Commit 9e36fb05 authored by Szefo09's avatar Szefo09 Committed by mercury233

Fixed an issue that caused the audio to not play in folders with specific characters.

parent 2a44ac64
......@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ public static class UIHelper
path = Environment.CurrentDirectory.Replace("\\", "/") + "/" + path;
path = "file:///" + path;
path = new Uri(new Uri("file:///"), path).AbsolutePath;
GameObject audio_helper = Program.I().ocgcore.create_s(Program.I().mod_audio_effect);
audio_helper.GetComponent<audio_helper>().play(path, Program.I().setting.soundValue());
......@@ -17,23 +17,25 @@ public class audio_helper : MonoBehaviour {
bool played = false;
public void play(string u,float vol)
private IEnumerator playSound(string u,float vol)
played = false;
WWW www = new WWW(u);
using (WWW www = new WWW(u))
yield return www;
AudioClip ac = www.GetAudioClip(true, true);
audioMgr.clip = ac;
audioMgr.volume = vol;
public void play(string u,float vol)
StartCoroutine(playSound(u, vol));
public void change_bgm(string str)
played = false;
WWW www = new WWW(str);
AudioClip ac = www.GetAudioClip(true, true);
audioMgr.clip = ac;
StartCoroutine(playSound(str, 100f));
audioMgr.loop = true;
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