Commit 6a686773 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

Merge branch 'Android' of into Android

parents 3877ac41 7348adec
......@@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ public class SuperScrollView
float now = panel.clipOffset.y + moveFloat;
scrollBar.value = now / maxFloat;
float min = -panel.clipOffset.y - 500;
float min = -panel.clipOffset.y - (Screen.height / 2 + 100);
if (Math.Abs(min - lastMin) > 40 || Items.Count<100||lastForce)
lastForce = false;
lastMin = min;
float max = -panel.clipOffset.y + panel.GetViewSize().y + 500;
float max = -panel.clipOffset.y + panel.GetViewSize().y + (Screen.height / 2 + 100);
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
if (i >= (int)(min / heightOfEach) && i <= (int)(max / heightOfEach))
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ public class RoomList : WindowServantSP
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "exit_", onClickExit);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "refresh_", onRefresh);
//UIHelper.getByName(gameObject, "join").SetActive(false);
UIHelper.registEvent(gameObject, "join_", onJoin);
roomPSWLabel = UIHelper.getByName<UILabel>(gameObject, "roomNameLabel");
hideAI =UIHelper.getByName<UIToggle>(gameObject, "hideAIrooms_").value = UIHelper.fromStringToBool(Config.Get("hideAIrooms_", "1"));
hideStarted=UIHelper.getByName<UIToggle>(gameObject, "hideStarted_").value = UIHelper.fromStringToBool(Config.Get("hideStarted_", "1"));
......@@ -44,10 +46,12 @@ public class RoomList : WindowServantSP
public void onClickExit()
public override void hide()
......@@ -77,6 +81,19 @@ public class RoomList : WindowServantSP
string selectedString = string.Empty;
void onJoin()
if (roomPSWLabel.text != "")
void onSelected()
if (!isShowed)
......@@ -99,7 +116,7 @@ public class RoomList : WindowServantSP
roomPSWLabel.text = "";
void JoinRoom(string selectedString,string roomPsw)
......@@ -313,6 +313,11 @@ public class SelectServer : WindowServantSP
KF_onlineGame(Name, ipString, portString, versionString, pswString);
public void onHide(bool Bool)
public void KF_onlineGame(string Name, string ipString, string portString, string versionString, string pswString = "")
name = Name;
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m_Name: join_
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......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ GameObject:
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m_Name: join
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--- !u!4 &427804
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--- !u!4 &493432
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