Commit a58ae0b7 authored by AUTOMATIC's avatar AUTOMATIC

remove auto live previews format option, fix slow PNG generation

parent a00e4255
......@@ -95,17 +95,16 @@ def progressapi(req: ProgressRequest):
image = shared.state.current_image
if image is not None:
buffered = io.BytesIO()
format = opts.live_previews_format
save_kwargs = {}
if format == "auto":
if max(*image.size) > 256:
format = "jpeg"
if opts.live_previews_image_format == "png":
# using optimize for large images takes an enormous amount of time
save_kwargs = {"optimize": max(*image.size) > 256}
format = "png"
save_kwargs = {"optimize": True}, format=format, **save_kwargs)
save_kwargs = {}, format=opts.live_previews_image_format, **save_kwargs)
base64_image = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('ascii')
live_preview = f"data:image/{format};base64,{base64_image}"
live_preview = f"data:image/{opts.live_previews_image_format};base64,{base64_image}"
id_live_preview = shared.state.id_live_preview
live_preview = None
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ options_templates.update(options_section(('infotext', "Infotext"), {
options_templates.update(options_section(('ui', "Live previews"), {
"show_progressbar": OptionInfo(True, "Show progressbar"),
"live_previews_enable": OptionInfo(True, "Show live previews of the created image"),
"live_previews_format": OptionInfo("auto", "Live preview file format", gr.Radio, {"choices": ["auto", "jpeg", "png", "webp"]}),
"live_previews_image_format": OptionInfo("png", "Live preview file format", gr.Radio, {"choices": ["jpeg", "png", "webp"]}),
"show_progress_grid": OptionInfo(True, "Show previews of all images generated in a batch as a grid"),
"show_progress_every_n_steps": OptionInfo(10, "Live preview display period", gr.Slider, {"minimum": -1, "maximum": 32, "step": 1}).info("in sampling steps - show new live preview image every N sampling steps; -1 = only show after completion of batch"),
"show_progress_type": OptionInfo("Approx NN", "Live preview method", gr.Radio, {"choices": ["Full", "Approx NN", "Approx cheap"]}).info("Full = slow but pretty; Approx NN = fast but low quality; Approx cheap = super fast but terrible otherwise"),
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