Commit 5169b7b2 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 9c1b4ca5
......@@ -862,23 +862,23 @@ public class DeckManager : ServantWithCardDescription
int returnValue = -233;
if (UIPopupList_ban.value == GameStringManager.get_unsafe(1240)) // ocg
returnValue = 1;
returnValue = 0;
if (UIPopupList_ban.value == GameStringManager.get_unsafe(1241)) // tcg
returnValue = 2;
returnValue = 1;
if (UIPopupList_ban.value == GameStringManager.get_unsafe(1242)) // ocg + tcg
returnValue = 3;
returnValue = 2;
if (UIPopupList_ban.value == GameStringManager.get_unsafe(1243)) // custom
returnValue = 4;
returnValue = 3;
if (UIPopupList_ban.value == GameStringManager.get_unsafe(1249)) // ccg
returnValue = 5;
returnValue = 4;
return returnValue;
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