Commit 189229bb authored by AUTOMATIC1111's avatar AUTOMATIC1111

Merge branch 'dev' into release_candidate

parents 31f2be3d b6c02174
......@@ -87,5 +87,11 @@ module.exports = {
modalNextImage: "readonly",
// token-counters.js
setupTokenCounters: "readonly",
// localStorage.js
localSet: "readonly",
localGet: "readonly",
localRemove: "readonly",
// resizeHandle.js
setupResizeHandle: "writable"
This diff is collapsed.
cff-version: 1.2.0
message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below."
- given-names: AUTOMATIC1111
title: "Stable Diffusion Web UI"
date-released: 2022-08-22
url: ""
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ A browser interface based on Gradio library for Stable Diffusion.
- Clip skip
- Hypernetworks
- Loras (same as Hypernetworks but more pretty)
- A sparate UI where you can choose, with preview, which embeddings, hypernetworks or Loras to add to your prompt
- A separate UI where you can choose, with preview, which embeddings, hypernetworks or Loras to add to your prompt
- Can select to load a different VAE from settings screen
- Estimated completion time in progress bar
......@@ -88,12 +88,15 @@ A browser interface based on Gradio library for Stable Diffusion.
- [Alt-Diffusion]( support - see [wiki]( for instructions
- Now without any bad letters!
- Load checkpoints in safetensors format
- Eased resolution restriction: generated image's domension must be a multiple of 8 rather than 64
- Eased resolution restriction: generated image's dimension must be a multiple of 8 rather than 64
- Now with a license!
- Reorder elements in the UI from settings screen
## Installation and Running
Make sure the required [dependencies]( are met and follow the instructions available for both [NVidia]( (recommended) and [AMD]( GPUs.
Make sure the required [dependencies]( are met and follow the instructions available for:
- [NVidia]( (recommended)
- [AMD]( GPUs.
- [Intel CPUs, Intel GPUs (both integrated and discrete)]( (external wiki page)
Alternatively, use online services (like Google Colab):
......@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ Alternatively, use online services (like Google Colab):
1. Install the dependencies:
# Debian-based:
sudo apt install wget git python3 python3-venv
sudo apt install wget git python3 python3-venv libgl1 libglib2.0-0
# Red Hat-based:
sudo dnf install wget git python3
# Arch-based:
......@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ sudo pacman -S wget git python3
2. Navigate to the directory you would like the webui to be installed and execute the following command:
bash <(wget -qO-
wget -q
3. Run ``.
4. Check `` for options.
......@@ -169,5 +172,6 @@ Licenses for borrowed code can be found in `Settings -> Licenses` screen, and al
- UniPC sampler - Wenliang Zhao -
- TAESD - Ollin Boer Bohan -
- LyCORIS - KohakuBlueleaf
- Restart sampling - lambertae -
- Initial Gradio script - posted on 4chan by an Anonymous user. Thank you Anonymous user.
- (You)
......@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ class ExtraNetworkLora(extra_networks.ExtraNetwork):
def __init__(self):
self.errors = {}
"""mapping of network names to the number of errors the network had during operation"""
def activate(self, p, params_list):
additional = shared.opts.sd_lora
if additional != "None" and additional in networks.available_networks and not any(x for x in params_list if x.items[0] == additional):
p.all_prompts = [x + f"<lora:{additional}:{shared.opts.extra_networks_default_multiplier}>" for x in p.all_prompts]
params_list.append(extra_networks.ExtraNetworkParams(items=[additional, shared.opts.extra_networks_default_multiplier]))
......@@ -56,4 +61,7 @@ class ExtraNetworkLora(extra_networks.ExtraNetwork):
p.extra_generation_params["Lora hashes"] = ", ".join(network_hashes)
def deactivate(self, p):
if self.errors:
p.comment("Networks with errors: " + ", ".join(f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in self.errors.items()))
import torch
import networks
from modules import patches
class LoraPatches:
def __init__(self):
self.Linear_forward = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.Linear, 'forward', networks.network_Linear_forward)
self.Linear_load_state_dict = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.Linear, '_load_from_state_dict', networks.network_Linear_load_state_dict)
self.Conv2d_forward = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.Conv2d, 'forward', networks.network_Conv2d_forward)
self.Conv2d_load_state_dict = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.Conv2d, '_load_from_state_dict', networks.network_Conv2d_load_state_dict)
self.GroupNorm_forward = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.GroupNorm, 'forward', networks.network_GroupNorm_forward)
self.GroupNorm_load_state_dict = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.GroupNorm, '_load_from_state_dict', networks.network_GroupNorm_load_state_dict)
self.LayerNorm_forward = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.LayerNorm, 'forward', networks.network_LayerNorm_forward)
self.LayerNorm_load_state_dict = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.LayerNorm, '_load_from_state_dict', networks.network_LayerNorm_load_state_dict)
self.MultiheadAttention_forward = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.MultiheadAttention, 'forward', networks.network_MultiheadAttention_forward)
self.MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict = patches.patch(__name__, torch.nn.MultiheadAttention, '_load_from_state_dict', networks.network_MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict)
def undo(self):
self.Linear_forward = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.Linear, 'forward')
self.Linear_load_state_dict = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.Linear, '_load_from_state_dict')
self.Conv2d_forward = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.Conv2d, 'forward')
self.Conv2d_load_state_dict = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.Conv2d, '_load_from_state_dict')
self.GroupNorm_forward = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.GroupNorm, 'forward')
self.GroupNorm_load_state_dict = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.GroupNorm, '_load_from_state_dict')
self.LayerNorm_forward = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.LayerNorm, 'forward')
self.LayerNorm_load_state_dict = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.LayerNorm, '_load_from_state_dict')
self.MultiheadAttention_forward = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.MultiheadAttention, 'forward')
self.MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict = patches.undo(__name__, torch.nn.MultiheadAttention, '_load_from_state_dict')
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class NetworkModule:
return 1.0
def finalize_updown(self, updown, orig_weight, output_shape):
def finalize_updown(self, updown, orig_weight, output_shape, ex_bias=None):
if self.bias is not None:
updown = updown.reshape(self.bias.shape)
updown +=, dtype=orig_weight.dtype)
......@@ -145,7 +145,10 @@ class NetworkModule:
if orig_weight.size().numel() == updown.size().numel():
updown = updown.reshape(orig_weight.shape)
return updown * self.calc_scale() * self.multiplier()
if ex_bias is not None:
ex_bias = ex_bias * self.multiplier()
return updown * self.calc_scale() * self.multiplier(), ex_bias
def calc_updown(self, target):
raise NotImplementedError()
......@@ -14,9 +14,14 @@ class NetworkModuleFull(network.NetworkModule):
super().__init__(net, weights)
self.weight = weights.w.get("diff")
self.ex_bias = weights.w.get("diff_b")
def calc_updown(self, orig_weight):
output_shape = self.weight.shape
updown =, dtype=orig_weight.dtype)
if self.ex_bias is not None:
ex_bias =, dtype=orig_weight.dtype)
ex_bias = None
return self.finalize_updown(updown, orig_weight, output_shape)
return self.finalize_updown(updown, orig_weight, output_shape, ex_bias)
import network
class ModuleTypeNorm(network.ModuleType):
def create_module(self, net: network.Network, weights: network.NetworkWeights):
if all(x in weights.w for x in ["w_norm", "b_norm"]):
return NetworkModuleNorm(net, weights)
return None
class NetworkModuleNorm(network.NetworkModule):
def __init__(self, net: network.Network, weights: network.NetworkWeights):
super().__init__(net, weights)
self.w_norm = weights.w.get("w_norm")
self.b_norm = weights.w.get("b_norm")
def calc_updown(self, orig_weight):
output_shape = self.w_norm.shape
updown =, dtype=orig_weight.dtype)
if self.b_norm is not None:
ex_bias =, dtype=orig_weight.dtype)
ex_bias = None
return self.finalize_updown(updown, orig_weight, output_shape, ex_bias)
This diff is collapsed.
import re
import torch
import gradio as gr
from fastapi import FastAPI
import network
import networks
import lora # noqa:F401
import lora_patches
import extra_networks_lora
import ui_extra_networks_lora
from modules import script_callbacks, ui_extra_networks, extra_networks, shared
def unload():
torch.nn.Linear.forward = torch.nn.Linear_forward_before_network
torch.nn.Linear._load_from_state_dict = torch.nn.Linear_load_state_dict_before_network
torch.nn.Conv2d.forward = torch.nn.Conv2d_forward_before_network
torch.nn.Conv2d._load_from_state_dict = torch.nn.Conv2d_load_state_dict_before_network
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.forward = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention_forward_before_network
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention._load_from_state_dict = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict_before_network
def before_ui():
extra_network = extra_networks_lora.ExtraNetworkLora()
extra_networks.register_extra_network_alias(extra_network, "lyco")
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'Linear_forward_before_network'):
torch.nn.Linear_forward_before_network = torch.nn.Linear.forward
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'Linear_load_state_dict_before_network'):
torch.nn.Linear_load_state_dict_before_network = torch.nn.Linear._load_from_state_dict
networks.extra_network_lora = extra_networks_lora.ExtraNetworkLora()
extra_networks.register_extra_network_alias(networks.extra_network_lora, "lyco")
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'Conv2d_forward_before_network'):
torch.nn.Conv2d_forward_before_network = torch.nn.Conv2d.forward
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'Conv2d_load_state_dict_before_network'):
torch.nn.Conv2d_load_state_dict_before_network = torch.nn.Conv2d._load_from_state_dict
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'MultiheadAttention_forward_before_network'):
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention_forward_before_network = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.forward
if not hasattr(torch.nn, 'MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict_before_network'):
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict_before_network = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention._load_from_state_dict
torch.nn.Linear.forward = networks.network_Linear_forward
torch.nn.Linear._load_from_state_dict = networks.network_Linear_load_state_dict
torch.nn.Conv2d.forward = networks.network_Conv2d_forward
torch.nn.Conv2d._load_from_state_dict = networks.network_Conv2d_load_state_dict
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.forward = networks.network_MultiheadAttention_forward
torch.nn.MultiheadAttention._load_from_state_dict = networks.network_MultiheadAttention_load_state_dict
networks.originals = lora_patches.LoraPatches()
......@@ -65,6 +38,7 @@ shared.options_templates.update(shared.options_section(('extra_networks', "Extra
"lora_add_hashes_to_infotext": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Add Lora hashes to infotext"),
"lora_show_all": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Always show all networks on the Lora page").info("otherwise, those detected as for incompatible version of Stable Diffusion will be hidden"),
"lora_hide_unknown_for_versions": shared.OptionInfo([], "Hide networks of unknown versions for model versions", gr.CheckboxGroup, {"choices": ["SD1", "SD2", "SDXL"]}),
"lora_in_memory_limit": shared.OptionInfo(0, "Number of Lora networks to keep cached in memory", gr.Number, {"precision": 0}),
......@@ -121,3 +95,5 @@ def infotext_pasted(infotext, d):
shared.opts.onchange("lora_in_memory_limit", networks.purge_networks_from_memory)
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class LoraUserMetadataEditor(ui_extra_networks_user_metadata.UserMetadataEditor)
random_prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Random prompt', lines=4, max_lines=4, interactive=False)
with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=120):
generate_random_prompt = gr.Button('Generate').style(full_width=True, size="lg")
generate_random_prompt = gr.Button('Generate', size="lg", scale=1)
self.edit_notes = gr.TextArea(label='Notes', lines=4)
......@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ class ExtraNetworksPageLora(ui_extra_networks.ExtraNetworksPage):
item = {
"name": name,
"filename": lora_on_disk.filename,
"shorthash": lora_on_disk.shorthash,
"preview": self.find_preview(path),
"description": self.find_description(path),
"search_term": self.search_terms_from_path(lora_on_disk.filename),
"search_term": self.search_terms_from_path(lora_on_disk.filename) + " " + (lora_on_disk.hash or ""),
"local_preview": f"{path}.{shared.opts.samples_format}",
"metadata": lora_on_disk.metadata,
"sort_keys": {'default': index, **self.get_sort_keys(lora_on_disk.filename)},
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ shared.options_templates.update(shared.options_section(('canvas_hotkey', "Canvas
"canvas_hotkey_reset": shared.OptionInfo("R", "Reset zoom and canvas positon"),
"canvas_hotkey_overlap": shared.OptionInfo("O", "Toggle overlap").info("Technical button, neededs for testing"),
"canvas_show_tooltip": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Enable tooltip on the canvas"),
"canvas_auto_expand": shared.OptionInfo(True, "Automatically expands an image that does not fit completely in the canvas area, similar to manually pressing the S and R buttons"),
"canvas_blur_prompt": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Take the focus off the prompt when working with a canvas"),
"canvas_disabled_functions": shared.OptionInfo(["Overlap"], "Disable function that you don't use", gr.CheckboxGroup, {"choices": ["Zoom","Adjust brush size", "Moving canvas","Fullscreen","Reset Zoom","Overlap"]}),
......@@ -61,3 +61,6 @@
to {opacity: 1;}
.styler {
overflow:inherit !important;
\ No newline at end of file
import math
import gradio as gr
from modules import scripts, shared, ui_components, ui_settings
from modules import scripts, shared, ui_components, ui_settings, generation_parameters_copypaste
from modules.ui_components import FormColumn
......@@ -19,18 +21,38 @@ class ExtraOptionsSection(scripts.Script):
def ui(self, is_img2img):
self.comps = []
self.setting_names = []
self.infotext_fields = []
extra_options = shared.opts.extra_options_img2img if is_img2img else shared.opts.extra_options_txt2img
mapping = {k: v for v, k in generation_parameters_copypaste.infotext_to_setting_name_mapping}
with gr.Blocks() as interface:
with gr.Accordion("Options", open=False) if shared.opts.extra_options_accordion and shared.opts.extra_options else gr.Group(), gr.Row():
for setting_name in shared.opts.extra_options:
with gr.Accordion("Options", open=False) if shared.opts.extra_options_accordion and extra_options else gr.Group():
row_count = math.ceil(len(extra_options) / shared.opts.extra_options_cols)
for row in range(row_count):
with gr.Row():
for col in range(shared.opts.extra_options_cols):
index = row * shared.opts.extra_options_cols + col
if index >= len(extra_options):
setting_name = extra_options[index]
with FormColumn():
comp = ui_settings.create_setting_component(setting_name)
setting_infotext_name = mapping.get(setting_name)
if setting_infotext_name is not None:
self.infotext_fields.append((comp, setting_infotext_name))
def get_settings_values():
return [ui_settings.get_value_for_setting(key) for key in self.setting_names]
res = [ui_settings.get_value_for_setting(key) for key in self.setting_names]
return res[0] if len(res) == 1 else res
interface.load(fn=get_settings_values, inputs=[], outputs=self.comps, queue=False, show_progress=False)
......@@ -43,6 +65,10 @@ class ExtraOptionsSection(scripts.Script):
shared.options_templates.update(shared.options_section(('ui', "User interface"), {
"extra_options": shared.OptionInfo([], "Options in main UI", ui_components.DropdownMulti, lambda: {"choices": list(shared.opts.data_labels.keys())}).js("info", "settingsHintsShowQuicksettings").info("setting entries that also appear in txt2img/img2img interfaces").needs_restart(),
"extra_options_accordion": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Place options in main UI into an accordion")
"extra_options_txt2img": shared.OptionInfo([], "Options in main UI - txt2img", ui_components.DropdownMulti, lambda: {"choices": list(shared.opts.data_labels.keys())}).js("info", "settingsHintsShowQuicksettings").info("setting entries that also appear in txt2img interfaces").needs_reload_ui(),
"extra_options_img2img": shared.OptionInfo([], "Options in main UI - img2img", ui_components.DropdownMulti, lambda: {"choices": list(shared.opts.data_labels.keys())}).js("info", "settingsHintsShowQuicksettings").info("setting entries that also appear in img2img interfaces").needs_reload_ui(),
"extra_options_cols": shared.OptionInfo(1, "Options in main UI - number of columns", gr.Number, {"precision": 0}).needs_reload_ui(),
"extra_options_accordion": shared.OptionInfo(False, "Options in main UI - place into an accordion").needs_reload_ui()
......@@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ function reportWindowSize() {
var button = gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_generate_box');
var target = gradioApp().getElementById(currentlyMobile ? tab + '_results' : tab + '_actions_column');
target.insertBefore(button, target.firstElementChild);
gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_results').classList.toggle('mobile', currentlyMobile);
window.addEventListener("resize", reportWindowSize);
onUiLoaded(function() {
function toggleCss(key, css, enable) {
var style = document.getElementById(key);
if (enable && !style) {
style = document.createElement('style'); = key;
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style && !enable) {
if (style) {
style.innerHTML == '';
function setupExtraNetworksForTab(tabname) {
gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs').classList.add('extra-networks');
var tabs = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs > div');
var search = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_search textarea');
var searchDiv = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_search');
var search = searchDiv.querySelector('textarea');
var sort = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_sort');
var sortOrder = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_sortorder');
var refresh = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_refresh');
var showDirsDiv = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_show_dirs');
var showDirs = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_show_dirs input');
sort.dataset.sortkey = 'sortDefault';
var applyFilter = function() {
var searchTerm = search.value.toLowerCase();
......@@ -80,6 +98,15 @@ function setupExtraNetworksForTab(tabname) {
extraNetworksApplyFilter[tabname] = applyFilter;
var showDirsUpdate = function() {
var css = '#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs .extra-network-subdirs { display: none; }';
toggleCss(tabname + '_extra_show_dirs_style', css, !showDirs.checked);
localSet('extra-networks-show-dirs', showDirs.checked ? 1 : 0);
showDirs.checked = localGet('extra-networks-show-dirs', 1) == 1;
showDirs.addEventListener("change", showDirsUpdate);
function applyExtraNetworkFilter(tabname) {
......@@ -179,7 +206,7 @@ function saveCardPreview(event, tabname, filename) {
function extraNetworksSearchButton(tabs_id, event) {
var searchTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabs_id + ' > div > textarea');
var searchTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabs_id + ' > label > textarea');
var button =;
var text = button.classList.contains("search-all") ? "" : button.textContent.trim();
......@@ -305,7 +332,7 @@ function extraNetworksRefreshSingleCard(page, tabname, name) {
newDiv.innerHTML = data.html;
var newCard = newDiv.firstElementChild; = ''; = '';
card.parentElement.insertBefore(newCard, card);
......@@ -190,3 +190,14 @@ onUiUpdate(function(mutationRecords) {
tooltipCheckTimer = setTimeout(processTooltipCheckNodes, 1000);
onUiLoaded(function() {
for (var comp of window.gradio_config.components) {
if (comp.props.webui_tooltip && comp.props.elem_id) {
var elem = gradioApp().getElementById(comp.props.elem_id);
if (elem) {
elem.title = comp.props.webui_tooltip;
......@@ -136,6 +136,11 @@ function setupImageForLightbox(e) {
var event = isFirefox ? 'mousedown' : 'click';
e.addEventListener(event, function(evt) {
if (evt.button == 1) {
if (!opts.js_modal_lightbox || evt.button != 0) return;
modalZoomSet(gradioApp().getElementById('modalImage'), opts.js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed);
var observerAccordionOpen = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
var elem =;
var open = elem.classList.contains('open');
var accordion = elem.parentNode;
accordion.classList.toggle('input-accordion-open', open);
var checkbox = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + + "-checkbox input");
checkbox.checked = open;
var extra = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + + "-extra");
if (extra) { = open ? "" : "none";
function inputAccordionChecked(id, checked) {
var label = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + id + " .label-wrap");
if (label.classList.contains('open') != checked) {;
onUiLoaded(function() {
for (var accordion of gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.input-accordion')) {
var labelWrap = accordion.querySelector('.label-wrap');
observerAccordionOpen.observe(labelWrap, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
var extra = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + + "-extra");
if (extra) {
labelWrap.insertBefore(extra, labelWrap.lastElementChild);
function localSet(k, v) {
try {
localStorage.setItem(k, v);
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to save ${k} to localStorage: ${e}`);
function localGet(k, def) {
try {
return localStorage.getItem(k);
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to load ${k} from localStorage: ${e}`);
return def;
function localRemove(k) {
try {
return localStorage.removeItem(k);
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to remove ${k} from localStorage: ${e}`);
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ var ignore_ids_for_localization = {
train_hypernetwork: 'OPTION',
txt2img_styles: 'OPTION',
img2img_styles: 'OPTION',
setting_random_artist_categories: 'SPAN',
setting_face_restoration_model: 'SPAN',
setting_realesrgan_enabled_models: 'SPAN',
extras_upscaler_1: 'SPAN',
extras_upscaler_2: 'SPAN',
setting_random_artist_categories: 'OPTION',
setting_face_restoration_model: 'OPTION',
setting_realesrgan_enabled_models: 'OPTION',
extras_upscaler_1: 'OPTION',
extras_upscaler_2: 'OPTION',
var re_num = /^[.\d]+$/;
......@@ -107,12 +107,41 @@ function processNode(node) {
function localizeWholePage() {
function elem(comp) {
var elem_id = comp.props.elem_id ? comp.props.elem_id : "component-" +;
return gradioApp().getElementById(elem_id);
for (var comp of window.gradio_config.components) {
if (comp.props.webui_tooltip) {
let e = elem(comp);
let tl = e ? getTranslation(e.title) : undefined;
if (tl !== undefined) {
e.title = tl;
if (comp.props.placeholder) {
let e = elem(comp);
let textbox = e ? e.querySelector('[placeholder]') : null;
let tl = textbox ? getTranslation(textbox.placeholder) : undefined;
if (tl !== undefined) {
textbox.placeholder = tl;
function dumpTranslations() {
if (!hasLocalization()) {
// If we don't have any localization,
// we will not have traversed the app to find
// original_lines, so do that now.
var dumped = {};
if (localization.rtl) {
......@@ -154,7 +183,7 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
if (localization.rtl) { // if the language is from right to left,
(new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { // wait for the style to load
......@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgre
var dateStart = new Date();
var wasEverActive = false;
var parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode;
var parentGallery = gallery ? gallery.parentNode : null;
var divProgress = document.createElement('div');
divProgress.className = 'progressDiv';
......@@ -80,32 +79,26 @@ function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgre
parentProgressbar.insertBefore(divProgress, progressbarContainer);
if (parentGallery) {
var livePreview = document.createElement('div');
livePreview.className = 'livePreview';
parentGallery.insertBefore(livePreview, gallery);
var livePreview = null;
var removeProgressBar = function() {
if (!divProgress) return;
if (parentGallery) parentGallery.removeChild(livePreview);
if (gallery && livePreview) gallery.removeChild(livePreview);
divProgress = null;
var fun = function(id_task, id_live_preview) {
request("./internal/progress", {id_task: id_task, id_live_preview: id_live_preview}, function(res) {
var funProgress = function(id_task) {
request("./internal/progress", {id_task: id_task, live_preview: false}, function(res) {
if (res.completed) {
var rect = progressbarContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.width) { = rect.width + "px";
let progressText = ""; = ((res.progress || 0) * 100.0) + '%';
......@@ -119,7 +112,6 @@ function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgre
progressText += " ETA: " + formatTime(res.eta);
if (res.textinfo && res.textinfo.indexOf("\n") == -1) {
......@@ -142,16 +134,33 @@ function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgre
if (onProgress) {
if (res.live_preview && gallery) {
rect = gallery.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.width) { = rect.width + "px"; = rect.height + "px";
setTimeout(() => {
funProgress(id_task, res.id_live_preview);
}, opts.live_preview_refresh_period || 500);
}, function() {
var funLivePreview = function(id_task, id_live_preview) {
request("./internal/progress", {id_task: id_task, id_live_preview: id_live_preview}, function(res) {
if (!divProgress) {
if (res.live_preview && gallery) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
if (!livePreview) {
livePreview = document.createElement('div');
livePreview.className = 'livePreview';
gallery.insertBefore(livePreview, gallery.firstElementChild);
if (livePreview.childElementCount > 2) {
......@@ -160,18 +169,18 @@ function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgre
img.src = res.live_preview;
if (onProgress) {
setTimeout(() => {
fun(id_task, res.id_live_preview);
funLivePreview(id_task, res.id_live_preview);
}, opts.live_preview_refresh_period || 500);
}, function() {
fun(id_task, 0);
funProgress(id_task, 0);
if (gallery) {
funLivePreview(id_task, 0);
(function() {
const GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH = 320;
const GRID_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS = '1fr 16px 1fr';
const PAD = 16;
const DEBOUNCE_TIME = 100;
const R = {
tracking: false,
parent: null,
parentWidth: null,
leftCol: null,
leftColStartWidth: null,
screenX: null,
let resizeTimer;
let parents = [];
function setLeftColGridTemplate(el, width) { = `${width}px 16px 1fr`;
function displayResizeHandle(parent) {
if (window.innerWidth < GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH * 2 + PAD * 4) { = 'flex';
if (R.handle != null) { = '0';
return false;
} else { = 'grid';
if (R.handle != null) { = '100';
return true;
function afterResize(parent) {
if (displayResizeHandle(parent) && != GRID_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS) {
const oldParentWidth = R.parentWidth;
const newParentWidth = parent.offsetWidth;
const widthL = parseInt(' ')[0]);
const ratio = newParentWidth / oldParentWidth;
const newWidthL = Math.max(Math.floor(ratio * widthL), GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH);
setLeftColGridTemplate(parent, newWidthL);
R.parentWidth = newParentWidth;
function setup(parent) {
const leftCol = parent.firstElementChild;
const rightCol = parent.lastElementChild;
parents.push(parent); = 'grid'; = '0'; = GRID_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS;
const resizeHandle = document.createElement('div');
parent.insertBefore(resizeHandle, rightCol);
resizeHandle.addEventListener('mousedown', (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) return;
R.tracking = true;
R.parent = parent;
R.parentWidth = parent.offsetWidth;
R.handle = resizeHandle;
R.leftCol = leftCol;
R.leftColStartWidth = leftCol.offsetWidth;
R.screenX = evt.screenX;
resizeHandle.addEventListener('dblclick', (evt) => {
evt.stopPropagation(); = GRID_TEMPLATE_COLUMNS;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) return;
if (R.tracking) {
const delta = R.screenX - evt.screenX;
const leftColWidth = Math.max(Math.min(R.leftColStartWidth - delta, R.parent.offsetWidth - GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH - PAD), GRADIO_MIN_WIDTH);
setLeftColGridTemplate(R.parent, leftColWidth);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) return;
if (R.tracking) {
R.tracking = false;
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
for (const parent of parents) {
setupResizeHandle = setup;
onUiLoaded(function() {
for (var elem of gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.resize-handle-row')) {
......@@ -19,28 +19,11 @@ function all_gallery_buttons() {
function selected_gallery_button() {
var allCurrentButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('[style="display: block;"].tabitem div[id$=_gallery].gradio-gallery .thumbnail-item.thumbnail-small.selected');
var visibleCurrentButton = null;
allCurrentButtons.forEach(function(elem) {
if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) {
visibleCurrentButton = elem;
return visibleCurrentButton;
return all_gallery_buttons().find(elem => elem.classList.contains('selected')) ?? null;
function selected_gallery_index() {
var buttons = all_gallery_buttons();
var button = selected_gallery_button();
var result = -1;
buttons.forEach(function(v, i) {
if (v == button) {
result = i;
return result;
return all_gallery_buttons().findIndex(elem => elem.classList.contains('selected'));
function extract_image_from_gallery(gallery) {
......@@ -152,11 +135,11 @@ function submit() {
showSubmitButtons('txt2img', false);
var id = randomId();
localStorage.setItem("txt2img_task_id", id);
localSet("txt2img_task_id", id);
requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function() {
showSubmitButtons('txt2img', true);
showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', false);
......@@ -171,11 +154,11 @@ function submit_img2img() {
showSubmitButtons('img2img', false);
var id = randomId();
localStorage.setItem("img2img_task_id", id);
localSet("img2img_task_id", id);
requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function() {
showSubmitButtons('img2img', true);
showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', false);
......@@ -189,9 +172,7 @@ function submit_img2img() {
function restoreProgressTxt2img() {
showRestoreProgressButton("txt2img", false);
var id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id");
id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id");
var id = localGet("txt2img_task_id");
if (id) {
requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function() {
......@@ -205,7 +186,7 @@ function restoreProgressTxt2img() {
function restoreProgressImg2img() {
showRestoreProgressButton("img2img", false);
var id = localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id");
var id = localGet("img2img_task_id");
if (id) {
requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function() {
......@@ -218,8 +199,8 @@ function restoreProgressImg2img() {
onUiLoaded(function() {
showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id"));
showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id"));
showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', localGet("txt2img_task_id"));
showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', localGet("img2img_task_id"));
from modules import launch_utils
args = launch_utils.args
python = launch_utils.python
git = launch_utils.git
......@@ -26,6 +25,9 @@ start = launch_utils.start
def main():
launch_utils.startup_timer.record("initial startup")
with launch_utils.startup_timer.subcategory("prepare environment"):
if not args.skip_prepare_environment:
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import os
import time
import datetime
import uvicorn
import ipaddress
import requests
import gradio as gr
from threading import Lock
from io import BytesIO
......@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from secrets import compare_digest
import modules.shared as shared
from modules import sd_samplers, deepbooru, sd_hijack, images, scripts, ui, postprocessing, errors, restart
from modules import sd_samplers, deepbooru, sd_hijack, images, scripts, ui, postprocessing, errors, restart, shared_items
from modules.api import models
from modules.shared import opts
from modules.processing import StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, process_images
......@@ -23,8 +25,7 @@ from modules.textual_inversion.textual_inversion import create_embedding, train_
from modules.textual_inversion.preprocess import preprocess
from modules.hypernetworks.hypernetwork import create_hypernetwork, train_hypernetwork
from PIL import PngImagePlugin,Image
from modules.sd_models import checkpoints_list, unload_model_weights, reload_model_weights, checkpoint_aliases
from modules.sd_vae import vae_dict
from modules.sd_models import unload_model_weights, reload_model_weights, checkpoint_aliases
from modules.sd_models_config import find_checkpoint_config_near_filename
from modules.realesrgan_model import get_realesrgan_models
from modules import devices
......@@ -56,7 +57,41 @@ def setUpscalers(req: dict):
return reqDict
def verify_url(url):
"""Returns True if the url refers to a global resource."""
import socket
from urllib.parse import urlparse
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
domain_name = parsed_url.netloc
host = socket.gethostbyname_ex(domain_name)
for ip in host[2]:
ip_addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
if not ip_addr.is_global:
return False
except Exception:
return False
return True
def decode_base64_to_image(encoding):
if encoding.startswith("http://") or encoding.startswith("https://"):
if not opts.api_enable_requests:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Requests not allowed")
if opts.api_forbid_local_requests and not verify_url(encoding):
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Request to local resource not allowed")
headers = {'user-agent': opts.api_useragent} if opts.api_useragent else {}
response = requests.get(encoding, timeout=30, headers=headers)
image =
return image
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Invalid image url") from e
if encoding.startswith("data:image/"):
encoding = encoding.split(";")[1].split(",")[1]
......@@ -197,6 +232,7 @@ class Api:
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/prompt-styles", self.get_prompt_styles, methods=["GET"], response_model=List[models.PromptStyleItem])
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/embeddings", self.get_embeddings, methods=["GET"], response_model=models.EmbeddingsResponse)
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/refresh-checkpoints", self.refresh_checkpoints, methods=["POST"])
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/refresh-vae", self.refresh_vae, methods=["POST"])
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/create/embedding", self.create_embedding, methods=["POST"], response_model=models.CreateResponse)
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/create/hypernetwork", self.create_hypernetwork, methods=["POST"], response_model=models.CreateResponse)
self.add_api_route("/sdapi/v1/preprocess", self.preprocess, methods=["POST"], response_model=models.PreprocessResponse)
......@@ -329,6 +365,7 @@ class Api:
with self.queue_lock:
with closing(StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img(sd_model=shared.sd_model, **args)) as p:
p.is_api = True
p.scripts = script_runner
p.outpath_grids = opts.outdir_txt2img_grids
p.outpath_samples = opts.outdir_txt2img_samples
......@@ -343,6 +380,7 @@ class Api:
processed = process_images(p)
b64images = list(map(encode_pil_to_base64, processed.images)) if send_images else []
......@@ -388,6 +426,7 @@ class Api:
with self.queue_lock:
with closing(StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img(sd_model=shared.sd_model, **args)) as p:
p.init_images = [decode_base64_to_image(x) for x in init_images]
p.is_api = True
p.scripts = script_runner
p.outpath_grids = opts.outdir_img2img_grids
p.outpath_samples = opts.outdir_img2img_samples
......@@ -402,6 +441,7 @@ class Api:
processed = process_images(p)
b64images = list(map(encode_pil_to_base64, processed.images)) if send_images else []
......@@ -530,7 +570,7 @@ class Api:
raise RuntimeError(f"model {checkpoint_name!r} not found")
for k, v in req.items():
shared.opts.set(k, v)
shared.opts.set(k, v, is_api=True)
......@@ -562,10 +602,12 @@ class Api:
def get_sd_models(self):
return [{"title": x.title, "model_name": x.model_name, "hash": x.shorthash, "sha256": x.sha256, "filename": x.filename, "config": find_checkpoint_config_near_filename(x)} for x in checkpoints_list.values()]
import modules.sd_models as sd_models
return [{"title": x.title, "model_name": x.model_name, "hash": x.shorthash, "sha256": x.sha256, "filename": x.filename, "config": find_checkpoint_config_near_filename(x)} for x in sd_models.checkpoints_list.values()]
def get_sd_vaes(self):
return [{"model_name": x, "filename": vae_dict[x]} for x in vae_dict.keys()]
import modules.sd_vae as sd_vae
return [{"model_name": x, "filename": sd_vae.vae_dict[x]} for x in sd_vae.vae_dict.keys()]
def get_hypernetworks(self):
return [{"name": name, "path": shared.hypernetworks[name]} for name in shared.hypernetworks]
......@@ -608,6 +650,10 @@ class Api:
with self.queue_lock:
def refresh_vae(self):
with self.queue_lock:
def create_embedding(self, args: dict):
......@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ class PydanticModelGenerator:
additional_fields = None,
def field_type_generator(k, v):
# field_type = str if not overrides.get(k) else overrides[k]["type"]
# print(k, v.annotation, v.default)
field_type = v.annotation
if field_type == 'Image':
# images are sent as base64 strings via API
field_type = 'str'
return Optional[field_type]
def merge_class_params(class_):
......@@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ class PydanticModelGenerator:
parameters = {**parameters, **inspect.signature(classes.__init__).parameters}
return parameters
self._model_name = model_name
self._class_data = merge_class_params(class_instance)
......@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ class PydanticModelGenerator:
field_type=field_type_generator(k, v),
field_value=None if isinstance(v.default, property) else v.default
for (k,v) in self._class_data.items() if k not in API_NOT_ALLOWED
import json
import os
import os.path
import threading
import time
from modules.paths import data_path, script_path
cache_filename = os.path.join(data_path, "cache.json")
cache_filename = os.environ.get('SD_WEBUI_CACHE_FILE', os.path.join(data_path, "cache.json"))
cache_data = None
cache_lock = threading.Lock()
......@@ -29,9 +30,12 @@ def dump_cache():
with cache_lock:
with open(cache_filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
cache_filename_tmp = cache_filename + "-"
with open(cache_filename_tmp, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
json.dump(cache_data, file, indent=4)
os.replace(cache_filename_tmp, cache_filename)
dump_cache_after = None
dump_cache_thread = None
from functools import wraps
import html
import threading
import time
from modules import shared, progress, errors, devices
from modules import shared, progress, errors, devices, fifo_lock
queue_lock = threading.Lock()
queue_lock = fifo_lock.FIFOLock()
def wrap_queued_call(func):
......@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ parser.add_argument("--reinstall-xformers", action='store_true', help="
parser.add_argument("--reinstall-torch", action='store_true', help=" argument: install the appropriate version of torch even if you have some version already installed")
parser.add_argument("--update-check", action='store_true', help=" argument: check for updates at startup")
parser.add_argument("--test-server", action='store_true', help=" argument: configure server for testing")
parser.add_argument("--log-startup", action='store_true', help=" argument: print a detailed log of what's happening at startup")
parser.add_argument("--skip-prepare-environment", action='store_true', help=" argument: skip all environment preparation")
parser.add_argument("--skip-install", action='store_true', help=" argument: skip installation of packages")
parser.add_argument("--loglevel", type=str, help="log level; one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--do-not-download-clip", action='store_true', help="do not download CLIP model even if it's not included in the checkpoint")
parser.add_argument("--data-dir", type=str, default=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), help="base path where all user data is stored")
parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default=sd_default_config, help="path to config which constructs model",)
......@@ -33,9 +35,10 @@ parser.add_argument("--hypernetwork-dir", type=str, default=os.path.join(models_
parser.add_argument("--localizations-dir", type=str, default=os.path.join(script_path, 'localizations'), help="localizations directory")
parser.add_argument("--allow-code", action='store_true', help="allow custom script execution from webui")
parser.add_argument("--medvram", action='store_true', help="enable stable diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a little speed for low VRM usage")
parser.add_argument("--medvram-sdxl", action='store_true', help="enable --medvram optimization just for SDXL models")
parser.add_argument("--lowvram", action='store_true', help="enable stable diffusion model optimizations for sacrificing a lot of speed for very low VRM usage")
parser.add_argument("--lowram", action='store_true', help="load stable diffusion checkpoint weights to VRAM instead of RAM")
parser.add_argument("--always-batch-cond-uncond", action='store_true', help="disables cond/uncond batching that is enabled to save memory with --medvram or --lowvram")
parser.add_argument("--always-batch-cond-uncond", action='store_true', help="does not do anything")
parser.add_argument("--unload-gfpgan", action='store_true', help="does not do anything.")
parser.add_argument("--precision", type=str, help="evaluate at this precision", choices=["full", "autocast"], default="autocast")
parser.add_argument("--upcast-sampling", action='store_true', help="upcast sampling. No effect with --no-half. Usually produces similar results to --no-half with better performance while using less memory.")
......@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--opt-sdp-no-mem-attention", action='store_true', help="pre
parser.add_argument("--disable-opt-split-attention", action='store_true', help="prefer no cross-attention layer optimization for automatic choice of optimization")
parser.add_argument("--disable-nan-check", action='store_true', help="do not check if produced images/latent spaces have nans; useful for running without a checkpoint in CI")
parser.add_argument("--use-cpu", nargs='+', help="use CPU as torch device for specified modules", default=[], type=str.lower)
parser.add_argument("--disable-model-loading-ram-optimization", action='store_true', help="disable an optimization that reduces RAM use when loading a model")
parser.add_argument("--listen", action='store_true', help="launch gradio with as server name, allowing to respond to network requests")
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, help="launch gradio with given server port, you need root/admin rights for ports < 1024, defaults to 7860 if available", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--show-negative-prompt", action='store_true', help="does not do anything", default=False)
......@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--gradio-auth", type=str, help='set gradio authentication l
parser.add_argument("--gradio-auth-path", type=str, help='set gradio authentication file path ex. "/path/to/auth/file" same auth format as --gradio-auth', default=None)
parser.add_argument("--gradio-img2img-tool", type=str, help='does not do anything')
parser.add_argument("--gradio-inpaint-tool", type=str, help="does not do anything")
parser.add_argument("--gradio-allowed-path", action='append', help="add path to gradio's allowed_paths, make it possible to serve files from it")
parser.add_argument("--gradio-allowed-path", action='append', help="add path to gradio's allowed_paths, make it possible to serve files from it", default=[data_path])
parser.add_argument("--opt-channelslast", action='store_true', help="change memory type for stable diffusion to channels last")
parser.add_argument("--styles-file", type=str, help="filename to use for styles", default=os.path.join(data_path, 'styles.csv'))
parser.add_argument("--autolaunch", action='store_true', help="open the webui URL in the system's default browser upon launch", default=False)
......@@ -110,3 +114,5 @@ parser.add_argument('--subpath', type=str, help='customize the subpath for gradi
parser.add_argument('--add-stop-route', action='store_true', help='add /_stop route to stop server')
parser.add_argument('--api-server-stop', action='store_true', help='enable server stop/restart/kill via api')
parser.add_argument('--timeout-keep-alive', type=int, default=30, help='set timeout_keep_alive for uvicorn')
parser.add_argument("--disable-all-extensions", action='store_true', help="prevent all extensions from running regardless of any other settings", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--disable-extra-extensions", action='store_true', help=" prevent all extensions except built-in from running regardless of any other settings", default=False)
......@@ -8,14 +8,12 @@ import time
import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
import git
from modules import shared, extensions, errors
from modules.paths_internal import script_path, config_states_dir
all_config_states = OrderedDict()
all_config_states = {}
def list_config_states():
......@@ -28,10 +26,14 @@ def list_config_states():
for filename in os.listdir(config_states_dir):
if filename.endswith(".json"):
path = os.path.join(config_states_dir, filename)
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
j = json.load(f)
assert "created_at" in j, '"created_at" does not exist'
j["filepath"] = path
except Exception as e:
print(f'[ERROR]: Config states {path}, {e}')
config_states = sorted(config_states, key=lambda cs: cs["created_at"], reverse=True)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import contextlib
from functools import lru_cache
import torch
from modules import errors
from modules import errors, shared
if sys.platform == "darwin":
from modules import mac_specific
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ def has_mps() -> bool:
def get_cuda_device_string():
from modules import shared
if shared.cmd_opts.device_id is not None:
return f"cuda:{shared.cmd_opts.device_id}"
......@@ -40,8 +38,6 @@ def get_optimal_device():
def get_device_for(task):
from modules import shared
if task in shared.cmd_opts.use_cpu:
return cpu
......@@ -71,14 +67,17 @@ def enable_tf32():
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True, "Enabling TF32")
cpu = torch.device("cpu")
device = device_interrogate = device_gfpgan = device_esrgan = device_codeformer = None
dtype = torch.float16
dtype_vae = torch.float16
dtype_unet = torch.float16
cpu: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")
device: torch.device = None
device_interrogate: torch.device = None
device_gfpgan: torch.device = None
device_esrgan: torch.device = None
device_codeformer: torch.device = None
dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float16
dtype_vae: torch.dtype = torch.float16
dtype_unet: torch.dtype = torch.float16
unet_needs_upcast = False
......@@ -90,26 +89,10 @@ def cond_cast_float(input):
return input.float() if unet_needs_upcast else input
def randn(seed, shape):
from modules.shared import opts
if opts.randn_source == "CPU" or device.type == 'mps':
return torch.randn(shape, device=cpu).to(device)
return torch.randn(shape, device=device)
def randn_without_seed(shape):
from modules.shared import opts
if opts.randn_source == "CPU" or device.type == 'mps':
return torch.randn(shape, device=cpu).to(device)
return torch.randn(shape, device=device)
nv_rng = None
def autocast(disable=False):
from modules import shared
if disable:
return contextlib.nullcontext()
......@@ -128,8 +111,6 @@ class NansException(Exception):
def test_for_nans(x, where):
from modules import shared
if shared.cmd_opts.disable_nan_check:
......@@ -169,3 +150,4 @@ def first_time_calculation():
x = torch.zeros((1, 1, 3, 3)).to(device, dtype)
conv2d = torch.nn.Conv2d(1, 1, (3, 3)).to(device, dtype)
......@@ -84,3 +84,53 @@ def run(code, task):
except Exception as e:
display(task, e)
def check_versions():
from packaging import version
from modules import shared
import torch
import gradio
expected_torch_version = "2.0.0"
expected_xformers_version = "0.0.20"
expected_gradio_version = "3.41.0"
if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse(expected_torch_version):
You are running torch {torch.__version__}.
The program is tested to work with torch {expected_torch_version}.
To reinstall the desired version, run with commandline flag --reinstall-torch.
Beware that this will cause a lot of large files to be downloaded, as well as
there are reports of issues with training tab on the latest version.
Use --skip-version-check commandline argument to disable this check.
if shared.xformers_available:
import xformers
if version.parse(xformers.__version__) < version.parse(expected_xformers_version):
You are running xformers {xformers.__version__}.
The program is tested to work with xformers {expected_xformers_version}.
To reinstall the desired version, run with commandline flag --reinstall-xformers.
Use --skip-version-check commandline argument to disable this check.
if gradio.__version__ != expected_gradio_version:
You are running gradio {gradio.__version__}.
The program is designed to work with gradio {expected_gradio_version}.
Using a different version of gradio is extremely likely to break the program.
Reasons why you have the mismatched gradio version can be:
- you use --skip-install flag.
- you use to start the program instead of
- an extension installs the incompatible gradio version.
Use --skip-version-check commandline argument to disable this check.
import os
import threading
from modules import shared, errors, cache
from modules import shared, errors, cache, scripts
from modules.gitpython_hack import Repo
from modules.paths_internal import extensions_dir, extensions_builtin_dir, script_path # noqa: F401
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ os.makedirs(extensions_dir, exist_ok=True)
def active():
if shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "all":
if shared.cmd_opts.disable_all_extensions or shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "all":
return []
elif shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "extra":
elif shared.cmd_opts.disable_extra_extensions or shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "extra":
return [x for x in extensions if x.enabled and x.is_builtin]
return [x for x in extensions if x.enabled]
......@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ class Extension:
self.have_info_from_repo = True
def list_files(self, subdir, extension):
from modules import scripts
dirpath = os.path.join(self.path, subdir)
if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
return []
......@@ -141,8 +139,12 @@ def list_extensions():
if not os.path.isdir(extensions_dir):
if shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "all":
if shared.cmd_opts.disable_all_extensions:
print("*** \"--disable-all-extensions\" arg was used, will not load any extensions ***")
elif shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "all":
print("*** \"Disable all extensions\" option was set, will not load any extensions ***")
elif shared.cmd_opts.disable_extra_extensions:
print("*** \"--disable-extra-extensions\" arg was used, will only load built-in extensions ***")
elif shared.opts.disable_all_extensions == "extra":
print("*** \"Disable all extensions\" option was set, will only load built-in extensions ***")
import json
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
......@@ -177,3 +179,20 @@ def parse_prompts(prompts):
return res, extra_data
def get_user_metadata(filename):
if filename is None:
return {}
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
metadata_filename = basename + '.json'
metadata = {}
if os.path.isfile(metadata_filename):
with open(metadata_filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
metadata = json.load(file)
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, f"reading extra network user metadata from {metadata_filename}")
return metadata
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import json
import torch
import tqdm
from modules import shared, images, sd_models, sd_vae, sd_models_config
from modules import shared, images, sd_models, sd_vae, sd_models_config, errors
from modules.ui_common import plaintext_to_html
import gradio as gr
import safetensors.torch
......@@ -72,7 +72,20 @@ def to_half(tensor, enable):
return tensor
def run_modelmerger(id_task, primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_model_name, interp_method, multiplier, save_as_half, custom_name, checkpoint_format, config_source, bake_in_vae, discard_weights, save_metadata):
def read_metadata(primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_model_name):
metadata = {}
for checkpoint_name in [primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_model_name]:
checkpoint_info = sd_models.checkpoints_list.get(checkpoint_name, None)
if checkpoint_info is None:
return json.dumps(metadata, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def run_modelmerger(id_task, primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_model_name, interp_method, multiplier, save_as_half, custom_name, checkpoint_format, config_source, bake_in_vae, discard_weights, save_metadata, add_merge_recipe, copy_metadata_fields, metadata_json):
def fail(message):
......@@ -241,11 +254,25 @@ def run_modelmerger(id_task, primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_
shared.state.textinfo = "Saving"
print(f"Saving to {output_modelname}...")
metadata = None
metadata = {}
if save_metadata and copy_metadata_fields:
if primary_model_info:
if secondary_model_info:
if tertiary_model_info:
if save_metadata:
metadata = {"format": "pt"}
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, "readin metadata from json")
metadata["format"] = "pt"
if save_metadata and add_merge_recipe:
merge_recipe = {
"type": "webui", # indicate this model was merged with webui's built-in merger
"primary_model_hash": primary_model_info.sha256,
......@@ -261,7 +288,6 @@ def run_modelmerger(id_task, primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_
"is_inpainting": result_is_inpainting_model,
"is_instruct_pix2pix": result_is_instruct_pix2pix_model
metadata["sd_merge_recipe"] = json.dumps(merge_recipe)
sd_merge_models = {}
......@@ -281,11 +307,12 @@ def run_modelmerger(id_task, primary_model_name, secondary_model_name, tertiary_
if tertiary_model_info:
metadata["sd_merge_recipe"] = json.dumps(merge_recipe)
metadata["sd_merge_models"] = json.dumps(sd_merge_models)
_, extension = os.path.splitext(output_modelname)
if extension.lower() == ".safetensors":
safetensors.torch.save_file(theta_0, output_modelname, metadata=metadata)
safetensors.torch.save_file(theta_0, output_modelname, metadata=metadata if len(metadata)>0 else None)
else:, output_modelname)
import threading
import collections
# reference:
class FIFOLock(object):
def __init__(self):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._inner_lock = threading.Lock()
self._pending_threads = collections.deque()
def acquire(self, blocking=True):
with self._inner_lock:
lock_acquired = self._lock.acquire(False)
if lock_acquired:
return True
elif not blocking:
return False
release_event = threading.Event()
return self._lock.acquire()
def release(self):
with self._inner_lock:
if self._pending_threads:
release_event = self._pending_threads.popleft()
__enter__ = acquire
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import re
import gradio as gr
from modules.paths import data_path
from modules import shared, ui_tempdir, script_callbacks
from modules import shared, ui_tempdir, script_callbacks, processing
from PIL import Image
re_param_code = r'\s*([\w ]+):\s*("(?:\\"[^,]|\\"|\\|[^\"])+"|[^,]*)(?:,|$)'
......@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ def restore_old_hires_fix_params(res):
height = int(res.get("Size-2", 512))
if firstpass_width == 0 or firstpass_height == 0:
from modules import processing
firstpass_width, firstpass_height = processing.old_hires_fix_first_pass_dimensions(width, height)
res['Size-1'] = firstpass_width
......@@ -280,6 +279,9 @@ Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 965400086, Size: 512x512, Model
if "Hires sampler" not in res:
res["Hires sampler"] = "Use same sampler"
if "Hires checkpoint" not in res:
res["Hires checkpoint"] = "Use same checkpoint"
if "Hires prompt" not in res:
res["Hires prompt"] = ""
......@@ -304,32 +306,28 @@ Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 965400086, Size: 512x512, Model
if "Schedule rho" not in res:
res["Schedule rho"] = 0
if "VAE Encoder" not in res:
res["VAE Encoder"] = "Full"
if "VAE Decoder" not in res:
res["VAE Decoder"] = "Full"
return res
infotext_to_setting_name_mapping = [
('Clip skip', 'CLIP_stop_at_last_layers', ),
"""Mapping of infotext labels to setting names. Only left for backwards compatibility - use OptionInfo(..., infotext='...') instead.
Example content:
infotext_to_setting_name_mapping = [
('Conditional mask weight', 'inpainting_mask_weight'),
('Model hash', 'sd_model_checkpoint'),
('ENSD', 'eta_noise_seed_delta'),
('Schedule type', 'k_sched_type'),
('Schedule max sigma', 'sigma_max'),
('Schedule min sigma', 'sigma_min'),
('Schedule rho', 'rho'),
('Noise multiplier', 'initial_noise_multiplier'),
('Eta', 'eta_ancestral'),
('Eta DDIM', 'eta_ddim'),
('Discard penultimate sigma', 'always_discard_next_to_last_sigma'),
('UniPC variant', 'uni_pc_variant'),
('UniPC skip type', 'uni_pc_skip_type'),
('UniPC order', 'uni_pc_order'),
('UniPC lower order final', 'uni_pc_lower_order_final'),
('Token merging ratio', 'token_merging_ratio'),
('Token merging ratio hr', 'token_merging_ratio_hr'),
('RNG', 'randn_source'),
('NGMS', 's_min_uncond'),
('Pad conds', 'pad_cond_uncond'),
def create_override_settings_dict(text_pairs):
......@@ -350,7 +348,8 @@ def create_override_settings_dict(text_pairs):
params[k] = v.strip()
for param_name, setting_name in infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
mapping = [(info.infotext, k) for k, info in shared.opts.data_labels.items() if info.infotext]
for param_name, setting_name in mapping + infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
value = params.get(param_name, None)
if value is None:
......@@ -399,10 +398,16 @@ def connect_paste(button, paste_fields, input_comp, override_settings_component,
return res
if override_settings_component is not None:
already_handled_fields = {key: 1 for _, key in paste_fields}
def paste_settings(params):
vals = {}
for param_name, setting_name in infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
mapping = [(info.infotext, k) for k, info in shared.opts.data_labels.items() if info.infotext]
for param_name, setting_name in mapping + infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
if param_name in already_handled_fields:
v = params.get(param_name, None)
if v is None:
import gradio as gr
from modules import scripts, ui_tempdir, patches
def add_classes_to_gradio_component(comp):
this adds gradio-* to the component for css styling (ie gradio-button to gr.Button), as well as some others
comp.elem_classes = [f"gradio-{comp.get_block_name()}", *(comp.elem_classes or [])]
if getattr(comp, 'multiselect', False):
def IOComponent_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.webui_tooltip = kwargs.pop('tooltip', None)
if scripts.scripts_current is not None:
scripts.scripts_current.before_component(self, **kwargs)
scripts.script_callbacks.before_component_callback(self, **kwargs)
res = original_IOComponent_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
scripts.script_callbacks.after_component_callback(self, **kwargs)
if scripts.scripts_current is not None:
scripts.scripts_current.after_component(self, **kwargs)
return res
def Block_get_config(self):
config = original_Block_get_config(self)
webui_tooltip = getattr(self, 'webui_tooltip', None)
if webui_tooltip:
config["webui_tooltip"] = webui_tooltip
config.pop('example_inputs', None)
return config
def BlockContext_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
res = original_BlockContext_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
return res
def Blocks_get_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
config = original_Blocks_get_config_file(self, *args, **kwargs)
for comp_config in config["components"]:
if "example_inputs" in comp_config:
comp_config["example_inputs"] = {"serialized": []}
return config
original_IOComponent_init = patches.patch(__name__, obj=gr.components.IOComponent, field="__init__", replacement=IOComponent_init)
original_Block_get_config = patches.patch(__name__, obj=gr.blocks.Block, field="get_config", replacement=Block_get_config)
original_BlockContext_init = patches.patch(__name__, obj=gr.blocks.BlockContext, field="__init__", replacement=BlockContext_init)
original_Blocks_get_config_file = patches.patch(__name__, obj=gr.blocks.Blocks, field="get_config_file", replacement=Blocks_get_config_file)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import torch
import tqdm
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from ldm.util import default
from modules import devices, processing, sd_models, shared, sd_samplers, hashes, sd_hijack_checkpoint, errors
from modules import devices, sd_models, shared, sd_samplers, hashes, sd_hijack_checkpoint, errors
from modules.textual_inversion import textual_inversion, logging
from modules.textual_inversion.learn_schedule import LearnRateScheduler
from torch import einsum
......@@ -469,8 +469,7 @@ def create_hypernetwork(name, enable_sizes, overwrite_old, layer_structure=None,
def train_hypernetwork(id_task, hypernetwork_name, learn_rate, batch_size, gradient_step, data_root, log_directory, training_width, training_height, varsize, steps, clip_grad_mode, clip_grad_value, shuffle_tags, tag_drop_out, latent_sampling_method, use_weight, create_image_every, save_hypernetwork_every, template_filename, preview_from_txt2img, preview_prompt, preview_negative_prompt, preview_steps, preview_sampler_index, preview_cfg_scale, preview_seed, preview_width, preview_height):
# images allows training previews to have infotext. Importing it at the top causes a circular import problem.
from modules import images
from modules import images, processing
save_hypernetwork_every = save_hypernetwork_every or 0
create_image_every = create_image_every or 0
......@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ from modules import sd_samplers, shared, script_callbacks, errors
from modules.paths_internal import roboto_ttf_file
from modules.shared import opts
import modules.sd_vae as sd_vae
LANCZOS = (Image.Resampling.LANCZOS if hasattr(Image, 'Resampling') else Image.LANCZOS)
......@@ -318,7 +316,7 @@ def resize_image(resize_mode, im, width, height, upscaler_name=None):
return res
invalid_filename_chars = '<>:"/\\|?*\n'
invalid_filename_chars = '<>:"/\\|?*\n\r\t'
invalid_filename_prefix = ' '
invalid_filename_postfix = ' .'
re_nonletters = re.compile(r'[\s' + string.punctuation + ']+')
......@@ -342,16 +340,6 @@ def sanitize_filename_part(text, replace_spaces=True):
class FilenameGenerator:
def get_vae_filename(self): #get the name of the VAE file.
if sd_vae.loaded_vae_file is None:
return "NoneType"
file_name = os.path.basename(sd_vae.loaded_vae_file)
split_file_name = file_name.split('.')
if len(split_file_name) > 1 and split_file_name[0] == '':
return split_file_name[1] # if the first character of the filename is "." then [1] is obtained.
return split_file_name[0]
replacements = {
'seed': lambda self: self.seed if self.seed is not None else '',
'seed_first': lambda self: self.seed if self.p.batch_size == 1 else self.p.all_seeds[0],
......@@ -367,7 +355,9 @@ class FilenameGenerator:
'date': lambda self:'%Y-%m-%d'),
'datetime': lambda self, *args: self.datetime(*args), # accepts formats: [datetime], [datetime<Format>], [datetime<Format><Time Zone>]
'job_timestamp': lambda self: getattr(self.p, "job_timestamp", shared.state.job_timestamp),
'prompt_hash': lambda self: hashlib.sha256(self.prompt.encode()).hexdigest()[0:8],
'prompt_hash': lambda self, *args: self.string_hash(self.prompt, *args),
'negative_prompt_hash': lambda self, *args: self.string_hash(self.p.negative_prompt, *args),
'full_prompt_hash': lambda self, *args: self.string_hash(f"{self.p.prompt} {self.p.negative_prompt}", *args), # a space in between to create a unique string
'prompt': lambda self: sanitize_filename_part(self.prompt),
'prompt_no_styles': lambda self: self.prompt_no_style(),
'prompt_spaces': lambda self: sanitize_filename_part(self.prompt, replace_spaces=False),
......@@ -380,7 +370,8 @@ class FilenameGenerator:
'denoising': lambda self: self.p.denoising_strength if self.p and self.p.denoising_strength else NOTHING_AND_SKIP_PREVIOUS_TEXT,
'user': lambda self: self.p.user,
'vae_filename': lambda self: self.get_vae_filename(),
'none': lambda self: '', # Overrides the default so you can get just the sequence number
'none': lambda self: '', # Overrides the default, so you can get just the sequence number
'image_hash': lambda self, *args: self.image_hash(*args) # accepts formats: [image_hash<length>] default full hash
default_time_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
......@@ -391,6 +382,22 @@ class FilenameGenerator:
self.image = image = zip
def get_vae_filename(self):
"""Get the name of the VAE file."""
import modules.sd_vae as sd_vae
if sd_vae.loaded_vae_file is None:
return "NoneType"
file_name = os.path.basename(sd_vae.loaded_vae_file)
split_file_name = file_name.split('.')
if len(split_file_name) > 1 and split_file_name[0] == '':
return split_file_name[1] # if the first character of the filename is "." then [1] is obtained.
return split_file_name[0]
def hasprompt(self, *args):
lower = self.prompt.lower()
if self.p is None or self.prompt is None:
......@@ -444,6 +451,14 @@ class FilenameGenerator:
return sanitize_filename_part(formatted_time, replace_spaces=False)
def image_hash(self, *args):
length = int(args[0]) if (args and args[0] != "") else None
return hashlib.sha256(self.image.tobytes()).hexdigest()[0:length]
def string_hash(self, text, *args):
length = int(args[0]) if (args and args[0] != "") else 8
return hashlib.sha256(text.encode()).hexdigest()[0:length]
def apply(self, x):
res = ''
......@@ -585,6 +600,11 @@ def save_image(image, path, basename, seed=None, prompt=None, extension='png', i
namegen = FilenameGenerator(p, seed, prompt, image)
# WebP and JPG formats have maximum dimension limits of 16383 and 65535 respectively. switch to PNG which has a much higher limit
if (image.height > 65535 or image.width > 65535) and extension.lower() in ("jpg", "jpeg") or (image.height > 16383 or image.width > 16383) and extension.lower() == "webp":
print('Image dimensions too large; saving as PNG')
extension = ".png"
if save_to_dirs is None:
save_to_dirs = (grid and opts.grid_save_to_dirs) or (not grid and opts.save_to_dirs and not no_prompt)
......@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ from contextlib import closing
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance, ImageChops, UnidentifiedImageError
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter, ImageEnhance, UnidentifiedImageError
import gradio as gr
from modules import sd_samplers, images as imgutil
from modules import images as imgutil
from modules.generation_parameters_copypaste import create_override_settings_dict, parse_generation_parameters
from modules.processing import Processed, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, process_images
from modules.shared import opts, state
from modules.images import save_image
import modules.shared as shared
import modules.processing as processing
from modules.ui import plaintext_to_html
......@@ -18,9 +17,10 @@ import modules.scripts
def process_batch(p, input_dir, output_dir, inpaint_mask_dir, args, to_scale=False, scale_by=1.0, use_png_info=False, png_info_props=None, png_info_dir=None):
output_dir = output_dir.strip()
images = list(shared.walk_files(input_dir, allowed_extensions=(".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".webp")))
images = list(shared.walk_files(input_dir, allowed_extensions=(".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".webp", ".tif", ".tiff")))
is_inpaint_batch = False
if inpaint_mask_dir:
......@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ def process_batch(p, input_dir, output_dir, inpaint_mask_dir, args, to_scale=Fal
print(f"Will process {len(images)} images, creating {p.n_iter * p.batch_size} new images for each.")
save_normally = output_dir == ''
p.do_not_save_grid = True
p.do_not_save_samples = not save_normally
state.job_count = len(images) * p.n_iter
# extract "default" params to use in case getting png info fails
......@@ -111,40 +106,30 @@ def process_batch(p, input_dir, output_dir, inpaint_mask_dir, args, to_scale=Fal
proc =, *args)
if proc is None:
proc = process_images(p)
for n, processed_image in enumerate(proc.images):
filename = image_path.stem
infotext = proc.infotext(p, n)
relpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(image, input_dir))
if n > 0:
filename += f"-{n}"
if not save_normally:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, relpath), exist_ok=True)
if processed_image.mode == 'RGBA':
processed_image = processed_image.convert("RGB")
save_image(processed_image, os.path.join(output_dir, relpath), None, extension=opts.samples_format, info=infotext, forced_filename=filename, save_to_dirs=False)
if output_dir:
p.outpath_samples = output_dir
p.override_settings['save_to_dirs'] = False
if p.n_iter > 1 or p.batch_size > 1:
p.override_settings['samples_filename_pattern'] = f'{image_path.stem}-[generation_number]'
p.override_settings['samples_filename_pattern'] = f'{image_path.stem}'
def img2img(id_task: str, mode: int, prompt: str, negative_prompt: str, prompt_styles, init_img, sketch, init_img_with_mask, inpaint_color_sketch, inpaint_color_sketch_orig, init_img_inpaint, init_mask_inpaint, steps: int, sampler_index: int, mask_blur: int, mask_alpha: float, inpainting_fill: int, restore_faces: bool, tiling: bool, n_iter: int, batch_size: int, cfg_scale: float, image_cfg_scale: float, denoising_strength: float, seed: int, subseed: int, subseed_strength: float, seed_resize_from_h: int, seed_resize_from_w: int, seed_enable_extras: bool, selected_scale_tab: int, height: int, width: int, scale_by: float, resize_mode: int, inpaint_full_res: bool, inpaint_full_res_padding: int, inpainting_mask_invert: int, img2img_batch_input_dir: str, img2img_batch_output_dir: str, img2img_batch_inpaint_mask_dir: str, override_settings_texts, img2img_batch_use_png_info: bool, img2img_batch_png_info_props: list, img2img_batch_png_info_dir: str, request: gr.Request, *args):
def img2img(id_task: str, mode: int, prompt: str, negative_prompt: str, prompt_styles, init_img, sketch, init_img_with_mask, inpaint_color_sketch, inpaint_color_sketch_orig, init_img_inpaint, init_mask_inpaint, steps: int, sampler_name: str, mask_blur: int, mask_alpha: float, inpainting_fill: int, n_iter: int, batch_size: int, cfg_scale: float, image_cfg_scale: float, denoising_strength: float, selected_scale_tab: int, height: int, width: int, scale_by: float, resize_mode: int, inpaint_full_res: bool, inpaint_full_res_padding: int, inpainting_mask_invert: int, img2img_batch_input_dir: str, img2img_batch_output_dir: str, img2img_batch_inpaint_mask_dir: str, override_settings_texts, img2img_batch_use_png_info: bool, img2img_batch_png_info_props: list, img2img_batch_png_info_dir: str, request: gr.Request, *args):
override_settings = create_override_settings_dict(override_settings_texts)
is_batch = mode == 5
if mode == 0: # img2img
image = init_img.convert("RGB")
image = init_img
mask = None
elif mode == 1: # img2img sketch
image = sketch.convert("RGB")
image = sketch
mask = None
elif mode == 2: # inpaint
image, mask = init_img_with_mask["image"], init_img_with_mask["mask"]
alpha_mask = ImageOps.invert(image.split()[-1]).convert('L').point(lambda x: 255 if x > 0 else 0, mode='1')
mask = mask.convert('L').point(lambda x: 255 if x > 128 else 0, mode='1')
mask = ImageChops.lighter(alpha_mask, mask).convert('L')
image = image.convert("RGB")
mask = processing.create_binary_mask(mask)
elif mode == 3: # inpaint sketch
image = inpaint_color_sketch
orig = inpaint_color_sketch_orig or inpaint_color_sketch
......@@ -153,7 +138,6 @@ def img2img(id_task: str, mode: int, prompt: str, negative_prompt: str, prompt_s
mask = ImageEnhance.Brightness(mask).enhance(1 - mask_alpha / 100)
blur = ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(mask_blur)
image = Image.composite(image.filter(blur), orig, mask.filter(blur))
image = image.convert("RGB")
elif mode == 4: # inpaint upload mask
image = init_img_inpaint
mask = init_mask_inpaint
......@@ -180,21 +164,13 @@ def img2img(id_task: str, mode: int, prompt: str, negative_prompt: str, prompt_s
import importlib
import logging
import sys
import warnings
from threading import Thread
from modules.timer import startup_timer
def imports():
logging.getLogger("torch.distributed.nn").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # sshh...
logging.getLogger("xformers").addFilter(lambda record: 'A matching Triton is not available' not in record.getMessage())
import torch # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("import torch")
import pytorch_lightning # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("import torch")
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="pytorch_lightning")
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=UserWarning, module="torchvision")
import gradio # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("import gradio")
from modules import paths, timer, import_hook, errors # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("setup paths")
import ldm.modules.encoders.modules # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("import ldm")
import sgm.modules.encoders.modules # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("import sgm")
from modules import shared_init
startup_timer.record("initialize shared")
from modules import processing, gradio_extensons, ui # noqa: F401
startup_timer.record("other imports")
def check_versions():
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
if not cmd_opts.skip_version_check:
from modules import errors
def initialize():
from modules import initialize_util
from modules import modelloader
from modules import sd_models
startup_timer.record("setup SD model")
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
from modules import codeformer_model
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=UserWarning, module="torchvision.transforms.functional_tensor")
startup_timer.record("setup codeformer")
from modules import gfpgan_model
startup_timer.record("setup gfpgan")
def initialize_rest(*, reload_script_modules=False):
Called both from initialize() and when reloading the webui.
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
from modules import sd_samplers
startup_timer.record("set samplers")
from modules import extensions
startup_timer.record("list extensions")
from modules import initialize_util
startup_timer.record("restore config state file")
from modules import shared, upscaler, scripts
if cmd_opts.ui_debug_mode:
shared.sd_upscalers = upscaler.UpscalerLanczos().scalers
from modules import sd_models
startup_timer.record("list SD models")
from modules import localization
startup_timer.record("list localizations")
with startup_timer.subcategory("load scripts"):
if reload_script_modules:
for module in [module for name, module in sys.modules.items() if name.startswith("modules.ui")]:
startup_timer.record("reload script modules")
from modules import modelloader
startup_timer.record("load upscalers")
from modules import sd_vae
startup_timer.record("refresh VAE")
from modules import textual_inversion
startup_timer.record("refresh textual inversion templates")
from modules import script_callbacks, sd_hijack_optimizations, sd_hijack
startup_timer.record("scripts list_optimizers")
from modules import sd_unet
startup_timer.record("scripts list_unets")
def load_model():
Accesses shared.sd_model property to load model.
After it's available, if it has been loaded before this access by some extension,
its optimization may be None because the list of optimizaers has neet been filled
by that time, so we apply optimization again.
shared.sd_model # noqa: B018
if sd_hijack.current_optimizer is None:
from modules import devices
from modules import shared_items
startup_timer.record("reload hypernetworks")
from modules import ui_extra_networks
from modules import extra_networks
startup_timer.record("initialize extra networks")
import json
import os
import signal
import sys
import re
from modules.timer import startup_timer
def gradio_server_name():
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
if cmd_opts.server_name:
return cmd_opts.server_name
return "" if cmd_opts.listen else None
def fix_torch_version():
import torch
# Truncate version number of nightly/local build of PyTorch to not cause exceptions with CodeFormer or Safetensors
if ".dev" in torch.__version__ or "+git" in torch.__version__:
torch.__long_version__ = torch.__version__
torch.__version__ ='[\d.]+[\d]', torch.__version__).group(0)
def fix_asyncio_event_loop_policy():
The default `asyncio` event loop policy only automatically creates
event loops in the main threads. Other threads must create event
loops explicitly or `asyncio.get_event_loop` (and therefore
`.IOLoop.current`) will fail. Installing this policy allows event
loops to be created automatically on any thread, matching the
behavior of Tornado versions prior to 5.0 (or 5.0 on Python 2).
import asyncio
if sys.platform == "win32" and hasattr(asyncio, "WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy"):
# "Any thread" and "selector" should be orthogonal, but there's not a clean
# interface for composing policies so pick the right base.
_BasePolicy = asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy # type: ignore
_BasePolicy = asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy
class AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy(_BasePolicy): # type: ignore
"""Event loop policy that allows loop creation on any thread.
def get_event_loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
return super().get_event_loop()
except (RuntimeError, AssertionError):
# This was an AssertionError in python 3.4.2 (which ships with debian jessie)
# and changed to a RuntimeError in 3.4.3.
# "There is no current event loop in thread %r"
loop = self.new_event_loop()
return loop
def restore_config_state_file():
from modules import shared, config_states
config_state_file = shared.opts.restore_config_state_file
if config_state_file == "":
shared.opts.restore_config_state_file = ""
if os.path.isfile(config_state_file):
print(f"*** About to restore extension state from file: {config_state_file}")
with open(config_state_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
config_state = json.load(f)
startup_timer.record("restore extension config")
elif config_state_file:
print(f"!!! Config state backup not found: {config_state_file}")
def validate_tls_options():
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
if not (cmd_opts.tls_keyfile and cmd_opts.tls_certfile):
if not os.path.exists(cmd_opts.tls_keyfile):
print("Invalid path to TLS keyfile given")
if not os.path.exists(cmd_opts.tls_certfile):
print(f"Invalid path to TLS certfile: '{cmd_opts.tls_certfile}'")
except TypeError:
cmd_opts.tls_keyfile = cmd_opts.tls_certfile = None
print("TLS setup invalid, running webui without TLS")
print("Running with TLS")
def get_gradio_auth_creds():
Convert the gradio_auth and gradio_auth_path commandline arguments into
an iterable of (username, password) tuples.
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
def process_credential_line(s):
s = s.strip()
if not s:
return None
return tuple(s.split(':', 1))
if cmd_opts.gradio_auth:
for cred in cmd_opts.gradio_auth.split(','):
cred = process_credential_line(cred)
if cred:
yield cred
if cmd_opts.gradio_auth_path:
with open(cmd_opts.gradio_auth_path, 'r', encoding="utf8") as file:
for line in file.readlines():
for cred in line.strip().split(','):
cred = process_credential_line(cred)
if cred:
yield cred
def dumpstacks():
import threading
import traceback
id2name = {th.ident: for th in threading.enumerate()}
code = []
for threadId, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
code.append(f"\n# Thread: {id2name.get(threadId, '')}({threadId})")
for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
code.append(f"""File: "{filename}", line {lineno}, in {name}""")
if line:
code.append(" " + line.strip())
def configure_sigint_handler():
# make the program just exit at ctrl+c without waiting for anything
def sigint_handler(sig, frame):
print(f'Interrupted with signal {sig} in {frame}')
if not os.environ.get("COVERAGE_RUN"):
# Don't install the immediate-quit handler when running under coverage,
# as then the coverage report won't be generated.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
def configure_opts_onchange():
from modules import shared, sd_models, sd_vae, ui_tempdir, sd_hijack
from modules.call_queue import wrap_queued_call
shared.opts.onchange("sd_model_checkpoint", wrap_queued_call(lambda: sd_models.reload_model_weights()), call=False)
shared.opts.onchange("sd_vae", wrap_queued_call(lambda: sd_vae.reload_vae_weights()), call=False)
shared.opts.onchange("sd_vae_overrides_per_model_preferences", wrap_queued_call(lambda: sd_vae.reload_vae_weights()), call=False)
shared.opts.onchange("temp_dir", ui_tempdir.on_tmpdir_changed)
shared.opts.onchange("gradio_theme", shared.reload_gradio_theme)
shared.opts.onchange("cross_attention_optimization", wrap_queued_call(lambda: sd_hijack.model_hijack.redo_hijack(shared.sd_model)), call=False)
startup_timer.record("opts onchange")
def setup_middleware(app):
from starlette.middleware.gzip import GZipMiddleware
app.middleware_stack = None # reset current middleware to allow modifying user provided list
app.add_middleware(GZipMiddleware, minimum_size=1000)
app.build_middleware_stack() # rebuild middleware stack on-the-fly
def configure_cors_middleware(app):
from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
cors_options = {
"allow_methods": ["*"],
"allow_headers": ["*"],
"allow_credentials": True,
if cmd_opts.cors_allow_origins:
cors_options["allow_origins"] = cmd_opts.cors_allow_origins.split(',')
if cmd_opts.cors_allow_origins_regex:
cors_options["allow_origin_regex"] = cmd_opts.cors_allow_origins_regex
app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware, **cors_options)
......@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ class InterrogateModels:
res = ""
if shared.cmd_opts.lowvram or shared.cmd_opts.medvram:
# this scripts installs necessary requirements and launches main program in
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import os
import shutil
import sys
import importlib.util
import platform
......@@ -10,11 +12,11 @@ from functools import lru_cache
from modules import cmd_args, errors
from modules.paths_internal import script_path, extensions_dir
from modules import timer
from modules.timer import startup_timer
from modules import logging_config
args, _ = cmd_args.parser.parse_known_args()
python = sys.executable
git = os.environ.get('GIT', "git")
......@@ -141,6 +143,25 @@ def check_run_python(code: str) -> bool:
return result.returncode == 0
def git_fix_workspace(dir, name):
run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" fetch --refetch --no-auto-gc', f"Fetching all contents for {name}", f"Couldn't fetch {name}", live=True)
run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" gc --aggressive --prune=now', f"Pruning {name}", f"Couldn't prune {name}", live=True)
def run_git(dir, name, command, desc=None, errdesc=None, custom_env=None, live: bool = default_command_live, autofix=True):
return run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" {command}', desc=desc, errdesc=errdesc, custom_env=custom_env, live=live)
except RuntimeError:
if not autofix:
print(f"{errdesc}, attempting autofix...")
git_fix_workspace(dir, name)
return run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" {command}', desc=desc, errdesc=errdesc, custom_env=custom_env, live=live)
def git_clone(url, dir, name, commithash=None):
# TODO clone into temporary dir and move if successful
......@@ -148,15 +169,24 @@ def git_clone(url, dir, name, commithash=None):
if commithash is None:
current_hash = run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" rev-parse HEAD', None, f"Couldn't determine {name}'s hash: {commithash}", live=False).strip()
current_hash = run_git(dir, name, 'rev-parse HEAD', None, f"Couldn't determine {name}'s hash: {commithash}", live=False).strip()
if current_hash == commithash:
run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" fetch', f"Fetching updates for {name}...", f"Couldn't fetch {name}")
run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" checkout {commithash}', f"Checking out commit for {name} with hash: {commithash}...", f"Couldn't checkout commit {commithash} for {name}", live=True)
if run_git(dir, name, 'config --get remote.origin.url', None, f"Couldn't determine {name}'s origin URL", live=False).strip() != url:
run_git(dir, name, f'remote set-url origin "{url}"', None, f"Failed to set {name}'s origin URL", live=False)
run_git(dir, name, 'fetch', f"Fetching updates for {name}...", f"Couldn't fetch {name}", autofix=False)
run_git(dir, name, f'checkout {commithash}', f"Checking out commit for {name} with hash: {commithash}...", f"Couldn't checkout commit {commithash} for {name}", live=True)
run(f'"{git}" clone "{url}" "{dir}"', f"Cloning {name} into {dir}...", f"Couldn't clone {name}", live=True)
except RuntimeError:
shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True)
if commithash is not None:
run(f'"{git}" -C "{dir}" checkout {commithash}', None, "Couldn't checkout {name}'s hash: {commithash}")
......@@ -216,7 +246,7 @@ def list_extensions(settings_file):
disabled_extensions = set(settings.get('disabled_extensions', []))
disable_all_extensions = settings.get('disable_all_extensions', 'none')
if disable_all_extensions != 'none':
if disable_all_extensions != 'none' or args.disable_extra_extensions or args.disable_all_extensions or not os.path.isdir(extensions_dir):
return []
return [x for x in os.listdir(extensions_dir) if x not in disabled_extensions]
......@@ -226,8 +256,15 @@ def run_extensions_installers(settings_file):
if not os.path.isdir(extensions_dir):
with startup_timer.subcategory("run extensions installers"):
for dirname_extension in list_extensions(settings_file):
run_extension_installer(os.path.join(extensions_dir, dirname_extension))
logging.debug(f"Installing {dirname_extension}")
path = os.path.join(extensions_dir, dirname_extension)
if os.path.isdir(path):
re_requirement = re.compile(r"\s*([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*(?:==\s*([-+_.a-zA-Z0-9]+))?\s*")
......@@ -274,7 +311,6 @@ def prepare_environment():
requirements_file = os.environ.get('REQS_FILE', "requirements_versions.txt")
xformers_package = os.environ.get('XFORMERS_PACKAGE', 'xformers==0.0.20')
gfpgan_package = os.environ.get('GFPGAN_PACKAGE', "")
clip_package = os.environ.get('CLIP_PACKAGE', "")
openclip_package = os.environ.get('OPENCLIP_PACKAGE', "")
......@@ -285,13 +321,13 @@ def prepare_environment():
blip_repo = os.environ.get('BLIP_REPO', '')
stable_diffusion_commit_hash = os.environ.get('STABLE_DIFFUSION_COMMIT_HASH', "cf1d67a6fd5ea1aa600c4df58e5b47da45f6bdbf")
stable_diffusion_xl_commit_hash = os.environ.get('STABLE_DIFFUSION_XL_COMMIT_HASH', "5c10deee76adad0032b412294130090932317a87")
k_diffusion_commit_hash = os.environ.get('K_DIFFUSION_COMMIT_HASH', "c9fe758757e022f05ca5a53fa8fac28889e4f1cf")
stable_diffusion_xl_commit_hash = os.environ.get('STABLE_DIFFUSION_XL_COMMIT_HASH', "45c443b316737a4ab6e40413d7794a7f5657c19f")
k_diffusion_commit_hash = os.environ.get('K_DIFFUSION_COMMIT_HASH', "ab527a9a6d347f364e3d185ba6d714e22d80cb3c")
codeformer_commit_hash = os.environ.get('CODEFORMER_COMMIT_HASH', "c5b4593074ba6214284d6acd5f1719b6c5d739af")
blip_commit_hash = os.environ.get('BLIP_COMMIT_HASH', "48211a1594f1321b00f14c9f7a5b4813144b2fb9")
# the existance of this file is a signal to that webui needs to be restarted when it stops execution
# the existence of this file is a signal to that webui needs to be restarted when it stops execution
os.remove(os.path.join(script_path, "tmp", "restart"))
os.environ.setdefault('SD_WEBUI_RESTARTING', '1')
except OSError:
......@@ -300,8 +336,11 @@ def prepare_environment():
if not args.skip_python_version_check:
commit = commit_hash()
tag = git_tag()
startup_timer.record("git version info")
print(f"Python {sys.version}")
print(f"Version: {tag}")
......@@ -309,21 +348,22 @@ def prepare_environment():
if args.reinstall_torch or not is_installed("torch") or not is_installed("torchvision"):
run(f'"{python}" -m {torch_command}', "Installing torch and torchvision", "Couldn't install torch", live=True)
startup_timer.record("install torch")
if not args.skip_torch_cuda_test and not check_run_python("import torch; assert torch.cuda.is_available()"):
raise RuntimeError(
'Torch is not able to use GPU; '
'add --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS variable to disable this check'
if not is_installed("gfpgan"):
run_pip(f"install {gfpgan_package}", "gfpgan")
startup_timer.record("torch GPU test")
if not is_installed("clip"):
run_pip(f"install {clip_package}", "clip")
startup_timer.record("install clip")
if not is_installed("open_clip"):
run_pip(f"install {openclip_package}", "open_clip")
startup_timer.record("install open_clip")
if (not is_installed("xformers") or args.reinstall_xformers) and args.xformers:
if platform.system() == "Windows":
......@@ -337,8 +377,11 @@ def prepare_environment():
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
run_pip(f"install -U -I --no-deps {xformers_package}", "xformers")
startup_timer.record("install xformers")
if not is_installed("ngrok") and args.ngrok:
run_pip("install ngrok", "ngrok")
startup_timer.record("install ngrok")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(script_path, dir_repos), exist_ok=True)
......@@ -348,22 +391,28 @@ def prepare_environment():
git_clone(codeformer_repo, repo_dir('CodeFormer'), "CodeFormer", codeformer_commit_hash)
git_clone(blip_repo, repo_dir('BLIP'), "BLIP", blip_commit_hash)
startup_timer.record("clone repositores")
if not is_installed("lpips"):
run_pip(f"install -r \"{os.path.join(repo_dir('CodeFormer'), 'requirements.txt')}\"", "requirements for CodeFormer")
startup_timer.record("install CodeFormer requirements")
if not os.path.isfile(requirements_file):
requirements_file = os.path.join(script_path, requirements_file)
if not requirements_met(requirements_file):
run_pip(f"install -r \"{requirements_file}\"", "requirements")
startup_timer.record("install requirements")
if args.update_check:
startup_timer.record("check version")
if args.update_all_extensions:
startup_timer.record("update extensions")
if "--exit" in sys.argv:
print("Exiting because of --exit argument")
import json
import os
from modules import errors
from modules import errors, scripts
localizations = {}
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ def list_localizations(dirname):
localizations[fn] = os.path.join(dirname, file)
from modules import scripts
for file in scripts.list_scripts("localizations", ".json"):
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(file.filename)
localizations[fn] = file.path
import os
import logging
def setup_logging(loglevel):
if loglevel is None:
loglevel = os.environ.get("SD_WEBUI_LOG_LEVEL")
if loglevel:
log_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) or logging.INFO
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
import torch
from modules import devices
from modules import devices, shared
module_in_gpu = None
cpu = torch.device("cpu")
......@@ -14,7 +14,24 @@ def send_everything_to_cpu():
module_in_gpu = None
def is_needed(sd_model):
return shared.cmd_opts.lowvram or shared.cmd_opts.medvram or shared.cmd_opts.medvram_sdxl and hasattr(sd_model, 'conditioner')
def apply(sd_model):
enable = is_needed(sd_model)
shared.parallel_processing_allowed = not enable
if enable:
setup_for_low_vram(sd_model, not shared.cmd_opts.lowvram)
sd_model.lowvram = False
def setup_for_low_vram(sd_model, use_medvram):
if getattr(sd_model, 'lowvram', False):
sd_model.lowvram = True
parents = {}
......@@ -127,4 +144,4 @@ def setup_for_low_vram(sd_model, use_medvram):
def is_enabled(sd_model):
return getattr(sd_model, 'lowvram', False)
return sd_model.lowvram
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import torch
import platform
from modules.sd_hijack_utils import CondFunc
from packaging import version
from modules import shared
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -30,8 +31,7 @@ has_mps = check_for_mps()
def torch_mps_gc() -> None:
from modules.shared import state
if state.current_latent is not None:
if shared.state.current_latent is not None:
log.debug("`current_latent` is set, skipping MPS garbage collection")
from torch.mps import empty_cache
......@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ def cumsum_fix(input, cumsum_func, *args, **kwargs):
if has_mps:
# MPS fix for randn in torchsde
CondFunc('torchsde._brownian.brownian_interval._randn', lambda _, size, dtype, device, seed: torch.randn(size, dtype=dtype, device=torch.device("cpu"), generator=torch.Generator(torch.device("cpu")).manual_seed(int(seed))).to(device), lambda _, size, dtype, device, seed: device.type == 'mps')
if platform.mac_ver()[0].startswith("13.2."):
# MPS workaround for, thanks to danieldk (
CondFunc('torch.nn.functional.linear', lambda _, input, weight, bias: (torch.matmul(input, weight.t()) + bias) if bias is not None else torch.matmul(input, weight.t()), lambda _, input, weight, bias: input.numel() > 10485760)
import json
import sys
import gradio as gr
from modules import errors
from modules.shared_cmd_options import cmd_opts
class OptionInfo:
def __init__(self, default=None, label="", component=None, component_args=None, onchange=None, section=None, refresh=None, comment_before='', comment_after='', infotext=None, restrict_api=False):
self.default = default
self.label = label
self.component = component
self.component_args = component_args
self.onchange = onchange
self.section = section
self.refresh = refresh
self.do_not_save = False
self.comment_before = comment_before
"""HTML text that will be added after label in UI"""
self.comment_after = comment_after
"""HTML text that will be added before label in UI"""
self.infotext = infotext
self.restrict_api = restrict_api
"""If True, the setting will not be accessible via API"""
def link(self, label, url):
self.comment_before += f"[<a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{label}</a>]"
return self
def js(self, label, js_func):
self.comment_before += f"[<a onclick='{js_func}(); return false'>{label}</a>]"
return self
def info(self, info):
self.comment_after += f"<span class='info'>({info})</span>"
return self
def html(self, html):
self.comment_after += html
return self
def needs_restart(self):
self.comment_after += " <span class='info'>(requires restart)</span>"
return self
def needs_reload_ui(self):
self.comment_after += " <span class='info'>(requires Reload UI)</span>"
return self
class OptionHTML(OptionInfo):
def __init__(self, text):
super().__init__(str(text).strip(), label='', component=lambda **kwargs: gr.HTML(elem_classes="settings-info", **kwargs))
self.do_not_save = True
def options_section(section_identifier, options_dict):
for v in options_dict.values():
v.section = section_identifier
return options_dict
options_builtin_fields = {"data_labels", "data", "restricted_opts", "typemap"}
class Options:
typemap = {int: float}
def __init__(self, data_labels: dict[str, OptionInfo], restricted_opts):
self.data_labels = data_labels = {k: v.default for k, v in self.data_labels.items()}
self.restricted_opts = restricted_opts
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key in options_builtin_fields:
return super(Options, self).__setattr__(key, value)
if is not None:
if key in or key in self.data_labels:
assert not cmd_opts.freeze_settings, "changing settings is disabled"
info = self.data_labels.get(key, None)
if info.do_not_save:
comp_args = info.component_args if info else None
if isinstance(comp_args, dict) and comp_args.get('visible', True) is False:
raise RuntimeError(f"not possible to set {key} because it is restricted")
if cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config and key in self.restricted_opts:
raise RuntimeError(f"not possible to set {key} because it is restricted")[key] = value
return super(Options, self).__setattr__(key, value)
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item in options_builtin_fields:
return super(Options, self).__getattribute__(item)
if is not None:
if item in
if item in self.data_labels:
return self.data_labels[item].default
return super(Options, self).__getattribute__(item)
def set(self, key, value, is_api=False, run_callbacks=True):
"""sets an option and calls its onchange callback, returning True if the option changed and False otherwise"""
oldval =, None)
if oldval == value:
return False
option = self.data_labels[key]
if option.do_not_save:
return False
if is_api and option.restrict_api:
return False
setattr(self, key, value)
except RuntimeError:
return False
if run_callbacks and option.onchange is not None:
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, f"changing setting {key} to {value}")
setattr(self, key, oldval)
return False
return True
def get_default(self, key):
"""returns the default value for the key"""
data_label = self.data_labels.get(key)
if data_label is None:
return None
return data_label.default
def save(self, filename):
assert not cmd_opts.freeze_settings, "saving settings is disabled"
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
json.dump(, file, indent=4)
def same_type(self, x, y):
if x is None or y is None:
return True
type_x = self.typemap.get(type(x), type(x))
type_y = self.typemap.get(type(y), type(y))
return type_x == type_y
def load(self, filename):
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: = json.load(file)
# 1.6.0 VAE defaults
if'sd_vae_as_default') is not None and'sd_vae_overrides_per_model_preferences') is None:['sd_vae_overrides_per_model_preferences'] = not'sd_vae_as_default')
# 1.1.1 quicksettings list migration
if'quicksettings') is not None and'quicksettings_list') is None:['quicksettings_list'] = [i.strip() for i in'quicksettings').split(',')]
# 1.4.0 ui_reorder
if isinstance('ui_reorder'), str) and'ui_reorder') and "ui_reorder_list" not in['ui_reorder_list'] = [i.strip() for i in'ui_reorder').split(',')]
bad_settings = 0
for k, v in
info = self.data_labels.get(k, None)
if info is not None and not self.same_type(info.default, v):
print(f"Warning: bad setting value: {k}: {v} ({type(v).__name__}; expected {type(info.default).__name__})", file=sys.stderr)
bad_settings += 1
if bad_settings > 0:
print(f"The program is likely to not work with bad settings.\nSettings file: {filename}\nEither fix the file, or delete it and restart.", file=sys.stderr)
def onchange(self, key, func, call=True):
item = self.data_labels.get(key)
item.onchange = func
if call:
def dumpjson(self):
d = {k:, v.default) for k, v in self.data_labels.items()}
d["_comments_before"] = {k: v.comment_before for k, v in self.data_labels.items() if v.comment_before is not None}
d["_comments_after"] = {k: v.comment_after for k, v in self.data_labels.items() if v.comment_after is not None}
return json.dumps(d)
def add_option(self, key, info):
self.data_labels[key] = info
def reorder(self):
"""reorder settings so that all items related to section always go together"""
section_ids = {}
settings_items = self.data_labels.items()
for _, item in settings_items:
if item.section not in section_ids:
section_ids[item.section] = len(section_ids)
self.data_labels = dict(sorted(settings_items, key=lambda x: section_ids[x[1].section]))
def cast_value(self, key, value):
"""casts an arbitrary to the same type as this setting's value with key
Example: cast_value("eta_noise_seed_delta", "12") -> returns 12 (an int rather than str)
if value is None:
return None
default_value = self.data_labels[key].default
if default_value is None:
default_value = getattr(self, key, None)
if default_value is None:
return None
expected_type = type(default_value)
if expected_type == bool and value == "False":
value = False
value = expected_type(value)
return value
from collections import defaultdict
def patch(key, obj, field, replacement):
"""Replaces a function in a module or a class.
Also stores the original function in this module, possible to be retrieved via original(key, obj, field).
If the function is already replaced by this caller (key), an exception is raised -- use undo() before that.
key: identifying information for who is doing the replacement. You can use __name__.
obj: the module or the class
field: name of the function as a string
replacement: the new function
the original function
patch_key = (obj, field)
if patch_key in originals[key]:
raise RuntimeError(f"patch for {field} is already applied")
original_func = getattr(obj, field)
originals[key][patch_key] = original_func
setattr(obj, field, replacement)
return original_func
def undo(key, obj, field):
"""Undoes the peplacement by the patch().
If the function is not replaced, raises an exception.
key: identifying information for who is doing the replacement. You can use __name__.
obj: the module or the class
field: name of the function as a string
Always None
patch_key = (obj, field)
if patch_key not in originals[key]:
raise RuntimeError(f"there is no patch for {field} to undo")
original_func = originals[key].pop(patch_key)
setattr(obj, field, original_func)
return None
def original(key, obj, field):
"""Returns the original function for the patch created by the patch() function"""
patch_key = (obj, field)
return originals[key].get(patch_key, None)
originals = defaultdict(dict)
......@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ def run_postprocessing(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir,
image_data = []
image_names = []
outputs = []
def get_images(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir):
if extras_mode == 1:
for img in image_folder:
if isinstance(img, Image.Image):
......@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ def run_postprocessing(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir,
image =
fn = os.path.splitext(img.orig_name)[0]
yield image, fn
elif extras_mode == 2:
assert not shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config, '--hide-ui-dir-config option must be disabled'
assert input_dir, 'input directory not selected'
......@@ -35,13 +33,10 @@ def run_postprocessing(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir,
image =
except Exception:
yield image, filename
assert image, 'image not selected'
yield image, None
if extras_mode == 2 and output_dir != '':
outpath = output_dir
......@@ -50,14 +45,16 @@ def run_postprocessing(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir,
infotext = ''
for image, name in zip(image_data, image_names):
for image_data, name in get_images(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir):
image_data: Image.Image
shared.state.textinfo = name
parameters, existing_pnginfo = images.read_info_from_image(image)
parameters, existing_pnginfo = images.read_info_from_image(image_data)
if parameters:
existing_pnginfo["parameters"] = parameters
pp = scripts_postprocessing.PostprocessedImage(image.convert("RGB"))
pp = scripts_postprocessing.PostprocessedImage(image_data.convert("RGB")), args)
......@@ -78,6 +75,8 @@ def run_postprocessing(extras_mode, image, image_folder, input_dir, output_dir,
if extras_mode != 2 or show_extras_results:
return outputs, ui_common.plaintext_to_html(infotext), ''
This diff is collapsed.
import gradio as gr
from modules import scripts, sd_models
from modules.ui_common import create_refresh_button
from modules.ui_components import InputAccordion
class ScriptRefiner(scripts.ScriptBuiltinUI):
section = "accordions"
create_group = False
def __init__(self):
def title(self):
return "Refiner"
def show(self, is_img2img):
return scripts.AlwaysVisible
def ui(self, is_img2img):
with InputAccordion(False, label="Refiner", elem_id=self.elem_id("enable")) as enable_refiner:
with gr.Row():
refiner_checkpoint = gr.Dropdown(label='Checkpoint', elem_id=self.elem_id("checkpoint"), choices=sd_models.checkpoint_tiles(), value='', tooltip="switch to another model in the middle of generation")
create_refresh_button(refiner_checkpoint, sd_models.list_models, lambda: {"choices": sd_models.checkpoint_tiles()}, self.elem_id("checkpoint_refresh"))
refiner_switch_at = gr.Slider(value=0.8, label="Switch at", minimum=0.01, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, elem_id=self.elem_id("switch_at"), tooltip="fraction of sampling steps when the switch to refiner model should happen; 1=never, 0.5=switch in the middle of generation")
def lookup_checkpoint(title):
info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(title)
return None if info is None else info.title
self.infotext_fields = [
(enable_refiner, lambda d: 'Refiner' in d),
(refiner_checkpoint, lambda d: lookup_checkpoint(d.get('Refiner'))),
(refiner_switch_at, 'Refiner switch at'),
return enable_refiner, refiner_checkpoint, refiner_switch_at
def setup(self, p, enable_refiner, refiner_checkpoint, refiner_switch_at):
# the actual implementation is in, apply_refiner
if not enable_refiner or refiner_checkpoint in (None, "", "None"):
p.refiner_checkpoint = None
p.refiner_switch_at = None
p.refiner_checkpoint = refiner_checkpoint
p.refiner_switch_at = refiner_switch_at
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class UpscalerRealESRGAN(Upscaler):
half=not cmd_opts.no_half and not cmd_opts.upcast_sampling,
upsampled = upsampler.enhance(np.array(img), outscale=info.scale)[0]
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWordsBase(torch.nn.Module):
position += 1
emb_len = int(embedding.vec.shape[0])
emb_len = int(embedding.vectors)
if len(chunk.tokens) + emb_len > self.chunk_length:
......@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWordsBase(torch.nn.Module):
hashes.append(f"{name}: {shorthash}")
if hashes:
if self.hijack.extra_generation_params.get("TI hashes"):
hashes.append(self.hijack.extra_generation_params.get("TI hashes"))
self.hijack.extra_generation_params["TI hashes"] = ", ".join(hashes)
if getattr(self.wrapped, 'return_pooled', False):
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