Commit b100aa89 authored by TanakaKotoha's avatar TanakaKotoha

foo foo

parent 9114d540
Pipeline #855 passed with stages
in 78 minutes and 59 seconds
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ end
function c60150812.condition2(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
if not Duel.IsChainNegatable(ev) then return false end
if not re:IsActiveType(TYPE_MONSTER) and not re:IsHasType(EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE) then return false end
return re:IsHasCategory(CATEGORY_SPECIAL_SUMMON)
return re:IsHasCategory(CATEGORY_SPECIAL_SUMMON) and rp==1-tp
function c60150812.cfilter(c)
return c:IsSetCard(0x3b23) and c:IsAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DARK) and c:IsAbleToDeckAsCost()
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