Commit 847e0a9f authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

Add Osume's style adapted by Dragon of Creativity #4681

Further changes needed.
parent cb00e5c9
mse version: 0.3.8
game: YugiohZen
short name: Zen Template
full name: YugiohZen
icon: icon.png
position hint: 02
installer group: yugiohzen/style
version: 2014-04-11
depends on:
package: yugiohzen.mse-game
version: 2016-11-24
depends on:
package: YugiohZen.mse-game
version: 2016-11-24
depends on:
package: yugiohzen-text-numbers.mse-symbol-font
version: 2014-04-11
card width: 421
card height: 614
card dpi: 300
card background: rgb(200,200,200)
styling field:
type: info
name: Look & Feel
styling field:
type: choice
name: language
description: 卡片语言 Language of the card, supports English, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified or Traditional).
initial: english
choice: english
choice: japanese
choice: chinese simplified
choice: chinese traditional
choice: chinese duel links traditional
choice: chinese duel links simplified
styling field:
type: info
name: Customizations
styling field:
type: boolean
name: name color override
description: 使用以下的颜色替换卡名颜色 Override the default card name color with the settings below.
initial: no
styling field:
type: color
name: name color
description: 卡片名颜色设置 Customize the color of the card name.
initial: rgb(254,254,254)
name: default
name: white
color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: red
color: rgb(60,0,0)
name: silver
color: rgb(230,230,230)
name: light blue
color: rgb(211,252,252)
name: gold
color: rgb(216,199,53)
styling field:
type: boolean
name: shadow override
initial: no
description: 使用以下的颜色替换卡名阴影颜色 Override the default card shadow color with the settings below
styling field:
type: color
name: shadow color
description: 卡片名阴影颜色设置 The shadow color for card name.
initial: rgb(1,1,1)
name: default
color: rgb(1,1,1)
name: black
color: rgb(0,0,0)
name: white
color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: red
color: rgb(60,0,0)
name: silver
color: rgb(230,230,230)
name: gold
color: rgb(216,199,53)
styling style:
render style: both
choice images:
english: /yugiohzen.mse-game/icons/language-en.png
japanese: /yugiohzen.mse-game/icons/language-ja.png
chinese simplified: /yugiohzen.mse-game/icons/language-zh.png
chinese traditional: /yugiohzen.mse-game/icons/language-tw.png
card style:
top: 0
left: 0
width: 421
height: 614
z index: -5
mask: { if is_link() then "ZEN_mask-link.png" }
top: 0
left: 160
height: 25
width: 100
z index: 0
render style: image
top: 0
left: 0
width: 421
height: 614
z index: -3
render style: image
choice images:
normal normal_monster : ZEN_Normal.png
normal fusion_normal_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Normal.png
normal ritual_normal_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Normal.png
normal synchro_normal_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Normal.png
normal xyz_normal_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Normal.png
normal link_normal_monster : ZEN_Link_Normal.png
normal evolute_normal_monster : ZEN_Evolute_Normal.png
normal token : ZEN_Token.png
effect effect_monster : ZEN_Effect.png
effect fusion_effect_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Effect.png
effect ritual_effect_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Effect.png
effect synchro_effect_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Effect.png
effect xyz_effect_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Effect.png
effect link_effect_monster : ZEN_Link_Effect.png
effect evolute_effect_monster : ZEN_Evolute_Effect.png
normal pendulum pendulum_normal_monster : ZEN_Pendulum_Normal.png
normal pendulum fusion_pendulum_normal_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Pendulum_Normal.png
normal pendulum ritual_pendulum_normal_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Pendulum_Normal.png
normal pendulum synchro_pendulum_normal_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Pendulum_Normal.png
normal pendulum xyz_pendulum_normal_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Pendulum_Normal.png
effect pendulum pendulum_effect_monster : ZEN_Pendulum_Effect.png
effect pendulum fusion_pendulum_effect_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Pendulum_Effect.png
effect pendulum ritual_pendulum_effect_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Pendulum_Effect.png
effect pendulum synchro_pendulum_effect_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Pendulum_Effect.png
effect pendulum xyz_pendulum_effect_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Pendulum_Effect.png
normal pandemonium pandemonium_normal_monster : ZEN_Pandemonium_Normal.png
normal pandemonium fusion_pandemonium_normal_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Pandemonium_Normal.png
normal pandemonium ritual_pandemonium_normal_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Pandemonium_Normal.png
normal pandemonium synchro_pandemonium_normal_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Pandemonium_Normal.png
normal pandemonium xyz_pandemonium_normal_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Pandemonium_Normal.png
effect pandemonium pandemonium_effect_monster : ZEN_Pandemonium_Effect.png
effect pandemonium fusion_pandemonium_effect_monster : ZEN_Fusion_Pandemonium_Effect.png
effect pandemonium ritual_pandemonium_effect_monster : ZEN_Ritual_Pandemonium_Effect.png
effect pandemonium synchro_pandemonium_effect_monster : ZEN_Synchro_Pandemonium_Effect.png
effect pandemonium xyz_pandemonium_effect_monster : ZEN_Xyz_Pandemonium_Effect.png
spell normal : ZEN_Spell_Normal.png
spell continuous : ZEN_Spell_Continuous.png
spell quick-play : ZEN_Spell_Quick-Play.png
spell equip : ZEN_Spell_Equip.png
spell field : ZEN_Spell_Field.png
spell ritual : ZEN_Spell_Ritual.png
trap normal : ZEN_Trap_Normal.png
trap continuous : ZEN_Trap_Continuous.png
trap counter : ZEN_Trap_Counter.png
top: 26
left: 341
height: 40
width: 60
z index: 0
render style: image
top: 0
left: 0
width: 421
height: 614
z index: -2
render style: image
choice images:
earth: Zen_Earth.png
water: Zen_Water.png
fire: ZEN_Fire.png
wind: ZEN_Wind.png
light: ZEN_Light.png
dark: ZEN_Dark.png
divine: ZEN_Divine.png
spell: ZEN_Spell.png
trap: ZEN_Trap.png
top: { if is_link() then 32 else 26 }
left: 24
height: 37
width: 317
alignment: Left middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
script: if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Small Caps 1"
script: if styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then 27 else 35
script: if styling.name_color_override then styling.name_color
else rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: script: if styling.shadow_override then styling.shadow_color else rgb (0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 2
left: 59
top : 68
width: { if is_monster() and not is_link() then 65 else 0 }
height: { if is_monster() and not is_link() then 18 else 0 }
alignment: middle right shrink-overflow
z index: 2
script: if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "FOT-Rodin Pro EB"
size: 25
script: if styling.name_color_override then styling.name_color
else rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: script: if styling.shadow_override then styling.shadow_color else rgb (0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 2
left: 24
top : { if is_link() then 454 else 458 }
width: {if is_monster() then 143 else 0 }
height: { if is_monster() then 20 else 0 }
angle: 0.5
alignment: left middle shrink-overflow
z index: 2
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "FOT-Rodin Pro B"
size: 10
color: rgb(255,255,255)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 1
shadow displacement y: 1
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
left: 167
top : { if is_link() then 454 else 458 }
width: { if is_monster() then 188 else 0 }
height: { if is_monster() then 20 else 0 }
angle: 0.5
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
z index: 2
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "FOT-Rodin Pro B"
size: 7
color: rgb(255,255,255)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 1
shadow displacement y: 1
top: { if is_link() then 568 else 575 }
right: 297
height: 20
width: 65
angle: 3.5
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 18
color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
top: { if is_link() then 556 else 563 }
right: 397
height: 20
width: 65
angle: 3.5
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 18
color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
top: { if is_nmonster() then 467 else 478 }
left: 28
height: { if is_nmonster() then 120 else if is_link() then 86 else 90 }
width: 365
padding left: 0
padding right: 0
padding top: 0
padding bottom: 0
alignment: left shrink-overflow
z index: 0
#mask: text_mask.png
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
italic name: { if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK" else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5" else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5" else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB" else "Yu-Gi-Oh! StoneSerif LT" }
size: 11.6
color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow displacement x: 0
shadow displacement y: 0
shadow blur: 2
scale down to: 4
symbol font:
name: yugiohzen-text-numbers
alignment: bottom center
size: 6
top: 373
left: 60
height: { if is_pendulum() then 67 else 0 }
width: { if is_pendulum() then 300 else 0 }
alignment: left shrink-overflow
z index: 0
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
italic name: { "Stone Serif Italic" }
size: 11.6
color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow displacement x: 0
shadow displacement y: 0
shadow blur: 2
scale down to: 4
top: 340
left: 70
height: script: if is_pendulum() then 30 else 0
width: script: if is_pendulum() then 40 else 0
alignment: center middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 25
color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
top: 420
left: 360
height: script: if is_pendulum() then 30 else 0
width: script: if is_pendulum() then 40 else 0
alignment: center middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 25
color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
top: {if is_nmonster() then 453 else if is_link() then 440 else 444 }
left: 26
height: 14
width: { if is_nmonster() then 368 else 281 }
angle: 0.25
alignment: left middle shrink-overflow
z index: 0
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 8
color: rgb(250,250,250)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 0
shadow displacement y: 0
shadow blur: 1
bottom:{ if is_nmonster() then 607 else if is_link() then 588 else 590 }
left: { if is_nmonster() then 297 else 44 }
height: 20
width: 115
angle: -3.5
alignment: left middle shrink-overflow
z index: 2
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 9
color: rgb(255,255,255)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
bottom: { if is_link() then 608 else 612 }
left: 44
height: 20
width: 115
angle: -3.25
alignment: left middle shrink-overflow
z index: 2
name: FOT-Rodin Pro EB
size: 12
color: rgb(255,255,255)
shadow color: rgb(0,0,0)
shadow displacement x: 3
shadow displacement y: 3
shadow blur: 1
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
on: Markers/BOTTOM.png
left: 322
top: 415
width: script: if is_link() then 24 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 10 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
on: Markers/UP.png
left: 322
top: 295
width: script: if is_link() then 24 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 10 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
on: Markers/BOTTOM-LEFT.png
left: 280
top: 397
width: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
on: Markers/BOTTOM-RIGHT.png
left: 370
top: 397
width: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
left: 270
top: 349
width: script: if is_link() then 8 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 23 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
left: 390
top: 349
width: script: if is_link() then 8 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 23 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
left: 280
top: 305
width: script: if is_link() then 18 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 18 else 0
render style: image
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
render style: image
choice images:
left: 370
top: 305
width: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
height: script: if is_link() then 15 else 0
render style: image
\ No newline at end of file
mse version: 2.0.0
version: 2014-04-11
short name: Text Numbers
position hint: 003
icon: n1.png
installer group: Yugioh/Symbol Fonts/Text Numbers
# Symbol font for missing characters
image font size: 16
horizontal space: 2
code: ¹
image: n1.png
code: ²
image: n2.png
code: ³
image: n3.png
code: £
image: n4.png
code: ¢
image: n5.png
code: [
image: leftbracket.png
code: ]
image: rightbracket.png
code: ~
image: infinity.png
image font size: 25
code: ?
image: qmark.png
image font size: 32
code: *
image: dot.png
# Insert-symbol menu
insert symbol menu:
item: ¹
item: ²
item: ³
item: £
item: ¢
item: [
item: ]
item: ~
item: ?
item: *
\ No newline at end of file
mse version: 0.3.8
short name: Zen Template
full name: YugiohZen
icon: icon.png
position hint: 2
installer group: YugiohZen/game
init script: include file: script
#include file: keywords
#include file: set_fields
version: 2016-11-24
card field:
type: color
name: bg_color
show statistics: false
editable: false
default: rgb(255,250,250)
card field:
type: image
name: card_image
show statistics: false
description: The card's image.
card field:
type: choice
name: type_control
description: frame
name: normal
choice: normal monster
choice: fusion normal monster
choice: ritual normal monster
choice: synchro normal monster
choice: xyz normal monster
choice: link normal monster
choice: evolute normal monster
choice: token
name: effect
choice: effect monster
choice: fusion effect monster
choice: ritual effect monster
choice: synchro effect monster
choice: xyz effect monster
choice: link effect monster
choice: evolute effect monster
name: normal pendulum
choice: pendulum normal monster
choice: fusion pendulum normal monster
choice: ritual pendulum normal monster
choice: synchro pendulum normal monster
choice: xyz pendulum normal monster
name: effect pendulum
choice: pendulum effect monster
choice: fusion pendulum effect monster
choice: ritual pendulum effect monster
choice: synchro pendulum effect monster
choice: xyz pendulum effect monster
name: normal pandemonium
choice: pandemonium normal monster
choice: fusion pandemonium normal monster
choice: ritual pandemonium normal monster
choice: synchro pandemonium normal monster
choice: xyz pandemonium normal monster
name: effect pandemonium
choice: pandemonium effect monster
choice: fusion pandemonium effect monster
choice: ritual pandemonium effect monster
choice: synchro pandemonium effect monster
choice: xyz pandemonium effect monster
name: spell
choice: normal
choice: continuous
choice: quick-play
choice: equip
choice: field
choice: ritual
name: trap
choice: normal
choice: continuous
choice: counter
card field:
type: choice
name: card_type
description: The card's type.
card list visible: true
card list column: 2
editable: false
save value: false
default: card.type_control
card field:
type: choice
name: pendulum_control
description: Adds pendulum type.
choice: non-pendulum
choice: pendulum
choice: pandemonium
card field:
type: choice
name: pendulum_status
editable: false
save value: false
default: card.pendulum_control
card field:
type: choice
name: attribute_control
description: frame
choice: earth
choice: water
choice: fire
choice: wind
choice: light
choice: dark
choice: divine
choice: spell
choice: trap
choice: none
card field:
type: choice
name: card_attribute
description: The card's attribute.
card list visible: true
card list column: 3
editable: false
save value: false
default: card.attribute_control
card field:
type: text
name: card_name
identifying: true
show statistics: true
description: The card's name.
card list visible: true
card list column: 1
card field:
type: text
name: level
description: `=] * = star, % = continuous, ! = counter, + = equipment, & = field, $ = quickplay, # = ritual
script: level_filter(value)
card field:
type: text
name: monster_type
show statistics: true
description: The monster's type.
card list visible: true
card list column: 4
card field:
type: text
name: card_type_text
show statistics: true
description: The card's type.
card list visible: true
card list column: 4
card field:
type: text
name: attack
show statistics: true
description: The card's attack.
card list visible: true
card list column: 5
card field:
type: text
name: defence
show statistics: true
description: The card's defence.
card list visible: true
card list column: 6
card field:
type: text
name: card_text
description: The card's effects.
multi line: true
card field:
type: text
name: pendulum_text
description: The card's pendulum effects.
multi line: true
card field:
type: text
name: left_scale
show statistics: true
description: The card's pendulum scales.
card list visible: true
card list column: 7
card field:
type: text
name: right_scale
show statistics: true
description: The card's pendulum scales.
card list visible: true
card list column: 8
card field:
type: text
name: line
show statistics: true
description: The card's extra text.
card list visible: true
card list column: 9
card field:
type: text
name: illust_by
show statistics: true
description: The maker of the card.
card list visible: true
card list column: 9
card field:
type: text
name: set_number
show statistics: true
description: The card's ID.
card list visible: true
card list column: 9
card field:
type: choice
name: rarity
show statistics: true
choice: common
choice: rare
choice: super rare
choice: ultra rare
choice: secret rare
choice: ultimate rare
choice: ultimate rare (No foil)
choice: parallel rare
choice: ghost rare (No foil)
choice: gold rare
choice: star rare
choice: mosaic rare
choice: promo
card list visible: true
card list column: 10
card field:
type: choice
name: B_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.bLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: bLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: T_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.tLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: tLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: L_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.lLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: lLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: R_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.rLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: rLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: TL_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.tlLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: tlLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: TR_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.trLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: trLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: BL_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.blLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: blLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
card field:
type: choice
name: BR_Link
editable: false
show statistics: false
default: card.brLinkControl
card field:
type: choice
name: brLinkControl
choice: off
choice: on
\ No newline at end of file

############################################################## We have keywords
has keywords: true
############################################################## Keyword mode
keyword mode:
name: old
description: Old keywords (Generation Break, Lord, Restraint)
keyword mode:
name: core
description: Core set keywords (Legion, Lock, Delete, etc.)
keyword mode:
name: expert
description: Expert set keywords (Delete + Vanish Delete)
keyword mode:
name: fanmade
description: Fanmade keywords (Rampage, etc)
keyword mode:
is default: true
name: custom
description: Custom keywords
############################################################## Keyword parameter types
# By pichoro and bunnierein
keyword parameter type:
name: cost
match: [ ][HSCTQXYZI0-9WUBRG/|]*|[-—][^(\n]*
separator before is: [ —-]
separator after is: [.]
optional: false
# note: the separator is part of match
refer script:
name: normal
description: When using mana only costs, doesn't include anything extra in the reminder text
script: \{{input}\}
refer script:
name: add "pay an additional " for mana costs
description: When using mana only costs, words the reminder text as "pay an additional <cost>"
script: \{for_mana_costs(add:"pay an additional ", {input})\}
refer script:
name: add "pay " for mana costs
description: When using mana only costs, words the reminder text as "pay <cost>"
script: \{for_mana_costs(add:"pay ", {input})\}
separator script: long_dash()
keyword parameter type:
name: number
match: [XYZ0-9]+
refer script:
name: normal
description: (1,2,3)
script: \{{input}\}
refer script:
name: as words
description: (one, two, three)
script: \{english_number({input})\}
refer script:
name: as words, use "a" for 1
description: (a, two, three)
script: \{english_number_a({input})\}
refer script:
name: as words, use "" for 1
description: (, two, three)
script: \{english_number_multiple({input})\}
refer script:
name: as ordinal words
description: (first, second, third)
script: \{english_number_ordinal({input})\}
keyword parameter type:
name: action
match: [^(:\n]+
separator after is: [.]
reminder script: alternative_cost()
keyword parameter type:
name: one_word
match: [A-Za-z0-9]+
keyword parameter type:
name: name
match: [^(.:;\n—]+
refer script:
name: normal
description: No changes made.
script: \{{input}\}
refer script:
name: singular
description: Removes plurality from words.
script: \{english_singular({input})\}
refer script:
name: separate words with "and/or"
description: Changes spaces to " and/or ". "Elf Warrior" becomes "Elf and/or Warrior".
script: \{separate_words(spacer: " and/or ", {input})\}
refer script:
name: separate words with "or"
description: Changes spaces to " or ". "Elf Warrior" becomes "Elf or Warrior".
script: \{separate_words(spacer: " or ", {input})\}
keyword parameter type:
name: prefix
description: Prefix for things like "<something>walk"
optional: false
# match: [A-Z][a-z, ]*([A-Z][a-z, ]*\xEB00) # commented out because it stopped prefix param from working, version below allows all "walks", including "Dame Judi Denchwalk", doesn't trigger #in middle of sentences, and doesn't trigger in chains of keywords.
match: [A-Z][A-Z,a-z’ ]*
example: Forest
keyword parameter type:
name: english_number
match: [ upto]*[(an? |one |two |three |four |five |six |seven |eight |nine |ten )]*
keyword parameter type:
name: a
match: [an?]*
############################# All Vanguard keywords
keyword: Lock
match: cannot be put to ST, E or use its abilities until the end of that player's next turn.
mode: core
reminder: <i-auto><size:7>Place the Lightbringer facedown until the end of the effect.</size></i-auto>
keyword: Vanish
match: Vanish <atom-param>name</atom-param>.
mode: core
reminder: <i-auto><size:7>Place the vanished cards face down beside the respective discard pile.</size></i-auto>
\ No newline at end of file
 # the rule text filter
# - adds continuous symbols
# - adds counter symbols
# - adds equipment symbols
# - adds field symbols
# - adds quickplay symbols
# - adds ritual symbols
# - adds level symbols
# - adds infinity symbols
# - makes text in parentheses italic
####################################### Circled Numbers Script
circled_numbers :=
# step 1 : remove all automatic tags
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<sym-auto>") +
# step 2 : symbols
match: "[|¹|²|³|£|¢|~|?|*|]",
replace: "<sym-auto>&</sym-auto>" );
####################################### End of circled numbers script
text_filter :=
# step 1 : remove all automatic tags
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<sym-auto>") +
# step 2 : expand shortcut words ~ and CARDNAME
match: "CARDNAME",
in_context: "(^|[[:space:]]|\\()<match>", # TODO: Allow any punctuation before
replace: "<atom-cardname></atom-cardname>"
) +
# step 3 : fill in the cardname atom field
tag: "<atom-cardname>",
contents: { if"" then "CARDNAME" else }
) +
# step 4 : symbols
match: "[|¹|²|³|£|¢|?|*|]",
replace: "<sym-auto>&</sym-auto>" );
level_filter :=
# step 1 : remove all automatic tags
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<sym-auto>") +
# step 2 : symbols
match: "[|%|!|+|&|$|#|*|^|]",
replace: "<sym-auto>&</sym-auto>" );
a_and_d_filter :=
# step 1 : remove all automatic tags
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<sym-auto>") +
# step 2 : infinity
match: "@",
replace: "<sym-auto>&</sym-auto>" ) +
# step 3 : question mark
match: "\\?",
replace: "<sym-auto>&</sym-auto>" );
# the flavor text filter
flavor_text_filter :=
# step 1 : remove italic tags
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<i-flavor>") +
# step 2 : surround by <i> tags
{ "<i-flavor>" + input + "</i-flavor>" };
type_over_list := replace_rule(match:" ?/", replace:"")
monster_type_filter :=
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<word-list-") +
type_over_list +
{ "<word-list-monster>{input}</word-list-monster>" }
space_to_wltags := replace_rule(match:"( +|<soft> </soft>)",
card_class_filter :=
tag_remove_rule(tag: "<word-list-") +
type_over_list +
{ "<word-list-card>{input}</word-list-card>" }
# Determine type of card
card_type := {
if card.attribute == "spell" then "spell card"
else if contains(card.level, match:"Spell Card") then "spell card"
else if card.attribute == "trap" then "trap card"
else if contains(card.level, match:"Trap Card") then "trap card"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Pendulum") then "pendulum effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Xyz") then "xyz monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Legendary Dragon") then "dragons card"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Dark Synchro") then "dark synchro monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Synchro") then "synchro monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Fusion") then "fusion monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Ritual") then "ritual monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Dark Tuner") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Gemini") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Union") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Spirit") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Toon") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Flip") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Effect") then "effect monster"
else "normal monster"
# Default 'attribute' of card
attribute := {
if is_spell_card() then "Spell"
else if is_trap_card() then "Trap"
else "none"
# Default foil for a card
foil := {
if card.rarity == "super rare" then "holo image"
else if card.rarity == "ultra rare" then "holo image"
else if card.rarity == "secret rare" then "secret holo image"
else if card.rarity == "ultimate rare" then "ultimate holo image"
else if card.rarity == "parallel rare" then "parallel holo image"
else if card.rarity == "gold rare" then "gold holo image"
else if card.rarity == "promo" then "holo image"
else if card.rarity == "star rare" then "star holo image"
else if card.rarity == "mosaic rare" then "mosaic holo image"
else "none"
############### Type of card
nm_ext_querry := {
if set.gods_have_effects == "no" then is_normal_monster_extended(value)
else is_normal_monster(value)
is_nmonster := {
card.card_type == "spell normal" or
card.card_type == "spell continuous" or
card.card_type == "spell quick-play" or
card.card_type == "spell ritual" or
card.card_type == "spell field" or
card.card_type == "spell equip" or
card.card_attribute == "spell" or
card.card_type == "trap normal" or
card.card_type == "trap continuous" or
card.card_type == "trap counter"
is_monster := {
card.card_type == "normal normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal fusion normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect fusion effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal ritual normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect ritual effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal synchro normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect synchro effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal xyz normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect xyz effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal token" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum fusion pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum fusion pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum ritual pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum ritual pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum synchro pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum synchro pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum xyz pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum xyz pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium fusion pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium fusion pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium ritual pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium ritual pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium synchro pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium synchro pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium xyz pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "normal link normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect link effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal evolute normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect evolute effect monster"
is_pendulum := {
card.card_type == "normal pendulum pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum fusion pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum fusion pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum ritual pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum ritual pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum synchro pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum synchro pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pendulum xyz pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pendulum xyz pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium fusion pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium fusion pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium ritual pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium ritual pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium synchro pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium synchro pandemonium effect monster" or
card.card_type == "normal pandemonium xyz pandemonium normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect pandemonium xyz pandemonium effect monster"
is_spell_card := {
card.card_type == "spell normal" or
card.card_type == "spell continuous" or
card.card_type == "spell quick-play" or
card.card_type == "spell ritual" or
card.card_type == "spell field" or
card.card_type == "spell equip" or
card.card_attribute == "spell" or
card.level == "Spell"
is_trap_card := {
card.card_type == "trap normal" or
card.card_type == "trap continuous" or
card.card_type == "trap counter" or
card.card_attribute == "trap" or
card.level == "Trap"
is_link := {
card.card_type == "normal link normal monster" or
card.card_type == "effect link effect monster"
############### Determine Card Position
type_sort := {
type := card.card_type
if chosen(choice:"normal monster", type) then "A"
else if chosen(choice:"effect monster", type) then "B"
else if chosen(choice:"ritual monster", type) then "C"
else if chosen(choice:"fusion monster", type) then "D"
else if chosen(choice:"synchro monster", type) then "E"
else if chosen(choice:"dark synchro monster", type) then "F"
else if chosen(choice:"xyz monster", type) then "G"
else if chosen(choice:"pendulum normal monster", type) then "H"
else if chosen(choice:"pendulum effect monster", type) then "I"
else if chosen(choice:"token monster", type) then "J"
else if chosen(choice:"obelisk card", type) then "K"
else if chosen(choice:"slifer card", type) then "L"
else if chosen(choice:"ra card", type) then "M"
else if chosen(choice:"dragons card", type) then "N"
else if chosen(choice:"spell card", type) then "O"
else if chosen(choice:"trap card", type) then "P"
else if chosen(choice:"reverse pendulum monster", type) then "R"
else if chosen(choice:"xyz pendulum monster", type) then "S"
else if chosen(choice:"blink card",type) then "T"
else if chosen(choice:"transforms monster") then "U"
else "Q"
pos_of_card := {
of: card
in: set
order_by: {
type_sort() + card.monster_type + + card.attribute
}) + 1

############################################################## Set fields
set field:
type: info
name: Set Information
set field:
type: text
name: title
identifying: true
set field:
type: text
name: description
multi line: true
set field:
type: text
name: artist
set field:
type: text
name: copyright
set field:
type: symbol
name: symbol
description: The symbol for this set, double click to edit
set field:
type: info
name: Defaults and Automation
set field:
type: color
name: border color
description: The default border color for cards
name: black
color: rgb(0,0,0)
name: white
color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: silver
color: rgb(128,128,128)
name: gold
color: rgb(200,180,0)
set field:
type: multiple choice
name: automatic reminder text
choice: old
choice: core
choice: expert
choice: custom
choice: fanmade
initial: core, expert, custom, fanmade
# Convert from older mse versions
if value = "yes" then "old, core, expert, custom"
else if value = "no" then ""
else value
description: For which kinds of keywords should reminder text be added by default? Note: you can enable/disable reminder text by right clicking the keyword.
set field:
type: boolean
name: automatic card numbers
description: Should card numbers be shown on the cards?
set field:
type: choice
name: sort special rarity
description: Determines how cards with special rarity are sorted.
choice: with the rest
choice: after other cards
choice: separate numbering
initial: after other cards
set field:
type: choice
name: card language
description: Language for the cards
choice: English
choice: Français
initial: English
set field:
type: boolean
name: mark errors
description: Marks errors on cards, for example wording and spelling errors, non unique card names, etc.
set field:
type: choice
name: use gradient multicolor
choice: yes
choice: only for two color cards
choice: no
description: Use gradients on multicolor cards by default, you can always change it be clicking on the card border.
initial: only for two color cards
############################# Default style
default set style:
padding left: 2
size: 16
max aspect ratio: 2.5
name: common
border radius: 0.10
fill type: solid
fill color: rgb(0,0,0)
border color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: uncommon
border radius: 0.07
fill type: linear gradient
fill color 1: rgb(224,224,224)
fill color 2: rgb(84, 84, 84)
border color 1: rgb(0, 0, 0)
border color 2: rgb(0, 0, 0)
name: rare
border radius: 0.07
fill type: linear gradient
fill color 1: rgb(214,196,94)
fill color 2: rgb(95, 84, 40)
border color 1: rgb(0, 0, 0)
border color 2: rgb(0, 0, 0)
name: mythic rare
border radius: 0.07
fill type: linear gradient
fill color 1: rgb(245,148,31)
fill color 2: rgb(186,45,38)
border color 1: rgb(0, 0, 0)
border color 2: rgb(0, 0, 0)
name: special
border radius: 0.10
fill type: linear gradient
fill color 1: rgb(224,170,247)
fill color 2: rgb(58,7,80)
border color 1: rgb(255,255,255)
border color 2: rgb(255,255,255)
name: watermark
border radius: 0.10
fill type: solid
fill color: rgb(255,255,255)
border color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
automatic reminder text:
render style: checklist
direction: vertical
use gradient multicolor:
render style: both
choice images:
yes: script: built_in_image("bool_yes")
no: script: built_in_image("bool_no")

############################################################## Word lists
word list:
name: monster
word: Aqua
word: Beast
word: Beast-Warrior
word: Creator God
word: Cyberse
word: Dinosaur
word: Divine-Beast
word: Dragon
word: Fairy
word: Fiend
word: Fish
word: Insect
word: Legendary Dragon
word: Machine
word: Plant
word: Pyro
word: Psychic
word: Reptile
word: Rock
word: Sea Serpent
word: Spellcaster
word: Thunder
word: Warrior
word: Winged Beast
word: Wyrm
word: Zombie
word: 战士族
word: 魔法师族
word: 天使族
word: 恶魔族
word: 不死族
word: 机械族
word: 水族
word: 炎族
word: 岩石族
word: 鸟兽族
word: 植物族
word: 昆虫族
word: 雷族
word: 龙族
word: 兽族
word: 兽战士族
word: 恐龙族
word: 鱼族
word: 海龙族
word: 爬虫类族
word: 念动力族
word: 幻神兽族
word: 创造神族
word: 幻龙族
word: 电子界族
word: 戰士族
word: 魔法師族
word: 天使族
word: 惡魔族
word: 不死族
word: 機械族
word: 水族
word: 炎族
word: 岩石族
word: 鳥獸族
word: 植物族
word: 昆蟲族
word: 雷族
word: 龍族
word: 獸族
word: 獸戰士族
word: 恐龍族
word: 魚族
word: 爬蟲類族
word: 念動力族
word: 海龍族
word: 幻神獸族
word: 創造神族
word: 幻龍族
word: 電子界族
word: 水族
word: 炎族
word: 獣族
word: 獣戦士族
word: ドラゴン族
word: 恐竜族
word: 海竜族
word: 天使族
word: 悪魔族
word: 魚族
word: 昆虫族
word: 機械族
word: 植物族
word: 岩石族
word: 雷族
word: 戦士族
word: 魔法使い族
word: 鳥獣族
word: 爬虫類族
word: サイキック族
word: アンデット族
word: 幻神獣族
word: 創造神族
word: 幻竜族
word: サイバース族
word list:
name: card
word: Dark Synchro
word: Dark Tuner
word: Effect
word: Flip
word: Fusion
word: Gemini
word: Pendulum
word: Pandemonium
word: Ritual
word: Spirit
word: Synchro
word: Toon
word: Tuner
word: Union
word: Xyz
word: Link
word: Reality
word: 同调
word: 超量
word: 融合
word: 仪式
word: 效果
word: 连接
word: 调整
word: 灵魂
word: 卡通
word: 二重
word: 同盟
word: 灵摆
word: 反转
word: 黑暗同调
word: 黑暗调整
word: 特殊召唤
word: 衍生物
word: 万魔
word: 同調
word: 超量
word: 融合
word: 儀式
word: 調整
word: 效果
word: 靈魂
word: 卡通
word: 二重
word: 同盟
word: 靈擺
word: 反轉
word: 黑暗同調
word: 黑暗調整
word: 特殊召喚
word: 衍生物
word: 萬魔
word: ダークシンクロ
word: ダークチューナー
word: 効果
word: 融合
word: デュアル
word: 儀式
word: スピリット
word: シンクロ
word: エクシーズ
word: トゥーン
word: リンク
word: ユニオン
word: ペンデュラム
word: 特殊召喚
word: トークン
word: リバース
\ No newline at end of file
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