Commit f0f46ac1 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

Update news.func.php

I swear if I see this regression one more time I'll-
parent 6bded008
......@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ function nparse_news($start = 0, $range = 0 ){//$type = '') {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"red\">{$a}引爆了核弹,毁坏了虚拟战场</span><br>\n";
} elseif($news == 'end6') {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"red\">本局游戏被GM中止</span><br>\n";
} elseif($news == 'end7') {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"minirainbow\">{$a}达成了自己的存在意义,开启了虚拟幻境的下一个篇章。</span><br>\n";
} elseif($news == 'revival') {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"lime\">{$a}涅槃重生了!</span><br>\n";
} elseif($news == 'aurora_revival') {
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