Commit 35d8e549 authored by Tachibana's avatar Tachibana


parent b0c3e75e
Pipeline #3733 passed with stages
in 39 minutes and 44 seconds
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function cm.splimit(e,se,sp,st)
return se:IsHasType(EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIONS)
function cm.thcon(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
return ep==tp and Duel.GetFieldGroupCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE,0)==0
return ep==tp and Duel.GetFieldGroupCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE,0)==0 and Duel.GetMatchingGroupCount(nil,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,nil)==0
function cm.filter(c,tp,rp)
return c:IsPreviousLocation(LOCATION_MZONE) and c:GetPreviousControler()==tp and (c:IsReason(REASON_BATTLE) or (rp==1-tp and c:IsReason(REASON_EFFECT)))
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