Commit 9ce3d7a7 authored by tsukumi's avatar tsukumi

Fix: Ghost Ban test fails

parent 6e9c572e
......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
import traceback
from log import log
from util import get_ordered_tweet_ids
async def test(session, user_id):
tweets_replies = await session.get_profile_tweets_raw(user_id)
tweet_ids = session.get_ordered_tweet_ids(tweets_replies)
tweet_ids = get_ordered_tweet_ids(tweets_replies)
replied_ids = []
for tid in tweet_ids:
if tweets_replies["globalObjects"]["tweets"][tid]["reply_count"] > 0 and tweets_replies["globalObjects"]["tweets"][tid]["user_id_str"] == user_id:
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