Commit 96a70486 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

update Semi-Nomi monster didn't summoned hint

parent 8779c0b1
...@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public static class InterString ...@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public static class InterString
GameStringHelper.mudi = Get("墓地"); GameStringHelper.mudi = Get("墓地");
GameStringHelper.chuwai = Get("除外"); GameStringHelper.chuwai = Get("除外");
GameStringHelper.ewai = Get("额外"); GameStringHelper.ewai = Get("额外");
GameStringHelper.SemiNomi = Get("未正规召唤");
//GameStringHelper.diefang = Get("叠放"); //GameStringHelper.diefang = Get("叠放");
GameStringHelper._wofang = Get("我方"); GameStringHelper._wofang = Get("我方");
GameStringHelper._duifang = Get("对方"); GameStringHelper._duifang = Get("对方");
...@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ public static class BinaryExtensions ...@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ public static class BinaryExtensions
{ {
int status = r.ReadInt32(); int status = r.ReadInt32();
cardToRefresh.disabled = (status & 0x0001) == 0x0001; cardToRefresh.disabled = (status & 0x0001) == 0x0001;
cardToRefresh.SemiNomiSummoned = (status & 0x0008) == 0x0008;
} }
if ((flag & (int)Query.LScale) != 0) if ((flag & (int)Query.LScale) != 0)
data.LScale = r.ReadInt32(); data.LScale = r.ReadInt32();
...@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ public class gameCard : OCGobject ...@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ public class gameCard : OCGobject
GameObject nagaSign = null; GameObject nagaSign = null;
public bool disabled = false; public bool disabled = false;
public bool SemiNomiSummoned = false;
public enum flashType public enum flashType
{ {
...@@ -1036,39 +1037,32 @@ public class gameCard : OCGobject ...@@ -1036,39 +1037,32 @@ public class gameCard : OCGobject
{ {
loaded_controller = (int)p.controller; loaded_controller = (int)p.controller;
loaded_location = (int)p.location; loaded_location = (int)p.location;
set_text(""); string loc = "";
if (p.controller == 0 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Deck) > 0) if ((p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Deck) > 0)
if (p.controller == 0 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Extra) > 0)
if (p.controller == 0 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Grave) > 0)
{ {
set_text(GameStringHelper.mudi); loc = GameStringHelper.kazu;
} }
if (p.controller == 0 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Removed) > 0) if ((p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Extra) > 0)
{ {
set_text(GameStringHelper.chuwai); loc = GameStringHelper.ewai;
} }
if (p.controller == 1 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Deck) > 0) if ((p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Grave) > 0)
{ {
set_text("<#ff8888>" + GameStringHelper.kazu + "</color>"); loc = GameStringHelper.mudi;
} }
if (p.controller == 1 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Extra) > 0) if ((p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Removed) > 0)
{ {
set_text("<#ff8888>" + GameStringHelper.ewai + "</color>"); loc = GameStringHelper.chuwai;
} }
if (p.controller == 1 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Grave) > 0) if (!SemiNomiSummoned && (data.Type & 0x68020C0) > 0 && (p.location & ((UInt32)CardLocation.Grave + (UInt32)CardLocation.Removed)) > 0)
{ {
set_text("<#ff8888>" + GameStringHelper.mudi + "</color>"); loc = GameStringHelper.SemiNomi;
} }
if (p.controller == 1 && (p.location & (UInt32)CardLocation.Removed) > 0) if (p.controller == 1 && loc != "")
{ {
set_text("<#ff8888>" + GameStringHelper.chuwai + "</color>"); loc = "<#ff8888>" + loc + "</color>";
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public class GameStringHelper ...@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public class GameStringHelper
public static string mudi = ""; public static string mudi = "";
public static string chuwai = ""; public static string chuwai = "";
public static string ewai = ""; public static string ewai = "";
public static string SemiNomi = "";
public static bool differ(long a, long b) public static bool differ(long a, long b)
{ {
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1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNMqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm?/ҷĹؿ 1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNMqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm?/()_我方对手牌墓地卡组除外额未正规召唤
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