Commit cca52fb0 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

update LuckyExecutor Exodia

parent 6607312e
......@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.MetaionTheTimelord);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.KamionTheTimelord);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.LazionTheTimelord);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.LeftArmofTheForbiddenOne, JustDontIt);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.RightLegofTheForbiddenOne, JustDontIt);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.LeftLegofTheForbiddenOne, JustDontIt);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.RightArmofTheForbiddenOne, JustDontIt);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Summon, _CardId.ExodiaTheForbiddenOne, JustDontIt);
private List<int> HintMsgForRemove = new List<int>
......@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
private bool ImFeelingLucky()
return Program.Rand.Next(9) >= 6 && DefaultDontChainMyself();
return Program.Rand.Next(10) >= 5 && DefaultDontChainMyself();
private bool ImFeelingUnlucky()
......@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public const int KamionTheTimelord = 91712985;
public const int LazionTheTimelord = 92435533;
public const int LeftArmofTheForbiddenOne = 7902349;
public const int RightLegofTheForbiddenOne = 8124921;
public const int LeftLegofTheForbiddenOne = 44519536;
public const int RightArmofTheForbiddenOne = 70903634;
public const int ExodiaTheForbiddenOne = 33396948;
public const int UltimateConductorTytanno = 18940556;
public const int ElShaddollConstruct = 20366274;
public const int AllyOfJusticeCatastor = 26593852;
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