Commit 9d72a152 authored by wyykak's avatar wyykak

Merge branch 'patch-3' into 'master'

Update c74563608.lua

See merge request !17
parents 628bc74e 95021698
Pipeline #14316 passed with stage
in 18 seconds
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function c74563608.cost1(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk,chkc)
local c=e:GetHandler()
if chk==0 then
local sel=0
if Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToRemoveAsCost,tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD+LOCATION_HAND,0,2,nil,e:GetHandler()) then sel=sel+1 end
if Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToRemoveAsCost,tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD+LOCATION_HAND,0,2,e:GetHandler()) then sel=sel+1 end
if Duel.CheckLPCost(tp,3666) or (Duel.CheckLPCost(tp,666) and Duel.IsPlayerAffectedByEffect(tp,74563666)) then sel=sel+2 end
return sel~=0
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