Commit 30d4b1ae authored by GuGu's avatar GuGu

Update c1156013.lua 可以使用不具有防御力的连接怪兽作为素材的bug

parent 4bc6f748
Pipeline #22634 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 41 seconds
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function c1156013.initial_effect(c)
function c1156013.lkcheck(c)
return c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsRace(RACE_PLANT) and ((c:GetAttack()-c:GetDefense()==200) or (c:GetDefense()-c:GetAttack()==200))
return c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsRace(RACE_PLANT) and ((c:GetAttack()-c:GetDefense()==200) or (c:GetDefense()-c:GetAttack()==200)) and not c:IsType(TYPE_LINK)
--function c1156013.lkfilter(c,lc,tp)
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