Commit 910ff530 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix yaml

parent 3a81aaeb
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ test:
- 7z x -y dist/WindBot.7z
- cd WindBot
- mkdir logs
- "ls -1 Decks/AI_*.ydk | sed 's/^Decks\/AI_//g;s/\.ydk$//g;/Test/d' | xargs -I '{}' -P 5 bash -c 'export DECK={} ; echo \"$(date): Test of $DECK started.\" ; mono WindBot.exe Debug=true Chat=false Host=$TEST_SERVER_HOST Port=$TEST_SERVER_PORT HostInfo=AI Name=$DECK Deck=$DECK | tee logs/log-$DECK.txt ; export EXIT_RESULT=$? ; echo \"$(date): Test of $DECK finished with $EXIT_RESULT.\"' ; exit $EXIT_RESULT"
- "ls -1 Decks/AI_*.ydk | sed 's/^Decks\\/AI_//g;s/\\.ydk$//g;/Test/d' | xargs -I '{}' -P 5 bash -c 'export DECK={} ; echo \"$(date): Test of $DECK started.\" ; mono WindBot.exe Debug=true Chat=false Host=$TEST_SERVER_HOST Port=$TEST_SERVER_PORT HostInfo=AI Name=$DECK Deck=$DECK | tee logs/log-$DECK.txt ; export EXIT_RESULT=$? ; echo \"$(date): Test of $DECK finished with $EXIT_RESULT.\"' ; exit $EXIT_RESULT"
- cd ..
- mv WindBot/logs ./logs
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