Commit 0c140ab9 authored by TanakaKotoha's avatar TanakaKotoha


parent 86a30cec
Pipeline #813 failed with stages
in 23 minutes and 44 seconds
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function cm.mtfilter(c)
return c:GetBaseAttack()>=2000 and c:IsFusionType(TYPE_EFFECT)
function cm.hspfilter(c,tp,sc)
return c:IsSetCard(0xcad) and c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp,tp,nil,sc)>0 and c:IsAbleToRemoveAsCost()
return c:IsSetCard(0x1cad) and c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp,tp,nil,sc)>0 and c:IsAbleToRemoveAsCost() and Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(cm.hsp2filter,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE,0,1,c)
function cm.hsp2filter(c,tp,sc)
return c:GetBaseAttack()>=2000 and c:IsType(TYPE_EFFECT) and Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp,tp,nil,sc)>0 and c:IsAbleToRemoveAsCost()
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