Commit 1dd518a1 authored by timel's avatar timel Committed by Chunchi Che

fix: placeStore clear

parent 3e9be707
......@@ -36,17 +36,12 @@ export const placeStore = proxy({
clearAll() {
placeStore.inner[MZONE].me = placeStore.inner[MZONE]
() => undefined
placeStore.inner[MZONE].op = placeStore.inner[MZONE]
() => undefined
placeStore.inner[SZONE].me = placeStore.inner[SZONE]
() => undefined
placeStore.inner[SZONE].op = placeStore.inner[SZONE]
() => undefined
(["me", "op"] as const).forEach((who) => {
([MZONE, SZONE] as const).forEach((where) => {
placeStore.inner[where][who] = placeStore.inner[where][who].map(
() => undefined
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