Commit c3da8f45 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

Merge branch 'feat/select_unselect_card' into 'main'

add MsgSelectUnselectCard

See merge request !24
parents 9df2b696 2d0e540e
Pipeline #19666 passed with stage
in 19 seconds
......@@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ message CtosGameMsgResponse {
message SelectPositionResponse { CardPosition position = 1; }
message SelectOptionResponse { int32 code = 1; }
message SelectBattleCmdResponse { int32 selected_cmd = 1; }
message SelectUnselectCardResponse {
bool cancel_or_finish = 1; // 如果玩家取消了选择或者完成了选择,传-1给后端
int32 selected_ptr = 2; // 玩家本轮的选择
oneof gameMsgResponse {
SelectIdleCmdResponse select_idle_cmd = 1;
......@@ -163,6 +167,7 @@ message CtosGameMsgResponse {
SelectPositionResponse select_position = 6;
SelectOptionResponse select_option = 7;
SelectBattleCmdResponse select_battle_cmd = 8;
SelectUnselectCardResponse select_unselect_card = 9;
......@@ -502,6 +507,22 @@ message StocGameMessage {
CardPosition cur_position = 3; // 当前的表示形式
message MsgSelectUnselectCard {
message Info {
int32 code = 1;
CardLocation location = 2;
int32 response = 3;
int32 player = 1;
bool finishable = 2; // 是否可以完成选择
bool cancelable = 3; // 是否可以取消
int32 min = 4; // 最小选择数量
int32 max = 5; // 最大选择数量
repeated Info selectable_cards = 6; // 可以选择的选项
repeated Info selected_cards = 7; // 已经选择的选项
oneof gameMsg {
MsgStart start = 1;
MsgDraw draw = 2;
......@@ -519,5 +540,6 @@ message StocGameMessage {
MsgShuffleHand shuffle_hand = 14;
MsgSelectBattleCmd select_battle_cmd = 15;
MsgPosChange pos_change = 16;
MsgSelectUnselectCard select_unselect_card = 17;
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