Commit 0534a620 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

remove all other formats

parent 71b0dbda
Pipeline #15392 failed with stages
in 44 seconds
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ get_src:
stage: build
- brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config docutils libxml2 git gnu-tar lz4 xz dylibbundler
- brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config docutils libxml2 git gnu-tar
- get_src
......@@ -41,11 +41,9 @@ get_src:
- cp -L -f ${homebrewRoot}/bin/gtar arch-bin/${targetArch}/
# zstd
- cd src/zstd
- make -j4
- cp -L -f ./zstd ../../arch-bin/${targetArch}/
- cd ../../arch-bin/${targetArch}/
- dylibbundler -x ./zstd -b -d libs-${targetArch} -p @executable_path/libs-${targetArch} -of -cd
- cd src/zstd/programs
- make -j4 HAVE_LZMA=0 HAVE_LZ4=0 HAVE_ZLIB=0
- cp -L -f ./zstd ../../../arch-bin/${targetArch}/
- cd ../..
# aria2
......@@ -53,11 +51,13 @@ get_src:
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${homebrewRoot}/opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig"
- export LDFLAGS="-L${homebrewRoot}/opt/libxml2/lib"
- export CPPFLAGS="-I${homebrewRoot}/opt/libxml2/include"
- cd src/aria2
- cd aria2
- mv ../aria2-makefiles/Makefile.${targetArch} ./Makefile.release
- make -f ./Makefile.release aria2.${targetArch}.build
- mv aria2.${targetArch}/src/aria2c ../../arch-bin/${targetArch}/
- cd ../..
- cd ..
- cd ..
extends: .macOS_bin_arch
......@@ -89,10 +89,8 @@ macOS_bin:
- brew install gnu-tar zstd
- mkdir -p bin dist
- cd arch-bin/x86_64
- ls -1 | sed '/^libs-/d' | xargs -I {} lipo -create -output ../../bin/{} {} ../arm64/{}
- ls -1 | xargs -I {} lipo -create -output ../../bin/{} {} ../arm64/{}
- cd ../../
- mv arch-bin/x86_64/libs-x86_64 ./bin/
- mv arch-bin/arm64/libs-arm64 ./bin/
- gtar zcvf ./dist/mycard-mat-macos.tar.gz bin
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