Commit d543be40 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #10 from Lyris12/master

Add functionality
parents ed0ed6ea 210a183b
No preview for this file type
......@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ card height: 614
card dpi: 178.0156
############################################################## Extra scripts
init script:
is_link := {card.card_type == "link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card}
is_spatial := {card.card_type == "origin spatial monster" or card.card_type == "altered spatial monster"}
is_monster := {card.card_type == "normal monster" or card.card_type == "effect monster" or card.card_type == "ritual monster" or card.card_type == "synchro monster" or card.card_type == "dark synchro monster" or card.card_type == "xyz monster" or card.card_type == "link monster" or card.card_type == "dlc monster" or card.card_type == "fusion monster" or card.card_type == "token monster" or card.card_type == "obelisk card" or card.card_type == "slifer card" or card.card_type == "ra card" or is_spatial()}
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: info
......@@ -286,28 +290,20 @@ card style:
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
normal monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/normalex.png" else "new/normalnew.png" }
effect monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/effectex.png" else "new/effectnew.png" }
fusion monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/fusionex.png" else "new/fusionnew.png" }
ritual monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/ritualex.png" else "new/ritualnew.png" }
synchro monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/synchroex.png" else "new/synchronew.png" }
dark synchro monster : card-dsynchro.png
xyz monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/xyzex.png" else "new/xyznew.png" }
pendulum normal monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/normalnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/normalnew-pm.png" else "new/normalnew-p.png" }
pendulum effect monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/effectnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/effectnew-pm.png" else "new/effectnew-p.png" }
pendulum fusion monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/fusionnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/fusionnew-pm.png" else "new/fusionnew-p.png" }
pendulum ritual monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/ritualnew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/ritualnew-pm.png" else "new/ritualnew-p.png" }
pendulum synchro monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/synchronew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/synchronew-pm.png" else "new/synchronew-p.png" }
pendulum dark synchro monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "card-dark-synchro-pendulum-less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "card-dark-synchro-pendulum-more.png" else "card-dark-synchro-pendulum.png" }
pendulum xyz monster: { if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "ZARC_Small.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "ZARC_Large.png" else if styling.is_ZARC_card then "ZARC_Medium.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/xyznew-pl.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/xyznew-pm.png" else "new/xyznew-p.png" }
pandemonium monster: { if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "card-pandemonium-small.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "card-pandemonium-large.png" else "card-pandemonium-medium.png" }
bigbang monster : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/bigbangnew.png" else "card-bigbang.png" }
dlc monster : card-dlc.png
token monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/tokenex.png" else "new/tokennew.png" }
link monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/linkex.png" else "new/linknew.png" }
spell card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellex.png" else "new/spellnew.png" }
trap card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapex.png" else "new/trapnew.png" }
trell card : card-trell.png
normal monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/normalex.png" else "new/normalnew.png" }
effect monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/effectex.png" else "new/effectnew.png" }
fusion monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/fusionex.png" else "new/fusionnew.png" }
ritual monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/ritualex.png" else "new/ritualnew.png" }
synchro monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/synchroex.png" else "new/synchronew.png" }
dark synchro monster : card-dsynchro.png
xyz monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/xyzex.png" else "new/xyznew.png" }
bigbang monster : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then "new/bigbangnew.png" else "card-bigbang.png" }
dlc monster : card-dlc.png
token monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/tokenex.png" else "new/tokennew.png" }
link monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/linkex.png" else "new/linknew.png" }
spell card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellex.png" else "new/spellnew.png" }
trap card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapex.png" else "new/trapnew.png" }
trell card : card-trell.png
conjoint spell card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellcex.png" else "card-spell-conjoint.png" }
conjoint trap card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapcex.png" else "card-trap-conjoint.png" }
normal conjoint monster : card-normal-conjoint.png
......@@ -322,7 +318,9 @@ card style:
enhance monster : Enhance_s10.png
time leap monster : Time_Leap_MSE.png
dark monster : card-dark.png
skill card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "new/fullart/skillex.png" else "new/skill.png"}
skill card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "new/fullart/skillex.png" else "new/skill.png"}
origin spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
altered spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
left: 0
top: 0
......@@ -399,13 +397,13 @@ card style:
script: if styling.shadow_override then styling.shadow_color
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(255,200,210)
else if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(210,235,250)
......@@ -418,12 +416,12 @@ card style:
else if card.rarity=="super rare" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then "transparent"
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then "transparent"
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "transparent"
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="skill card" then rgb(0,0,0)
else if is_nmonster() then "transparent"
else "transparent"
......@@ -447,13 +445,13 @@ card style:
else if card.rarity=="rare" then rgb(133,168,169)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="star rare" then rgb(35,40,49)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" and is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.rarity=="mosaic rare" then rgb(10,10,10)
else if card.rarity=="promo" then rgb(60,0,0)
else if card.rarity=="secret rare" then rgb(211,252,252)
......@@ -464,8 +462,8 @@ card style:
else if card.rarity=="gold rare" then rgb(88,76,12)
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="bigbang monster" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="skill card" then rgb(255,255,255)
else if is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
......@@ -496,36 +494,13 @@ card style:
trap: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrap.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/trap.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/trap.png" else "trap.png"}
trell: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrell.png" else "trell.png"}
left: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 28 }
top: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 568 }
width: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 23 }
height: { if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true and 23 }
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
1: stage/1.png
2: stage/2.png
3: stage/3.png
4: stage/4.png
5: stage/5.png
6: stage/6.png
7: stage/7.png
8: stage/8.png
9: stage/9.png
10: stage/10.png
11: stage/11.png
12: stage/12.png
visible: {if card.card_type == "normal conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="effect conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="ritual conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="fusion conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="synchro conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster" then true else false }
left: { if is_nmonster() then 42 else 43 }
top : { if is_nmonster() or card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 74 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 73 else 76}
#width: { if is_nmonster() then 327 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 0 else 334 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 28 else 28 }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type == "xyz conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type == "xyz conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" or is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" or is_spatial() then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
z index: 2
......@@ -550,7 +525,18 @@ card style:
width: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 365 else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 368 else 347 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
z index: 1
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/mask-p_more.png" else "new/mask-p.png" ) else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" or card.card_type=="conjoint spell card" or card.card_type=="conjoint trap card" or card.card_type=="skill card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex3.png" else "new/maskex4.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "new/mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "new/mask-p_more.png" else "new/mask-p.png" ) else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" or card.card_type=="conjoint spell card" or card.card_type=="conjoint trap card" or card.card_type=="skill card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex3.png" else "new/maskex4.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
############################# Pendulum Border
left: 14.5
top: 350
width: 392
height: 86
z index: -1
render style:image list
popup style: in place
choice images:
visible: true
############################# Link Marker Border INDENTS MATTER
......@@ -716,12 +702,12 @@ card style:
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" ) then 562 else if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
left: { if is_pendulum() then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( is_pendulum() ) then 562 else if is_pendulum() then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" or styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "left middle" else "right middle" }
alignment: { if is_pendulum() or styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "left middle" else "right middle" }
name: Stone Serif
size: 8.5
......@@ -741,7 +727,7 @@ card style:
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 478 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 478 else 474 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 478 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 478 else 474 }
width: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 358 else 356 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 118 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 65 else 82 }
......@@ -860,7 +846,7 @@ card style:
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 27 else if is_pendulum() then true and 30 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
......@@ -873,7 +859,7 @@ card style:
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 365 else if is_pendulum() then true and 363 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then true and 365 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
......@@ -941,16 +927,6 @@ extra card field:
name: bar
choice: bar
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: leftbracket
choice: lbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: choice
name: rightbracket
choice: rbracket
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: atkoverlay
......@@ -970,17 +946,15 @@ extra card field:
save value: true
show statistics: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: blue scale
multi line: false
save value: true
show statistics: false
type: choice
name: pendulum border
choice: image
editable: false
extra card field:
type: text
name: red scale
multi line: false
save value: true
show statistics: false
type: choice
name: pendulum line
choice: image
editable: false
extra card style:
......@@ -995,39 +969,9 @@ extra card style:
choice images:
bar: bar.png
visible: script: if is_nmonster() or styling.template_style=="actual style" or card.card_type=="skill card" then false else true
# leftbracket:
# left: { if is_nmonster() then (359 - card_style.level.content_width) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
# top : { if is_nmonster() then 80 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 479 else if styling.large_type then 464 else 464 }
# width: { if is_nmonster() then 6 else 6 }
# height: { if is_nmonster() then 19 else if styling.large_type then 15 else 14 }
# z index: 2
# render style: image list
# choice images:
# #lbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png
# lbracket:
# script:
# if styling.language=="japanese" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_jp.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_sc.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket_tc.png"
# else "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/leftbracket.png"
# rightbracket:
# left: { if is_nmonster() then 372 else if styling.large_type then (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 42) else (card_style.monster_type.content_width + 42) }
# top : { if is_nmonster() then 80 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 479 else if styling.large_type then 464 else 464 }
# width: { if is_nmonster() then 6 else 6 }
# height: { if is_nmonster() then 19 else if styling.large_type then 15 else 14 }
# z index: 4
# render style: image list
# choice images:
# #rbracket: /yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png
# rbracket:
# script:
# if styling.language=="japanese" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_jp.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_sc.png"
# else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket_tc.png"
# else "/yugioh-standard-levels.mse-symbol-font/rightbracket.png"
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 213 else 209 }
top: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 562 else 558 }
left: { if is_pendulum() then 213 else 209 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then 562 else 558 }
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
......@@ -1038,8 +982,8 @@ extra card style:
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
left: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 302 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 295 }
top: { if card.card_type=="pendulum normal monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum effect monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum fusion monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum ritual monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" then 562 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0else 558 }
left: { if is_pendulum() then 302 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 295 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then 562 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 558 }
width: 48
height: 18
z index: 2
......@@ -1048,4 +992,49 @@ extra card style:
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 14
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
\ No newline at end of file
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
pendulum line:
left: 20
top: 90
width: script: if card.pendulum == "none" then 0 else 381
height: 17.5
z index: 0
render style:image
choice images:
if card.card_type=="normal monster" then "pendulum/line-normal.png"
else if card.card_type=="effect monster" then "pendulum/line-effect.png"
else if card.card_type=="fusion monster" then "pendulum/line-fusion.png"
else if card.card_type=="ritual monster" then "pendulum/line-ritual.png"
else if card.card_type=="synchro monster" then "pendulum/line-synchro.png"
else if card.card_type=="xyz monster" then "pendulum/line-xyz.png"
else if card.card_type=="token monster" then "pendulum/line-token.png"
else if is_spatial() then "pendulum/line-spatial.png"
else if card.card_type=="token card" then "pendulum/line-token.png"
else if card.card_type=="spell card" then "pendulum/line-spell.png"
else if card.card_type=="trap card" then "pendulum/line-trap.png"
else "blank2.png"
visible: script: if card.pendulum != "none" and card.pendulum != "relay" then true else false
pendulum border:
left: -3
top: 0
width: 427
height: 617
z index: 1
render style:image
choice images:
if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "more" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_lg.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_lg.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "less" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_sm.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_sm.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_md.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_md.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pendulum_lg.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pandemonium_lg.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pandemonium_sm.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" then "pendulum/pendulum_md.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pendulum_sm.png"
else if card.pendulum == "relay" then "pendulum/card-relay.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" then "pendulum/pandemonium_md.png"
else "pendulum/pendulum_md.png"
visible: {if card.pendulum != "none" then true else false}
......@@ -114,21 +114,11 @@ symbol:
image: estar.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="xyz monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: estar.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: estar.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="xyz conjoint monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: dstar.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster"}
image font size: 13.5
code: *
image: dstar.png
......@@ -139,6 +129,16 @@ symbol:
image: TP_Level2.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="time leap monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: dimension.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="origin spatial monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: negative_dimension.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="altered spatial monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: star.png
......@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ card field:
choice: synchro monster
choice: dark synchro monster
choice: xyz monster
choice: pendulum normal monster
choice: pendulum effect monster
choice: pendulum fusion monster
choice: pendulum ritual monster
choice: pendulum synchro monster
choice: pendulum dark synchro monster
choice: pendulum xyz monster
choice: pandemonium monster
choice: bigbang monster
choice: dlc monster
choice: token monster
......@@ -28,15 +20,8 @@ card field:
choice: enhance monster
choice: dark monster
choice: time leap monster
choice: normal conjoint monster
choice: effect conjoint monster
choice: ritual conjoint monster
choice: fusion conjoint monster
choice: synchro conjoint monster
choice: xyz conjoint monster
choice: link conjoint monster
choice: conjoint spell card
choice: conjoint trap card
choice: origin spatial monster
choice: altered spatial monster
choice: spell card
choice: trap card
choice: trell card
......@@ -50,14 +35,6 @@ card field:
synchro monster : rgb(215,215,215)
dark synchro monster : rgb(92,64,51)
xyz monster : rgb(21,261,21)
pendulum normal monster: rgb(197,179,53)
pendulum effect monster: rgb(208,109,41)
pendulum fusion monster: rgb(90,45,150)
pendulum ritual monster: rgb(55,77,197
pendulum synchro monster: rgb(215,215,215)
pendulum dark synchro monster: rgb(92,64,51)
pendulum xyz monster : rgb(21,261,21)
pandemonium monster : rgb(121,121,121)
bigbang monster : rgb(121,121,121)
token monster : rgb(121,121,121)
link monster : rgb(89,89,171)
......@@ -83,6 +60,14 @@ card field:
editable: false
choice: none
choice: sdoverlay image
card field:
type: choice
name: pendulum
choice: none
choice: pendulum
choice: pandemonium
choice: relay
choice: pendulum pandemonium
############################# Link Marker Border
card field:
......@@ -154,14 +154,6 @@
card.card_type == "dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "xyz monster" or
card.card_type == "link monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum ritual monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum xyz monster" or
card.card_type == "pandemonium monster" or
card.card_type == "dlc monster" or
card.card_type == "fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "token monster" or
......@@ -170,15 +162,11 @@
card.card_type == "ra card"
is_pendulum := {
card.card_type == "pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum ritual monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum xyz monster" or
card.card_type == "pandemonium monster"
card.pendulum == "pendulum" or
card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" or
card.pendulum == "pandemonium"
is_pandemonium := { card.pendulum == "pandemonium" }
is_normal_monster_extended := {
card.card_type == "normal monster"
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