Commit 4edfa932 authored by Grajade's avatar Grajade

Update c74562021.lua

parent a7b26c62
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function cCardno.ssop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function cCardno.ssop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
end end
-- xyz -- xyz
function cCardno.xyzfilter(c,tp,xyzc) function cCardno.xyzfilter(c,tp,xyzc)
return c:IsFaceup() and c:IsCanBeXyzMaterial(xyzc) and ( (c:IsType(TYPE_XYZ) and c:IsRank(12) ) or (c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsSetCard(0x298) ) ) return c:IsFaceup() and c:IsCanBeXyzMaterial(xyzc) and ((c:IsType(TYPE_XYZ) and c:IsRank(12)) or (c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsSetCard(0x298))) and Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp,tp,c,xyzc)>0
end end
function cCardno.xyzfilter2(c) function cCardno.xyzfilter2(c)
return c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsSetCard(0x298) and c:IsAbleToDeck() return c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) and c:IsSetCard(0x298) and c:IsAbleToDeck()
...@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ end ...@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ end
function cCardno.xyzcon(e,c) function cCardno.xyzcon(e,c)
if c==nil then return true end if c==nil then return true end
local tp=c:GetControler() local tp=c:GetControler()
if Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp)<0 then return false end
return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(cCardno.xyzfilter,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil,tp,c) return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(cCardno.xyzfilter,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil,tp,c)
end end
function cCardno.xyzop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,c) function cCardno.xyzop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,c)
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