Commit 90f255e2 authored by 苍蓝's avatar 苍蓝


parent a5d87fbf
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......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
private bool 瞄准鹰Effect()
if (Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level <= 7 || card.IsFaceup()) >= 2 && Bot.HasInHand(new[] { CardId.最强战旗, CardId.钢机神, CardId.恶德, CardId.旗兽, CardId.社员 }))
if (Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level <= 4 && card.IsFaceup()) >= 2 && Bot.HasInHand(new[] { CardId.最强战旗, CardId.钢机神, CardId.恶德, CardId.旗兽, CardId.社员 }))
AI.SelectCard(CardId.瞄准鹰,CardId.突击坦克, CardId.成金恐龙王, CardId.社员, CardId.旗兽);
AI.SelectNextCard(CardId.瞄准鹰, CardId.突击坦克, CardId.成金恐龙王, CardId.社员, CardId.旗兽);
......@@ -386,9 +386,13 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
if ((Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level < 5)+ Bot.Hand.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level < 5)) <= 2 )
if ((Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level > 5) >2))
if (Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level > 5) > 2)
AI.SelectCard(CardId.最强战旗, CardId.钢机神, CardId.恶德);
else if (Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level > 5) == 1 && (Bot.MonsterZone.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level < 5) + Bot.Hand.GetMatchingCardsCount(card => card.Level < 5)) == 1)
AI.SelectCard(CardId.最强战旗, CardId.钢机神, CardId.恶德);
return true;
return false;
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