Commit fb5bb2a1 authored by 伊蕾娜's avatar 伊蕾娜


parent f60e7a1f
Pipeline #12952 passed with stage
in 6 minutes and 38 seconds
......@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ end
function c23199.aclimit1(e,re,tp)
local g=Duel.GetMatchingGroup(c23199.acfilter, tp, LOCATION_MZONE, 0, nil)
local lv=g:GetSum(Card.GetLevel)/3
return re:IsActiveType(TYPE_MONSTER) and (re:GetHandler():GetLevel()<=lv or re:GetHandler():GetRank()<=lv or re:GetHandler():GetLink()<=lv)
local ec=re:GetHandler()
return re:IsActiveType(TYPE_MONSTER) and (ec:GetLevel()<=lv and ec:GetRank()<=lv and ec:GetLink()<=lv)
function c23199.thfilter(c)
return c:IsSetCard(0x496) and c:IsFaceup()
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