Commit 9f95354c authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix middleware and command types

parent e77dd121
......@@ -85,4 +85,6 @@ export interface CommandOptionConfig {
config?: CommandOptionConfigWithDescription;
export type CommandReturnType = CanBeObserved<string | void | segment>;
export type CommandReturnType = CanBeObserved<
string | void | segment | (string | segment)[]
import { Awaitable, Session, segment } from 'koishi';
import { Awaitable, Session } from 'koishi';
import { isObservable, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { CommandReturnType } from '../def';
export type CanBeObserved<T> = Awaitable<T | Observable<T>>;
export async function sessionRxToPromise(
session: Session,
obs: CanBeObserved<string | void | segment>,
obs: CommandReturnType,
) {
const obsAwaited = await obs;
if (!isObservable(obsAwaited)) {
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