Commit a8c3313e authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 950956b7
import { SchemaClassOptions, SchemaOptions, SchemaProperty } from '../def';
import { RegisterSchema } from './register';
export const DefineSchema =
options: SchemaOptions | SchemaClassOptions = {},
): PropertyDecorator & ClassDecorator =>
(obj, key?) => {
if (key) {
return SchemaProperty(options)(obj, key);
} else {
return RegisterSchema(options)(obj);
export const SchemaConf = RegisterSchema;
import { ClassType, SchemaOptions } from '../def/interfaces';
import { ClassType, SchemaOptions } from '../def';
import { Metadata } from '../metadata/metadata';
import {
......@@ -52,6 +52,3 @@ export function SchemaProperty(options: SchemaOptions = {}): PropertyDecorator {
return Metadata.set('SchemaMeta', options, 'SchemaMetaKey')(obj, key);
// for backward compatibility
export const DefineSchema = SchemaProperty;
export * from './define-property';
export * from './register';
export * from './compat';
......@@ -177,6 +177,3 @@ export function RegisterSchema(options: SchemaClassOptions = {}) {
return SchemaClass(originalClass);
// for backward compatibility
export const SchemaConf = RegisterSchema;
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