Commit 80fce8ac authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix override thing

parent 71465c7d
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export function CreatePluginFactory<C, IC, P extends { config: IC }>(
): <S>(specificConfig?: ClassType<S>) => new (
ctx: Context,
config: PartialDeep<S> & C,
) => Omit<P, 'config'> & {
) => P & {
config: IC & S;
export function CreatePluginFactory(
import { Inject, DefinePlugin, UsingService } from '..';
import { Cache, Assets, Bot, Context } from 'koishi';
import { DefinePlugin, Inject, UsingService } from '..';
import { Assets, Bot, Cache, Context } from 'koishi';
describe('InjectUsing', () => {
import { SchemaProperty } from 'schemastery-gen';
import { UseCommand } from 'koishi-decorators';
import { CreatePluginFactory } from '../src/plugin-factory';
import { App, Context } from 'koishi';
import { App } from 'koishi';
import { DefinePlugin } from '../src/register';
import { InjectConfig } from '../src/decorators';
import { BasePlugin } from '../src/base-plugin';
class MessageConfig {
import { App, Session } from 'koishi';
import { OnGuild, OnPlatform, Registrar, UseCommand } from 'koishi-decorators';
import { OnGuild, OnPlatform, UseCommand } from 'koishi-decorators';
import { DefinePlugin } from '../src/register';
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