Commit 36bb5412 authored by Tachibana's avatar Tachibana


parent 829f1390
Pipeline #13249 passed with stages
in 30 minutes and 8 seconds
local m=4210051
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iTarget(...)
local data = {}
local m = 4210103
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210104
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210105
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210106
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
--感动的再会 莉昂
--感动的再会 莉昂
local m = 4210107
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
--两人的秘密 妮娜
--两人的秘密 妮娜
local m = 4210111
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
--梦幻的温泉 莉昂
--梦幻的温泉 莉昂
local m = 4210112
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
--久违的沐浴 莉昂与妮娜
--久违的沐浴 莉昂与妮娜
local m = 4210113
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
--梦幻的温泉 莉昂
--梦幻的温泉 莉昂
local m = 4210114
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210153
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210154
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m = 4210155
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4212321
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4212324
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231001
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231002
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231003
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231006
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)--red
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231007
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)--red
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231008
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231009
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231011
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231012
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local m=4231030
local cm=_G["c"..m]
function cm.initial_effect(c)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
or {("get",tp,m,id),(2^(id-1)))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
......@@ -61,4 +61,3 @@ function iFunc(c,x)
local func ={e = fe,Clone = fe,c = fc,g = fc,v = function() return this end,Return = function() return __this:Clone() end}
return func
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function c66915026.retop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
if ct==76 then
if Duel.ReturnToField(e:GetLabelObject())~=0 then
if e:GetLabel()==1 then
local p=e:GetHandler():GetControler()
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