Commit f13eb724 authored by DailyShana's avatar DailyShana


parent 8508b6bf
<h2>DataEditorX</h2> #DataEditorX
=======<br> Manage card database(.cdb file) for [ygopro](
Create, edit card database.
Compare, copy and paste card records across databases easily.
Open and edit card scripts(.lua file).
> **FAQ**
Q: How to add a new archetype?
A: First decide the setcode (a hex number) for the new archetype. Do not confict the existing setcodes. Then type it in the text box on the right of the combo box of archetype. Click Modify. To show the name of the new archetype in the combo box. Open data/cardinfo_xxx.txt (xxx is language), add a new line between "##setname" and "#end", write the setcode (start with 0x) and the archetype name separated by a Tab symbol.
Open Menu Help-->Language to choose language, then restart the application.
If you want to add a language xxx for DataEditorX, you need two files:
>data/language_xxx.txt for graphic interface
data/cardinfo_xxx.txt for card information
Each line in language_english.txt/cardinfo_english.txt is separate by a Tab. Translate the content on the right of Tab then put them in language_xxx.txt/cardinfo_xxx.txt.
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