Commit 4c73dc3b authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ

fix alchemist items

parent cb1dec71
......@@ -28,32 +28,16 @@ local tOutFitList = {}
tOutFitList['outfit_carry'] = {
tOutFitList['outfit_tank'] = {
tOutFitList['outfit_tank'] = tOutFitList['outfit_carry']
tOutFitList['outfit_mid'] = tOutFitList['outfit_tank']
X['sBuyList'] = tOutFitList[sOutfitType]
......@@ -63,7 +47,7 @@ X['sSellList'] = {
if J.Role.IsPvNMode() or J.Role.IsAllShadow() then X['sBuyList'], X['sSellList'] = { 'PvN_mage' }, {} end
if J.Role.IsPvNMode() or J.Role.IsAllShadow() then X['sBuyList'], X['sSellList'] = { 'PvN_melee_carry' }, {} end
nAbilityBuildList, nTalentBuildList, X['sBuyList'], X['sSellList'] = J.SetUserHeroInit( nAbilityBuildList, nTalentBuildList, X['sBuyList'], X['sSellList'] )
......@@ -176,7 +160,7 @@ function X.SkillsComplement()
function X.ConsiderW2()
if abilityW2:IsHidden() or not abilityW2:IsFullyCastable() then
if W2Time>0 and (abilityW2:IsHidden() or not abilityW2:IsFullyCastable()) then
W2Time = 0
return 0
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