Commit 1d8040d4 authored by Unicorn's avatar Unicorn


parent 3630033c
......@@ -1104,6 +1104,7 @@ namespace Percy
case GameMessage.ShuffleSetCard:
move(move(1) * 8);
case GameMessage.ReverseDeck:
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using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
public class AppLanguage
public static string CN = "/zh-CN"; //简体中文(中国) ChineseSimplified
public static string TW = "/zh-TW"; //繁体中文(台湾) ChineseTraditional
public static string Chinese = "/Chinese"; //汉语
public static string US = "/en-US"; //英语(美国) English
public static string FR = "/fr-FR"; //法语(法国) French
public static string DE = "/de-DE"; //德语(德国) German
public static string IT = "/it-IT"; //意大利语(意大利) Italian
public static string JP = "/ja-JP"; //日语(日本) Japanese
public static string KR = "/ko-KR"; //韩语(韩国) Korean
public static string ES = "/es-ES"; //西班牙语(西班牙) Spanish
public static string Null = ""; //Unknown
//public static string Null = "en-WW"; //English
/*public static string LanguageDir()
if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified) { //可能无法识别
return CN; //中文简体
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional) {//可能无法识别
return TW; //中文繁體
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Chinese) {
return CN; //中文
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.English) {
return US; //English
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.French) {
return FR; //Français
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.German) {
return DE; //Deutsch
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Italian) {
return IT; //Italiano
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Japanese) {
return JP; //日本語
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Korean) {
return KR; //한국어
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Spanish) {
return ES; //Español
} else {
return Null;
public static string LanguageDir()
if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified) { //可能无法识别
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/zh-CN") && Directory.Exists("config/zh-CN")) {
return CN; //中文简体
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional) {//可能无法识别
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/zh-TW") && Directory.Exists("config/zh-TW")) {
return TW; //中文繁體
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Chinese) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/Chinese") && Directory.Exists("config/Chinese")) {
return Chinese; //汉语
} else if (Directory.Exists("cdb/zh-CN") && Directory.Exists("config/zh-CN")) {
return CN; //中文简体
} else if (Directory.Exists("cdb/zh-TW") && Directory.Exists("config/zh-TW")) {
return TW; //中文繁體
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.English) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/en-US") && Directory.Exists("config/en-US")) {
return US; //English
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.French) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/fr-FR") && Directory.Exists("config/fr-FR")) {
return FR; //Français
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.German) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/de-DE") && Directory.Exists("config/de-DE")) {
return DE; //Deutsch
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Italian) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/it-IT") && Directory.Exists("config/it-IT")) {
return IT; //Italiano
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Japanese) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/ja-JP") && Directory.Exists("config/ja-JP")) {
return JP; //日本語
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Korean) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/ko-KR") && Directory.Exists("config/ko-KR")) {
return KR; //한국어
} else {
return Null;
} else if (Application.systemLanguage == SystemLanguage.Spanish) {
if (Directory.Exists("cdb/es-ES") && Directory.Exists("config/es-ES")) {
return ES; //Español
} else {
return Null;
} else {
return Null;
\ No newline at end of file
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timeCreated: 1538811664
licenseType: Free
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
public static class Config
public static uint ClientVersion = 0x1343;
public static uint ClientVersion = 0x1347;
class oneString
......@@ -763,12 +763,11 @@ public static class BinaryExtensions
if ((flag & (int)Query.Owner) != 0)
if ((flag & (int)Query.IsDisabled) != 0)
if ((flag & (int)Query.Status) != 0)
cardToRefresh.disabled = (r.ReadInt32() != 0);
int status = r.ReadInt32();
cardToRefresh.disabled = (status & 0x0001) == 0x0001;
if ((flag & (int)Query.IsPublic) != 0)
if ((flag & (int)Query.LScale) != 0)
data.LScale = r.ReadInt32();
if ((flag & (int)Query.RScale) != 0)
......@@ -119,11 +119,29 @@ public class GameStringHelper
public static string getName(YGOSharp.Card card)
string limitot = "";
case 1:
limitot = "[OCG] ";
case 2:
limitot = "[TCG] ";
case 3:
limitot = "[OCG/TCG] ";
case 4:
limitot = "[Anime] ";
string re = "";
re += "[b]" + card.Name + "[/b]";
re += "\n";
re += "[sup]" + limitot + "[/sup]";
re += "\r";
re += "[sup]" + card.Id.ToString() + "[/sup]";
re += "\n";
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ public class GameTextureManager
static Dictionary<ulong, bool> addedMap = new Dictionary<ulong, bool>();
static HttpDldFile df = new HttpDldFile();
public class BitmapHelper
public System.Drawing.Color[,] colors = null;
......@@ -751,6 +753,18 @@ public class GameTextureManager
path = "pics/" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg";
if (!File.Exists(path) && pic.code != 0)
df.Download("" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg", "expansions/pics/" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg");
path = "expansions/pics/" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg";
if (!File.Exists(path) && pic.code != 0)
df.Download("" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg", "expansions/pics/" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg");
path = "expansions/pics/" + pic.code.ToString() + ".jpg";
if (!File.Exists(path))
if (pic.code > 0)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
public class HttpDldFile
public bool Download(string url, string filename)
bool flag = false;
long startPosition = 0;
FileStream writeStream;
if (File.Exists(filename + ".tmp"))
writeStream = File.OpenWrite(filename + ".tmp");
startPosition = writeStream.Length;
writeStream.Seek(startPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
writeStream = new FileStream(filename + ".tmp", FileMode.Create);
startPosition = 0;
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
if (startPosition > 0)
Stream readStream = myRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
byte[] btArray = new byte[2048];
int contentSize = readStream.Read(btArray, 0, btArray.Length);
while (contentSize > 0)
writeStream.Write(btArray, 0, contentSize);
contentSize = readStream.Read(btArray, 0, btArray.Length);
flag = true;
File.Move(filename + ".tmp", filename);
catch (Exception)
flag = false;
return flag;
\ No newline at end of file
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timeCreated: 1547534829
guid: df98823729c9cbf4ba006cb67248ce13
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licenseType: Free
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
......@@ -19,19 +19,12 @@ namespace YGOSharp
nullName = InterString.Get("未知卡片");
nullString = "";
nullString += "欢迎使用 YGOPro2 1033.D.3";
nullString += "欢迎使用:\r\nYGOPro2 For Android";
nullString += "\r\n\r\n";
nullString += "使用本软件竞技前请在官方网站阅读竞技声明。";
//if (File.Exists("config/link.conf"))
nullString += "\r\n";
nullString += "[url=][u][/u][/url]";
nullString += "\r\n\r\n";
nullString += "官方网站:\r\n[url=][u][/u][/url]\r\n请随时关注此页面的新卡消息和程序更新消息。";
nullString += "\r\n\r\n";
nullString += "公测玩家交流群:\r\n[url=][u]580454979[/u][/url]";
nullString += "\r\n[url=][u]428563714[/u][/url]";
nullString += "源码:";
nullString += "\r\n「Android」\r\n[url=][u][/u][/url]";
//nullString += "\r\nWindows:[url=][u][/u][/url]";
nullString += "\r\n\r\n「Windows」\r\n[url=][u][/u][/url]";
using (SqliteConnection connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + databaseFullPath))
......@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
OverlayCard = 0x10000,
Counters = 0x20000,
Owner = 0x40000,
IsDisabled = 0x80000,
IsPublic = 0x100000,
Status = 0x80000,
LScale = 0x200000,
RScale = 0x400000
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--- !u!1 &114010
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m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
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m_IsActive: 0
--- !u!1 &171908
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--- !u!65 &6550340
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mWidth: 48
mHeight: 48
mDepth: 9
autoResizeBoxCollider: 0
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mWidth: 48
mHeight: 48
mDepth: 9
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mFontSize: 30
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mPivot: 4
mWidth: 32
mHeight: 32
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mHeight: 48
mDepth: 9
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value: YGOPro2 Android 1.034.3
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propertyPath: mWidth
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16:10: 1
16:9: 1
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preloadedAssets: []
metroInputSource: 0
m_HolographicPauseOnTrackingLoss: 1
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