Commit 16f8a4e8 authored by wind2009's avatar wind2009

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 9dab513f 4769ca26
Pipeline #24894 passed with stages
in 3 minutes and 26 seconds
......@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ Name=尼亚 Deck=Altergeist Dialog=near.zh-CN
Name=尼亚 Deck=Labrynth Dialog=near.zh-CN
Name=复制梁龙 Deck=SkyStriker Dialog=anothercopy.zh-CN
......@@ -204,6 +209,11 @@ Name=艾克莉西娅 Deck=Swordsoul Dialog=ecclesia.zh-CN
Name=艾克莉西娅 Deck=Dogmatika Dialog=ecclesia.zh-CN
Name=神数不神 Deck=Kashtira Dialog=Zefra.zh-CN
#created by ...
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
/// </summary>
public static bool IsMonsterDangerous(this ClientCard card)
return !card.IsDisabled() && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DangerousMonster), card.Id);
return !card.IsDisabled() &&
(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DangerousMonster), card.Id) || (card.HasSetcode(0x18d) && (card.HasType(CardType.Ritual) || card.EquipCards.Count > 0)));
/// <summary>
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using WindBot;
using WindBot.Game;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
using System.Linq;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
......@@ -324,23 +325,37 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public int SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card=null, bool avoid_Impermanence = false)
List<int> list = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (card == null) card = Card;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int seq = 0; seq < 5; ++seq)
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoid_Impermanence && Impermanence_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
int n = list.Count;
while (n-- > 1)
int index = Program.Rand.Next(n + 1);
int temp = list[index];
list[index] = list[n];
list[n] = temp;
int index = Program.Rand.Next(list.Count);
int nextIndex = (index + Program.Rand.Next(list.Count - 1)) % list.Count;
int tempInt = list[index];
list[index] = list[nextIndex];
list[nextIndex] = tempInt;
foreach (int seq in list)
if (avoid_Impermanence && Bot.GetMonsters().Any(c => c.IsFaceup() && !c.IsDisabled()))
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
foreach (int seq in list)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoid_Impermanence && Impermanence_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
return zone;
ClientCard enemySpell = Enemy.SpellZone[4 - seq];
if (enemySpell != null && enemySpell.IsFacedown()) continue;
return (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
foreach (int seq in list)
return (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
return 0;
......@@ -2656,6 +2671,27 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnChaining(int player, ClientCard card)
if (card == null) return;
if (player == 1)
if (card.IsCode(_CardId.InfiniteImpermanence))
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (Enemy.SpellZone[i] == card)
base.OnChaining(player, card);
public bool MonsterRepos()
if (Card.Attack == 0) return (Card.IsAttack());
......@@ -2797,7 +2833,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
// throw all??
return null;
return null;
return base.OnSelectCard(cards, min, max, hint, cancelable);
public override CardPosition OnSelectPosition(int cardId, IList<CardPosition> positions)
......@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return Util.CheckSelectCount(result, cards, min, max);
Logger.DebugWriteLine("Use default.");
return null;
return base.OnSelectCard(cards, min, max, hint, cancelable);
public override IList<ClientCard> OnSelectXyzMaterial(IList<ClientCard> cards, int min, int max)
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
......@@ -62,6 +60,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public const int DimensionalFissure = 81674782;
public const int BanisheroftheRadiance = 94853057;
public const int BanisheroftheLight = 61528025;
public const int GhostMournerMoonlitChill = 52038441;
public DogmatikaExecutor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
......@@ -133,6 +132,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
const int SetcodeOrcust = 0x11b;
const int SetcodeDogmatika = 0x145;
const int hintTimingMainEnd = 0x4;
const int hintDamageStep = 0x2000;
Dictionary<int, List<int>> DeckCountTable = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>{
{3, new List<int> { CardId.DogmatikaEcclesia, _CardId.AshBlossom, _CardId.MaxxC, CardId.KnightmareCorruptorIblee, CardId.NadirServant,
......@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnMove(int cardId, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
public override void OnMove(ClientCard card, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
if (previousControler == 1 && currentLocation == (int)CardLocation.MonsterZone)
......@@ -1093,13 +1093,29 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
base.OnMove(cardId, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
base.OnMove(card, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
public override ClientCard OnSelectAttacker(IList<ClientCard> attackers, IList<ClientCard> defenders)
public override BattlePhaseAction OnBattle(IList<ClientCard> attackers, IList<ClientCard> defenders)
if (attackers.Count() > 0) return attackers[attackers.Count() - 1];
return null;
if (attackers.Count() == 1 && defenders.Count() == 1)
if (defenders[0].IsCode(CardId.KnightmareCorruptorIblee) && !confirmLink2) return new BattlePhaseAction(BattlePhaseAction.BattleAction.ToMainPhaseTwo);
if (attackers.Count() > 0 && defenders.Count() > 0)
List<ClientCard> sortedAttacker = attackers.OrderBy(card => card.Attack).ToList();
for (int k = 0; k < sortedAttacker.Count; ++k)
ClientCard attacker = sortedAttacker[k];
attacker.IsLastAttacker = k == sortedAttacker.Count - 1;
BattlePhaseAction result = OnSelectAttackTarget(attacker, defenders);
if (result != null)
return result;
return base.OnBattle(attackers, defenders);
public override BattlePhaseAction OnSelectAttackTarget(ClientCard attacker, IList<ClientCard> defenders)
......@@ -1113,6 +1129,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (attacker.RealPower > defender.RealPower)
return AI.Attack(attacker, defender);
if (attacker.RealPower == defender.RealPower && defender.IsAttack() && Bot.GetMonsterCount() >= Enemy.GetMonsterCount())
return AI.Attack(attacker, defender);
if (attacker.CanDirectAttack)
......@@ -1989,13 +2008,17 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
ClientCard lastChainCard = Util.GetLastChainCard();
if (lastChainCard != null && lastChainCard.Controller == 1 && lastChainCard.IsMonster())
foreach (ClientCard chainTarget in Duel.LastChainTargets)
bool negateFlag = lastChainCard.IsCode(_CardId.EffectVeiler, CardId.GhostMournerMoonlitChill);
if (Duel.Turn > 1 || !negateFlag)
if (selfCasterList.Contains(chainTarget))
foreach (ClientCard chainTarget in Duel.LastChainTargets)
selfTarget = chainTarget;
activateFlag = true;
if (selfCasterList.Contains(chainTarget) && (!negateFlag || !chainTarget.IsCode(CardId.DiabellstarTheBlackWitch)))
selfTarget = chainTarget;
activateFlag = true;
......@@ -2022,7 +2045,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (!onlyAlbaZoa)
List<ClientCard> toDestroyMonsterList = Enemy.GetMonsters().Where(card => card.IsFaceup()
&& card.Attack > 0 && card.Attack <= targetAttack && !currentDestroyCardList.Contains(card)).ToList();
&& card.Attack > 0 && card.Attack <= targetAttack && !currentDestroyCardList.Contains(card)
&& (Duel.Player == 1 || card != Enemy.BattlingMonster)).ToList();
if (toDestroyMonsterList.Count() > 1)
activateFlag = true;
......@@ -2031,7 +2055,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
// decrease attack
if (Bot.UnderAttack && !onlyAlbaZoa && (Bot.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0) <= (Enemy.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0))
int botWorstPower = Util.GetWorstBotMonster()?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0;
bool decreaseFlag = Duel.Player == 1 && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(card => card.Attack >= botWorstPower
&& card.IsMonsterHasPreventActivationEffectInBattle()) && Duel.Phase > DuelPhase.Main1 && Duel.Phase < DuelPhase.Main2;
decreaseFlag |= (!onlyAlbaZoa || (Bot.BattlingMonster?.IsCode(CardId.DogmatikaAlbaZoa) ?? false))
&& (Bot.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0) <= (Enemy.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0)
&& Duel.LastChainPlayer != 0 && (CurrentTiming & hintDamageStep) != 0 && CurrentTiming > 0;
if (decreaseFlag)
activateFlag = true;
......@@ -2425,7 +2455,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (targetCard == null || extraToDiscard == null)
bool check1 = DefaultOnBecomeTarget();
bool check2 = Bot.UnderAttack && (Bot.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0) <= (Enemy.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0);
bool check2 = Bot.UnderAttack && (Bot.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0) <= (Enemy.BattlingMonster?.GetDefensePower() ?? 0) && Duel.LastChainPlayer != 0;;
bool check3 = Duel.Player == 1 && Duel.Phase == DuelPhase.End && Duel.LastChainPlayer != 0;
bool check4 = Duel.Player == 1 && avoid2Monster && Enemy.GetMonsterCount() >= 2 && Duel.LastChainPlayer != 0;
Logger.DebugWriteLine("===punishment check flag: " + check1 + " " + check2 + " " + check3 + " " + check4);
......@@ -2820,7 +2850,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (Card.IsAttack() && enemyBetter)
return true;
if (Card.IsDefense() && !enemyBetter && selfAttack >= Card.Defense)
if (Card.IsDefense() && !enemyBetter)
return true;
return false;
......@@ -629,25 +629,42 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
/// <param name="avoidList">Whether need to avoid set in this place</param>
public void SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card = null, bool avoidImpermanence = false, List<int> avoidList = null)
List<int> list = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (card == null) card = Card;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int seq = 0; seq < 5; ++seq)
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoidImpermanence && infiniteImpermanenceList.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoidList != null && avoidList.Contains(seq)) continue;
int n = list.Count;
while (n-- > 1)
int index = Program.Rand.Next(n + 1);
int temp = list[index];
list[index] = list[n];
list[n] = temp;
int index = Program.Rand.Next(list.Count);
int nextIndex = (index + Program.Rand.Next(list.Count - 1)) % list.Count;
int tempInt = list[index];
list[index] = list[nextIndex];
list[nextIndex] = tempInt;
foreach (int seq in list)
if (avoidImpermanence && Bot.GetMonsters().Any(c => c.IsFaceup() && !c.IsDisabled()))
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
foreach (int seq in list)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoidImpermanence && infiniteImpermanenceList.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoidList != null && avoidList.Contains(seq)) continue;
ClientCard enemySpell = Enemy.SpellZone[4 - seq];
if (enemySpell != null && enemySpell.IsFacedown()) continue;
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
foreach (int seq in list)
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
......@@ -816,6 +833,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnNewTurn()
if (Duel.Turn <= 1) calledbytheGraveCount.Clear();
enemyActivateMaxxC = false;
enemyActivateLockBird = false;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnNewTurn()
if (Duel.Turn <= 1) calledbytheGraveCount.Clear();
enemyActivateMaxxC = false;
enemyActivateLockBird = false;
......@@ -780,7 +781,17 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
/// <param name="avoidList">Whether need to avoid set in this place</param>
public void SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card = null, bool avoidImpermanence = false, List<int> avoidList = null)
List<int> list = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (card == null) card = Card;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int seq = 0; seq < 5; ++seq)
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoidImpermanence && infiniteImpermanenceList.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoidList != null && avoidList.Contains(seq)) continue;
int n = list.Count;
while (n-- > 1)
......@@ -790,16 +801,22 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
list[index] = list[nextIndex];
list[nextIndex] = tempInt;
foreach (int seq in list)
if (avoidImpermanence && Bot.GetMonsters().Any(c => c.IsFaceup() && !c.IsDisabled()))
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
foreach (int seq in list)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoidImpermanence && infiniteImpermanenceList.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoidList != null && avoidList.Contains(seq)) continue;
ClientCard enemySpell = Enemy.SpellZone[4 - seq];
if (enemySpell != null && enemySpell.IsFacedown()) continue;
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
foreach (int seq in list)
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using WindBot;
using WindBot.Game;
using WindBot.Game.AI;
using System.Linq;
namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
......@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return 1;
List<int> Impermanence_list = new List<int>();
bool NormalSummoned = false;
ClientCard stage_locked = null;
bool pink_ss = false;
......@@ -190,21 +192,39 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return false;
public int SelectSTPlace()
public int SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card = null, bool avoid_Impermanence = false)
List<int> list = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (card == null) card = Card;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int seq = 0; seq < 5; ++seq)
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoid_Impermanence && Impermanence_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
int n = list.Count;
while (n-- > 1)
int index = Program.Rand.Next(n + 1);
int temp = list[index];
list[index] = list[n];
list[n] = temp;
int index = Program.Rand.Next(list.Count);
int nextIndex = (index + Program.Rand.Next(list.Count - 1)) % list.Count;
int tempInt = list[index];
list[index] = list[nextIndex];
list[nextIndex] = tempInt;
foreach(int seq in list)
if (avoid_Impermanence && Bot.GetMonsters().Any(c => c.IsFaceup() && !c.IsDisabled()))
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null) return zone;
foreach (int seq in list)
ClientCard enemySpell = Enemy.SpellZone[4 - seq];
if (enemySpell != null && enemySpell.IsFacedown()) continue;
return (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
foreach (int seq in list)
return (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
return 0;
......@@ -505,7 +525,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (selected == null)
return false;
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
......@@ -526,13 +546,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (self_card.IsCode(CardId.Galaxy))
return false;
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
// activate when more than 2 cards
if (Enemy.GetSpellCount() <= 1)
return false;
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
......@@ -627,7 +647,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (!spell_trap_activate()) return false;
if (Bot.Deck.Count > 15)
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
return false;
......@@ -1003,7 +1023,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (!spell_trap_activate()) return false;
if (Duel.Phase <= DuelPhase.Main1 && Ts_reborn())
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
return false;
......@@ -1634,14 +1654,14 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if (enemy.IsMonsterDangerous())
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
if (enemy.IsFaceup() && (enemy.GetDefensePower() > bestenemy)) bestenemy = enemy.GetDefensePower();
if (bestPower <= bestenemy)
AI.SelectPlace(SelectSTPlace(Card, true));
return true;
......@@ -1697,6 +1717,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnNewTurn()
if (Duel.Turn <= 1)
GraveCall_count = 0;
GraveCall_id = 0;
NormalSummoned = false;
stage_locked = null;
pink_ss = false;
......@@ -1705,6 +1730,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
white_eff_used = false;
lockbird_useful = false;
lockbird_used = false;
if (GraveCall_count > 0)
if (--GraveCall_count <= 0)
......@@ -1714,6 +1740,27 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public override void OnChaining(int player, ClientCard card)
if (card == null) return;
if (player == 1)
if (card.IsCode(_CardId.InfiniteImpermanence))
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (Enemy.SpellZone[i] == card)
base.OnChaining(player, card);
public override BattlePhaseAction OnSelectAttackTarget(ClientCard attacker, IList<ClientCard> defenders)
ClientCard lowestattack = null;
......@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
// new turn reset
public override void OnNewTurn()
if (Duel.Turn <= 1) CalledbytheGraveCount.Clear();
CrossoutDesignatorTarget = 0;
MadameVerreGainedATK = false;
summoned = false;
......@@ -858,27 +859,44 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
/// <param name="card">Card to set(default current card)</param>
/// <param name="avoid_Impermanence">Whether need to avoid InfiniteImpermanence</param>
/// <param name="avoid_list">Whether need to avoid set in this place</param>
public void SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card = null, bool avoid_Impermanence = false, List<int> avoid_list=null)
public void SelectSTPlace(ClientCard card = null, bool avoid_Impermanence = false, List<int> avoid_list = null)
List<int> list = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
if (card == null) card = Card;
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int seq = 0; seq < 5; ++seq)
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoid_Impermanence && Impermanence_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoid_list != null && avoid_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
int n = list.Count;
while (n-- > 1)
int index = Program.Rand.Next(n + 1);
int temp = list[index];
list[index] = list[n];
list[n] = temp;
int index = Program.Rand.Next(list.Count);
int nextIndex = (index + Program.Rand.Next(list.Count - 1)) % list.Count;
int tempInt = list[index];
list[index] = list[nextIndex];
list[nextIndex] = tempInt;
foreach (int seq in list)
if (avoid_Impermanence && Bot.GetMonsters().Any(c => c.IsFaceup() && !c.IsDisabled()))
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
if (Bot.SpellZone[seq] == null)
foreach (int seq in list)
if (card != null && card.Location == CardLocation.Hand && avoid_Impermanence && Impermanence_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
if (avoid_list != null && avoid_list.Contains(seq)) continue;
ClientCard enemySpell = Enemy.SpellZone[4 - seq];
if (enemySpell != null && enemySpell.IsFacedown()) continue;
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
foreach (int seq in list)
int zone = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, seq);
......@@ -2115,7 +2115,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return Func.CheckSelectCount(Util, result, cards, min, max);
IList<ClientCard> selectResult = Func.CheckSelectCount(Util, result, cards, min, max);
if (selectResult == null) return base.OnSelectCard(cards, min, max, hint, cancelable);
return selectResult;
private bool HasInDeck(int id)
......@@ -125,13 +125,94 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public const int VaylantzWorld_ShinraBansho = 49568943;
public const int VaylantzWorld_KonigWissen = 75952542;
public const int DivineArsenalAAZEUS_SkyThunder = 90448279;
public const int LightningStorm = 14532163;
public const int BelialMarquisOfDarkness = 33655493;
public const int ChirubiméPrincessOfAutumnLeaves = 87294988;
public const int PerformapalBarokuriboh = 19050066;
public const int LabrynthArchfiend = 48745395;
public const int HarpiesPetDragonFearsomeFireBlast = 4991081;
public const int DynaHeroFurHire = 25123713;
public const int Hieracosphinx = 82260502;
public const int SpeedroidPassinglider = 26420373;
public const int TyrOfTheNordicChampions = 2333365;
public const int ValkyrianKnight = 99348756;
public const int Victoria = 75162696;
public const int MadolcheChouxvalier = 75363626;
public const int LadyOfD = 67511500;
public const int MermailAbysslung = 95466842;
public const int HarpiesPetBabyDragon = 6924874;
public const int HandHoldingGenie = 94535485;
public const int GolemDragon = 9666558;
public const int TwilightRoseKnight = 2986553;
public const int PerformapalThunderhino = 70458081;
public const int MiracleFlipper = 131182;
public const int Decoyroid = 25034083;
public const int AltergeistFifinellag = 12977245;
public const int BatterymanD = 55401221;
public const int Watthopper = 61380658;
public const int EgyptianGodSlime = 42166000;
public const int DinowrestlerChimeraTWrextle = 22900219;
public const int DinowrestlerGigaSpinosavate = 58672736;
public const int ScarredWarrior = 45298492;
public const int SharkFortress = 50449881;
public const int HeroicChampionClaivesolish = 97453744;
public const int GhostrickAlucard = 75367227;
public const int DinowrestlerKingTWrextle = 77967790;
public const int PerformapalMissDirector = 92932860;
public const int AncientWarriorsMasterfulSunMou = 40140448;
public const int AncientWarriorsVirtuousLiuXuan = 40428851;
public const int CommandKnight = 10375182;
public const int HunterOwl = 51962254;
public const int RokketRecharger = 5969957;
public const int EmissaryOfTheOasis = 6103294;
public const int Zuttomozaurus = 24454387;
public const int Otoshidamashi = 14957440;
public const int NaturiaMosquito = 17285476;
public const int RescueACEHydrant = 37617348;
public const int MeizenTheBattleNinja = 11825276;
public const int VindikiteRGenex = 73483491;
public const int PrincessCologne = 75574498;
public const int Number48ShadowLich = 1426714;
public const int PhantomToken = 1426715;
public const int DuelLinkDragonTheDuelDragon = 60025883;
public const int DuelDragonToken = 60025884;
public const int SeleneQueenOfTheMasterMagicians = 45819647;
public const int TheWingedDragonofRaSphereMode = 10000080;
public const int RockOfTheVanquisher = 28168628;
public const int SpiralDischarge = 29477860;
public const int GaiaTheDragonChampion = 66889139;
public const int CrusadiaVanguard = 55312487;
public const int GladiatorBeastDomitianus = 33652635;
public const int PatricianOfDarkness = 19153634;
public const int DictatorOfD = 66961194;
public const int NovoxTheSilenforcerDisciple = 25801745;
public const int SilenforcingBarrier = 98477480;
protected class _Setcode
public const int Watt = 0xe;
public const int Speedroid = 0x2016;
public const int EarthboundImmortal = 0x1021;
public const int Naturia = 0x2a;
public const int Nordic = 0x42;
public const int Harpie = 0x64;
public const int Madolche = 0x71;
public const int Ghostrick = 0x8d;
public const int OddEyes = 0x99;
public const int Performapal = 0x9f;
public const int BlueEyes = 0xdd;
public const int FurHire = 0x114;
public const int Altergeist = 0x103;
public const int Crusadia = 0x116;
public const int Endymion = 0x12a;
public const int AncientWarriors = 0x137;
public const int RescueACE = 0x18b;
public const int VanquishSoul = 0x195;
protected DefaultExecutor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
......@@ -143,6 +224,79 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Activate, _CardId.SantaClaws);
protected int lightningStormOption = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Defined:
/// if monster with code as KEY, other monsters with rules as VALUE won't be targeted for attack.
/// </summary>
protected Dictionary<int, Func<ClientCard, bool>> DefenderProtectRule = new Dictionary<int, Func<ClientCard, bool>> {
{_CardId.BelialMarquisOfDarkness, defender => defender.IsFaceup()},
{_CardId.ChirubiméPrincessOfAutumnLeaves, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Plant)},
{_CardId.PerformapalBarokuriboh, defender => true},
{_CardId.LabrynthArchfiend, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Fiend) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.LabrynthArchfiend)},
{_CardId.HarpiesPetDragonFearsomeFireBlast, defender => defender.Level <= 6 && defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Harpie)},
{_CardId.DynaHeroFurHire, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.FurHire)},
{_CardId.Hieracosphinx, defender => defender.IsFacedown()},
{_CardId.SpeedroidPassinglider, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Speedroid)},
{_CardId.TyrOfTheNordicChampions, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Nordic)},
{_CardId.ValkyrianKnight, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Warrior) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.ValkyrianKnight)},
{_CardId.Victoria, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Fairy)},
{_CardId.MadolcheChouxvalier, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Madolche) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.MadolcheChouxvalier)},
{_CardId.LadyOfD, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Dragon)},
{_CardId.MermailAbysslung, defender => defender.HasAttribute(CardAttribute.Water)},
{_CardId.HarpiesPetBabyDragon, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Harpie) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.HarpiesPetBabyDragon)},
{_CardId.HandHoldingGenie, defender => true},
{_CardId.GolemDragon, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Dragon)},
{_CardId.MaraudingCaptain, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Warrior)},
{_CardId.TwilightRoseKnight, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Plant)},
{_CardId.PerformapalThunderhino, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Performapal)},
{_CardId.MiracleFlipper, defender => defender.IsFaceup()},
{_CardId.Decoyroid, defender => defender.IsFaceup()},
{_CardId.DupeFrog, defender => true},
{_CardId.AltergeistFifinellag, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Altergeist)},
{_CardId.BatterymanD, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Thunder) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.BatterymanD)},
{_CardId.Watthopper, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Watt) && defender.IsFaceup()},
{_CardId.EgyptianGodSlime, defender => true},
{_CardId.DinowrestlerChimeraTWrextle, defender => true},
{_CardId.DinowrestlerGigaSpinosavate, defender => true},
{_CardId.ScarredWarrior, defender => defender.HasRace(CardRace.Warrior) && defender.IsFaceup()},
{_CardId.SharkFortress, defender => true},
{_CardId.HeroicChampionClaivesolish, defender => true},
{_CardId.GhostrickAlucard, defender => defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Ghostrick) || defender.IsFacedown()},
{_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram, defender => true},
{_CardId.DinowrestlerKingTWrextle, defender => true}
/// <summary>
/// Defined:
/// if monster with KEY on field, and meet VALUE(monster, all monster), it cannot be targeted for attack.
/// </summary>
protected Dictionary<int, Func<ClientCard, List<ClientCard>, bool>> DefenderInvisbleRule = new Dictionary<int, Func<ClientCard, List<ClientCard>, bool>> {
{_CardId.UltimayaTzolkin, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasType(CardType.Synchro))},
{_CardId.PerformapalMissDirector, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.OddEyes))},
{_CardId.AncientWarriorsMasterfulSunMou, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.AncientWarriors))},
{_CardId.AncientWarriorsVirtuousLiuXuan, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.AncientWarriors))},
{_CardId.CommandKnight, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender))},
{_CardId.HunterOwl, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasAttribute(CardAttribute.Wind))},
{_CardId.RokketRecharger, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.IsExtraCard() && monster.HasAttribute(CardAttribute.Dark))},
{_CardId.EmissaryOfTheOasis, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.HasType(CardType.Normal) && monster.Level <= 3)},
{_CardId.Zuttomozaurus, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasRace(CardRace.Dinosaur))},
{_CardId.Otoshidamashi, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.HasType(CardType.Tuner))},
{_CardId.NaturiaMosquito, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Naturia))},
{_CardId.RescueACEHydrant, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.IsCode(_CardId.RescueACEHydrant) && monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.RescueACE))},
{_CardId.MeizenTheBattleNinja, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.IsFacedown())},
{_CardId.VindikiteRGenex, (defender, list) => true},
{_CardId.PrincessCologne, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender))},
{_CardId.Number48ShadowLich, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.IsCode(_CardId.PhantomToken))},
{_CardId.DuelLinkDragonTheDuelDragon, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.IsCode(_CardId.DuelDragonToken))},
{_CardId.SeleneQueenOfTheMasterMagicians, (defender, list) => list.Any(monster => monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Endymion))},
{_CardId.TheWingedDragonofRaSphereMode, (defender, list) => true}
/// <summary>
/// Decide which card should the attacker attack.
/// </summary>
......@@ -192,21 +346,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return false;
foreach (ClientCard equip in defender.EquipCards)
if (equip.IsCode(_CardId.MoonMirrorShield) && !equip.IsDisabled())
return false;
if (defender.EquipCards.Any(equip => equip.IsCode(_CardId.MoonMirrorShield) && !equip.IsDisabled()))
return false;
if (!defender.IsDisabled())
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram) && defender.IsAttack() && attacker.IsSpecialSummoned)
return false;
defender.RealPower += attacker.Attack;
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.CrystalWingSynchroDragon) && defender.IsAttack() && attacker.Level >= 5)
return false;
defender.RealPower += attacker.Attack;
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.AllyOfJusticeCatastor) && !attacker.HasAttribute(CardAttribute.Dark))
return false;
......@@ -232,37 +381,68 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (attacker.IsMonsterInvincible())
attacker.RealPower = 9999;
if (attacker.EquipCards.Any(equip => equip.IsCode(_CardId.MoonMirrorShield) && !equip.IsDisabled()))
attacker.RealPower = defender.RealPower + 100;
foreach (ClientCard equip in attacker.EquipCards)
foreach (ClientCard protecter in Enemy.GetMonsters())
if (!protecter.IsDisabled() && protecter != defender)
if (equip.IsCode(_CardId.MoonMirrorShield) && !equip.IsDisabled())
Func<ClientCard, bool> defenderRule = card => false;
if (DefenderProtectRule.TryGetValue(protecter.Id, out defenderRule))
attacker.RealPower = defender.RealPower + 100;
if (defenderRule(defender)) return false;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram, true) && !(defender).IsCode(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram))
return false;
if (attacker.EquipCards.Any(equip => equip.IsCode(_CardId.MoonMirrorShield) && !equip.IsDisabled()))
attacker.RealPower = defender.RealPower + 100;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.DupeFrog, true) && !(defender).IsCode(_CardId.DupeFrog))
return false;
if (!defender.IsDisabled())
Func<ClientCard, List<ClientCard>, bool> defenderRule = (card, monsterList) => false;
if (DefenderInvisbleRule.TryGetValue(defender.Id, out defenderRule))
if (defenderRule(defender, Enemy.GetMonsters())) return false;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.MaraudingCaptain, true) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.MaraudingCaptain) && defender.Race == (int)CardRace.Warrior)
if (Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.IsCode(_CardId.HamonLordofStrikingThunder) && !monster.IsDisabled() && monster.IsDefense()))
return false;
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.UltimayaTzolkin) && !defender.IsDisabled() && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.HasType(CardType.Synchro)))
if (defender.OwnTargets.Any(card => card.IsCode(_CardId.PhantomKnightsFogBlade) && !card.IsDisabled()))
return false;
if (Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(monster => !monster.Equals(defender) && monster.IsCode(_CardId.HamonLordofStrikingThunder) && !monster.IsDisabled() && monster.IsDefense()))
if (defender.HasSetcode(_Setcode.EarthboundImmortal) && !defender.IsDisabled())
return false;
bool attackHighestMonster =
Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.RockOfTheVanquisher, true) && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(card => card.HasSetcode(_Setcode.VanquishSoul)) ||
Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.GladiatorBeastDomitianus, true) || Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.PatricianOfDarkness) ||
Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.DictatorOfD, true) && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(card => card.HasSetcode(_Setcode.BlueEyes));
if (attackHighestMonster)
if (defender.HasPosition(CardPosition.FaceDown))
return false;
if (Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(card => card.IsFaceup() && card.Attack > defender.Attack))
return false;
if (defender.OwnTargets.Any(card => card.IsCode(_CardId.PhantomKnightsFogBlade) && !card.IsDisabled()))
if (Enemy.HasInSpellZone(_CardId.SpiralDischarge, true) && Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.GaiaTheDragonChampion) && !defender.IsCode(_CardId.GaiaTheDragonChampion))
return false;
if (Enemy.HasInSpellZone(_CardId.CrusadiaVanguard, true) && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(card => card.HasSetcode(_Setcode.Crusadia) && card.HasType(CardType.Link)) && !defender.HasType(CardType.Link))
return false;
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.RescueACEHydrant) && !defender.IsDisabled() && Enemy.GetMonsters().Any(monster => monster.HasSetcode(_Setcode.RescueACE) && !monster.IsCode(_CardId.RescueACEHydrant)))
return false;
if (Enemy.HasInSpellZone(_CardId.SilenforcingBarrier, true) && Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.NovoxTheSilenforcerDisciple, faceUp: true) && !defender.HasType(CardType.Ritual))
return false;
return true;
......@@ -854,6 +1034,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (Util.ChainContainsCard(destroyAllList)) return true;
if (Enemy.HasInSpellZone(destroyAllOpponentSpellList, true) && Card.Location == CardLocation.SpellZone) return true;
if (lightningStormOption == 0 && Card.Location == CardLocation.MonsterZone && Card.IsAttack()) return true;
if (lightningStormOption == 1 && Card.Location == CardLocation.SpellZone) return true;
// TODO: ChainContainsCard(id, player)
return false;
......@@ -949,12 +1131,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
bool nontuner = false;
foreach (ClientCard monster in monsters)
if (monster.HasType(CardType.Tuner))
tuner = true;
else if (!monster.HasType(CardType.Xyz) && !monster.HasType(CardType.Link))
if (!monster.HasType(CardType.Xyz | CardType.Link))
nontuner = true;
levels[monster.Level] = levels[monster.Level] + 1;
if (monster.HasType(CardType.Tuner)) tuner = true;
else nontuner = true;
if (!monster.HasType(CardType.Token)) levels[monster.Level] = levels[monster.Level] + 1;
if (monster.IsOneForXyz())
......@@ -985,7 +1166,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
ClientCard lastchaincard = Util.GetLastChainCard();
if (Duel.LastChainPlayer == 1 && lastchaincard != null && !lastchaincard.IsDisabled())
if (Duel.LastChainPlayer == 1 && lastchaincard != null && !lastchaincard.IsDisabled()
&& (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Spell | CardType.Trap) || lastchaincard.Location == CardLocation.MonsterZone))
if (lastchaincard.HasType(CardType.Ritual))
......@@ -1227,7 +1409,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (Card.Location == CardLocation.Hand)
return Bot.BattlingMonster.IsAttack() &&
(((Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack < Enemy.BattlingMonster.Attack) || Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack >= Enemy.LifePoints)
((Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack < Enemy.BattlingMonster.Attack) || Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack >= Enemy.LifePoints
|| ((Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack < Enemy.BattlingMonster.Defense) && (Bot.BattlingMonster.Attack + Enemy.BattlingMonster.Attack > Enemy.BattlingMonster.Defense)));
......@@ -1263,13 +1445,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
List<ClientCard> targetList = new List<ClientCard>();
List<ClientCard> floodgateCards = monsters
.Where(card => card?.Data != null && card.IsFloodgate() && card.IsFaceup() && !card.IsShouldNotBeTarget())
.OrderBy(card => card.Attack).ToList();
.OrderByDescending(card => card.Attack).ToList();
List<ClientCard> dangerousCards = monsters
.Where(card => card?.Data != null && card.IsMonsterDangerous() && card.IsFaceup() && !card.IsShouldNotBeTarget())
.OrderBy(card => card.Attack).ToList();
.OrderByDescending(card => card.Attack).ToList();
List<ClientCard> attackOrderedCards = monsters
.Where(card => card?.Data != null && card.HasType(CardType.Monster) && card.IsFaceup() && card.IsShouldNotBeTarget())
.OrderBy(card => card.Attack).ToList();
.OrderByDescending(card => card.Attack).ToList();
......@@ -1283,5 +1465,21 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return false;
public override void OnReceivingAnnouce(int player, int data)
if (player == 1 && data == Util.GetStringId(_CardId.LightningStorm, 0) || data == Util.GetStringId(_CardId.LightningStorm, 1))
lightningStormOption = data - Util.GetStringId(_CardId.LightningStorm, 0);
base.OnReceivingAnnouce(player, data);
public override void OnChainEnd()
lightningStormOption = -1;
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
Heart_eartHDragon = 97403510,
DaigustoSphreeze = 29552709,
OhimetheManifestedMikanko = 81260679,
ArahimetheManifestedMikanko = 75771170
ArahimetheManifestedMikanko = 75771170,
YubelDasEwigLiebeWächter = 47172959
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
ElShaddollConstruct = 20366274,
ElShaddollGrysra = 48424886,
ElShaddollWinda = 94977269,
HotRedDragonArchfiendAbyss = 9753964,
UltimateConductorTytanno = 18940556,
OvertexCoatls = 41782653,
FirePrison = 269510,
......@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@
TGGlaiveBlaster = 95973569,
StellarNemesisTPHON_DoomsdayStar = 93039339,
SPLittleKnight = 29301450,
AngelRing = 40678060
AngelRing = 40678060,
SkullGuardianTheSilenforcingProtector = 10774240
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
FaceCardFusion = 29062925,
MyutantFusion = 42577802,
MyutantCry = 31855260,
FallenOfAlbaz = 68468459,
GreaterPolymerization = 7614732,
UltimateFusion = 71143015,
BrandedFusion = 44362883,
......@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@
NightmareMagician = 40221691,
ArahimetheManifestedMikanko = 75771170,
UFOLight = 9275482,
TaotheGreatChanter = 34541543
TaotheGreatChanter = 34541543,
SpiritOfYubel = 90829280,
DarkGuardian = 26746975,
EnvoyOfTheWaxState = 87462901,
Fluffyfluff = 85401123,
YubelDasEwigLiebeWächter = 47172959
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
Blackwing_FullArmoredWing = 54082269,
DragunofRedEyes = 37818794,
RedEyesBDragon = 74677422, // sometimes the name of DragunofRedEyes will be changed to RedEyesBDragon
TheArrivalCyberseIgnister = 11738489
TheArrivalCyberseIgnister = 11738489,
MajespecterPorcupineYamaarashi = 51073802,
RaidraptorRisingRebellionFalcon = 71222868
......@@ -95,10 +95,21 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
// For overriding
public virtual void OnChainSolved(int chainIndex)
// For overriding
public virtual void OnChainEnd()
// For overriding
public virtual void OnReceivingAnnouce(int player, int data)
// For overriding
public virtual void OnNewPhase()
// Some AI need do something on new phase
......@@ -113,7 +124,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
// Some AI need do something on draw
public virtual void OnMove(int cardId, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
public virtual void OnMove(ClientCard card, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
// Some AI need do something on card's moving
......@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
ToZone = 571,
Counter = 572,
Disable = 573,
OperateCard = 574;
OperateCard = 574,
RITUAL = 1057,
FUSION = 1056,
SYNCHRO = 1063,
XYZ = 1073,
PENDULUM = 1074;
\ No newline at end of file
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
namespace WindBot.Game
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public int LastSummonPlayer { get; set; }
public IList<ClientCard> SummoningCards { get; set; }
public IList<ClientCard> LastSummonedCards { get; set; }
public int SolvingChainIndex { get; set; }
public IList<int> NegatedChainIndexList { get; set; }
public Duel()
......@@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
LastSummonPlayer = -1;
SummoningCards = new List<ClientCard>();
LastSummonedCards = new List<ClientCard>();
SolvingChainIndex = 0;
NegatedChainIndexList = new List<int>();
public ClientCard GetCard(int player, CardLocation loc, int seq)
......@@ -169,5 +173,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
return IsFirst ? player : 1 - player;
public ClientCard GetCurrentSolvingChainCard()
if (SolvingChainIndex == 0 || SolvingChainIndex > CurrentChain.Count) return null;
return CurrentChain[SolvingChainIndex - 1];
public bool IsCurrentSolvingChainNegated()
return SolvingChainIndex > 0 && NegatedChainIndexList.Contains(SolvingChainIndex);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public void OnMove(int cardId, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
public void OnMove(ClientCard card, int previousControler, int previousLocation, int currentControler, int currentLocation)
Executor.OnMove(cardId, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
Executor.OnMove(card, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
/// <summary>
......@@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
public void OnChainSolved(int chainIndex)
/// <summary>
/// Called when a chain has been solved.
......@@ -152,6 +157,16 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
/// <summary>
/// Called when receiving annouce
/// </summary>
/// <param name="player">Player who announce.</param>
/// <param name="data">Annouced info.</param>
public void OnReceivingAnnouce(int player, int data)
Executor.OnReceivingAnnouce(player, data);
/// <summary>
/// Called when the AI has to do something during the battle phase.
/// </summary>
......@@ -300,6 +315,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
// Always select the first available cards and choose the minimum.
IList<ClientCard> selected = new List<ClientCard>();
if (hint == HintMsg.AttackTarget && cancelable) return selected;
if (cards.Count >= min)
for (int i = 0; i < min; ++i)
......@@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_messages.Add(GameMessage.AttackDisabled, OnAttackDisabled);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.PosChange, OnPosChange);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.Chaining, OnChaining);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainSolving, OnChainSolving);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainNegated, OnChainNegated);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainDisabled, OnChainDisabled);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainSolved, OnChainSolved);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.ChainEnd, OnChainEnd);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SortCard, OnCardSorting);
_messages.Add(GameMessage.SortChain, OnChainSorting);
......@@ -343,6 +347,10 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_select_hint = data;
if (type == 4) // HINT_OPSELECTED
_ai.OnReceivingAnnouce(player, data);
private void OnStart(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -350,6 +358,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
int type = packet.ReadByte();
_duel.IsFirst = (type & 0xF) == 0;
_duel.Turn = 0;
_duel.LastChainLocation = 0;
_duel.LastChainPlayer = -1;
_duel.LastSummonPlayer = -1;
int duel_rule = packet.ReadByte();
_ai.Duel.IsNewRule = (duel_rule >= 4);
_ai.Duel.IsNewRule2020 = (duel_rule >= 5);
......@@ -362,6 +375,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
extra = packet.ReadInt16();
_duel.Fields[GetLocalPlayer(1)].Init(deck, extra);
// in case of ending duel in chain's solving
_duel.LastChainPlayer = -1;
_duel.LastChainLocation = 0;
_duel.LastSummonPlayer = -1;
_duel.SolvingChainIndex = 0;
Logger.DebugWriteLine("Duel started: " + _room.Names[0] + " versus " + _room.Names[1]);
......@@ -636,7 +662,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_ai.OnMove(cardId, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
_ai.OnMove(card, previousControler, previousLocation, currentControler, currentLocation);
private void OnSwap(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -742,6 +768,30 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
private void OnChainSolving(BinaryReader packet)
int chainIndex = packet.ReadByte();
_duel.SolvingChainIndex = chainIndex;
private void OnChainNegated(BinaryReader packet)
int chainIndex = packet.ReadByte();
private void OnChainDisabled(BinaryReader packet)
int chainIndex = packet.ReadByte();
private void OnChainSolved(BinaryReader packet)
int chainIndex = packet.ReadByte();
private void OnChainEnd(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -751,6 +801,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
_duel.SolvingChainIndex = 0;
private void OnCardSorting(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -1083,7 +1135,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
int count = packet.ReadByte();
packet.ReadByte(); // specount
bool forced = packet.ReadByte() != 0;
packet.ReadInt32(); // hint1
int hint1 = packet.ReadInt32(); // hint1
int hint2 = packet.ReadInt32(); // hint2
IList<ClientCard> cards = new List<ClientCard>();
......@@ -1124,7 +1176,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, _ai.OnSelectChain(cards, descs, forced, hint2));
Connection.Send(CtosMessage.Response, _ai.OnSelectChain(cards, descs, forced, hint1 | hint2));
private void OnSelectCounter(BinaryReader packet)
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\GraydleExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\GrenMajuThunderBoarderExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\LightswornExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\LabrynthExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\LightswornShaddoldinosourExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\PhantasmExecutor.cs" />
<Compile Include="Game\AI\Decks\QliphortExecutor.cs" />
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