Commit 6c8ef43b authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent a714002b
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"description": "Read TX3 bang and parse it",
"main": "build/run.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "./node_modules/.bin/tsc"
"build": "./node_modules/.bin/tsc",
"test": "node build/tests/test.js"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
import parseHTML from "posthtml-parser";
import HTML from "posthtml-parser";
import _, { first } from "underscore";
function getDepthOfTree(tree: parseHTML.Tree, indexList: number[]): parseHTML.Tree {
function getDepthOfTree(tree: HTML.Tree, indexList: number[]): HTML.Tree {
if (indexList.length) {
const _indexList = _.clone(indexList);
const index = _indexList.splice(0, 1)[0];
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function getDepthOfTree(tree: parseHTML.Tree, indexList: number[]): parseHTML.Tr
function findNodeIndex(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, condition: (node: parseHTML.Node) => boolean, offset: number[]): number[] {
function findNodeIndex(baseTree: HTML.Tree, condition: (node: HTML.Node) => boolean, offset: number[]): number[] {
let queue = [offset];
while (queue.length) {
const indexList = queue.splice(0, 1)[0];
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function findNodeIndex(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, condition: (node: parseHTML.Nod
const node = tree[i];
const newList = indexList.concat([i]);
if (condition(node)) {
return newList;
} else if (typeof (node) !== "string") {
......@@ -34,27 +34,73 @@ function findNodeIndex(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, condition: (node: parseHTML.Nod
return null;
function findNodeIndexByContent(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, label: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
function findNodeIndexByContent(baseTree: HTML.Tree, label: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
return findNodeIndex(baseTree, (node) => {
return node === label;
}, offset);
function findNodeIndexByAttribute(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, key: string, value: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
function findNodeIndexByAttribute(baseTree: HTML.Tree, key: string, value: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
return findNodeIndex(baseTree, (node) => {
return typeof (node) !== "string" && node.attrs && node.attrs[key] === value;
}, offset);
function findNodeIndexByTag(baseTree: parseHTML.Tree, tag: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
function findNodeIndexByTag(baseTree: HTML.Tree, tag: string, offset: number[]): number[] {
return findNodeIndex(baseTree, (node) => {
return typeof (node) !== "string" && node.tag === tag;
}, offset);
const chineseCapitalNumbers = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
function getNumber(node: HTML.Node) {
let numberStr: string;
if (typeof (node) === "string") {
numberStr = node;
} else {
const subTree = node.content;
if (!subTree) {
return null;
numberStr = subTree[0] as string;
numberStr = numberStr.trim();
let stringMatch: RegExpMatchArray;
if (numberStr === "没有上榜") {
return null;
} else if (stringMatch = numberStr.match(/^([天地])魂$/)) {
return stringMatch[1] === "" ? 2 : 1;
} else if (stringMatch = numberStr.match(/^(.+)(.+)境界$/)) {
return (_.findIndex(chineseCapitalNumbers, (m) => m === stringMatch[1]) << 4) | _.findIndex(chineseCapitalNumbers, (m) => m === stringMatch[2]);
} else if (stringMatch = numberStr.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/)) {
const minValue = parseInt(stringMatch[1]);
const maxValue = parseInt(stringMatch[2]);
return (minValue << 16) | maxValue;
} else {
return parseInt(numberStr);
export class User {
content: parseHTML.Tree;
content: HTML.Tree;
name: string;
category: string;
serverArea: string;
server: string;
level: number;
equipValue: number;
equipRank: number;
equipLocalRank: number;
equipCategoryRank: number;
scoreValue: number;
scoreRank: number
scoreLocalRank: number;
scoreCategoryRank: number;
sqStage: number;
sqLevel: number;
qhLevel: number;
tlPoints: number;
hp: number;
mp: number;
li: number;
......@@ -63,21 +109,57 @@ export class User {
ji: number;
hun: number;
nian: number;
parseNameAndLevel() {
getContinuousData(_pos: number[], moveOffset: number, step: number, dataCount: number): number[] {
const pos = _.clone(_pos);
const datas: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i) {
const node = getDepthOfTree(this.content, pos)[0];
pos[pos.length - (moveOffset + 1)] += step;
return datas;
parseMetadata() {
let namePos = findNodeIndexByAttribute(this.content, "class", "sTitle", []); = getDepthOfTree(this.content, namePos.concat([0]))[0] as string;
namePos[namePos.length - 1] += 2;
this.category = getDepthOfTree(this.content, namePos.concat([0, 0]))[0] as string;
namePos[namePos.length - 1] += 2;
[this.serverArea, this.server] = (getDepthOfTree(this.content, namePos.concat([0, 0]))[0] as string).split("&nbsp;");
let levelPos = findNodeIndexByContent(this.content, "等级", []);
levelPos[levelPos.length - 1]++;
this.level = getNumber(getDepthOfTree(this.content, levelPos)[0]);
parseBasicAttributes() {
let hpStringPos = findNodeIndexByContent(this.content, "", []);
hpStringPos[hpStringPos.length - 2] += 2;
const datas: number[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
const rawData = getDepthOfTree(this.content, hpStringPos)[0] as string;
hpStringPos[hpStringPos.length - 2] += 4;
parseEquipmentData() {
let ValuePos = findNodeIndexByContent(this.content, "装备评价:", []);
ValuePos[ValuePos.length - 1]++;
let datas = this.getContinuousData(ValuePos, 1, 2, 4);
this.equipValue = datas[0];
this.equipRank = datas[1];
this.equipLocalRank = datas[2];
this.equipCategoryRank = datas[3];
ValuePos = findNodeIndexByContent(this.content, "人物修为:", []);
ValuePos[ValuePos.length - 1]++;
datas = this.getContinuousData(ValuePos, 1, 2, 8);
this.scoreValue = datas[0];
this.scoreRank = datas[1];
this.scoreLocalRank = datas[2];
this.scoreCategoryRank = datas[3];
this.sqStage = datas[4];
this.sqLevel = datas[5];
this.qhLevel = datas[6];
this.tlPoints = datas[7];
parseBasicAttributes() {
let ValuePos = findNodeIndexByContent(this.content, "", []);
ValuePos[ValuePos.length - 1] += 2;
const datas = this.getContinuousData(ValuePos, 0, 4, 8);
this.hp = datas[0]; = datas[1]; = datas[2];
......@@ -88,10 +170,12 @@ export class User {
this.nian = datas[7];
parse() {
constructor(content: string) {
this.content = parseHTML(content);
this.content = HTML(content);
this.content = null;
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import { User } from "../src/user";
import fs from "fs";
async function main() {
const html = await fs.promises.readFile("./tests/28_20588.html", "utf-8");
console.log(new User(html));
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