Commit cf17139d authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ

fix bane with agharim shard; try fix life stealer

parent d10c7065
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function X.SkillsComplement()
if abilityWFirstType ~= nil
and abilityWFirstType ~= abilityW:GetTargetType()
bot:ActionQueue_UseAbilityOnEntity( abilityW, castWTarget:GetLocation() )
bot:ActionQueue_UseAbilityOnLocation( abilityW, castWTarget:GetLocation() )
bot:ActionQueue_UseAbilityOnEntity( abilityW, castWTarget )
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function X.SkillsComplement()
local aether = J.IsItemAvailable( "item_aether_lens" )
if aether ~= nil then aetherRange = 250 end
castQDesire, _, _, sMotive = X.ConsiderQ()
castQDesire, sMotive = X.ConsiderQ()
if ( castQDesire > 0 ) then
J.SetReportMotive( bDebugMode, sMotive )
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function ConsiderQ()
return BOT_ACTION_DESIRE_HIGH, sCastMotive
if J.GetEnemyCount( bot, 800 ) >= 3
if J.GetEnemyCount( bot, 800 ) >= 3 or (nHP < 0.5 and bot:WasRecentlyDamagedByAnyHero(2.0))
sCastMotive = '先开BKB切入'
return BOT_ACTION_DESIRE_HIGH, sCastMotive
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ end
function X.ConsiderF()
if not abilityF or not abilityF:IsFullyCastable() or abilityF:IsHidden() then return BOT_ACTION_DESIRE_NONE end
local hp= 0.5 + bot:GetNearbyHeroes( 1200, true, BOT_MODE_NONE ) * 0.05
local hp= 0.5 + bot:GetNearbyHeroes( 1200, true, BOT_MODE_NONE ) * 0.2 - bot:GetNearbyHeroes( 1200, true, BOT_MODE_NONE ) * 0.1
if J.GetHP(bot)<hp then return BOT_ACTION_DESIRE_NONE end
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