Commit 592334f3 authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC


parent 595c827b
...@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def create_ui(txt2img, img2img, run_extras, run_pnginfo): ...@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def create_ui(txt2img, img2img, run_extras, run_pnginfo):
seed = gr.Number(label='Seed', value=-1) seed = gr.Number(label='Seed', value=-1)
with gr.Group(): with gr.Group():
custom_inputs = modules.scripts.setup_ui(is_img2img=False) custom_inputs = modules.scripts.setup_ui(is_img2img=True)
with gr.Column(variant='panel'): with gr.Column(variant='panel'):
...@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ titles = { ...@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ titles = {
"None": "Do not do anything special", "None": "Do not do anything special",
"Prompt matrix": "Separate prompts into parts using vertical pipe character (|) and the script will create a picture for every combination of them (except for the first part, which will be present in all combinations)", "Prompt matrix": "Separate prompts into parts using vertical pipe character (|) and the script will create a picture for every combination of them (except for the first part, which will be present in all combinations)",
"X/Y Plot": "Create a grid where images will have different parameters. Use inputs below to specify which parameterswill be shared by columns and rows", "X/Y plot": "Create a grid where images will have different parameters. Use inputs below to specify which parameterswill be shared by columns and rows",
"Custom code": "Run python code. Advanced user only. Must run program with --allow-code for this to work", "Custom code": "Run python code. Advanced user only. Must run program with --allow-code for this to work",
"Prompt S/R": "Separate a list of words with commas, and the first word will be used as a keyword: script will search for this word in the prompt, and replace it with others", "Prompt S/R": "Separate a list of words with commas, and the first word will be used as a keyword: script will search for this word in the prompt, and replace it with others",
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
from modules.processing import Processed
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "Custom code"
def enabled(self):
return cmd_opts.allow_code
def ui(self, is_img2img):
code = gr.Textbox(label="Python code", visible=False, lines=1)
return [code]
def run(self, p, code):
if not cmd_opts.allow_code:
display_result_data = [[], -1, ""]
def display(imgs, s=display_result_data[1], i=display_result_data[2]):
display_result_data[0] = imgs
display_result_data[1] = s
display_result_data[2] = i
from types import ModuleType
compiled = compile(code, '', 'exec')
module = ModuleType("testmodule")
module.p = p
module.display = display
exec(compiled, module.__dict__)
return Processed(p, *display_result_data)
import math
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy
import random
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
from modules import images
from modules.processing import process_images, Processed
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.sd_samplers
def draw_xy_grid(xs, ys, x_label, y_label, cell):
res = []
ver_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(y_label(y))] for y in ys]
hor_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(x_label(x))] for x in xs]
first_pocessed = None
for iy, y in enumerate(ys):
for ix, x in enumerate(xs):
state.job = f"{ix + iy * len(xs) + 1} out of {len(xs) * len(ys)}"
processed = cell(x, y)
if first_pocessed is None:
first_pocessed = processed
grid = images.image_grid(res, rows=len(ys))
grid = images.draw_grid_annotations(grid, res[0].width, res[0].height, hor_texts, ver_texts)
first_pocessed.images = [grid]
return first_pocessed
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "Prompt matrix"
def ui(self, is_img2img):
put_at_start = gr.Checkbox(label='Put variable parts at start of prompt', value=False)
return [put_at_start]
def run(self, p, put_at_start):
seed = int(random.randrange(4294967294) if p.seed == -1 else p.seed)
original_prompt = p.prompt[0] if type(p.prompt) == list else p.prompt
all_prompts = []
prompt_matrix_parts = original_prompt.split("|")
combination_count = 2 ** (len(prompt_matrix_parts) - 1)
for combination_num in range(combination_count):
selected_prompts = [text.strip().strip(',') for n, text in enumerate(prompt_matrix_parts[1:]) if combination_num & (1 << n)]
if put_at_start:
selected_prompts = selected_prompts + [prompt_matrix_parts[0]]
selected_prompts = [prompt_matrix_parts[0]] + selected_prompts
all_prompts.append(", ".join(selected_prompts))
p.n_iter = math.ceil(len(all_prompts) / p.batch_size)
p.do_not_save_grid = True
print(f"Prompt matrix will create {len(all_prompts)} images using a total of {p.n_iter} batches.")
p.prompt = all_prompts
p.prompt_for_display = original_prompt
p.seed = len(all_prompts) * [seed]
processed = process_images(p)
grid = images.image_grid(processed.images, p.batch_size, rows=1 << ((len(prompt_matrix_parts) - 1) // 2))
grid = images.draw_prompt_matrix(grid, p.width, p.height, prompt_matrix_parts)
processed.images.insert(0, grid)
return processed
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy
import random
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
from modules import images
from modules.processing import process_images, Processed
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.sd_samplers
def apply_field(field):
def fun(p, x, xs):
setattr(p, field, x)
return fun
def apply_prompt(p, x, xs):
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(xs[0], x)
samplers_dict = {}
for i, sampler in enumerate(modules.sd_samplers.samplers):
samplers_dict[] = i
for alias in sampler.aliases:
samplers_dict[alias.lower()] = i
def apply_sampler(p, x, xs):
sampler_index = samplers_dict.get(x.lower(), None)
print(x, sampler_index)
if sampler_index is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown sampler: {x}")
p.sampler_index = sampler_index
def format_value_add_label(p, opt, x):
return f"{opt.label}: {x}"
def format_value(p, opt, x):
return x
AxisOption = namedtuple("AxisOption", ["label", "type", "apply", "format_value"])
AxisOptionImg2Img = namedtuple("AxisOptionImg2Img", ["label", "type", "apply", "format_value"])
axis_options = [
AxisOption("Seed", int, apply_field("seed"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("Steps", int, apply_field("steps"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("CFG Scale", float, apply_field("cfg_scale"), format_value_add_label),
AxisOption("Prompt S/R", str, apply_prompt, format_value),
AxisOption("Sampler", str, apply_prompt, format_value),
AxisOptionImg2Img("Denoising", float, apply_field("denoising_strength"), format_value_add_label) # as it is now all AxisOptionImg2Img items must go after AxisOption ones
def draw_xy_grid(xs, ys, x_label, y_label, cell):
res = []
ver_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(y_label(y))] for y in ys]
hor_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(x_label(x))] for x in xs]
first_pocessed = None
for iy, y in enumerate(ys):
for ix, x in enumerate(xs):
state.job = f"{ix + iy * len(xs) + 1} out of {len(xs) * len(ys)}"
processed = cell(x, y)
if first_pocessed is None:
first_pocessed = processed
grid = images.image_grid(res, rows=len(ys))
grid = images.draw_grid_annotations(grid, res[0].width, res[0].height, hor_texts, ver_texts)
first_pocessed.images = [grid]
return first_pocessed
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "X/Y plot"
def ui(self, is_img2img):
current_axis_options = [x for x in axis_options if type(x) == AxisOption or type(x) == AxisOptionImg2Img and is_img2img]
with gr.Row():
x_type = gr.Dropdown(label="X type", choices=[x.label for x in current_axis_options], value=current_axis_options[0].label, visible=False, type="index", elem_id="x_type")
x_values = gr.Textbox(label="X values", visible=False, lines=1)
with gr.Row():
y_type = gr.Dropdown(label="Y type", choices=[x.label for x in current_axis_options], value=current_axis_options[1].label, visible=False, type="index", elem_id="y_type")
y_values = gr.Textbox(label="Y values", visible=False, lines=1)
return [x_type, x_values, y_type, y_values]
def run(self, p, x_type, x_values, y_type, y_values):
p.seed = int(random.randrange(4294967294) if p.seed == -1 else p.seed)
def process_axis(opt, vals):
valslist = [x.strip() for x in vals.split(",")]
if opt.type == int:
valslist_ext = []
for val in valslist:
if "-" in val:
s = val.split("-")
start = int(s[0])
end = int(s[1])+1
step = 1 if len(s) < 3 else int(s[2])
valslist_ext += list(range(start, end, step))
valslist = valslist_ext
valslist = [opt.type(x) for x in valslist]
return valslist
x_opt = axis_options[x_type]
xs = process_axis(x_opt, x_values)
y_opt = axis_options[y_type]
ys = process_axis(y_opt, y_values)
def cell(x, y):
pc = copy(p)
x_opt.apply(pc, x, xs)
y_opt.apply(pc, y, ys)
return process_images(pc)
processed = draw_xy_grid(
x_label=lambda x: x_opt.format_value(p, x_opt, x),
y_label=lambda y: y_opt.format_value(p, y_opt, y),
images.save_image(processed.images[0], p.outpath_grids, "xy_grid", prompt=p.prompt, seed=processed.seed)
return processed
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