Commit 0c4b7635 authored by Su-Yeong Jeong's avatar Su-Yeong Jeong

Update strings.conf

parent 485eb11d
Pipeline #8294 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 49 seconds
......@@ -825,7 +825,8 @@
!setname 0x81 염왕
!setname 0x1081 염왕수
!setname 0x82 도도도
!setname 0x83 기믹 퍼핏
!setname 0x83 퍼핏
!setname 0x1083 기믹 퍼핏
!setname 0x84 BK(버닝 너클러)(정발명:버닝나쿠라)
!setname 0x85 SD(슈퍼 디펜스)로보
!setname 0x86 홀리 라이트닝
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