Commit 947d1486 authored by Grajade's avatar Grajade

Update c33700409.lua

parent 3a1e176b
Pipeline #3496 passed with stages
in 28 minutes and 25 seconds
......@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ function scard.resetop(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp)
local p = e:GetHandler():GetPreviousControler()
scard[p] = scard[p] - e:GetLabel()
function scard.splimit(e, c)
return not scard.summon_check
function scard.splimit(e,c,sump,sumtype,sumpos,targetp,se)
return se and e:GetHandler()~=se:GetHandler()
function scard.relfilter(c)
return c:IsCode(id + 1) and c:IsReleasableByEffect()
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