Commit 18bb6275 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

update common.ts

parent 7c00601a
Pipeline #20596 passed with stages
in 6 minutes and 16 seconds
//! 一些Neos中基础的数据结构
const TYPE_MONSTER = 0x1; //
const TYPE_SPELL = 0x2; //
const TYPE_TRAP = 0x4; //
const TYPE_NORMAL = 0x10; //
const TYPE_EFFECT = 0x20; //
const TYPE_FUSION = 0x40; //
const TYPE_RITUAL = 0x80; //
const TYPE_TRAPMONSTER = 0x100; //
const TYPE_SPIRIT = 0x200; //
const TYPE_UNION = 0x400; //
const TYPE_DUAL = 0x800; //
const TYPE_TUNER = 0x1000; //
const TYPE_SYNCHRO = 0x2000; //
const TYPE_TOKEN = 0x4000; //
const TYPE_QUICKPLAY = 0x10000; //
const TYPE_CONTINUOUS = 0x20000; //
const TYPE_EQUIP = 0x40000; //
const TYPE_FIELD = 0x80000; //
const TYPE_COUNTER = 0x100000; //
const TYPE_FLIP = 0x200000; //
const TYPE_TOON = 0x400000; //
const TYPE_XYZ = 0x800000; //
const TYPE_PENDULUM = 0x1000000; //
const TYPE_SPSUMMON = 0x2000000; //
const TYPE_LINK = 0x4000000; //
* 在做卡牌信息展示的时候,发现`CardMeta`里面的数据和`strings.conf`配置文件
* 里面的code是不对应的,这里定义一个哈希表来管理其中的映射关系。
* metaCode -> stringCode
* */
export const Meta2StringCodeMap: Map<number, number> = new Map([
[TYPE_SPELL, 1051],
[TYPE_TRAP, 1052],
[TYPE_NORMAL, 1054],
[TYPE_EFFECT, 1055],
[TYPE_FUSION, 1056],
[TYPE_RITUAL, 1057],
[TYPE_SPIRIT, 1059],
[TYPE_UNION, 1060],
[TYPE_DUAL, 1061],
[TYPE_TUNER, 1062],
[TYPE_TOKEN, 1064],
[TYPE_EQUIP, 1068],
[TYPE_FIELD, 1069],
[TYPE_FLIP, 1071],
[TYPE_TOON, 1072],
[TYPE_XYZ, 1073],
[TYPE_LINK, 1076],
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