Commit 15f4d676 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

make sure it builds over

parent fc969fd3
......@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ app.plugin(DatabasePlugin);
// Target plugin
app.plugin(TargetPlugin, {});
app.plugin(TargetPlugin, {} as any);
import 'source-map-support/register';
import { Context } from 'koishi';
import MemcachedCache from './plugin';
import { MemcachedCachePluginConfig } from './config';
import { Context, Cache, Logger, isNullable } from 'koishi';
import {
} from './config';
import { Client } from 'memjs';
import { Moment } from 'moment';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as EncodeBuffer from 'encoded-buffer';
export * from './config';
export * from './plugin';
export const name = 'memcached';
export const Config = MemcachedCache.schema;
export function apply(ctx: Context, config: MemcachedCachePluginConfig) {
ctx.plugin(MemcachedCache, config);
export default class MemcachedCache extends Cache {
static schema = MemcachedCachePluginConfig;
protected start(): void | Promise<void> {}
protected stop(): void | Promise<void> {}
private logger = new Logger('memcached');
private mem: Client;
constructor(ctx: Context, private config: MemcachedCachePluginConfig) {
this.mem = Client.create(config.endpoint, config.memcachedClientOptions);
private replaceKey(key: string) {
return key.replace(/\s+/g, '_');
private momentToBuffer(time: Moment) {
const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
return buf;
private bufferToMoment(buf: Buffer) {
return moment.unix(buf.readUInt32LE(0));
private getAgeOfTable(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
return this.table(table)?.maxAge || 63072000;
private getVersioningKey(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
return this.replaceKey(`${this.config.prefix}${table}:currentVersion`);
private async resetVersion(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
const versioningKey = this.getVersioningKey(table);
const value = this.momentToBuffer(moment());
try {
const result = await this.mem.set(versioningKey, value, {
expires: this.getAgeOfTable(table),
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Set versioning key of table ${table} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
`Set versioning key of table ${table} errored: ${e.toString()}`,
return this.bufferToMoment(value).unix().toString(36);
private async getVersion(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
const versioningKey = this.getVersioningKey(table);
const { value } = await this.mem.get(versioningKey);
if (!value) {
return this.resetVersion(table);
return this.bufferToMoment(value).unix().toString(36);
private async getKey(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = this.replaceKey(key);
return `${this.config.prefix}${table}:${await this.getVersion(
private async encode(data: any): Promise<Buffer> {
return EncodeBuffer.encodeAsync(data);
private async decode<T = any>(record: Buffer): Promise<T> {
const [value] = await EncodeBuffer.decodeAsync(record);
return value;
async get(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
try {
const { value } = await this.mem.get(actualKey);
if (value == null) {
const decodedValue = await this.decode(value);
//`${actualKey} => ${JSON.stringify(decodedValue)}`);
return decodedValue;
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Get key of ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async set(
table: keyof Cache.Tables,
key: string,
value: any,
maxAge?: number,
) {
if (!this.table(table)) {
if (isNullable(value)) {
return this.del(table, key);
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
const age = maxAge || this.getAgeOfTable(table);
try {
const result = await this.mem.set(actualKey, await this.encode(value), {
expires: age,
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Set key of ${actualKey} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Set key of ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async del(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
try {
const result = await this.mem.delete(actualKey);
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Delete key ${actualKey} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Delete key ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async clear(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
await this.resetVersion(table);
import 'source-map-support/register';
import { Context, Schema, Cache, Logger, isNullable } from 'koishi';
import {
} from './config';
import { Client } from 'memjs';
import { Moment } from 'moment';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as EncodeBuffer from 'encoded-buffer';
export default class MemcachedCache extends Cache {
static schema = MemcachedCachePluginConfig;
protected start(): void | Promise<void> {}
protected stop(): void | Promise<void> {}
private logger = new Logger('memcached');
private mem: Client;
constructor(ctx: Context, private config: MemcachedCachePluginConfig) {
this.mem = Client.create(config.endpoint, config.memcachedClientOptions);
private replaceKey(key: string) {
return key.replace(/\s+/g, '_');
private momentToBuffer(time: Moment) {
const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
return buf;
private bufferToMoment(buf: Buffer) {
return moment.unix(buf.readUInt32LE(0));
private getAgeOfTable(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
return this.table(table)?.maxAge || 63072000;
private getVersioningKey(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
return this.replaceKey(`${this.config.prefix}${table}:currentVersion`);
private async resetVersion(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
const versioningKey = this.getVersioningKey(table);
const value = this.momentToBuffer(moment());
try {
const result = await this.mem.set(versioningKey, value, {
expires: this.getAgeOfTable(table),
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Set versioning key of table ${table} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
`Set versioning key of table ${table} errored: ${e.toString()}`,
return this.bufferToMoment(value).unix().toString(36);
private async getVersion(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
const versioningKey = this.getVersioningKey(table);
const { value } = await this.mem.get(versioningKey);
if (!value) {
return this.resetVersion(table);
return this.bufferToMoment(value).unix().toString(36);
private async getKey(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = this.replaceKey(key);
return `${this.config.prefix}${table}:${await this.getVersion(
private async encode(data: any): Promise<Buffer> {
return EncodeBuffer.encodeAsync(data);
private async decode<T = any>(record: Buffer): Promise<T> {
const [value] = await EncodeBuffer.decodeAsync(record);
return value;
async get(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
try {
const { value } = await this.mem.get(actualKey);
if (value == null) {
const decodedValue = await this.decode(value);
//`${actualKey} => ${JSON.stringify(decodedValue)}`);
return decodedValue;
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Get key of ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async set(
table: keyof Cache.Tables,
key: string,
value: any,
maxAge?: number,
) {
if (!this.table(table)) {
if (isNullable(value)) {
return this.del(table, key);
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
const age = maxAge || this.getAgeOfTable(table);
try {
const result = await this.mem.set(actualKey, await this.encode(value), {
expires: age,
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Set key of ${actualKey} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Set key of ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async del(table: keyof Cache.Tables, key: string) {
const actualKey = await this.getKey(table, key);
try {
const result = await this.mem.delete(actualKey);
if (!result) {
this.logger.warn(`Delete key ${actualKey} failed.`);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.error(`Delete key ${actualKey} errored: ${e.toString()}`);
async clear(table: keyof Cache.Tables) {
await this.resetVersion(table);
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