Commit 5cd5fada authored by BBeretta's avatar BBeretta

feat: match page translation

parent 069fbdc4
Pipeline #27153 failed with stages
in 10 minutes and 53 seconds
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos é uma plataforma de batalha online de Yu-gi-oh de código aberto. No Neos, você pode construir decks, criar salas, convidar amigos para batalhas. Atualmente, o Neos implementou a funcionalidade de batalhar contra jogadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile e KoishiPro, e mais clientes serão suportados no futuro.", "Details": "Neos é uma plataforma de batalha online de Yu-gi-oh de código aberto. No Neos, você pode construir decks, criar salas, convidar amigos para batalhas. Atualmente, o Neos implementou a funcionalidade de batalhar contra jogadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile e KoishiPro, e mais clientes serão suportados no futuro.",
"StartGame": "Iniciar jogo", "StartGame": "Iniciar jogo",
"LoginToGame": "Entrar no jogo" "LoginToGame": "Entrar no jogo"
"Match": {
"Deck": "Deck",
"DeckEdit": "Edição de deck",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "Duelo Competitivo",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "Lute ferozmente com dezenas de milhares de outros jogadores na escada do MyCard, visando ser o mais forte. Liquidação às 22:00 do último dia de cada mês, anúncio de classificação e distribuição de recompensas.",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "Duelo Casual",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "Por enquanto, deixe de lado as vitórias e as derrotas e aproveite a diversão dos duelos. Os 20 decks mais usados no combate competitivo durante a última semana serão temporariamente desativados.",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "Sala Personalizada",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "Crie ou entre em salas personalizadas no servidor e batalhe com amigos.",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "Lista de espectadores",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Assista aos duelos atualmente em andamento no Mengka MyCard.",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "Modo de um jogador",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Inicie um duelo contra a IA no servidor Koishi 7210 para testar seu deck ou apenas passar o tempo.",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "Sala Personalizada",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "Crie uma sala com regras personalizadas e desafie seus amigos.",
"ReplayTitle" : "Replay",
"ReplayDesc" : "Assista livremente aos duelos passados e reviva aqueles momentos emocionantes de reversão.",
"WIPTitle" : "Em desenvolvimento...",
"WIPDesc" : "Aguarde por outras funcionalidades."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos是一个开源的游戏王网页端对战平台。在Neos中,你可以组建卡组,创建房间,邀请好友进行对战。目前,Neos已经实现了与来自YGOpro、YGOpro2、YGOmobile和KoishiPro等平台的玩家进行对战的功能,而今后更多客户端也将得到支持。", "Details": "Neos是一个开源的游戏王网页端对战平台。在Neos中,你可以组建卡组,创建房间,邀请好友进行对战。目前,Neos已经实现了与来自YGOpro、YGOpro2、YGOmobile和KoishiPro等平台的玩家进行对战的功能,而今后更多客户端也将得到支持。",
"StartGame": "开始游戏", "StartGame": "开始游戏",
"LoginToGame": "登录游戏" "LoginToGame": "登录游戏"
"Match": {
"Deck": "卡组",
"DeckEdit": "卡组编辑",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "MC竞技匹配",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "与MyCard天梯其他数万名玩家激战,力争最强。每月最后一天22点结算,公布排名并获取奖励。",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "MC娱乐匹配",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "暂且搁置胜负,享受决斗的乐趣。过去一周竞技匹配使用数最多的20个卡组将被禁用。",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "MC服自定义房间",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "在MC服务器上创建或者加入自定义房间,与牌友约战。",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "MC观战列表",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "观看萌卡MyCard上正在进行的决斗",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "单人模式",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "在Koishi 7210服务器上开启一场与AI的决斗,验证自己的卡组,或者只是打发时间。",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "自定义房间",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "创建自定义规则的房间,与好友约战。",
"ReplayTitle" : "录像回放",
"ReplayDesc" : "自由查看进行过的决斗,回味那些精彩的逆转瞬间。",
"WIPTitle" : "开发中...",
"WIPDesc" : "其他功能敬请期待。"
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos is an open-source Yu-gi-oh web-based battle platform. In Neos, you can build decks, create rooms, invite friends for battles. Currently, Neos has implemented the functionality to battle players from platforms such as YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile, and KoishiPro, and more clients will be supported in the future.", "Details": "Neos is an open-source Yu-gi-oh web-based battle platform. In Neos, you can build decks, create rooms, invite friends for battles. Currently, Neos has implemented the functionality to battle players from platforms such as YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile, and KoishiPro, and more clients will be supported in the future.",
"StartGame": "Start game", "StartGame": "Start game",
"LoginToGame": "Start game" "LoginToGame": "Start game"
"Match": {
"Deck": "Deck",
"DeckEdit": "Deck Edit",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "Competitive Matchmaking",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "Battle fiercely with tens of thousands of other players on MyCard ladder, aiming to be the strongest. Settlement at 22:00 on the last day of each month, ranking announcement and rewards distribution.",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "Casual Matchmaking",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "Set aside wins and losses for now, and enjoy the fun of dueling. The top 20 most used decks in competitive matchmaking over the past week will be temporarily disabled.",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "Custom Room",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "Create or join custom rooms on MC server and battle with friends.",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "Spectator List",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Watch the duels currently taking place on Mengka MyCard.",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "Single Player Mode",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Start a duel against AI on Koishi 7210 server to test your deck or just pass the time.",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "Custom Room",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "Create a room with custom rules and challenge friends.",
"ReplayTitle" : "Replay",
"ReplayDesc" : "Freely watch past duels and relive those exciting moments of reversal.",
"WIPTitle" : "Under development...",
"WIPDesc" : "Stay tuned for other features."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos est une plateforme de combat Yu-gi-oh basée sur le Web open-source. Sur Neos, vous pouvez construire des decks, créer des salles, inviter des amis à se battre. Actuellement, Neos a mis en œuvre la fonctionnalité de combattre les joueurs des plateformes telles que YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile et KoishiPro, et plus de clients seront pris en charge à l'avenir.", "Details": "Neos est une plateforme de combat Yu-gi-oh basée sur le Web open-source. Sur Neos, vous pouvez construire des decks, créer des salles, inviter des amis à se battre. Actuellement, Neos a mis en œuvre la fonctionnalité de combattre les joueurs des plateformes telles que YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile et KoishiPro, et plus de clients seront pris en charge à l'avenir.",
"StartGame": "Commencer le jeu", "StartGame": "Commencer le jeu",
"LoginToGame": "Se connecter au jeu" "LoginToGame": "Se connecter au jeu"
"Match": {
"Deck": "Deck",
"DeckEdit": "Édition de deck",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "Matchmaking compétitif MC",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "Combattez avec ferveur contre des dizaines de milliers d'autres joueurs sur l'échelle de MyCard, visant à être le plus fort. Règlement à 22h le dernier jour de chaque mois, annonce du classement et distribution des récompenses.",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "Matchmaking détente MC",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "Mettez de côté les victoires et les défaites pour le moment, et profitez du plaisir du duel. Les 20 decks les plus utilisés en matchmaking compétitif au cours de la semaine écoulée seront temporairement désactivés.",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "Salle personnalisée MC",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "Créez ou rejoignez des salles personnalisées sur le serveur MC et affrontez vos amis.",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "Liste des spectateurs",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Regardez les duels en cours sur Mengka MyCard.",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "Mode solo",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Démarrez un duel contre l'IA sur le serveur Koishi 7210 pour tester votre deck ou juste passer le temps.",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "Salle personnalisée",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "Salle personnalisée",
"ReplayTitle" : "Replay",
"ReplayDesc" : "Regardez librement les duels passés et revivez ces moments passionnants de retournement.",
"WIPTitle" : "En développement...",
"WIPDesc" : "D'autres fonctionnalités à venir."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neosはオープンソースの遊戯王ウェブベースのバトルプラットフォームです。Neosでは、デッキを組み、部屋を作成し、友達を招待して対戦することができます。現在、Neosでは、YGOpro、YGOpro2、YGOmobile、KoishiProなどのプラットフォームからのプレイヤーとの対戦機能が実装されており、今後はさらに多くのクライアントがサポートされる予定です。", "Details": "Neosはオープンソースの遊戯王ウェブベースのバトルプラットフォームです。Neosでは、デッキを組み、部屋を作成し、友達を招待して対戦することができます。現在、Neosでは、YGOpro、YGOpro2、YGOmobile、KoishiProなどのプラットフォームからのプレイヤーとの対戦機能が実装されており、今後はさらに多くのクライアントがサポートされる予定です。",
"StartGame": "ゲームを開始する", "StartGame": "ゲームを開始する",
"LoginToGame": "ゲームにログインする" "LoginToGame": "ゲームにログインする"
"Match": {
"Deck": "デッキ",
"DeckEdit": "デッキ編集",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "MC競技マッチメイキング",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "MyCardのランキングで他の何万人ものプレイヤーと激闘を繰り広げ、最強を目指します。毎月最終日の22時に決済、ランキング発表と報酬の配布が行われます。",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "MCカジュアルマッチメイキング",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "今のところ勝ち負けを置いて、デュエルの楽しみを味わってください。過去1週間の競技マッチメイキングで最も使用された20のデッキが一時的に無効にされます。",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "MCカスタムルーム",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "MCサーバーでカスタムルームを作成または参加し、友達と対戦しましょう。",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "MC観戦リスト",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Mengka MyCardで現在進行中のデュエルを観戦しましょう。",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "シングルプレイヤーモード",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Koishi 7210サーバーでAIとのデュエルを開始し、自分のデッキをテストしたり、ただ時間を潰したりします。",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "カスタムルーム",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "カスタムルールの部屋を作成し、友達と対戦しましょう。",
"ReplayTitle" : "リプレイ",
"ReplayDesc" : "過去のデュエルを自由に見て、それらのエキサイティングな逆転の瞬間を振り返りましょう。",
"WIPTitle" : "開発中...",
"WIPDesc" : "他の機能をお楽しみに。"
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos é uma plataforma de batalha online de Yu-gi-oh de código aberto. No Neos, você pode construir decks, criar salas, convidar amigos para batalhas. Atualmente, o Neos implementou a funcionalidade de batalhar contra jogadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile e KoishiPro, e mais clientes serão suportados no futuro.", "Details": "Neos é uma plataforma de batalha online de Yu-gi-oh de código aberto. No Neos, você pode construir decks, criar salas, convidar amigos para batalhas. Atualmente, o Neos implementou a funcionalidade de batalhar contra jogadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile e KoishiPro, e mais clientes serão suportados no futuro.",
"StartGame": "Iniciar jogo", "StartGame": "Iniciar jogo",
"LoginToGame": "Entrar no jogo" "LoginToGame": "Entrar no jogo"
"Match": {
"Deck": "Deck",
"DeckEdit": "Edição de deck",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "Duelo Competitivo",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "Lute ferozmente com dezenas de milhares de outros jogadores na escada do MyCard, visando ser o mais forte. Liquidação às 22:00 do último dia de cada mês, anúncio de classificação e distribuição de recompensas.",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "Duelo Casual",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "Por enquanto, deixe de lado as vitórias e as derrotas e aproveite a diversão dos duelos. Os 20 decks mais usados no combate competitivo durante a última semana serão temporariamente desativados.",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "Sala Personalizada",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "Crie ou entre em salas personalizadas no servidor e batalhe com amigos.",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "Lista de espectadores",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Assista aos duelos atualmente em andamento no Mengka MyCard.",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "Modo de um jogador",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Inicia um duelo contra a IA no servidor Koishi 7210 para testar o teu deck ou apenas passar o tempo.",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "Sala Personalizada",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "Crie uma sala com regras personalizadas e desafie seus amigos.",
"ReplayTitle" : "Repetição",
"ReplayDesc" : "Assiste livremente aos duelos passados e revive aqueles momentos emocionantes de reversão.",
"WIPTitle" : "Em desenvolvimento...",
"WIPDesc" : "Aguarde por outras funcionalidades."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ ...@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@
"Details": "Neos es una plataforma de batalla Yu-gi-oh basada en la web de código abierto. En Neos, puedes construir mazos, crear salas, invitar a amigos a batallas. Actualmente, Neos ha implementado la funcionalidad de batallar contra jugadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile y KoishiPro, y más clientes serán compatibles en el futuro.", "Details": "Neos es una plataforma de batalla Yu-gi-oh basada en la web de código abierto. En Neos, puedes construir mazos, crear salas, invitar a amigos a batallas. Actualmente, Neos ha implementado la funcionalidad de batallar contra jugadores de plataformas como YGOpro, YGOpro2, YGOmobile y KoishiPro, y más clientes serán compatibles en el futuro.",
"StartGame": "Comenzar juego", "StartGame": "Comenzar juego",
"LoginToGame": "Iniciar sesión en el juego" "LoginToGame": "Iniciar sesión en el juego"
"Match": {
"Deck": "Mazo",
"DeckEdit": "Edición de mazo",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle" : "Combate competitivo en MC",
"MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc" : "Lucha ferozmente con decenas de miles de otros jugadores en la escalera de MyCard, aspirando a ser el más fuerte. Liquidación a las 22:00 del último día de cada mes, anuncio de clasificación y distribución de recompensas.",
"MCCasualMatchmakingTitle" : "Combate casual en MC",
"MCCasualMatchmakingDesc" : "Por ahora, deja de lado las victorias y las derrotas, y disfruta la diversión de los duelos. Los 20 mazos más utilizados en el combate competitivo durante la última semana serán temporalmente desactivados.",
"MCCustomRoomTitle" : "Sala personalizada",
"MCCustomRoomDesc" : "Crea o únete a salas personalizadas en el servidor y juega con amigos.",
"MCSpectatorListTitle" : "Lista de espectadores",
"MCSpectatorListDesc" : "Observa los duelos que se están llevando a cabo en Mengka MyCard.",
"SinglePlayerModeTitle" : "Modo un jugador",
"SinglePlayerModeDesc" : "Inicia un duelo contra la IA en el servidor Koishi 7210 para probar tu mazo o simplemente pasar el tiempo.",
"CustomRoomTitle" : "Sala personalizada",
"CustomRoomDesc" : "Crea una sala con reglas personalizadas y desafía a tus amigos.",
"ReplayTitle" : "Repetición",
"ReplayDesc" : "Mira libremente duelos pasados y revive esos emocionantes momentos de reversión.",
"WIPTitle" : "En desarrollo...",
"WIPDesc" : "Espere por otras funciones."
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -28,30 +28,37 @@ const resources = { ...@@ -28,30 +28,37 @@ const resources = {
cn: { cn: {
Header: translationChinese.Header, Header: translationChinese.Header,
Start: translationChinese.Start, Start: translationChinese.Start,
Match: translationChinese.Match
}, },
en: { en: {
Header: translationEnglish.Header, Header: translationEnglish.Header,
Start: translationEnglish.Start, Start: translationEnglish.Start,
Match: translationEnglish.Match
}, },
es: { es: {
Header: translationSpanish.Header, Header: translationSpanish.Header,
Start: translationSpanish.Start, Start: translationSpanish.Start,
Match: translationSpanish.Match
}, },
fr: { fr: {
Header: translationFrench.Header, Header: translationFrench.Header,
Start: translationFrench.Start, Start: translationFrench.Start,
Match: translationFrench.Match,
}, },
jp: { jp: {
Header: translationJapanese.Header, Header: translationJapanese.Header,
Start: translationJapanese.Start, Start: translationJapanese.Start,
Match: translationJapanese.Match,
}, },
br: { br: {
Header: translationBrazilian.Header, Header: translationBrazilian.Header,
Start: translationBrazilian.Start, Start: translationBrazilian.Start,
Match: translationBrazilian.Match,
}, },
pt: { pt: {
Header: translationPortuguese.Header, Header: translationPortuguese.Header,
Start: translationPortuguese.Start, Start: translationPortuguese.Start,
Match: translationPortuguese.Match,
}, },
}; };
...@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import { MatchModal, matchStore } from "./MatchModal"; ...@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import { MatchModal, matchStore } from "./MatchModal";
import { ReplayModal, replayOpen } from "./ReplayModal"; import { ReplayModal, replayOpen } from "./ReplayModal";
import { connectSrvpro } from "./util"; import { connectSrvpro } from "./util";
import { WatchContent, watchStore } from "./WatchContent"; import { WatchContent, watchStore } from "./WatchContent";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
const { servers: serverList } = useConfig(); const { servers: serverList } = useConfig();
...@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
const [watchLoading, setWatchLoading] = useState(false); // 观战模式的loading状态 const [watchLoading, setWatchLoading] = useState(false); // 观战模式的loading状态
const navigate = useNavigate(); const navigate = useNavigate();
const { t } = useTranslation("Match");
// 匹配 // 匹配
const onMatch = async (arena: "athletic" | "entertain") => { const onMatch = async (arena: "athletic" | "entertain") => {
if (!user) { if (!user) {
...@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
<div className={styles.wrap}> <div className={styles.wrap}>
<Space size={16}> <Space size={16}>
<Select <Select
title="卡组" title= {t("Deck")}
showSearch showSearch
value={deckName} value={deckName}
style={{ width: 200 }} style={{ width: 200 }}
...@@ -246,13 +249,13 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -246,13 +249,13 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
onClick={() => navigate("/build")} onClick={() => navigate("/build")}
size="large" size="large"
> >
卡组编辑 {t("DeckEdit")}
</Button> </Button>
</Space> </Space>
<div className={styles["mode-select"]}> <div className={styles["mode-select"]}>
<Mode <Mode
title="MC竞技匹配" title={t("MCCompetitiveMatchmakingTitle")}
desc="与MyCard天梯其他数万名玩家激战,力争最强。每月最后一天22点结算,公布排名并获取奖励。" desc={t("MCCompetitiveMatchmakingDesc")}
icon={ icon={
athleticMatchLoading ? ( athleticMatchLoading ? (
<LoadingOutlined /> <LoadingOutlined />
...@@ -263,8 +266,8 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -263,8 +266,8 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
onClick={onCompetitiveMatch} onClick={onCompetitiveMatch}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="MC娱乐匹配" title={t("MCCasualMatchmakingTitle")}
desc="暂且搁置胜负,享受决斗的乐趣。过去一周竞技匹配使用数最多的20个卡组将被禁用。" desc={t("MCCasualMatchmakingDesc")}
icon={ icon={
entertainMatchLoading ? ( entertainMatchLoading ? (
<LoadingOutlined /> <LoadingOutlined />
...@@ -275,20 +278,20 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -275,20 +278,20 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
onClick={onEntertainMatch} onClick={onEntertainMatch}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="MC服自定义房间" title={t("MCCustomRoomTitle")}
desc="在MC服务器上创建或者加入自定义房间,与牌友约战。" desc={t("MCCustomRoomDesc")}
icon={<BulbOutlined />} icon={<BulbOutlined />}
onClick={onMCCustomRoom} onClick={onMCCustomRoom}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="MC观战列表" title={t("MCSpectatorListTitle")}
desc="观看萌卡MyCard上正在进行的决斗。" desc={t("MCSpectatorListDesc")}
icon={watchLoading ? <LoadingOutlined /> : <PlayCircleFilled />} icon={watchLoading ? <LoadingOutlined /> : <PlayCircleFilled />}
onClick={onMCWatch} onClick={onMCWatch}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="单人模式" title={t("SinglePlayerModeTitle")}
desc="在Koishi 7210服务器上开启一场与AI的决斗,验证自己的卡组,或者只是打发时间。" desc={t("SinglePlayerModeDesc")}
icon={ icon={
singleLoading ? ( singleLoading ? (
<LoadingOutlined /> <LoadingOutlined />
...@@ -299,18 +302,18 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -299,18 +302,18 @@ export const Component: React.FC = () => {
onClick={onAIMatch} onClick={onAIMatch}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="自定义房间" title={t("CustomRoomTitle")}
desc="创建自定义规则的房间,与好友约战。" desc={t("CustomRoomDesc")}
icon={<SettingFilled />} icon={<SettingFilled />}
onClick={onCustomRoom} onClick={onCustomRoom}
/> />
<Mode <Mode
title="录像回放" title={t("ReplayTitle")}
desc="自由查看进行过的决斗,回味那些精彩的逆转瞬间。" desc={t("ReplayDesc")}
icon={<IconFont type="icon-record" size={24} />} icon={<IconFont type="icon-record" size={24} />}
onClick={replayOpen} onClick={replayOpen}
/> />
<Mode title="开发中..." desc="其他功能敬请期待。" icon={null} /> <Mode title={t("WIPTitle")} desc={t("WIPDesc")} icon={null} />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
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