnicode(Username, Program.PlayerNameSize);
packet.WriteUnicode(Username, 20);
byte[] junk = { 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
packet = GamePacketFactory.Create(CtosMessage.JoinGame);
packet.WriteUnicode(_roomInfos, 30);
packet.WriteUnicode(_roomInfo, 30);
......@@ -6,7 +6,17 @@ namespace WindBot
public static void WriteLine(string message)
Console.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "] " + message);
Console.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] " + message);
public static void DebugWriteLine(string message)
Console.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] " + message);
public static void WriteErrorLine(string message)
Console.Error.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] " + message);
\ No newline at end of file
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using WindBot.Game;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper;
......@@ -9,56 +11,173 @@ namespace WindBot
public class Program
public static short ProVersion = 0x133D;
public static int PlayerNameSize = 20;
internal static Random Rand;
internal static void Main()
internal static void Main(string[] args)
#if !DEBUG
Logger.WriteLine("WindBot starting...");
string databasePath = Config.GetString("DbPath", "cards.cdb");
bool serverMode = Config.GetBool("ServerMode", false);
if (serverMode)
// Run in server mode, provide a http interface to create bot.
int serverPort = Config.GetInt("ServerPort", 2399);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + ex);
// Join the host specified on the command line.
if (args.Length == 0)
Logger.WriteLine("=== WARN ===");
Logger.WriteLine("No input found, tring to connect to localhost YGOPro host.");
Logger.WriteLine("If it fail, the program will quit sliently.");
public static void Init(string databasePath)
public static void InitDatas(string databasePath)
Rand = new Random();
string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(databasePath);
if (!File.Exists(absolutePath))
// In case windbot is placed in a folder under ygopro folder
absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath("../" + databasePath);
if (!File.Exists(absolutePath))
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Can't find cards database file. Please place cards.cdb next to WindBot.exe .");
private static void Run()
private static void RunFromArgs()
WindBotInfo Info = new WindBotInfo();
Info.Name = Config.GetString("Name", Info.Name);
Info.Deck = Config.GetString("Deck", Info.Deck);
Info.Dialog = Config.GetString("Dialog", Info.Dialog);
Info.Host = Config.GetString("Host", Info.Host);
Info.Port = Config.GetInt("Port", Info.Port);
Info.HostInfo = Config.GetString("HostInfo", Info.HostInfo);
Info.Version = Config.GetInt("Version", Info.Version);
Info.Hand = Config.GetInt("Hand", Info.Hand);
// Start two clients and connect them to the same server. Which deck is gonna win?
GameClient clientA = new GameClient("Wind", "Horus", "", 7911);
GameClient clientB = new GameClient("Fire", "OldSchool", "", 7911);
while (clientA.Connection.IsConnected || clientB.Connection.IsConnected)
private static void RunAsServer(int ServerPort)
using (HttpListener MainServer = new HttpListener())
MainServer.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;
MainServer.Prefixes.Add("" + ServerPort + "/");
Logger.WriteLine("WindBot server start successed.");
Logger.WriteLine("HTTP GET" + ServerPort + "/?name=WindBot&host= to call the bot.");
while (true)
#if !DEBUG
HttpListenerContext ctx = MainServer.GetContext();
WindBotInfo Info = new WindBotInfo();
string RawUrl = Path.GetFileName(ctx.Request.RawUrl);
Info.Name = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("name");
Info.Deck = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("deck");
Info.Host = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("host");
string port = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("port");
if (port != null)
Info.Port = Int32.Parse(port);
string dialog = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("dialog");
if (dialog != null)
Info.Dialog = dialog;
string version = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("version");
if (version != null)
Info.Version = Int16.Parse(version);
string password = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("password");
if (password != null)
Info.HostInfo = password;
string hand = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(RawUrl).Get("hand");
if (hand != null)
Info.Hand = Int32.Parse(hand);
if (Info.Name == null || Info.Host == null || port == null)
ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400;
#if !DEBUG
Thread workThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Run));
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Start Thread Error: " + ex);
ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200;
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Parse Http Request Error: " + ex);
private static void InitCardsManager(string databasePath)
private static void Run(object o)
string currentPath = Path.GetFullPath(".");
string absolutePath = Path.Combine(currentPath, databasePath);
#if !DEBUG
//all errors will be catched instead of causing the program to crash.
WindBotInfo Info = (WindBotInfo)o;
GameClient client = new GameClient(Info);
Logger.DebugWriteLine(client.Username + " started.");
while (client.Connection.IsConnected)
#if !DEBUG
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Tick Error: " + ex);
Logger.DebugWriteLine(client.Username + " end.");
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteErrorLine("Run Error: " + ex);
# WindBot
A C# bot for ygopro, compatible with the ygosharp server.
A C# bot for ygopro, compatible with the [YGOSharp]( and [SRVPro]( server.
### How to use:
* Code whatever you want to code in the `Program.cs` file.
* Compile `WindBot.sln` using Visual Studio or Mono.
* Put `cards.cdb` next to the compiled `WindBot.exe`.
* Run and observe.
* Run YGOPro, create a host.
* Run WindBot and observe.
### Supported commandlines
The nickname for the bot.
The deck to be used by the bot. Available decks are listed below. Keep empty to use random deck.
The dialog texts to be used by the bot. See Dialogs folder for list.
The IP of the host to be connected to.
The port of the host to be connected to.
The host info (password) to be used.
The version of YGOPro.
If you are testing deck, you may want to make sure the bot go first or second. `Hand=1` will make the bot always show Scissors, 2 for Rock, 3 for Paper.
`ServerMode` and `ServerPort`
WindBot can run as a "server", provide a http interface to create bot.
### Available decks
* Burn
* Frog
* Horus
* MokeyMokey
* MokeyMokeyKing
* OldSchool
* Blue-Eyes
* Dragunity
* Qliphort
* Rainbow
* Rank V
* ST1732
* Toadally Awesome (old lflist)
* Yosenju
* Zexal Weapons
* Zoodiac (old lflist, master rule 3 only)
### Unfinished decks
* Blackwing
* CyberDragon
* Evilswarm
* Gravekeeper
* Graydle
* Lightsworn
* Nekroz
### Server mode
WindBot can run as a "server", provide a http interface to create bot.
eg. ``
In this situation, it will be multi-threaded. This can be useful for servers, since it don't use large amount memory.
The parameters are same as commandlines, but low cased.
### Known issues
* The attack won't be canceled when battle replay happens.
* If one chain includes two activation that use `AI.SelectCard`, the second one won't select correctly.
### TODO list
* More decks
* Documents for creating AI
* `AI.SelectZone`
* `AI.SelectMaterials` which select a set of cards for F/S/X/L summon
* `AI.SelectTribute`
* Select cards to pendulum summon in executor.
* Get equip of card.
* Get attack target.
* Better new master rule support
* Update the known card enums
* More default common cards executor
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
<StartupObject />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU'">
......@@ -58,6 +61,9 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Data" />
<Reference Include="System.Runtime.Serialization" />
<Reference Include="System.Web" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Reference Include="YGOSharp.Network">
......@@ -69,6 +75,7 @@
<Compile Include="Config.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\AIFunctions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\CardContainer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\CardExecutor.cs" />
......@@ -86,12 +93,11 @@
<Compile Include="Game\AI\DefaultExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Dialogs.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\DangerousMonster.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\FusionSpell.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\PreventActivationEffectInBattle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\OneForXyz.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\InvincibleMonster.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\NegateAttackSpell.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\NegatesEffects.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\NegatesSpells.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\NegatesSummons.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\NegatesTraps.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Enums\Floodgate.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Executor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\ExecutorType.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\BattlePhase.cs" />
......@@ -110,36 +116,25 @@
<Compile Include="Logger.cs" />
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="WindBotInfo.cs" />
<None Include="App.config" />
<None Include="Decks\AI_Burn.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\AI_Dragunity.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\AI_Frog.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\AI_Horus.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\AI_OldSchool.ydk">
<None Include="sqlite3.dll">
<None Include="Decks\AI_Rank5.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\AI_ZexalWeapons.ydk">
<None Include="Decks\*.ydk">
<None Include="sqlite3.dll">
<None Include="Dialogs\*.json">
<Content Include="WindBot.ico" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.

17.1 KB

using System;
namespace WindBot
public class WindBotInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Deck { get; set; }
public string Dialog { get; set; }
public string Host { get; set; }
public int Port { get; set; }
public string HostInfo { get; set; }
public int Version { get; set; }
public int Hand { get; set; }
public WindBotInfo()
Name = "WindBot";
Deck = null;
Dialog = "default";
Host = "";
Port = 7911;
HostInfo = "";
Version = 0x1340;
Hand = 0;
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