Commit db03e0f6 authored by KesaubeEire's avatar KesaubeEire

feat: 图片加载 Loading 封装

parent 837f7e68
......@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ npm run build:prod
- [x] 展示基础卡片
- [x] 图片
- [x] 点击 Cover 预览所有图片
- [x] 懒加载 -> 有瀑布流后大概可以不需要懒加载了?
- [x] 图片高度统一
- [x] 懒加载 -> 有瀑布流后大概可以不需要懒加载了?
- [x] 图片高度统一
- [x] 语言
- [x] TAG
- [x] 展示
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
export let imageUrl = ''; // 用于接收图片URL
let isLoading = true; // 控制加载中状态
export let src = '';
/**接收class (tailwind)*/
export let _class = '';
let isLoading = true;
function handleImageLoad() {
isLoading = false; // 图片加载完成后,隐藏加载中状态
const image = new Image();
image.src = imageUrl;
image.src = src;
image.onload = handleImageLoad;
{#if isLoading}
<!-- 显示加载中状态 -->
<div class="w-full flex justify-center items-center" transition:fade={{ delay: 0, duration: 300 }}>
<div class="w-full h-full flex justify-center items-center" transition:fade={{ delay: 0, duration: 200 }}>
<span class="loading loading-infinity loading-lg" />
<!-- 显示加载完成后的图片 -->
<img src={imageUrl} alt={imageUrl} on:load={handleImageLoad} transition:fade={{ delay: 500, duration: 300 }} />
<img {...$$restProps} class:_class {src} alt={src} on:load={handleImageLoad} transition:fade={{ delay: 200, duration: 300 }} />
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
{#each pics as pic, index}
<a href={'#' + pic + index} class="w-16 h-16 btn btn-xs flex flex-col">
<div class="w-10 h-10 flex items-center">
<AwaitImage imageUrl={pic} />
<AwaitImage src={pic} />
import { toast } from '@zerodevx/svelte-toast';
import { _env, _category, _detailPics, _detailWindow, _tagTrans, _config } from '../stores';
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
/**父属性: 所有信息*/
export let info;
......@@ -29,6 +30,20 @@
// ------------------------
let isLoading = true;
function handleImageLoad() {
isLoading = false; // 图片加载完成后,隐藏加载中状态
const image = new Image();
image.src = cover;
image.onload = handleImageLoad;
image.onerror = picErrorHandler;
// ------------------------
let tags;
// NOTE: 这里记得要随着父属性响应式变化
......@@ -92,35 +107,42 @@
<div class="card w-80 bg-primary text-primary-content shadow-xl overflow-hidden">
<!-- NOTE: Cover -->
<figure class="w-80 h-60 relative bg-neutral">
<!-- {#if !_picError} -->
class="w-80 h-60 object-cover blur-lg"
src={cover ?? '/favicon.ico'}
alt={title ?? 'default alt'}
style={_picError ? 'height: 240px; width: 320px;' : ''}
on:keypress={() => {}}
<!-- {/if} -->
class="left-0 top-0 absolute w-80 h-60 object-contain border-neutral"
src={cover ?? '/favicon.ico'}
alt={title ?? 'default alt'}
style={_picError ? 'height: 240px; width: 320px;' : ''}
on:keypress={() => {}}
{#if $_config.card_showId}
absolute w-10 right-0 top-0 p-1 text-center
bg-neutral text-neutral-content rounded-bl-box border border-neutral"
<figure class="w-80 h-60 relative bg-neutral flex flex-col items-center">
{#if !isLoading || _picError}
class="w-80 h-60 object-cover blur-lg"
src={cover ?? '/favicon.ico'}
alt={title ?? 'default alt'}
on:keypress={() => {}}
transition:fade={{ delay: 300, duration: 300 }}
class="left-0 top-0 absolute w-80 h-60 object-contain border-neutral"
src={cover ?? '/favicon.ico'}
alt={title ?? 'default alt'}
on:keypress={() => {}}
transition:fade={{ delay: 500, duration: 300 }}
{#if $_config.card_showId}
absolute w-10 right-0 top-0 p-1 text-center
bg-neutral text-neutral-content rounded-bl-box border border-neutral"
<!-- 显示加载中状态 -->
<div class="w-full flex justify-center items-center transition:fade={{ delay: 0, duration: 300 }}">
<span class="loading loading-infinity loading-lg text-neutral-content" />
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