Commit 4942e694 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 845841a5
Pipeline #8310 passed with stages
in 1 minute and 56 seconds
......@@ -22,22 +22,28 @@ export interface ContextSelector {
export type KoishiPluginOptions<T extends Plugin> = boolean | Plugin.Config<T>;
export interface KoishiModulePlugin<T extends Plugin> extends ContextSelector {
plugin: T | string;
options?: boolean | KoishiPluginOptions<T> | any;
export interface KoishiModulePluginExact<T extends Plugin>
extends ContextSelector {
plugin: T;
options?: boolean | KoishiPluginOptions<T>;
export function PluginDef<T extends keyof Plugin>(
name: string,
options?: any,
select?: Selection,
export interface KoishiModulePluginName extends ContextSelector {
plugin: string;
options?: any;
export type KoishiModulePlugin<T extends Plugin = any> =
| KoishiModulePluginExact<T>
| KoishiModulePluginName;
export function PluginDef(name: string, options?: any, select?: Selection);
export function PluginDef<T extends Plugin>(
plugin: T,
options?: KoishiModulePlugin<T>,
options?: KoishiPluginOptions<T>,
select?: Selection,
export function PluginDef<T extends keyof Plugin>(
export function PluginDef<T extends Plugin>(
plugin: T,
options?: KoishiPluginOptions<T>,
select?: Selection,
......@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ export interface KoishiModuleTopOptions {
export interface KoishiModuleOptions
extends App.Config,
KoishiModuleTopOptions {
usePlugins?: KoishiModulePlugin<Plugin>[];
usePlugins?: KoishiModulePlugin<any>[];
loggerPrefix?: string;
loggerColor?: number;
moduleSelection?: KoishiModuleSelection[];
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