Commit cd139546 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma


+ Split Ofiicial and Custom card types into 2 different styles.
- Dropped support for the "Proxy-Like" template frame from "Custom" card style.
+ Added Evolute, Conjointed, Time Leap and more custom card type supports to "Custom" Style based on LHK's implementation.
+ Fixed a bug with Skill Cards and picture masks.
- Dropped the outdated yugioh templates from the repo
parent 4b46faf0
mse version: 2.0.0
game: yugioh
short name: S10 Custom
full name: With Extended Art & i18n
installer group: Yugioh/Series10
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 01
version: 2017-06-26
depends on:
package: yugioh.mse-game
version: 2017-06-26
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font
version: 2014-04-11
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-replacements.mse-symbol-font
version: 2014-04-11
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-numbers.mse-symbol-font
version: 2014-04-11
card width: 421
card height: 614
card dpi: 178.0156
############################################################## Extra scripts
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: info
name: Look & Feel
styling field:
type: choice
name: language
description: 卡片语言 Language of the card, supports English, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified or Traditional).
initial: english
choice: english
choice: japanese
choice: chinese simplified
choice: chinese traditional
choice: chinese duel links traditional
choice: chinese duel links simplified
styling field:
type: choice
name: template style
description: 模板样式 Style of the template, Proxy-Like is the style featured in INFDEV version while Actual Style is closer to real life Series 10 cards.
initial: actual style
choice: actual style
styling field:
type: info
name: Customizations
styling field:
type: boolean
name: name color override
description: 使用以下的颜色替换卡名颜色 Override the default card name color with the settings below.
initial: no
styling field:
type: color
name: name color
description: 卡片名颜色设置 Customize the color of the card name.
initial: rgb(254,254,254)
name: default
name: white
color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: red
color: rgb(60,0,0)
name: silver
color: rgb(230,230,230)
name: light blue
color: rgb(211,252,252)
name: gold
color: rgb(216,199,53)
styling field:
type: boolean
name: shadow override
initial: no
description: 使用以下的颜色替换卡名阴影颜色 Override the default card shadow color with the settings below
styling field:
type: color
name: shadow color
description: 卡片名阴影颜色设置 The shadow color for card name.
initial: rgb(1,1,1)
name: default
color: rgb(1,1,1)
name: black
color: rgb(0,0,0)
name: white
color: rgb(255,255,255)
name: red
color: rgb(60,0,0)
name: silver
color: rgb(230,230,230)
name: gold
color: rgb(216,199,53)
styling field:
type: boolean
name: foil texture
description: 闪膜开启 Disabling this will allow the rarity to only affect the name and not the image.
initial: yes
styling field:
type: boolean
name: foil texture override
description: 闪膜自定义 Overriding the foil texture to use one from the next setting. Also overrides the previous setting.
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: custom foil
description: 选择自定义闪膜 Choose from 1 of the following foils to override the custom foil.
initial: defaultfoil
choice: defaultfoil
choice: applefoil
choice: collectborder
choice: egyptfoil
choice: ghostfoil
choice: ghostfoil2
choice: ghostfoil3
choice: kaibararefoil
choice: lemonfoil
choice: mosaicfoil
choice: parallelfoil
choice: secretfoil
choice: secretfoil2
choice: starfoil
choice: superfoil
choice: ultimatefoil
choice: ultrafoil
choice: ygojpoverlay
choice: ygojpoverlayp
styling field:
type: boolean
name: image frame
description: 周年卡款式 Choosing "yes" will omit the image frame like on Anniversary Edition cards. cannot co-exist with extended art
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: extended artwork
description: 卡图大小 Choosing "Extended" will extend the non-pendulum artwork to semi-full-art with transparency on lorebox. (Warning: This will change image size and maybe break the unofficial card types.)
initial: no
choice: no
choice: yes
styling field:
type: boolean
name: is speedduel card
description: 是否为高速决斗卡 Choosing "Yes" will apply the Speed Duel watermark on the card.
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: is link card
description: 是否为链接魔陷卡 Choosing "Yes" will apply the Link frame even if it's not a Link Monster, used for Link Spell/Traps.
initial: no
styling field:
type: info
name: Text Formatting
styling field:
type: choice
name: rules alignment
description: 文字对齐模式 英文卡用justified 其他语言看情况用stetched或者justified-all Should the rules text be justified or stretched (mainly for Chinese/Japanese cards)?
initial: justified
choice: not justified
choice: justified
choice: justified-all
choice: stretched
styling field:
type: boolean
name: bold effect text
description: 效果字体加粗 TCG帝王SD的排版效果 Should effect text be bold as seen on some cards such as those from The Dark Emperor?
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: large type
description: 9期TCG种族大字号 For monster cards only: make the monster type large, as on the newer Series 9 cards, or keep it small.
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: text size
description: 效果文字体大小 Make the font size larger, if there is less flavor text.
initial: small
choice: small
choice: large
styling field:
type: boolean
name: max line space
description: 加大行距 Fill the entire text box vertically
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: disable hologram
description: 移除右下标识 Disable the Eye of Anubis hologram, to make it more similar to Konami's official proxies.
initial: no
###Come to think of it, any pendulum cards that don't have transparency? This will also cause some unknown problems, Function Removed until further notice.
#styling field:
# type: boolean
# name: pendulum transparency
# description: Enable transparency in pendulum monsters? (Warning, this changes image size.)
# initial: yes
styling field:
type: info
name: Pendulum Options
styling field:
type: choice
name: pendulum transparency
description: Function Removed due to most pendulum cards are transperant also this causes problems in new version.
initial: true
choice: true
styling field:
type: choice
name: pendulum size
description: 灵摆区域大小 TCG用 Pick one of three available sizes for pendulum monsters (Warning, this may change image size.)
initial: default
choice: default
choice: less
choice: more
styling field:
type: boolean
name: pendulum text centering
description: 灵摆区域排版居中 TCG用 Center the pendulum text in the box.
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: is ZARC card
description: 是否是霸王龙ZARC卡模 Set the pendulum monster to be ZARC monster.
initial: no
styling style:
render style: both
choice images:
english: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/language-en.png
japanese: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/language-ja.png
chinese simplified: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/language-zh.png
chinese traditional: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/language-tw.png
template style:
render style: both
choice images:
proxy-like: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/proxylike.png
actual style: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/actualstyle.png
extended artwork:
render style: both
choice images:
no: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/small-image.png
yes: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/large-image.png
custom foil:
render style: both
choice images:
defaultfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/defaultfoilpreview.png
applefoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/applefoilpreview.png
collectborder: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/collectborderpreview.png
egyptfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/egyptfoilpreview.png
ghostfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/ghostfoilpreview.png
ghostfoil2: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/ghostfoil2preview.png
ghostfoil3: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/ghostfoil3preview.png
kaibararefoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/kaibararefoilpreview.png
lemonfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/lemonfoilpreview.png
mosaicfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/mosaicfoilpreview.png
parallelfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/parallelfoilpreview.png
secretfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/secretfoilpreview.png
secretfoil2: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/secretfoil2preview.png
starfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/starfoilpreview.png
superfoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/superfoilpreview.png
ultimatefoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/ultimatefoilpreview.png
ultrafoil: /yugioh.mse-game/icons/ultrafoilpreview.png
############################################################## Card fields
card style:
############################# Background stuff
card type:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
z index: -2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
normal monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/normalex.png" else "new/normalnew.png" }
effect monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/effectex.png" else "new/effectnew.png" }
fusion monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/fusionex.png" else "new/fusionnew.png" }
ritual monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/ritualex.png" else "new/ritualnew.png" }
synchro monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/synchroex.png" else "new/synchronew.png" }
dark synchro monster : card-dsynchro.png
xyz monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/xyzex.png" else "new/xyznew.png" }
pendulum normal monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/normalnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/normalnew-pm.png" else "new/normalnew-p.png" }
pendulum effect monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/effectnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/effectnew-pm.png" else "new/effectnew-p.png" }
pendulum fusion monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/fusionnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/fusionnew-pm.png" else "new/fusionnew-p.png" }
pendulum ritual monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/ritualnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/ritualnew-pm.png" else "new/ritualnew-p.png" }
pendulum synchro monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/synchronew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/synchronew-pm.png" else "new/synchronew-p.png" }
pendulum dark synchro monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "card-dark-synchro-pendulum-less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "card-dark-synchro-pendulum-more.png" else "card-dark-synchro-pendulum.png" }
pendulum xyz monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/xyznew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/xyznew-pm.png" else "new/xyznew-p.png" }
pandemonium monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "card-pandemonium-small.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "card-pandemonium-large.png" else "card-pandemonium-medium.png" }
bigbang monster : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/bigbangnew.png" else "card-bigbang.png" }
dlc monster : card-dlc.png
token monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/tokenex.png" else "new/tokennew.png" }
link monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/linkex.png" else "new/linknew.png" }
spell card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellex.png" else "new/spellnew.png" }
trap card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapex.png" else "new/trapnew.png" }
trell card : card-trell.png
conjoint spell card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellcex.png" else "card-spell-conjoint.png" }
conjoint trap card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapcex.png" else "card-trap-conjoint.png" }
normal conjoint monster : card-normal-conjoint.png
link conjoint monster : card-link-conjoint.png
effect conjoint monster : card-effect-conjoint.png
ritual conjoint monster : card-ritual-conjoint.png
synchro conjoint monster : card-synchro-conjoint.png
fusion conjoint monster : card-fusion-conjoint.png
xyz conjoint monster : card-xyz-conjoint.png
evolute monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/evoluteex.png" else "card-evolute-new.png" }
evolute conjoint monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/evolutecex.png" else "card-evolute-conjoint.png" }
enhance monster : Enhance_s10.png
time leap monster : Time_Leap_MSE.png
skill card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "new/fullart/skillex.png" else "new/skill.png"}
left: 0
top: 0
width: 421
height: 614
z index: -1
render style: image
popup style: in place
if styling.is_speedduel_card then "speeddueloverlay.png"
else "blank2.png"
combine: normal
left: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" or card.rarity=="star rare" or card.rarity=="mosaic rare" or card.rarity=="gold rare" or card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlay" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlayp" then 0 else if card.rarity=="promo" or card.rarity=="secret rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" or card.rarity=="super rare" and styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_pendulum() then 25 else if is_pendulum() then 28 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 23 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if styling.image_frame then 44 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 47 else 51 }
top: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" or card.rarity=="star rare" or card.rarity=="mosaic rare" or card.rarity=="gold rare" or card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlay" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlayp" then 0 else if card.rarity=="promo" or card.rarity=="secret rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" or card.rarity=="super rare" and is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 109.5 else if is_pendulum() then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 111 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
width: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" or card.rarity=="star rare" or card.rarity=="mosaic rare" or card.rarity=="gold rare" or card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlay" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlayp" then 421 else if card.rarity=="promo" or card.rarity=="secret rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" or card.rarity=="super rare" and is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 364 else if styling.image_frame then "333" else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" or card.rarity=="star rare" or card.rarity=="mosaic rare" or card.rarity=="gold rare" or card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlay" or styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlayp" then 614 else if card.rarity=="promo" or card.rarity=="secret rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" or card.rarity=="super rare" and is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 368 else 347 ) ) else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 363 else 347 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
z index: 5
render style: image
popup style: in place
if styling.foil_texture_override then (
if styling.custom_foil=="applefoil" then set_combine(input: "customfoils/applefoil.png", combine: "multiply") else
if styling.custom_foil=="collectborder" then "customfoils/collectborder.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="egyptfoil" then "customfoils/egyptfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ghostfoil" then "customfoils/ghostfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ghostfoil2" then "customfoils/ghostfoil2.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ghostfoil3" then "customfoils/ghostfoil3.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="kaibararefoil" then "customfoils/kaibararefoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="lemonfoil" then set_combine(input: "customfoils/lemonfoil.png", combine: "multiply") else
if styling.custom_foil=="mosaicfoil" then "customfoils/mosaicfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="parallelfoil" then "customfoils/parallelfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="secretfoil" then "customfoils/secretfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="secretfoil2" then "customfoils/secretfoil2.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="starfoil" then "customfoils/starfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="superfoil" then "customfoils/superfoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ultimatefoil" then "customfoils/ultimatefoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ultrafoil" then "customfoils/ultrafoil.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlay" then "customfoils/ygojpoverlay.png" else
if styling.custom_foil=="ygojpoverlayp" then "customfoils/ygojpoverlayp.png" else
) else
if card.rarity=="gold rare" and is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "goldfoil-pendulum_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "goldfoil-pendulum_more.png" else "goldfoil-pendulum.png" ) else
if card.rarity=="gold rare" and styling.image_frame then "goldfoil-anniversary.png" else
if card.rarity=="gold rare" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "goldfoil-anniversary.png" else
if card.rarity=="gold rare" then "goldfoil.png" else
if styling.foil_texture then (
if card.rarity=="super rare" then "defaultfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then "ultrafoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="secret rare" then "secretfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then "ultimatefoilex.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "ultimatefoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then "parallelfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="star rare" then "starfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" then "mosaicfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="promo" then "superfoil.png") else
mask: { if card.rarity=="promo" or card.rarity=="secret rare" or card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" or card.rarity=="super rare" then ( if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else "mask.png" ) else "" }
combine: normal
############################# Name line
left: 31
#top : 25
top : { if styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then 27 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type=="skill card" then 24 else 25 }
width: 319
height: 41
alignment: middle shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 2
shadow color:
script: if styling.shadow_override then styling.shadow_color
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(255,200,210)
else if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(210,235,250)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(210,235,250)
#else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(228,190,005)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(255,215,0)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare (No foil)" then rgb(255,243,110)
else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(255,215,0)
else if card.rarity=="gold rare" then rgb(255,215,0)
else if card.rarity=="super rare" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="skill card" then rgb(0,0,0)
else if is_nmonster() then "transparent"
else "transparent"
shadow displacement x: 0.3
shadow displacement y: 1.2
script: if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else if card.card_type=="skill card" then "Arial Narrow"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Small Caps 2"
script: if styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" or card.card_type=="skill card" then 27 else 35
script: if styling.name_color_override then styling.name_color
else if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(133,168,169)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" then rgb(35,40,49)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" then rgb(10,10,10)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(60,0,0)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(211,252,252)
#else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(228,190,005)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" or card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare (No foil)" then rgb(69,60,0)
else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if card.rarity=="gold rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="skill card" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: bottom center
left: 355
top : 27
width: 40
height: 40
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
earth: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "uearth.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/earth.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/earth.png" else "earth.png"}
water: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "uwater.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/water.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/water.png" else "water.png"}
fire: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "ufire.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/fire.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/fire.png" else "fire.png"}
wind: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "uwind.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/wind.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/wind.png" else "wind.png"}
light: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "ulight.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/light.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/light.png" else "light.png"}
time: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utime.png" else "time.png"}
dark: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "udark.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/dark.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/dark.png" else "dark.png"}
divine: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "udivine.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/divine.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/divine.png" else "divine.png"}
spell: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "uspell.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/spell.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/spell.png" else "spell.png"}
trap: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrap.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/trap.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/trap.png" else "trap.png"}
trell: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrell.png" else "trell.png"}
left: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 28 }
top: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 568 }
width: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 23 }
height: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 23 }
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
1: stage/1.png
2: stage/2.png
3: stage/3.png
4: stage/4.png
5: stage/5.png
6: stage/6.png
7: stage/7.png
8: stage/8.png
9: stage/9.png
10: stage/10.png
11: stage/11.png
12: stage/12.png
visible: {if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true else false }
left: { if is_nmonster() then 42 else 43 }
top : { if is_nmonster() or card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 74 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 73 else 76}
#width: { if is_nmonster() then 327 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 0 else 334 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 28 else 28 }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type == "xyz conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
z index: 2
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Stone Serif Sem SC ITC TT"
size: 15
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-standard-levels
alignment: middle center
scale down to: 1
size: { if is_monster() then 7.5 else 15 }
############################# Image
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 25 else if is_pendulum() then 28 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 27 else if styling.image_frame then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 23 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 47 else 51 }
top: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 109.5 else if is_pendulum() then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 108 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
width: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 365 else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 368 else 347 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
z index: 1
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/mask-p_more.png" else "new/mask-p.png" ) else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" or card.card_type=="conjoint spell card" or card.card_type=="conjoint trap card" or card.card_type=="skill card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex3.png" else "new/maskex4.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
############################# Link Marker Border INDENTS MATTER
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card then 0 else 5 # 50
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card then 0 else 5 # 113
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card then 422 else 0 # 322
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card then 615 else 0 # 321
z index: 6
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkmarker.png
on: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkmarkerex.png" else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkmarkerex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkmarker.png" else "linkmarker.png" }
############################# End Link Marker Border
############################# Link Markers
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 14 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 30 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 36 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 92 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 99 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkulon.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkulonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkulon.png" else "linkulon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 164 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 88 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 85 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 84 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 92 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 97 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 19 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkuon.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkuonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkuon.png" else "linkuon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 362 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 359 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 347 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 349 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 92 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 99 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 45 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkuron.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkuronex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkuron.png" else "linkuron.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 8 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 13 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 30 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 287 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 284 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 225 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 225 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 97 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linklon.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linklonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linklon.png" else "linklon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 14 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 30 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 36 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 547 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 545 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 408 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 409 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 42 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 43 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkdlon.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkdlonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkdlon.png" else "linkdlon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 393 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 389 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 373 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 371 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 287 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 284 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 225 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 225 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 25 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkron.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkronex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkron.png" else "linkron.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 164 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 164 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 578 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 575 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 434 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 431 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 97 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkdon.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkdonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkdon.png" else "linkdon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 363 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 359 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 347 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 349 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 548 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 545 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 408 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 409 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 45 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 42 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
#on: linkdron.png
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkdronex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkdron.png" else "linkdron.png" }
############################# Card type
monster type:
#left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 38 else 40 }
left: { if is_nmonster() then (359 - card_style.level.content_width) else if is_tw() or is_cn() then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and (is_tw() or is_cn() ) then 25 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if is_pendulum() and ( styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" ) then 477 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 476 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 463 else 462 }
width: { if styling.large_type then card_style.monster_type.content_width + 8 else card_style.monster_type.content_width + 6 }
height: 15
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DFG Leisho 4"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps"
size: { if styling.large_type then 13.1 else if styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links" then 13 else 11.4 }
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" ) then 562 else if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" or styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "left middle" else "right middle" }
name: Stone Serif
size: 8.5
color: { if card.card_type=="xyz monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then rgb(0,0,0) else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0) }
left: 78
top: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 586 else 584 }
width: 150
height: 15
z index: 4
alignment: middle left
visible: true
name: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "BankGothic Md BT" else "Palatino Linotype" }
size: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "11.5" else "9.5" }
color: { if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0) }
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 478 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 478 else 474 }
width: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 358 else 356 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 118 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 65 else 82 }
if styling.bold_effect_text then "Matrix-Bold"
else if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
italic name: { if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK" else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5" else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5" else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB" else "Stone Serif ITC Medium Italic" }
size: { if is_nmonster() and styling.text_size=="large" then "10" else if is_nmonster() and styling.text_size=="small" then "9.2" else if styling.bold_effect_text then "8.2" else if styling.text_size=="large" then "9.8" else "9.2" }
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-numbers
alignment: bottom center
size: 6
alignment: { if styling.rules_alignment=="justified" then "top left justify" else if styling.rules_alignment=="justified-all" then "top left justify-all" else if styling.rules_alignment=="stretched" then "top left stretch if-overflow" else "top left" }
z index: 3
padding left: 1
padding top: 1
padding right: 0
padding bottom: 0
line height hard: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
line height line: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
line height soft: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
#line height hard max: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.max_line_space and (styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional") then 1.2 else if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
#line height soft max: { if styling.max_line_space and (styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional") then 1.2 else if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if styling.max_line_space and styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 1.5 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
#line height line max: { if styling.max_line_space and (styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional") then 1.2 else if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if styling.max_line_space and styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 1.5 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
line height hard max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
line height soft max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
line height line max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else if styling.text_size=="large" then 0.72 else 0.76 }
############################# Attack/Defense/Pendulum Scale/Spell Effect
#left: 262
left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 252 else 262 }
top: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 561 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 559 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 560 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 561 else 558 }
width: 38
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
#name: MatrixBoldFractions
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 14
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: { if is_nmonster() then false else true }
#left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 351 else 348 }
left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 351 else 348 }
top: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 561 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 559 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 560 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 561 else 558 }
width: 38
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "Eurostile Candy W01 Semibold" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "YGOLinkNumber" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps" }
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 14 else 14 }
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: { if is_nmonster() then false else true }
pendulum text:
left: { if is_pendulum() then true and 65 }
top : { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 407 else 385 ) else if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 406 else 384 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 290 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 48 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 84 else 69 ) }
visible: { is_pendulum() }
if styling.bold_effect_text then "Matrix-Bold"
else if styling.language=="japanese" then "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF Leisho 3"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "方正隶变_GBK"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "DFPLiShuW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" then "DFPTanLiW5-B5"
else if styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "DFPTanLiW5-GB"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
size: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 10.4 else 9.7 }
#9.5 for regular, 6.9 for medium size
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-numbers
alignment: bottom center
size: 4
alignment: { if styling.pendulum_text_centering then "middle left justify" else "top left justify" }
z index: 3
padding left: 1
padding top: 1
padding right: 1
padding bottom: 1
line height hard: 0.73
line height line: 0.73
line height soft: 0.73
line height hard max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else 0.73 }
line height soft max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else 0.73 }
line height line max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else 0.73 }
blue scale:
#may need further adjustement after OSUME's new template arrives. <-Already Arrived
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 27 else if is_pendulum() then true and 30 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
name: MatrixBoldFractions
size: 22
color: rgb(30,30,30)
red scale:
#may need further adjustement after OSUME's new template arrives. <-Already Arrived
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 365 else if is_pendulum() then true and 363 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then true and 365 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
name: MatrixBoldFractions
size: 22
color: rgb(30,30,30)
############################# Card sorting / numbering
############################# Copyright stuff
left: 20
#top : 584
top: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 586 else 584 }
width: 57
height: 15
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: Stone Serif
size: 8.5
color: { if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0) }
left: 388
top : 580
height: 21
width: 21
z index: 3
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
common: blank2.png
rare: blank2.png
super rare: blank2.png
ultra rare: blank2.png
secret rare: blank2.png
ultimate rare: blank2.png
parallel rare: blank2.png
gold rare: blank2.png
promo: blank2.png
corner foil:
left: 388
top : 580
height: 23
width: 23
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
script: if styling.disable_hologram then "blank2.png" else if card.edition!="" then "cornerfirst.png" else "cornerunlimited.png"
left: 230
#top : 584
top: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 586 else 584 }
width: 150
height: 15
z index: 4
alignment: middle right
name: Stone Serif
size: 8.5
color: { if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0) }
############################################extra card field:
extra card field:
type: choice
name: bar
choice: bar
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: leftbracket
choice: lbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: rightbracket
choice: rbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: atkoverlay
default: ""
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: defoverlay
default: ""
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: pendulum text
description: ¹=(1), ²=(2), ³=(3), £=(4), ¢=(5), ~=infinity, ?=question mark, *=dot
script: circled_numbers(value)
multi line: true
save value: true
show statistics: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: blue scale
multi line: false
save value: true
show statistics: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: red scale
multi line: false
save value: true
show statistics: false
extra card style:
#left: 33
left: {if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 33 }
top: {if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 560 else 557 }
#width: 355
width: {if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 357 else 355 }
height: 3
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
bar: bar.png
visible: script: if is_nmonster() or styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type=="skill card" then false else true
# leftbracket:
# left: { if is_nmonster() then (359 - card_style.level.content_width) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
# top : { if is_nmonster() then 80 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 479 else if styling.large_type then 464 else 464 }
# width: { if is_nmonster() then 6 else 6 }
# height: { if is_nmonster() then 19 else if styling.large_type then 15 else 14 }
# z index: 2
# render style: image list
# choice images:
# #lbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png
# lbracket:
# script:
# if styling.language=="japanese" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_jp.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_sc.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_tc.png"
# else "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png"
# rightbracket:
# left: { if is_nmonster() then 372 else if styling.large_type then (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 42) else (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 42) }
# top : { if is_nmonster() then 80 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 479 else if styling.large_type then 464 else 464 }
# width: { if is_nmonster() then 6 else 6 }
# height: { if is_nmonster() then 19 else if styling.large_type then 15 else 14 }
# z index: 4
# render style: image list
# choice images:
# #rbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
# rbracket:
# script:
# if styling.language=="japanese" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_jp.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_sc.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_tc.png"
# else "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png"
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 213 else 209 }
top: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 562 else 558 }
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 14
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 302 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 295 }
top: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 562 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0else 558 }
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 14
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -307,19 +307,6 @@ card style:
spell card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/fullart/spellex.png" else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/spellnew.png" else "card-spell.png" }
trap card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/fullart/trapex.png" else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/trapnew.png" else "card-trap.png" }
trell card : card-trell.png
conjoint spell card: card-spell-conjoint.png
conjoint trap card: card-trap-conjoint.png
normal conjoint monster : card-normal-conjoint.png
link conjoint monster : card-link-conjoint.png
effect conjoint monster : card-effect-conjoint.png
ritual conjoint monster : card-ritual-conjoint.png
synchro conjoint monster : card-synchro-conjoint.png
fusion conjoint monster : card-fusion-conjoint.png
xyz conjoint monster : card-xyz-conjoint.png
evolute monster : card-evolute-new.png
evolute conjoint monster : card-evolute-conjoint.png
enhance monster : Enhance_s10.png
time leap monster : Time_Leap_MSE.png
skill card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "new/fullart/skillex.png" else "new/skill.png"}
left: 0
......@@ -494,36 +481,13 @@ card style:
trap: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrap.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/trap.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/trap.png" else "trap.png"}
trell: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrell.png" else "trell.png"}
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############################# Link Marker Border INDENTS MATTER
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############################# Link Markers
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script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 25 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 25 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 22 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 96 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 94 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
......@@ -659,13 +623,13 @@ card style:
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkronex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkron.png" else "linkron.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 164 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 164 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 162 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 164 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 164 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 578 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 575 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 434 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 431 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 578 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 575 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 434 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 431 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 97 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 94 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 94 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 97 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 94 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 22 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 18 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 22 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
......@@ -674,13 +638,13 @@ card style:
on: {if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "linkdonex.png" else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/linkdon.png" else "linkdon.png" }
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 363 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 359 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 347 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 349 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 363 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 359 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 347 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 349 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 548 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 545 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 408 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 409 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 548 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 545 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 408 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 409 else 5
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 45 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 45 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 42 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 38 else 0
script: if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 42 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or styling.is_link_card then 38 else 0
z index: 7
render style: image
popup style: in place
......@@ -798,8 +762,8 @@ card style:
visible: { if is_nmonster() then false else true }
#left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 351 else 348 }
left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 351 else 348 }
top: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 561 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 559 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 560 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 561 else 558 }
left: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 351 else 348 }
top: { if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 561 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 559 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 560 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 561 else 558 }
width: 38
height: 18
z index: 2
......@@ -808,7 +772,7 @@ card style:
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "Eurostile Candy W01 Semibold" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "YGOLinkNumber" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
#name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldFractions" }
name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps" }
name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps" }
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 14 else 14 }
color: rgb(0,0,0)
mse version: 2.0.0
game: yugioh
short name: Standard Extra
installer group: Yugioh/Standard Extra
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 06
version: 2014-01-26
depends on:
package: yugioh.mse-game
version: 2009-08-08
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard.mse-style
version: 2009-08-08
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-01-09
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-replacements.mse-symbol-font
version: 2008-01-04
card width: 361
card height: 523
card dpi: 152.6265
############################################################## Extra scripts
init script:
card_type := {
if card.attribute == "spell" then "spell card"
else if contains(card.level, match:"Spell Card") then "spell card"
else if card.attribute == "trap" then "trap card"
else if contains(card.level, match:"Trap Card") then "trap card"
else if card.type_1 == "<word-list-monster>Divine-Beast</word-list-monster>" then "obelisk"
else if card.type_1 == "<word-list-monster>Legendary Dragon</word-list-monster>" then "legendary dragons"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Fusion") then "fusion monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Ritual") then "ritual monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Dark Synchro") then "dark synchro monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Dark Tuner") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Synchro") then "synchro monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Spirit") then "spirit monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Toon") then "toon monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Tuner") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Union") then "effect monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Ice") then "ice monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Fire") then "fire monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Demon") then "demon monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Angel") then "angel monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Construct") then "construct monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Chibi") then "chibi monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Golden") then "golden monster"
else if contains(card.monster_type, match:"Effect") then "effect monster"
else "normal monster"
type_sort := {
type := card.card_type
if chosen(choice:"normal monster", type) then "A"
else if chosen(choice:"toon monster", type) then "B"
else if chosen(choice:"spirit monster", type) then "C"
else if chosen(choice:"ice monster", type) then "D"
else if chosen(choice:"fire monster", type) then "E"
else if chosen(choice:"demon monster", type) then "F"
else if chosen(choice:"angel monster", type) then "G"
else if chosen(choice:"construct monster", type) then "H"
else if chosen(choice:"chibi monster", type) then "I"
else if chosen(choice:"golden monster", type) then "J"
else if chosen(choice:"effect monster", type) then "N"
else if chosen(choice:"ritual monster", type) then "O"
else if chosen(choice:"fusion monster", type) then "P"
else if chosen(choice:"synchro monster", type) then "Q"
else if chosen(choice:"dark synchro monster", type) then "R"
else if chosen(choice:"obelisk", type) then "S"
else if chosen(choice:"slifer", type) then "T"
else if chosen(choice:"ra", type) then "U"
else if chosen(choice:"legendary dragons", type) then "V"
else if chosen(choice:"token monster", type) then "W"
else if chosen(choice:"spell card", type) then "X"
else if chosen(choice:"trap card", type) then "Y"
else "Z"
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: choice
name: rules alignment
description: Should the rules text be justified? WARNING: Justification is not perfect.
initial: justified
choice: not justified
choice: justified
styling field:
type: boolean
name: image frame
description: Choosing "no" will omit the image frame like on Anniversary Edition cards.
initial: yes
styling field:
type: boolean
name: bold effect text
description: Should effect text be bold as seen on some cards such as those from The Dark Emperor?
initial: no
styling field:
type: boolean
name: visible atk and def
description: Should the ATK and DEF labels be visible on monster cards?
initial: yes
styling field:
type: boolean
name: full art
description: Should the art take up all non-essential areas of the card?
initial: no
styling field:
type: choice
name: text color
description: What color should text outside the Name and Rules text area be?
choice: black
choice: white
initial: black
############################################################## Card fields
card style:
############################# Background stuff
left: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else 51 }
top: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else 114 }
width: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 361 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 361 else 259 }
height: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 523 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 523 else 259 }
z index: 5
render style: image
popup style: in place
script: if card.rarity=="super rare" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="secret rare" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/secretfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/parallelfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="gold tech" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/goldfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="promo" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/superfoil.png" else nil
############################# Name line
left: 34
top : 30
width: 254
height: 37
alignment: middle shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 2
name: MatrixRegularSmallCaps
size: 26
script: if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then rgb(60,0,0)
else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="demon monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 40
top : 74
height: 28
width: {if is_nmonster() then 275 else 280 }
z index: 2
alignment: { if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "middle left" else "middle right" }
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix
size: 17
color: { if styling.text_color=="white" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0) }
symbol font:
name: yugioh-standard-levels
alignment: middle center
scale down to: 1
size: 7.5
############################# Image
left: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 45 else if styling.full_art=="yes" then 0 else 51 }
top: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 106 else if styling.full_art=="yes" then 0 else 113 }
width: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 272 else if styling.full_art=="yes" then 361 else 260 }
height: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 273 else if styling.full_art=="yes" then 523 else 260 }
z index: 1
mask: { if styling.full_art=="yes" then "artmask.png" else "" }
############################# Card type
monster type:
left: 39
top : 401
width: { card_style.monster_type.content_width + 6 }
height: 14
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: 203
top : 380
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: top right
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="demon monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if styling.text_color=="white" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 43
top: 380
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
name: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "BankGothic Md BT" else "Palatino Linotype Bold" }
size: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "10" else "8" }
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="demon monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if styling.text_color=="white" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: 35
top :
script: if is_nmonster() then 397 else 412
width: 289
script: if is_nmonster() then 92 else 62
name: { if styling.bold_effect_text=="yes" then "Matrix-Bold" else "MatrixBook" }
size: { if styling.bold_effect_text=="yes" then "9" else "8" }
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
alignment: { if styling.rules_alignment=="justified" then "top left justify" else "top left" }
z index: 3
padding left: 1
padding top: 2
padding right: 0
padding bottom: 0
line height hard: 1.0
line height line: 1.0
line height soft: 0.9
line height hard max: 1.1
line height line max: 1.1
############################# Attack/Defense
left: 204
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
z index: 4
left: 278
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Card sorting / numbering
############################# Copyright stuff
left: 16
top : 494
width: 96
height: 18
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="demon monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if styling.text_color=="white" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 332
top : 492
height: 20
width: 20
z index: 3
render style: image
popup style: in place
image: {if card.edition!="" then "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/cornerfirst.jpg" else "/yugioh-standard.mse-style/cornerunlimited.jpg"}
left: 180
top : 495
width: 145
height: 18
z index: 4
alignment: middle right
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 7
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="demon monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if styling.text_color=="white" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
############################################extra card field:
extra card field:
type: choice
name: card frame
choice: normal monster
choice: toon monster
choice: spirit monster
choice: ice monster
choice: fire monster
choice: demon monster
choice: angel monster
choice: construct monster
choice: effect monster
choice: ritual monster
choice: synchro monster
choice: dark synchro monster
choice: fusion monster
choice: token monster
choice: obelisk
choice: slifer
choice: ra
choice: legendary dragons
choice: spell card
choice: trap card
choice: xyz card
default: card.card_type; card_type()
choice colors cardlist:
normal monster: rgb(120,18,0)
toon monster: rgb(120,18,0)
spirit monster: rgb(120,18,0)
ice monster: rgb(120,18,0)
fire monster: rgb(120,18,0)
demon monster: rgb(120,18,0)
angel monster: rgb(120,18,0)
construct monster: rgb(120,18,0)
chibi monster: rgb(120,18,0)
golden monster: rgb(120,18,0)
effect monster: rgb(120,18,0)
ritual monster: rgb(26,26,26)
synchro monster: rgb(26,26,26)
dark synchro monster: rgb(26,26,26)
fusion monster: rgb(26,26,26)
token monster: rgb(120,18,0)
obelisk: rgb(26,26,26)
slifer: rgb(26,26,26)
ra: rgb(26,26,26)
legendary dragons: rgb(26,26,26)
spell card: rgb(80,80,80)
trap card: rgb(30,110,0)
extra card field:
type: choice
name: attribute
choice: none
choice: earth
choice: water
choice: fire
choice: wind
choice: light
choice: dark
choice: divine
choice: false
choice: man
choice: dragon
choice: grass
choice: spell
choice: trap
default: attribute()
card list visible: true
card list column: 2
extra card field:
type: choice
name: bar
choice: bar
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: leftbracket
choice: lbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: rightbracket
choice: rbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: atkoverlay
default: "ATK/"
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: defoverlay
default: "DEF/"
editable: false
extra card style:
card frame:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 361
height: 523
z index: -2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
normal monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-normal.jpg
toon monster: card-toon.jpg
spirit monster: card-spirit.jpg
ice monster: card-ice.jpg
fire monster: card-fire.jpg
demon monster: card-demon.jpg
angel monster: card-angel.jpg
construct monster: card-construct.jpg
chibi monster: card-chibi.jpg
golden monster: card-golden.jpg
effect monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-effect.jpg
ritual monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-ritual.jpg
synchro monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-synchro.jpg
dark synchro monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-dsynchro.jpg
fusion monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-fusion.jpg
token monster: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-token.jpg
obelisk: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-obelisk.jpg
slifer: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-slifer.jpg
ra: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-ra.jpg
legendary dragons: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-dragons.jpg
spell card: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-spell.jpg
trap card: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-trap.jpg
xyz card: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/card-xyz.jpg
left: 290
top : 30
width: 37
height: 37
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
earth: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/earth.png
water: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/water.png
fire: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/fire.png
wind: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/wind.png
light: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/light.png
dark: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/dark.png
divine: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/divine.png
false: false.png
man: man.png
dragon: dragon.png
grass: grass.png
spell: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/spell.png
trap: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/trap.png
left: 37
top : 474
height: 1
width: 288
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
bar: /yugioh-standard.mse-style/bar.png
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: { if is_nmonster() then (309 - card_style.level.content_width) else 35 }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 79 else 400 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
lbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png
left: { if is_nmonster() then 315 else (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 40) }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 79 else 400 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
rbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
left: 170
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() or styling.visible_atk_and_def=="no" then false else true
left: 244
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() or styling.visible_atk_and_def=="no" then false else true
mse version: 0.3.8
game: yugioh
short name: Standard
installer group: Yugioh/Standard
icon: card-sample.png
position hint: 01
version: 2009-08-08
depends on:
package: yugioh.mse-game
version: 2009-08-08
depends on:
package: yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font
version: 2007-10-27
depends on:
package: yugioh-text-replacements.mse-symbol-font
version: 2008-01-04
card width: 361
card height: 523
card dpi: 152.6265
############################################################## Extra scripts
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: choice
name: rules alignment
description: Should the rules text be justified? WARNING: Justification is not perfect.
initial: justified
choice: not justified
choice: justified
styling field:
type: boolean
name: image frame
description: Choosing "no" will omit the image frame like on Anniversary Edition cards.
initial: yes
styling field:
type: boolean
name: bold effect text
description: Should effect text be bold as seen on some cards such as those from The Dark Emperor?
initial: no
############################################################## Card fields
card style:
############################# Background stuff
card type:
left: 0
top: 0
width: 361
height: 523
z index: -2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
normal monster: card-normal.jpg
effect monster: card-effect.jpg
ritual monster: card-ritual.jpg
synchro monster: card-synchro.jpg
dark synchro monster: card-dsynchro.jpg
fusion monster: card-fusion.jpg
token monster: card-token.jpg
obelisk: card-obelisk.jpg
slifer: card-slifer.jpg
ra: card-ra.jpg
legendary dragons: card-dragons.jpg
spell card: card-spell.jpg
trap card: card-trap.jpg
left: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else if styling.image_frame=="no" then 45 else 51 }
top: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 0 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 0 else if styling.image_frame=="no" then 106 else 114 }
width: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 361 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 361 else if styling.image_frame=="no" then 272 else 259 }
height: { if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then 523 else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then 523 else if styling.image_frame=="no" then 273 else 259 }
z index: 5
render style: image
popup style: in place
script: if card.rarity=="super rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="secret rare" then "secretfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "superfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then "parallelfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="gold tech" then "goldfoil.png" else
if card.rarity=="promo" then "superfoil.png" else "blank2.png"
############################# Name line
left: 34
top : 30
width: 254
height: 37
alignment: middle shrink-overflow
padding bottom: 0
z index: 2
name: MatrixRegularSmallCaps
size: 26
script: if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(230,230,230)
else if card.rarity=="ultra rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then rgb(60,0,0)
else if card.rarity=="parallel rare" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.rarity=="gold tech" then rgb(216,199,53)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 290
top : 30
width: 37
height: 37
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
earth: earth.png
water: water.png
fire: fire.png
wind: wind.png
light: light.png
dark: dark.png
divine: divine.png
spell: spell.png
trap: trap.png
left: 40
top : 74
height: 28
width: {if is_nmonster() then 275 else 280 }
z index: 2
alignment: { if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "middle left" else "middle right" }
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix
size: 17
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-standard-levels
alignment: middle center
scale down to: 1
size: 7.5
############################# Image
left: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 45 else 51 }
top: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 106 else 113 }
width: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 272 else 260 }
height: { if styling.image_frame=="no" then 273 else 260 }
z index: 1
############################# Card type
monster type:
left: 39
top : 401
width: { card_style.monster_type.content_width + 6 }
height: 14
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: 203
top : 380
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: top right
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 43
top: 380
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
name: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "BankGothic Md BT" else "Palatino Linotype Bold" }
size: { if card.edition=="DUEL TERMINAL" then "10" else "8" }
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: 35
top :
script: if is_nmonster() then 397 else 412
width: 289
script: if is_nmonster() then 92 else 62
name: { if styling.bold_effect_text=="yes" then "Matrix-Bold" else "MatrixBook" }
size: { if styling.bold_effect_text=="yes" then "9" else "8" }
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 3.5
alignment: { if styling.rules_alignment=="justified" then "top left justify" else "top left" }
z index: 3
padding left: 1
padding top: 2
padding right: 0
padding bottom: 0
line height hard: 1.0
line height line: 1.0
line height soft: 0.9
line height hard max: 1.1
line height line max: 1.1
############################# Attack/Defense
left: 204
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
z index: 4
left: 278
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
alignment: middle center
size: 6
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Card sorting / numbering
############################# Copyright stuff
left: 16
top : 494
width: 96
height: 18
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 8
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
left: 332
top : 492
height: 20
width: 20
z index: 3
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
common: blank2.png
rare: blank2.png
super rare: blank2.png
ultra rare: blank2.png
secret rare: blank2.png
ultimate rare: blank2.png
parallel rare: blank2.png
gold tech: blank2.png
promo: blank2.png
corner foil:
left: 332
top : 492
height: 20
width: 20
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
script: if card.edition!="" then "cornerfirst.png" else "cornerunlimited.png"
left: 180
top : 495
width: 145
height: 18
z index: 4
alignment: middle right
name: Palatino Linotype
size: 7
script: if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else rgb(0,0,0)
############################################extra card field:
extra card field:
type: choice
name: bar
choice: bar
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: leftbracket
choice: lbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: rightbracket
choice: rbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: atkoverlay
default: "ATK/"
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: defoverlay
default: "DEF/"
editable: false
extra card style:
left: 37
top : 474
height: 1
width: 288
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
bar: bar.png
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: { if is_nmonster() then (309 - card_style.level.content_width) else 35 }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 79 else 400 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 2
render style: image list
choice images:
lbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png
left: { if is_nmonster() then 315 else (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 40) }
top : { if is_nmonster() then 79 else 400 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 17 else 14 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 5 else 4 }
z index: 4
render style: image list
choice images:
rbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
left: 170
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: 244
top: 475
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 1
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: 12
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
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