Commit 3474486b authored by Tachibana's avatar Tachibana


parent e0183a3e
Pipeline #5896 passed with stages
in 26 minutes and 4 seconds
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)
e:GetHandler():RemoveOverlayCard(tp,1,1,REASON_COST) end)
if chk==0 then return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(cm.mtfilter,tp,0,LOCATION_GRAVE,1,nil) end
Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_LEAVE_GRAVE,nil,1,1-tp,0) end)
local sg=Duel.SelectMatchingCard(tp,cm.mtfilter,tp,0,LOCATION_GRAVE,1,1,nil)
......@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ end
function cm.spfilter(c,e,tp)
return c:IsSetCard(0x3fac) and c:IsLevel(4) and c:IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(e,0,tp,false,false)
function iCount(name,tp,m,id)
return ((name=="get" or name=="set")
and {(name=="get"
and {tonumber(((Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)==nil) and {0} or {Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp,m)})[1])}
or { Debug.Message("","请使用Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(tp,m,RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END,0,1)") })[1]}
or {("get",tp,m,id),math.pow(2,id-1))==0 and {true} or {false})[1]})[1]
function iFunc(c,x)
local __this = (aux.GetValueType(c) == "Card" and {(x == nil and {Effect.CreateEffect(c)} or {x})[1]} or {x})[1]
local fe = function(name,...) if name =="RegisterEffect" then c:RegisterEffect(__this:Clone()) else (type(__this[name])=="function" and {__this[name]} or {""})[1](__this,...) end return iFunc(c,__this) end
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