Commit 25a85ef0 authored by Cody Zacharias's avatar Cody Zacharias Committed by GitHub

1.1.3 Update

parent ab8000da
class Tweet:
id = ""
datetime = ""
datestamp = ""
timestamp = ""
timezone = ""
user_id = ""
username = ""
from time import strftime, localtime
import re
class tweet:
def getMentions(tw):
mentions = tw.find("div", "js-original-tweet")["data-mentions"].split(" ")
mentions = ""
tweet = ""
replies = "0"
likes = "0"
retweets = "0"
hashtags = ""
location = ""
link = ""
is_retweet = False
user_rt = "" # User that retweeted
return mentions
def getText(tw):
text = tw.find("p", "tweet-text").text
text = text.replace("\n", "")
text = text.replace("http", " http")
text = text.replace("pic.twitter", " pic.twitter")
return text
def getTweet(tw, mentions):
text = getText(tw)
for i in range(len(mentions)):
mention = "@{}".format(mentions[i])
if mention not in text:
text = "{} {}".format(mention, text)
text = getText(tw)
return text
def getHashtags(text):
return re.findall(r'(?i)\#\w+', text, flags=re.UNICODE)
def getStat(tw, _type):
st = "ProfileTweet-action--{} u-hiddenVisually".format(_type)
return tw.find("span", st).find("span")["data-tweet-stat-count"]
def getRetweet(profile, username, user):
if profile and username.lower() != user:
return True
def getUser_rt(profile, username, user):
if getRetweet(profile, username, user):
user_rt = user
user_rt = "None"
return user_rt
def Tweet(tw, location, config):
t = tweet() = tw.find("div")["data-item-id"]
t.datetime = int(tw.find("span", "_timestamp")["data-time"])
t.datestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(t.datetime))
t.timestamp = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(t.datetime))
t.user_id = tw.find("a", "account-group js-account-group js-action-profile js-user-profile-link js-nav")["data-user-id"]
t.username = tw.find("span", "username").text.replace("@", "")
t.timezone = strftime("%Z", localtime())
for img in tw.findAll("img", "Emoji Emoji--forText"):
t.mentions = getMentions(tw)
t.tweet = getTweet(tw, t.mentions)
t.location = location
t.hashtags = getHashtags(t.tweet)
t.replies = getStat(tw, "reply")
t.retweets = getStat(tw, "retweet")
t.likes = getStat(tw, "favorite") = "{0.username}/status/{}".format(t)
t.retweet = getRetweet(config.Profile, t.username, config.Username)
t.user_rt = getUser_rt(config.Profile, t.username, config.Username)
return t
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