Commit 72b534ac authored by chechunchi's avatar chechunchi

add MsgSelectChain

parent 07651117
Pipeline #19159 passed with stage
in 17 seconds
......@@ -392,6 +392,23 @@ message StocGameMessage {
repeated SelectAbleCard cards = 5; // 可以选择的卡牌
// 连锁提示
message MsgSelectChain {
message Chain {
int32 code = 1;
CardLocation location = 2;
int32 effect_description = 3;
int32 response = 4;
int32 player = 1; // 玩家编号
bool special = 2; // 是否存在关键卡
bool forced = 3; // 是否强制
int32 hint0 = 4; // TODO
int32 hint1 = 5; // TODO
repeated Chain chains = 6; // 可选的连锁项
oneof gameMsg {
MsgStart start = 1;
MsgDraw draw = 2;
......@@ -402,6 +419,7 @@ message StocGameMessage {
MsgSelectPlace select_place = 7;
MsgMove move = 8;
MsgSelectCard select_card = 9;
MsgSelectChain select_chain = 10;
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