Commit 3d8d7377 authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ

fix chat info

parent 66e88efd
......@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow_before('CHAT', true, function(buffer, info, client, server, d
result += Math.floor(Math.random()*dicemax) + 1;
ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room(room, "[SERVER]" + + "投掷" + dicenum + "d" + dicemax + "并掷出了" + result + "", ygopro.constants.COLORS.YELLOW);
ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room(room, + "投掷" + dicenum + "d" + dicemax + "并掷出了" + result + "", ygopro.constants.COLORS.YELLOW);
return true;
\ No newline at end of file
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